scholarly journals Optimization of the Use of Information Technology in Learning Administration at SDN Hurip Jaya 03

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 925-930
Rakhmat Purnomo ◽  
Wowon Priatna ◽  
Ajif Yunizar Pratama Yusuf

Information Technology have to be an enabler of every activity. With the information technology, the effectiveness and efficiency of work shoultd be increase. The obstacles faced, with the existence of information technology, can be an alternative solution. SDN Hurip Jaya 03 Babelan is a school located on the north coast of Bekasi Regency. This school has a challenge where cable internet access from Provider has not yet entered so that educators and education staff, students use independent resources for internet access. Administrative and learning activities already use computers but have not utilized cloud applications such as google forms, google classroom, and shorter url applications for learning e-learning. The educators and education staff are also still working with computers in typing so that their work is less effective. The solution we provide is to share knowledge, knowledge, experience and resources in providing solutions to existing problems. The activities that have been carried out are providing wifi modem and usb wifi resources for internet access, training in fast typing the 10 finger method, using google forms and google classroom for administration and learning, as well as the application for naming links to make reading easier. We hope that if the material presented can be trained and applied seriously, it will certainly be useful in supporting administrative and learning activities.

2014 ◽  
pp. 84-96
Bambang Warsita Bambang Warsita

Abstrak: Setiap teknologi dibangun atas dasar suatu teori tertentu. Demikian pula teknologi pembelajaran, dibangun atas dasar prinsip-prinsip yang ditarik dari teori dan teknologi informasi. Teknologi informasi adalah sarana dan prasarana (hardware, software, useware) sistem dan metode untuk memperoleh, mengirimkan, mengolah, menafsirkan, menyimpan, mengorganisasikan dan menggunakan data secara bermakna. Teknologi Informasi yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah segala bentuk pemanfaatan komputer dan internet untuk pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi yang bersifat off line (multimedia) dan yang bersifat on line (internet) misalnya e-learning. Penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran ini diawali oleh B.F Skinner (1958) yang membuat sebuah mesin pembelajaran (teaching machine) dengan konsep pembelajaran terprogram yang dikembangkan berdasarkan teori belajar behaviorisme. Kontribusi atau dukungan teknologi informasi dalam teknologi pembelajaran untuk dapat menjangkau peserta didik di manapun mereka berada. Selain itu untuk melayani sejumlah besar dari peserta didik yang belum memperoleh kesempatan untuk belajar, memenuhi kebutuhan belajar untuk dapat mengikuti perkembangan zaman, dan meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi dalam belajar.Kata kunci: Teknologi informasi, teknologi pembelajaran, multimedia interaktif, internet.Abstract: Each technology is developed on the basis of a certain theory. It also happens to instructional technology. It is developed on the basis of principles drawn from theory and information technology. Information technology is a facilitation and infrastructure, system and method for attaining, sending, processing, interpreting, organizing, and utilizing data in a significant way. Information technology meant here is any form of utilizing computer and internet for learning. E-learning si an example of off-line and online instructional model. The use of information technology in learning initiated by B. F. Skinner (1958) by developing a teaching machine applying programmed instructional concept based on the behaviorism learning theory. The contribution or support of information technology in instructional technology enables a wider coverage of learners wherever they are. Morever, information technology can serve a great number of learners to get opportunity to access to learning, to fulfill learning needs in order to adapt with the changing times and to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in learning. Keywords: Information technology, instructional technology, interactive multimedia, internet.

Rony Baskoro Lukito ◽  
Elly Feriaty ◽  
Suyatno Salim ◽  
Sartika Kurniali

Bina Nusantara University as one of the information technology-based educational institutions in Indonesia have used the Internet in learning activities. To meet the needs of Internet access, Binus provides students with BiNus@ccess Premium service. BiNus@ccess Premium already have an application to help admin to user management with the help of a centralized accounting system (which is provided by the RADIUS server). However, applications that use is still limited in some ways so that there are still many manual processes. Therefore we need an application that serves to replace the existing application but still supports the existing system. The methodology used to admin consists of interviews, questionnaires to users, observation to analyze the problem, designing application solutions, and evaluation by distributing questionnaires to the admin. With the RSIM applications, manual administrative processes can be eliminated because the user can perform the registration process and the addition of its own loans through the application by themselves. RSIM Applications can also provide solutions for prepaid voucher sales system because it provides the ability to generate a voucher, print vouchers, and see the voucher reports, list payment, and the sale report. Suggestions for further development is to create applications for the sale of voucher system with e-commerce or SMSgateway.. 

