Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Modern School
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Published By Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University


Kateryna Averina

The paper considers the procedural aspects of social communication such as meeting the requirements of today’s comprehensive characteristics of social skills of the future specialist, which is manifested in his ability and ability to effectively perform professional duties adequately to each situation by activating socially and professionally important qualities in the competent application of the existing arsenal of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. The semantic elements of social communication as forms of expression of will, practical actions of an individual or a social group in a certain collective activity to achieve a socially significant result are revealed. It is established that the level of development of social and communicative skills can characterize not only the mechanisms of acquiring knowledge, skills, professionally significant qualities in the learning process, but also the peculiarities of the students’ understanding of social reality in general and in specific situations in particular, when both the adaptive mechanisms and the integrated life narratives of the individual are significantly influenced by the characteristics of the social environment. The need for coordination and focus on creating appropriate conditions for attracting external and internal resources (as a set of objectively existing conditions, means, opportunities that can be mobilized and used in the process of development of any system) to address this issue, including the intensification of participation in the development of communication skills of leading agents of influence ‒ subjects of all levels and types of education – traditional, alternative, extracurricular, “non-formal”, etc. Keywords: social communication; educational environment; communicative approach; social interaction; subjects of social communication; extracurricular activity; socialization skills; applicants of higher education.

Larysa Korzh-Usenko ◽  
Olena Sydorenko ◽  
Marina Chykalova

In the era of information systems and digital technologies, the urgency of developing non-state higher education is primarily related to economic progress and the challenges of a risky society. The investigation is devoted to revealing the peculiarities of the development of non-state higher education in the United States and Great Britain.On the basis of historiographical analysis, the degree of elaboration of the selected problem is determined. Using a retrospective analysis of the development of the world educational space, the historical origins of the emergence and formation of non-state higher education institutions in these English-speaking countries, related to the implementation of church, private and public initiatives. With the help of synchronous analysis of the course of innovation processes in higher education, the peculiarities of the development of the non-state higher school in the USA and Great Britain at the present stage are outlined. The method of synthesis summarizes the main advantages and disadvantages of non-state higher institutions in these English-speaking countries, as well as identifies prospects for further research.The importance of church, private and public initiative in the origin and formation of non-state schools in the United States and Great Britain is revealed, the dominance of the non-state higher education sector over the public in terms of quantity and quality of educational services in these countries.There is a growing tendency to popularize and democratize higher education in the context of the implementation of “ideas of free higher education”, primarily due to the spread of the movement for “Enlargement of the University” in the second half of the nineteenth century from Britain and the United States. The role of open universities in providing quality educational services in developed English-speaking countries at the present stage is presented. Keywords: development; non-state higher school; free university; free higher school; internationalization; globalization; massification; democratization; quality of educational services.

Tetiana Zhytnik

The problem timeliness is caused by the need to form artistic values in older preschool children and insufficient methodological support aimed at educating the child’s aesthetic values in art schools. A separate issue is an analysis of the artistic values formation in older preschoolers and the criteria for their evaluation.There is a brief description of the standard curriculum content “Conversations about Art”, purpose, organizational features, description of criteria for assessing the artistic values formation in older preschool children, a description of the achievements characteristics in acquaintance with artworks of “Conversations about Art”, elementary level of primary art education in this research work. Research methods: study, analysis of psychological-pedagogical, philosophical and educational-methodical literature in order to determine the state and scientific substantiation of research problem; generalization and systematization of methods for diagnosing the formation of artistic values in the older preschool-age child, pedagogical analysis, the method of expert evaluation.The content of the first-year study is aimed at acquainting the child with the art around us, during it, we form in the older preschool-age child emotional and value attitude to art and introduce it to the artistic image in art. The content of the first-year study is divided into two modules: “Conversations about Art” and “Diversity of images in art”. Each of these training modules has its own tasks and performance indicators. According to our research, the program aims to acquaint the child with the emotional and value of art, artistic image and language of expression during its creation in each of arts; formation of artistic values in older preschool children by means of visual art and synthesis of art in general. For the elementary level of primary art education, it is appropriate to take into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the child and the developmental and playful nature of learning.Keywords: pedagogy of preschool age; art education; aesthetic education; artistic values; senior preschool child; criteria; levels of achievement; visual arts.

