Aliyul Himam

Abstract: This article examines the meaning of the Logic of Nubuwwah by KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim and his dakwah broadcast. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The logic of nubuwwah is a rational and humane way of thinking based on wisdom so that it can glorify oneself in the presence of Allah Swt. As for understanding it can be through an approach based on texts: Al-Qur’an, Hadith and religious books (bayani epistemology), a coherent and reasonable logic, even if it comes from the words of an a'rabi, (burhani epistemology) and direct experience of the spiritual reality of religion (irfani epistemology). 2) KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim uses a pattern a) an explanation based on a typical Islamic boarding school knowledge framework b) the arrangement of material that is discusive with the students and society b) an open dialogical explanation and communicative based on the religious book which contains the Koran, Hadith and the thought of the ulama c) contains a contextual interpretation that can relate to the students and society d) contains cultural values that apply in society such as manners, morals, ethics, local wisdom and so on.Keywords: Logic of Nubuwwah; Dakwah; KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim.Abstrak: Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang makna Logika Nubuwwah dalam dakwah dakwah KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim dan proses penyiaran dakwah KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Logika nubuwwah adalah cara berpikir yang masuk akal dan manusiawi yang serat akan keluhuran dan ketinggian derajat manusia sehingga dapat memuliakan dirinya di hadapan Allah Swt. Adapun dalam memahaminya dapat melalui pendekatan yang didasarkan pada nash: Al-Qur’an, Hadits dan kitab-kitab klasik (epistemologi bayani), logika yang runtut dan masuk akal, sekalipun itu berasal dari omongan seorang a’rabi/awam (epistemologi burhani) dan pengalaman langsung atas realitas spiritual keagamaan, tidak terbatas hanya untuk hal-hal yang melangit saja namun juga termasuk amaliah sehari-hari (epistemologi irfani). 2) Proses penyiaran dakwah KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim menggunakan pola a) penjelasan yang berdasarkan kerangka pengetahuan khas pondok pesantren b) penyusunan materi yang bersifat diskusi dengan para santri b) penjelasan yang dialogis yang bersifat terbuka dan komunikatif berdasarkan kitab kuning yang di dalamnya terkandung Al-Qur’an, Hadits dan pemikiran ulama c) mengandung tafsir dan interpretasi yang kontekstual sehingga bisa relate dengan kehidupan para santri dan masyarakat d) memuat nilai-nilai budaya yang berlaku di masyarakat seperti tata krama, akhlak, etika, moral, adab, sopan santun, susila, kearifan lokal dan lain sebagainya.Kata Kunci: Logika Nubuwwah; Dakwah; KH. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Resma Ulfah ◽  
Rusi Rusmiati Aliyyah ◽  
R. Siti Pupu Fauziyah

Upaya pendidikan dalam pembentukan karater disiplin salah satunya yaitu dengan menggunakan metode reward dan punishment. Masih jarang lembaga pendidikan yang menggabungkan antara metode reward dan punishment dalam satu wadah. Namun Pondok Pesantren Moderm merupakan lembaga pendidikan islam yang mampu menggabungkan dua metode tersebut dalam satu wadah dan menjadikannya budaya disetiap pondok pesantern modern. seperti yang diterapkan di Pondok Pesantren Modern Daarul Uluum Bantarkemang. Pondok pesantren ini menerapkan metode reward dan punishment dalam mendisiplinkan santri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memahami reward dan punishment dalam pembentukan karakter disiplin santri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian etnografi digunakan untuk meneliti nilai budaya yang alamiah. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan; wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan; analisis model Spradley, pengumpulan data, reduksi data, display/penyajian data dan verifikasi. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunkanan triangulasi sumber dan menggunakan bahan referensi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) Pondok Pesantren Modern Daarul Uluum Bantarkemang menggabungkan konsep pembelajaran salafi dan umum, yaitu dengan mempelajari kitab-kitab tradisional dan sekolah madrasah; (2) upaya pesantren dalam membentuk karakter disiplin santri yaitu dengan memerapkan kegiatan sehari-hari yang edukatif dan metode reward dan punishment; (3) reward yang diberikan kepada santri berupa materi dan non materi. Reward berupa materi diberikan setiap satu semester; dan(4) punishment yang diberikan memiliki tingkatan yaitu tigkat I, tingkat II, tingkat III dan tingkat istimewa. Reward dan punishment diberikan oleh pengurus pesantren dan HISADA sebagai tangan kanan pengurus.Kata kunci: karakter disiplin santri, pondok pesantren modern, reward dan punishment.REWARD AND PUNISHMENT IN THE FORMATION OF DISCIPLINE CHARACTERS SANTRIAbstractEducation efforts in the formation of one discipline character is by using reward and punishment methods. It is rare for educational institutions that combine reward and punishment methods in one container. But Pondok Pesantren Moderm is an Islamic educational institution that is able to combine the two methods in one container and make it a culture in every modern pesantern hut. as applied in Pondok Pesantren Modern Daarul Uluum Bantarkemang. Pondok Pesantren this method of reward and punishment in disciplining santri. The purpose of this research is to understand reward and punishment in the formation of santri characters. This study used qualitative methods with ethnographic research used to examine the natural cultural values. Technique of collecting data is done by using; interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis using; Spradley model analysis, data collection, data reduction, display / data presentation and verification. The validity check of data uses source triangulation and uses reference material. The results of this study show: (1) Modern Boarding School Daarul Uluum Bantarkemang combining the concept of salafi and general learning, that is by studying the traditional books and madrasah schools; (2) the effort of pesantren in shaping the character of discipline of santri that is by applying educative everyday activities and reward and punishment method; (3) rewards given to students in the form of material and non-material. Reward of material is given every semester; and (4) the punishment given has a level of level I, level II, level III and preferential level. Reward and punishment given by boarding school and HISADA as the right hand caretaker.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Wilma Akihary