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Widyo Nugroho ◽  
Fikri Saleh

Pesatnya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah membawa dampak kepada pendidikan, tidak terkecuali di Indonesia. Program pendidikan yang bersifat konvensional sukar dipertahankan seutuhnya, karena tersedianya media dan informasi baru yang semakin banyak dan bervariasi. Salah satu media yang perkembangannya semakin melesat adalah penggunaan komputer. Penggunaan komputer sebagai sarana pendidikan dimungkinkan karena banyak potensi yang dapat dimanfaatkan dari komputer tersebut. Penelitian ini mencoba melihat efektifitas dan efisiensi pembelajaran dengan merancang media komunikasi berbasis web. Situs pembelajaran Universitas telah diujicobakan terhadap tiga puluh mahasiswa. Sebanyak 96% menyatakan program ini sangat menarik dan sangat membantu dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Selain itu 90% menyatakan program ini dapat mengatasi kebosanan terhadap perkuliahan di kelas dalam bentuk metode ceramah. The rapid development of science and technology has affected education, including in Indonesia. Conventional education programs are difficult to be maintained completely, because the availability of new information media is becoming increasingly numerous and varied. One more shot of media development is the use of computers. The use of computers as a means of education is possible because a lot of potential that can be used from that computer. This study tries to see the effectiveness and efficiency of learning by designing a web-based communications media. The e-learning site has been tested to thirty students. As many as 96% said the program is very interesting and very helpful in learning activities. In addition 90% stated that this program can overcome the boredom of lectures in the classroom in the form of the lecture method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 689
Insan Harapan Harahap ◽  
Nana Suryana

 Controversy related to the reclamation policy of the DKI Jakarta’s North Coast is endless. Its reclamation policy is reputed inappropriate with the prevail procedure, its policy becomes a fighting zone between authority and entrepreneur, beside them bribe cases and corruption was shown covering its reclamation policy of DKI Jakarta’s North Coast. Therefore, writer tried to explain whose the actor belongs to its reclamation project. This research will be descriptive, which the data and information’s used in this research contains of documentation studies and interview with the related institution whose has relation with the reclamation project of DKI Jakarta’s North Coast. The result of this research will be concluded that the reclamation project of DKI Jakarta’s North Coast has a positive and negative impact. This reclamation project can not only solve the existing problems, instead of creating new problems associated with adverse environmental impacts. In addition, the reclamation project disrupted the livelihood of fishermen in the North Coastal area of DKI Jakarta.

Zulkifli Zulkifli

System of learning that takes place only in the classroom and the absence of an online learning media that uses information technology to support the learning. This network-based E-Learning application is an international standard application, a learning application supported by information technology. Searching information and learning that is only done face-to-face in the classroom is very clear can hamper the learning process with a limited time. In support of teaching and learning activities by utilizing information technology needs to be made a web-based E-Learning application using php and MySQL database Keywords: E-learning, MySQL, PHP, Web

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-102
Achmad Sirojul Munir ◽  
Muassomah Muassomah

 This study describes how the implementation of e-learning in Arabic language learning at Islamic Global School Elementary School, Malang City during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method uses qualitative research, with data in the form of descriptive. Data collection used is by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are as follows: 1). The implementation of e-learning at SD Islamic Global School uses 5 main media, namely: google classrom, whatsAap, you tube, zoom, and quizizz. 2). The implementation of e-learning in Arabic learning at SD Islamic Global School consists of 3 main steps, namely; introduction, core activities, and evaluation. 3). In implementing e-learning-based Arabic learning at SD Islamic Global School, there are advantages and disadvantages. There are 3 advantages, namely: providing opportunities for students and teachers to be more creative and innovative, providing flexible time, and providing easy access to learning resources. Meanwhile, there are also 3 drawbacks, namely: not all students have an Android cellphone or laptop to support the implementation of e-learning-based Arabic learning. Uneven internet access, lack of supervision and reduced interaction between teachers and students in the process of teaching and learning activities.     Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan tentang implementasi e-learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Sekolah Dasar Islamic Global School, Kota Malang selama pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif, dengan data berupa berupa deskriptif. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini, sebagai berikut: 1). Pelaksanakan pembelajaran e-learning di SD Islamic Global School menggunakan 5 media utama, yaitu: google classrom, whatsAap, you tube, zoom, dan quizizz. 2). Implementasi e-learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di SD islamic Global School terdiri dari 3 langkah utama, yaitu; pendahuluan, kegiatan inti, dan evaluasi. 3). Dalam pelaksanakan pembelajaran Bahasa Arab berbasis e-learning di SD Islamic Global School terdapat kelebihan dan kekurangan. Adapun kelebihannya ada 3, yaitu: memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa dan guru untuk lebih kreatif dan inovatif, memberikan waktu yang fleksibel, dan memberikan kemudahan akses terhadap sumber belajar. Sedangkan, kekurangannya ada 3 juga, yaitu: tidak semua siswa memiliki HP android ataupun laptop guna menunjang pelaksanakan pembelajaran Bahasa Arab berbasis e-learning. Akses internet tidak merata, minimnya pengawasan serta berkurangnya interaksi antar guru dan siswa dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar.