Tetiana Tabler

The article considers the problem of development of cognitive activity of students in mathematics lessons. The peculiarities of the use of the formative system of assessment in the process of teaching mathematics with the use of computer tools in the context of the tasks of personality-oriented learning. The main risk factors for increasing the mathematical anxiety of students are identified. The pedagogical factors of motivation development and increase of interest in learning, development of mathematical thinking and reduction of mathematical anxiety due to the development of methods to increase the clarity of learning and cognitive activity of students related to the use of computer tools are substantiated. The criteria are substantiated and the indicators of assessment of the development of cognitive activity of students of 7‒9 grades of gymnasiums in the process of teaching mathematics with the use of computer tools are distinguished: motives of students learning at school; interest in studying the study of mathematics (algebra and geometry); success in the study of mathematics (algebra and geometry); motivation to study mathematical disciplines; mathematical anxiety. A method of assessing the impact of the use of computer tools to study certain topics and sections of mathematics in grades 7‒9 in general secondary education, which will increase the motivation of students to study the subject and reduce the level of mathematical anxiety of students. The results are presented and the dynamics of the indicators of the experimental influence of the use of computer interactive tools on the motivation of students to study mathematics is analyzed. Keywords: personality-oriented learning; mathematical disciplines; mathematical anxiety; pedagogical conditions; mathematics teaching aids; motivation to study mathematics; interactive computer learning tools; success in the study of mathematics.

Myroslava Tkachuk

The article highlights the main global trends of today, demonstrating the growing role of continuing adult education as an important factor in social progress. It had been found that “the Concept of Lifelong Learning” acquires the features of a transnational character. The focus is on anthropocentrism as practical and worldview oriented, which is one of the main conditions for the modern system development of social assistance and a socially-oriented state; the main value is human, his/her development and self-realization.It has been clarified that the purpose of lifelong learning is the formation and development of personality both in periods of its physical and socio-psychological maturation, flowering and stabilization of vital forces and abilities and in periods of ageing when the task of compensating for lost strengths and opportunities. European and world experience of formation and development of the education system during life is considered. The main objectives, advantages and problematic aspects of such education in Ukraine have been identified.The domestic and foreign practice of “Universities of the Third Age” has been analysed. The main tasks of these institutions are clarified: creating conditions and promoting the comprehensive development of the elderly; their reintegration into the active life of society; assisting the elderly in adapting to modern living conditions by acquiring new knowledge; acquisition of self-help skills; formation of the principles of a healthy lifestyle; development of skills in the use of the latest technologies, primarily information and communication; potential and opportunities for volunteer work; improving the quality of life of the elderly by ensuring access to modern technologies and adaptation to technological change; opportunity to expand the circle of communication and exchange of experiences. Keywords: continuing education; lifelong learning; global trends; anthropocentrism; adults; education; foreign experience; national interests; creative and innovative potential; social and cultural progress.

Svetlana Sergeyko

In the article self-actualizing portraits (types) of teachers, which were identified on the basis of the study, are presented. The main aim of two of them (“Subject Teachers” and “Psychologists”) is to develop gifted students. The developed separate training program for teachers working in the context of the development of gifted students has been substantiated in the article. This made it possible for the Institute for the Development of Education to develop a strategy for advanced training and scientific and methodological support of teachers of both types. The strategy is based on the principles of mutual enrichment, mutual respect, cooperation of all subjects of the education system and promotes the professional self-realization of teachers and, as a result, the development of gifted students. Through participating in events using various forms and technologies, the teacher shows himself, his uniqueness and originality, the desire for his own realization in professional activity, demonstrates a personal attitude towards himself, colleagues, professional events, and corporate culture. Measures, creating an environment of advanced personal and professional development, contribute to the professional motivation of teachers, ensuring the effectiveness of the pedagogical activity, develop the readiness for professional self-realization, and help raise the level of awareness of the value of pedagogical activity for personal self-realization. The result of the implementation of the mentioned program for teachers will be the development of the creative potential of teachers; stimulation of personal and professional growth of teachers; self-identification, self-organization, self-government and professional self-realization of these types of teachers. Keywords: self-realization of personality; professional self-realization of the teacher; the self-actualizing portrait (type) of a teacher; cognitive, activity, emotional, axiological levels of the program; gifted children.

Sergii Skrypnyk

The article researched the importance of using the project method in teaching “Biology and Ecology” in high (senior) school and “Basics of Health” in secondary school, as a method of content integration of the natural education and the conditions of effective student teaching. The relevance of this topic is that there is an observation of multi-vector using the “project method” in school today. New developments for the application of project-based teaching are conducted. The organization of project activities in the teaching process involves a specially organized by the teacher process, which is performed by students independently based on their subjective definition of the goal, while the project focuses on a set of actions that makes students independent. The result of the project activity can be any product of the student’s activity, for example, presentation, essay, and model. The method of projects is based on creativity, the skills of orientating in the information space and independently designing their knowledge. In the process of project activity, there is a metamorphosis of the teacher’s position in the educational process (the teacher organizes the students’ activities). For the organization of teacher's activity, it is necessary to master the methods and techniques of preparing students for the work on the project and its development. Teaching “Biology and Ecology” and “Basics of Health” is successful only if the teacher’s work with students in all its forms is a purposeful system of teaching and education that develops in unity biological concepts, dialectical-materialist worldview, thinking, and independent practical work skills, the project’s method helps in this the most. At the modern stage of development of school education, the problem of student's cognitive activity becomes especially important meaning due to the high rate of development and improvement the science and technology, society need for educated people and free from stereotypes, will be able to quickly orientate in the situation, thinking independently. Implementation of such tasks becomes possible only in the conditions of the project teaching stimulating the mental activity of students. Keywords: method of projects; design activity; integration; biology; ecology; natural science education; natural science competence; creative health.