The cultural values that are covered in the way of life is manifested in men’s activities. The cultural values themselves are symbolized through the proverbs. As the expression, the proverb is basically the principle guideline of behavior. Within the proverb is contained a profound experience of the world view as well as the life wisdom that is tightly integrated to the society to which the language belongs. The proverb - known as misil-masal, liat daliat and sukat sarang - is still well recorded and used by Kei community as Kei language speaker.  The people who live in the coastal area especially at the Kei Besar Island are generally the fishermen and farmers.  However, in this research it will  focus on the Kei Besar people’s view in managing their coastal area through the proverbs they use. The uses of words as the expression is closely related to the sea and their way of life especially in connected with fish and boat.  The proverbs which are used by the people in Kei is the summary of their way of thinking about the values of life.  The cultural values in these proverbs are firmness, strength, simplicity, mutual assistance, respect for the elders and leaders, wisdom, thinking before doing, and obedience.<br /><br />Keywords: Nilai Budaya, Peribahasa, Wilayah Pesisir<br /><br />

Sarwahita ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (01) ◽  
pp. 56-67
Supriyadi Supriyadi ◽  
Andi Saparuddin Nur

SMP YPK Tomer is located in Naukenjerai District, where the majority of the population is indigenous Papuans, the Kanum Tribe. Most SMP YPK Tomer students have a way of thinking, and a lifestyle that is still very thick with the cultural principles that develop in their community. The purpose of this training is to provide education and equip math and science teachers at SMP YPK Tomer with the skills to choose and design mathematics and science learning media that are integrated with local cultural values (in this case the Kanum tribe associated with Kampung Tomer). Training and mentoring are designed using ethnomatematics and etnosains which are learning mathematics and science by involving local cultural values. The results of this service are obtained: ruler and protractor media, spatial structure, simple conductivity test material, and air purifier. The response strongly agrees that students are given the learning media for the readability criteria of 87%, the free criteria are used at 73%, and the accessibility criteria is 81%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-170
Bahrur Rosi

Strengthening the capacity of prospective preachers is an effort made by the Islamic boarding school Miftahul Ulum Panyeppen to describe the direct experience of students who have passed the learning activities in the pesantren. The activity aims to optimize the abilities of the students before they become part of the community. This paper also explains about some of the things experienced by the students as prospective preachers while in the midst of society. This research results in a finding that the process of strengthening the capacity of prospective preachers is very closely related to the understanding of prospective preachers on their interpersonal competence, intercultural adaptability and good self-management. Of course, without denying the strong faith and maturity of religious knowledge that is owned as the most basic provision in every missionary activity. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Husaini Husaini ◽  
Hidayat Hidayat