Nadwa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ro'fah Ro'fah ◽  
Astri Hanjarwati ◽  
Jamil Suprihatiningrum

<p class="ABSTRACT"><em><span lang="EN-US">The study seeks to examine the voices and experiences of students with disabilities in navigating online learning during the COVID-19. Based on in-depth interviews with thirty-four students with various disabilities of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, this study attempts to answer how these students experiencing online learning, what challenges they encounter, and what strategies they are using to navigate this new way of learning. Results show most students prefer conventional face-to-face learning, compared to the online learning one. Students reported various challenges they experienced, the most important of which is the high cost of internet access. Other challenges include the inaccessibility of the e-learning system with respect to the platform of online learning and the learning activities. Students also concerned with the absence of supports that they normally received from the university’s disability office (Pusat Layanan Difabel/ PLD). These challenges have encouraged students to seek help from family members, peers, and lecturers.</span></em></p><p class="ABSTRACT"><em><span lang="EN-US"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong><em><br /> Studi ini berupaya untuk mengevaluasi pendapat dan pengalaman siswa penyandang cacat dalam menavigasi pembelajaran online selama COVID-19. Berdasarkan wawancara mendalam dengan tigapuluh empat mahasiswa dengan berbagai kecacatan di UIN Sunan Kalijaga, penelitian ini mencoba menjawab bagaimana para siswa ini mengalami pembelajaran online, tantangan apa yang mereka hadapi, dan strategi apa yang mereka gunakan untuk menavigasi cara belajar baru ini. Hasil menunjukkan sebagian besar siswa lebih suka pembelajaran tatap muka konvensional, dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran online. Siswa melaporkan berbagai tantangan yang mereka alami, yang terpenting adalah tingginya biaya akses internet. Tantangan lain termasuk tidak dapat diaksesnya sistem e-learning sehubungan dengan platform pembelajaran online dan kegiatan pembelajaran. Siswa juga khawatir dengan tidak adanya dukungan yang biasanya mereka terima dari Pusat Layanan Difabel (PLD) universitas. Tantangan-tantangan ini telah mendorong siswa untuk mencari bantuan dari anggota keluarga, teman sebaya, dan dosen</em></span></em><em></em></p>

Nur Budi Nugraha ◽  
Tri Handayani ◽  
Tri Yuliati ◽  
Ari Sellyana

The corona virus outbreak affects various aspects of life, including the field of education. SMA IT Plus Bazma Brilliant during the online learning period has used e-learning in its teaching and learning activities. Teachers in utilizing information technology, must be creative. The number of students who want to learn programming laravel framework to make applications so that they learn through social media ranging from youtube, facebook or links on google. However, even though they are learning on their own, students still find it difficult because there is no teacher to guide them. There are some students who don't really understand programming, one of which is Laravel programming because of the lack of direct assistance during this COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this service is to provide training to students in understanding Laravel framework programming. The method used is through lectures and discussions followed by direct practice using the Laravel framework which is guided by the service team. The results of this service. Participants who took part in the training felt happy and satisfied with this service activity, this could be seen from the expressions of satisfaction and enthusiasm of the participants listening and asking various things about the material that had been given by the devotees. This service activity is considered by the participants as a means of introducing and learning the Laravel framework as a basis for learning programming to create a simple project

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-98
Myrna Dwi Rahmatya ◽  
Mochamad Fajar Wicaksono ◽  
Hidayat Hidayat ◽  
Sri Nurhayati ◽  
Riani Lubis

This community service aims to improve the ability of SD Negeri Mustikajaya VII Bekasi teachers in utilizing information technology for synchronous e-learning. This needs to be done considering that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people live today. Learning activities that are normally done face-to-face must now be done remotely. One of them is by implementing online learning. The method used for this service is online training using the Zoom meeting application. In this training, the material presented is Google Meet and Google Drive. Participants were asked several questions about Google Meet and Google Drive both before and after the training was held. This is done to determine the increase in the ability of participants in both materials. Participants are also given assignments regarding the two materials to practice the material that has been presented. The results of this activity indicate an increase in the ability of teachers to use Google Meet and Google Drive for online learning purposes.