Roman Bezliudnyi ◽  
Vita Bezliudna

The article presents a theoretical generalization of the researches on the problem of foreign language training of student youth in the European Union. Today in the institutions of higher education of Ukraine there is a tendency to intensify the foreign language training of each applicant for higher education. Among the many aspects in the content of education, foreign language training of higher education in Ukraine focuses on itself special attention. At the same time, it was found out that currently in Ukraine there is a complex multi-level contradiction of the following nature: The European Union prepares graduates of schools that speak a foreign language at the B2 level, and Ukrainian pedagogical higher education institutions graduate students who do not speak a foreign language at the B2 level; Ukrainian schools require from students B2 level which their teachers do not have, and therefore, in a sense, Ukrainian students may be more competent than their teachers, which is unacceptable. The analysis of foreign language training of student youth in the European Union allowed the authors to identify the achievements and features of foreign language training of student youth in some European countries in order to outline the required by the domestic education system trends in foreign language training at higher education institutions. The authors of the article analyzed the professional training of future foreign language teachers in such European countries: Germany, Poland, Slovakia, France, Italy. It was found out that such training is thoroughly researched by Ukrainian comparative scientists and is gradually introduced into the domestic system of higher education.But taking into account such tasks, problems and challenges facing Europe and Ukraine in the field of foreign language education, as well as permanent forms of cooperation within the Bologna Process, the prospects for further research the authors see in a deeper study of the process of reforming foreign language education, which brings obvious benefits to Ukrainian higher education. Keywords: foreign language education; foreign language training; student youth; European Union countries; higher education; foreign language; institutions of higher education; Ukraine.

Ivan Yunyk

The article considers the life cycle of a university scientific and pedagogical specialist's brand as a continuous period from the moment of gaining a high level of recognition by the target audience to the moment of loss of specified influence on the target audience. A direct correlation between the phases of a university scientific and pedagogical specialist's brand life cycle and starting points of the theory of innovation diffusion is proved there. The division of the life cycle of a brand into six phases is proposed. They are as follows: phase of development of branding technology, phase of the introduction of a university scientific and pedagogical specialistʼs brand into the educational and scientific activity of a university, phase of growth of personal and professional potential of a brand, phase of stabilization of interaction of image and reputation brand components; the phase of extinction of the university specialist’s brand and the phase of the brandʼs exit from the market of providing educational and scientific services. The inexpediency of purposefully avoiding the development phase of branding technology is argued, as such “dynamically oriented” branding does not take into account the peculiarities of the personal and professional potential of the specialist, as well as lacks systemic and strategic focus. It is specified that depending on the purpose of application, rebranding of the university professor’s brand can act as a connecting phase of a life cycle of a specialists’ brand and as a singular process of formation of a new university professor’s brand. It is emphasized that preventive or forced-consolidating rebranding by a university professor due to fixing a temporary decline in his brand demand by the target audience in a phase of growth of personal and professional potential is ineffective. Keywords: brand; university professor; life cycle; phase; differentiation; target audience; university; rebranding.

Iryna Postolenko

The article considers the practical implementation of educational programs in modern schools in Great Britain. The main methodological approaches to the implementation of the content of educational subjects are studied. The peculiarities of the organization of the pedagogical process during the study of core and basic subjects in British schools are studied in detail, namely, English, mathematics, science, art and design, citizenship, technology and design, geography, history, ICT, modern foreign languages, music, physical education, personal, social, health education, religious education. The pedagogical process in terms of the educational component, organization of extracurricular work with students is also analyzed. It is noted that the involvement of students in extracurricular activities helps to improve their academic performance. Students are mainly involved in the following activities: Dance, Drama, Life-saving, Swimming, Gymnastics, Athletics, Volleyball, Netball, Football, Badminton, Aerobics, Basketball. They also have the opportunity to attend science and mathematics clubs, computer clubs, languages and technology clubs, additional Mathematics groups, participate in the choir and the School Orchestra. Leisure clubs allow students to unite in common interests, engage in music, dance, theater, scouting, sports, games, design, decorative jewelry, and more. In their free time, students visit other schools, industrial enterprises, and farms. Students also have trips to the sea, local churches, art galleries, museums, theaters, etc. In addition, students participate in sports competitions not only among students in the school but also students of other schools in the county. Keywords: educational programs; educational activity; methodological approaches; key stages of education; British schoolchildren; core subjects; basic subjects; extracurricular activities.

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