scholarly journals Psychotherapy for end times

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-17
Robert Romanyshyn

The broken connections between us and nature have left us feeling homeless in a world not only imperiled by multiple ecological crises and their political, economic, medical and social consequences, but also orphaned by the increasing turn to the allures of the digital world with its loss of place and embodied presence. In this context, this essay proposes that psychotherapy can be a place for homecoming in a fractured world. Exploring the key role of the grieving process in homecoming, I draw on my work in Jungian psychology, phenomenology, poetry and storytelling to show that our engaged, embodied presence with nature can re-mind us of the miracles in the mundane, the extraordinary in the ordinary, and can open our hearts to the wonder, mystery, beauty and sacred dimensions of human life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Marek Górka ◽  

The cybersecurity issue discussed in the paper is seen from the perspective of political science with the indication that the subject under discussion concerns the multifaceted nature of the state’s actions, which consists of political, economic, social, and cultural factors. At the same time, the work also intends to prove that cybersecurity is not only a domain of technology because it is the mentioned aspects that shape the conditions of stable development of the state and its citizens in a space dominated by cyber technology in a much more decisive way. Given the growing role of cybertechnology in almost all areas of human life, its importance also forces and inspires political science to question the shape and model of modern policy, which is significantly evolving under the influence of new technologies. On the one hand, emerging cyber threats reveal the weakness of the state and the dependence of state institutions on cybertechnologies, but on the other hand, existing cyber incidents may also motivate many governments to take action to increase the level of cybersecurity.

10.26539/1215 ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Anastasia Dewi Anggraeni

The Internet is a technology that continued to develop. The development of Internet applications as if ceaselessly. Starting from electronic mail applications known as e-mail, online games, to social networking, such as: twitter, path, Instagram, Facebook, and so forth. The Internet gives a lot of influence to human life. On the one hand, it provides a variety of conveniences for its users, but also gives a negative impact. The development of 21st century technology demands all elements throughout the world of education to utilize technology on all aspects. Digital Citizenship is a concept that helps school counselor and parents to know what students should know about using technology properly. Digital citizenship is the norm of using true and responsible technology. The role of school counselor is required to able the technology for guide students to become good citizen digital models, and the most important is how to form the habit of accessing the digital world in a safe way.

Юлия Николаевна Корепанова

Социальное отчуждение - одна из серьезных проблем современности, способствующая формированию деструктивной модели поведения, затрагивающей важнейшие сферы жизни человека: здоровье, социализацию, духовность и др. Одна из возможных причин данного явления - искаженный процесс воспитания ребенка в условиях травмирующей эмоциональной депривации, влекущей за собой существенное искажение его личности и жизни в целом. Статья посвящена анализу феномена материнской «нелюбви». Рассмотрены возможные последствия такого отношения в виде эмоциональных расстройств и формирования негативных поведенческих установок. Показана роль эмоционального отвержения ребенка в механизме криминализации личности. Указаны современные тенденции, усугубляющие проблему личностной отчужденности, имеющие существенные психологические и социальные последствия. Акцентируется внимание на необходимости усиления духовной составляющей молодого поколения, психолого-педагогической и социальной культуры потенциальных родителей. Отмечается важность перестройки описанных неблагоприятных тенденций в вопросах воспитания, опасных как для личного благополучия ребенка, так и благополучия общественного. Social exclusion is one of the serious problems of our time, contributing to the formation of a destructive model of behavior that affects the most important areas of human life: health, socialization, spirituality, etc. One of the possible reasons for this phenomenon is the distorted process of raising a child in conditions of traumatic emotional deprivation, which entails a significant distortion of his personality and life in general. The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of maternal «dislike». Possible consequences of such attitude in the form of emotional disorders and formation of negative behavioral attitudes are considered. The role of emotional rejection of the child in the mechanism of criminalization of personality is shown. Current trends are indicated, exacerbating the problem of personal alienation, with significant psychological and social consequences. Attention is focused on the need to strengthen the spiritual component of the younger generation, the psychological, pedagogical and social culture of potential parents. The importance of restructuring the described adverse trends in upbringing, which are dangerous both for the personal well-being of the child and for the well-being of the community, is noted.