The local wisdom of the Gayo community carried out at Semayoen Nusantara Islamic Boarding School is Didong Sumang and lowers. The activity aims to preserve and instill local cultural values to students, so they are not influenced by negative western culture in the current era of globalization. But unfortunately, this local wisdom-based activity has not been maximally implemented, so the need for local wisdom values is integrated in Dayah curriculum management and integrated in intracuricular and extracurricular activities. In the context of the Gayo community, their local wisdom is summarized in the edet or customary concepts which include practices, norms, and demands of social life that originate from experiences that have been through Islamization. The manifestations of local wisdom found in the Gayo community include the Gayo language, the governance system (saraopat), social norms (sumang), aesthetic expressions (didong). The purpose of this study is to explain the planning, implementation and evaluation of Dayah education curriculum management based on local wisdom of the Gayo community in Semayoen Nusantara Islamic Boarding School. This study uses qualitative research. the results of the study showed that the planning of dayah education curriculum management in terms of the local wisdom of the Gayo community: 1) Deliberation with Ustaz / Ustazah; 2) holding deliberations with parents/guardians of students 3) giving direction to students about local wisdom 4) as extracurricular 5) forming didong teams. As the implementation of certain events, such as: 1) the race 2) Semayoen Nusantara pesantren milad 3) haflah endings and separation. Evaluation is more focused on success after applying local wisdom which is nothing but didong, sumang and mlengkan. santri behavior which is adjusted to the character values set and practiced in daily life, especially prioritizing habluminallah and habluminannas

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-87
Subakri - Bakri ◽  
Rosdee Ibrahim Mangkachi

Abstract: Pesantren tends to have an adaptive response towards social changes in community life. This research employed a qualitative approach by using a case study to discern the adaptive strategy of an Islamic boarding school. Then, the data were collected through observations, interviews, and documentaries. Next, they were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, namely data collection, condensation, data display, and conclusions drawing simultaneously. Finally, the validity of the data was gained through triangulation. The study results showed that pesantren has actively adapted themselves towards these social demands. Furthermore, it shows that 1) the dialectics of pesantren and social community in transforming cultural values through formal education was done by establishing several formal educations; 2) the dialectics of pesantren and social community in transforming cultural values through non-formal education was done by establishing several non-formal religious-based institutions through pesantren activities. Abstrak: Pesantren dalam kehidupan masyarakat memiliki sikap adaptif terhadap perubahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif adapun jenis penelitian studi kasus. Penggalian sumber data menggunakan Observasi, wawancara dan dukumenter dan data dianalisi dengan model Miles and Hubermen yaitu pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan yang dilakukan bersama. Kemudian keabsahan data menggunakan Triangulasi. Adapun hasil kajian penelitian yaitu pesantren Raudlatul Ulum memiliki sikap adaptif terhadap perubahan yang tergambar sebagai berikut 1.) Dialektika Pondok Pesantren Raudlatul Ulum  dan masyarakat dalam tranformasi nilai budaya melalui Pendidikan formal dengan mendirikan beberapa pendidikan formal. 2) Dialektika Pondok Pesantren Raudlatul Ulum  dan masyarakat dalam tranformasi nilai budaya melalui Pendidikan non formal dengan jalan mendirikan beberapa lembaga non formal yang berbasis keagamaan yang teraktualisasikan melalui aktivitas Pondok Pesantren. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Wildani Hefni ◽  
Qurrotul Uyun

<p><em>Islamic boarding schools are an important element of education in Indonesia. Islamic boarding school educates students to understand and practice religion with a sense of tolerance and moderate. However, recently, the moderate nature of Indonesian Islam is challenged by the spirit of radicalism and conservatism Islam. In this context, this community service on mainstreaming religious moderation among students at Darus Sholah Islamic boarding school is very relevant to spread moderation and tolerant values in religious understanding. Strengthening religious moderatism among students at an Islamic boarding school is one of the strategies to prevent radicalism. Santri as a part of Islamic boarding schools plays an important role to build a social life in the process of socialization and internalization of socio-cultural values about harmony and peace as social capital. The result of this community service on strengthening religious moderatism among students of Islamic boarding schools will make the community of students at Islamic boarding school more aware and contribute to conveying religious understanding following the Islamic boarding school traditions.<strong></strong></em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p>Pondok pesantren adalah satu elemen penting dalam dunia pendidikan di Indonesia. Pondok pesantren telah lama mengajarkan ilmu agama dengan nilai-nilai yang penuh toleransi dan moderat. Namun akhir-akhir ini, moderatisme Islam menghadapi tantangan dengan lahirnya pemahaman keislaman yang radikal dan konservatif. Dalam konteks ini, program pendampingan dan pemberdayaan kader pesantren di Darus Sholah menemukan relevansinya dengan tujuan untuk menguatkan serta menyebarluaskan pemahaman yang moderat dan toleran. Penguatan moderasi beragama dikalangan para santri merupakan salah satu strategi untuk mencegah lahirnya radikalisme. Santri sebagai bagian tak terpisahkan dari dunia pesantren memiliki peran yang cukup signifikan untuk menumbuhkan kehidupan sosial yang harmoni dan penuh dengan nilai perdamaian. Hasil dari pendampingan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat khususnya kepada para kader pesantren untuk lebih sigap dalam membumikan nilai-nilai pesantren yang moderat dan toleran. <em></em></p>