Technology based tools and methods have greater impact on society, cultural, physiological,and psychological impacts on human life. The role of electronic and print media is not part of human life. The news, videos, pictures on regular basis is on the highest peak of media weapon which effects human mind with several harsh, stern, violent and many negative impacts. However,technology has also positive impact on society which is based on user-basedskills. Domestic Violence implies to the study of mental, physical,and sexual assault to living being at home. This can be torture, punishment, injury, robbery, forced sexual attempt and any other forcefully act which harms the honor, respect and self-esteem of any body. Violence against women has been consider major issue in world. This is very serious matter of human rights. The world became global village and stepped very fast source of information sharing. The digital world made easy to share and make rapid information sharing to the law agencies to act as fast responsive to the common people. The women violence was not considered before two or three decades in account. However last decade is considered as important for women violence and victims. This becomesas an international concern due to large reports from different regions of the world related to the women violence. Many organizations are developed to protect women rights and consideron international level. This study focusseson impact of Domestic violence in Sindh province.

2014 ◽  
pp. 53-64 ◽  
E. Andreyashchenko ◽  
A. Zazdravnykh

This article is an attempt of summarizing key economic approaches to cartel agreements analysis, its stability, ways of estimating social consequences of cartel agreements. It is alleged that the traditional way of understanding the cartels’ role as completely negative is not accurate; this type of inter-corporate agreements may also bring positive effects on industrial markets. Typical limits of analytical apparatus, contradictions that appear while interpreting results of specific economic models are also represented in the article, as well as substantiation of a discrete role of pricing factor within the analysis of anti-competitive agreements.

2008 ◽  
pp. 27-45
A. Libman

The paper surveys the main directions of political-economic research, i.e. variants of economic and political approaches endogenizing political processes in economic models and applying economic methods to policy studies. It analyses different versions of political-economic research in different segments of scientific community: political economics, evolutionary theory of economic policy, international political economy, formal political science and theory of economic power; main methodological assumptions, content and results of positive studies are described. The author also considers the role of political-economic approach in the normative research in economics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 76-91
E. D. Solozhentsev

The scientific problem of economics “Managing the quality of human life” is formulated on the basis of artificial intelligence, algebra of logic and logical-probabilistic calculus. Managing the quality of human life is represented by managing the processes of his treatment, training and decision making. Events in these processes and the corresponding logical variables relate to the behavior of a person, other persons and infrastructure. The processes of the quality of human life are modeled, analyzed and managed with the participation of the person himself. Scenarios and structural, logical and probabilistic models of managing the quality of human life are given. Special software for quality management is described. The relationship of human quality of life and the digital economy is examined. We consider the role of public opinion in the management of the “bottom” based on the synthesis of many studies on the management of the economics and the state. The bottom management is also feedback from the top management.

IIUC Studies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 33-46
Kalim Ullah

Human beings are deeply related to land. Human beings take birth on land, live on land, die on land and mixes with land ultimately. As stated in the holy Quran: ‘We (Allah) created you (human beings) from the soil, we shall make you return to the soil and We shall call you back again from the soil’ (20:55). Human life is surrounded by soil i.e. land. So, land is a highly completed issue of human life involving economic, social, political, cultural and often religious systems. Land administration is thus a critical element and often a pre-condition for peaceful society and sustainable development. In administrating land, Khatian or record of rights plays a vital role to determine the rights and interests of the respective parties as supportive evidence. In this article, discussion is mainly made on the fact that Khatian or record of rights is not a document of title solely but it may be an evidence of title as well as possession. IIUC Studies Vol.15(0) December 2018: 33-46