Al-Ulum ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Susminingsih Husien ◽  
Agus Fakhrina ◽  
Abdul Nasir bin Hj. Abdul Rani

This paper focus on the Culture-Led Development (CLD) role on the exploration of industrial and personal heritage management that encourages the development of SMEs as it has been implemented in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. This qualitative research with an antrophology approach was conducted with semi-structured interviews beside the observation and documentation involving 13 SMEs entrepreneurs, who have produced traditional or handicraft items, in 2018.  The empirical data was used to illustrate the implementation of culture in business development. The term heritage has been identical with the sustainability of SMEs. The CLD helps change the entrepreneurs' way of thinking as it promotes innovative products that are environmentally friendly and are able to elevate cultural values and tradition. This research finds that culture and heritage-based management have strong implications for the SMEs development.

RevistAleph ◽  
2013 ◽  
Paulo Pires de Queiroz ◽  
Fagner Henrique Guedes Neves

RESUMOA diversidade cultural é um fato que exige de instituições e atores sociais a viabilização de instâncias de diálogos entre as culturas. E a construção do conhecimento escolar é um espaço onde tais diálogos devem ocorrer. Nestesentido, argumenta-se neste artigo que a construção intercultural do saber sociológico escolar é necessária ao alcance dos objetivos centrais do ensino de Sociologia, ou seja, o desenvolvimento discente das atitudes do estranhamento e da desnaturalização. Em vista disso, uma atividade pedagógica coerente com essa proposição será discutida: a visitação aos Museus da República e do Folclore, no Rio de Janeiro.Palavras-chave: Conhecimento Escolar, Educação Intercultural e Ensino deSociologia.ABSTRACTCultural Diversity is a contemporary factwhich requires dialogical communications between the cultures at all the social institutions.This dialogues can be summarized by an only word: interculturalism. Sociology School knowledge is one of the spheres where interculturalism must be built up. In fact, intercultural education is a necessary condition to develop the sociological way of thinking, the main objective of High-School Sociology teaching. So, this article still purposes an intercultural educational activity at two Museums in Rio de Janeiro City.Keywords: School Knowledge, Intercultural Education, and Sociology Teaching.

1970 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-258
Muhammad Misbah

This article reveals the tradition in Salafi Islamic boarding school as a unindegineous Islamic istitution in Indonesia. This institution applies Wahabi school, do a purification movement, al-raj’u ila al-Qur’an wa al-Sunah, and exclusivity. The Salafi tradition is grouped into four concepts of thought: Syari’at, Bid’ah, Khurafat and Tahayul. It is intended to straighten the Muslim way of thinking in order to be good Muslims. Meanwhile the knowledge traditions are: in Fiqh, the books that are discussed are:al-Wajiz written by Syeikh abdul Adhim al-Badawi, Mulakhash fiqh by Syekh Fauzan, Sifat Shalat Nabi by Syeikh al-Bani, kitab Bulughul Maram. They all refuse everything that has no rules in Islamic law and opposite to the Islamic believe. The Salafi-Wahabi knowledge tradition that is always emphasize to the text authority and limits the idea’s role will cause the belief that al-Quran and hadis are perfect since they covers all life aspects of man. So, they made simplification that all religions that are not stated in al-Quran and hadis are believed as bid’ah. Meanwhile the doer is believed as a person who needs to be guidanced into the right way, by reminding or violence.

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