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-143
Elena I. Yaroslavtseva

The article examines the impact of digitalization on human life and intellectual experience. The development of computer technology demands an understanding of new aspects of human development and requires a capability to overcome not only external conditions but also ourselves. Entering a new level of development cannot imply a complete rejection of previous dispositions, but should be accompanied by reflection on personal experience and by the quest for new forms of interaction in society and with nature. Communicative and cognitive activity of a person has an ontological basis and relies on processes that actually evolve in nature. Therefore, the creation of new objects is always associated with the properties of natural material and gives rise to new points of support in the development of man. The more audacious his projects, the more important it is to preserve this connection to nature. It is always the human being who turns out to be the initiator who knows how to solve problems. The conformity of complex technical systems to nature is not only a goal but also a value of meaningful construction of development perspectives. The key to the nature orientation of the modern digital world is the human being himself, who keeps all the secrets of the culture of his natural development. Therefore, the proposed by the Russian philosopher V.S. Stepin post-non-classical approach, based on the principle of “human-sizedness,” is an important contribution to contemporary research because it draws attention to the “human – machine” communication, to the relationship between a person and technological systems he created. The article concludes that during digital transformation, a cultural conflict arises: in an effort to solve the problems of the future, a person equips his life with devices that are designed to support him, to expand his functionality, but at the same time, the boundaries of humanity become dissolved and the forms of human activity undergo simplification. Transhumanism engages society in the fight against fears of vulnerability and memory loss and ignores the flexibility and sustainability of natural foundation.

باي زكوب عبد العالي ◽  
سوهيرين محمد صوليحين

الملخّصيعدّ عبد الحميد بن باديس أحد العلماء الجزائريين المبرزين بالإصلاح الاجتماعي والدّيني والسّياسي والتربوي، عاش خمسين سنة في القرن العشرين الميلادي، حيث كانت ولادته سنة 1889م، وكانت وفاته سنة 1940م، ولقد فرض الواقع الجزائري إبّان فترة الاحتلال الفرنسي الذي كان يسعى إلى طمس ثوابت الأمّة الجزائرية، وخرق تاريخها، وهُويّتها، وثقافتها، ووحدتها الدينيّة، واللّغوية على ابن باديس أن يسلك نهج التربية والتعليم، قاصداً بذلك مواجهة الاحتلال الفرنسي الغاشم من خلال عدّة جبهات ومجالات كمثل مجال الصحافة، ومجال التربية والتعليم، ومجال الجمعيات، ومجال السياسة وغير ذلك، يهدف هذا البحث إلى إبراز دور عبد الحميد بن باديس في النّهوض بالأمّة الجزائريّة نحو تربيّة أفضل، وحياة أسعد، فيبدأ أوّلاً وبشكل موجز، بالتعرّف على الفترة الصعبة التي عايشها ابن باديس والمتمثلة في فترة الاحتلال الفرنسي الغاشم، وآثاره السلبية على الصعيد السياسي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي والثقافي والديني الجزائري وقتذاك، ثم يقوم ثانياً بتسليط الضّوء على حياة ابن باديس وتكوينه العلمي ورحلاته الداخلية وأسفاره الخارجية؛ ثم يسعى ثالثاً وبتعمّق، التعرّف على أعمال ابن باديس الاجتماعيّة وجهوده التربويّة التي أخذت حظّاً وافراً من حياته اليومية، والتي تركّزت على منبرين رئيسين، هما: منبر الصّحافة، ومنبر التربيّة والتعليم.الكلمات المفتاحيّة: الإمام عبد الحميد بن باديس، الاحتلال الفرنسي، التربية، الجزائر، الإصلاح.             AbstractImÉm ‘Abd al-×amÊd ibn BÉdÊs is an Algerian scientist, and eminent social, religious, political and educational reformer. He lived fifty years in the twentieth century. He was born in 1889 and died in 1940, and lived during the French occupation that attempted to distort and undermine the foundations of the Algerian nation by destroying its history, identity, culture, and religious and linguistic unity. Ibn BÉdÊs pursued an educational approach to face the brutal French occupation on several fronts, including journalism, education, civil associations, politics, etc. This paper highlights the role of ‘Abd al-×amÊd ibn BÉdÊs in the advancement of the Algerian nation toward better education and a happier life. The paper begins with a brief canvas of the difficult times in which Ibn BÉdÊs lived, and the negative effects of the brutal French occupation from political, economic, social, cultural and religious angles, besides highlighting the life of Ibn BÉdÊs, his education and his local and international travels. The focus of this research is an in-depth examination of Ibn BÉdÊs’ social and educational efforts that consumed much of his daily routine: journalism, and education.Keywords: ImÉm ‘Abd al-×amÊd ibn BÉdÊs, the French Occupation, Education, Algeria, Reform.

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