Afip Miftahul Basar

  أبستراك ڤيمبيلاجاران ڤ أ إي دي سيكولاه ڤادا ماسا ڤانديمي چوفيد-١٩ ممڤوۑاهي باۑاك ڤيرماسالاهان ياڠ ديهاداڤي. ڤادا سأت دونييا ڤنديديكان ديهاداڤكان ديڠان ڤانديمي, هال إيني ميماكسا ڤيمبيلاجاران هاروس ديلاكوكان سيچارا داريڠ (دالام جاريڠان). أدا هال ياڠ هاروس ديڤيرهاتيكان دالام ڤيمبيلاجاران داريڠ إيني أنتارا لإين سومبر دايا ڬورو ڤ أ إي هاروس ديتيڠكاتكان كواليتاسۑا, بإيك داري سيڬي كونتين مأوڤون ميتودولوڬي جوڬا دالم هال ڤيمانفأتان تيكنولوڬي إينفورماسي. سيلإين إيتو, ڤيسيرتا ديديك جوڬا كوراڠ أكتيف دالام ميڠيكوتي ڤيمبيلاجاران داريڠ إيني, بإيك إيتو ديسيبابكان جاريڠان إينتيرنيت ياڠ كوراڠ ستابيل مأوڤون داري سيڬي ڤيۑيديأن كوووتا إينتيرنيت ياڠ تيرباتاس. توجووان ڤنوليسان أرتيكل إيني أونتوك ممڤلاجاري دان ميماهامي ڤيڠڬونأن ميدييا داريڠ دالام كڬيياتان ڤيمبيلاجاران ڤ أ إي دي ماسا ڤانديمي يكني ڤيمبيلاجاران بيرباسيس أي-ليأرنيڠ أڬار ڤيسيرتا ديديك بيسا ميڠيكوتي ڤيمبيلاجاران داريڠ إيني ديڠان أكتيف دان ميناريك. ڤينيليتييان إيني ميڠڬوناكان ڤينديكاتان كوواليتاتيف دان أوبسيرفاتيف. هاصيل كاجييان إيني ميمبوكتيكان بهوا ڤيمبيلاجاران داريڠ (دالام جاريڠان) ديڠان ميڠڬوناكان ڤيمبيلاجاران بيرباسيس أي-ليأرنيڠ دي ماسا ڤانديمي چوفيد-١٩ إيني مينيمبولكان بيرباڬاي تاڠڬاڤان دان ڤيروباهان ڤادا سيستيم بيلاجار ياڠ داڤات ميمڤيڠاروهي ڤروسيس ڤيمبيلاجاران سيرتا تيڠكات ڤيركيمباڠان ڤيسيرتا ديديك دالام ميريسڤون ماتيري ياڠ ديسامڤيكان.   Abstrak Pembelajaran PAI di sekolah pada masa pandemi Covid-19 mempunyai banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi. Pada saat dunia pendidikan dihadapkan dengan pandemi, hal ini memaksa pembelajaran harus dilakukan secara daring (dalam jaringan). Ada hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam pembelajaran daring ini antara lain sumber daya guru PAI harus ditingkatkan kualitasnya, baik dari segi konten maupun metodologi juga dalam hal pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Selain itu, peserta didik juga kurang aktif dalam mengikuti pembelajaran daring ini, baik itu disebabkan jaringan internet yang kurang stabil maupun dari segi penyediaan kuota internet yang terbatas. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk mempelajari dan memahami penggunaan media daring dalam kegiatan pembelajaran PAI di masa pandemi yakni pembelajaran berbasis E-Learning agar peserta didik bisa mengikuti pembelajaran daring ini dengan aktif dan menarik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan observatif. Hasil kajian ini membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran daring (dalam jaringan) dengan menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis E-Learning di masa pandemi covid-19 ini menimbulkan berbagai tanggapan dan perubahan pada sistem belajar yang dapat mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran serta tingkat perkembangan peserta didik dalam merespon materi yang disampaikan.   Abstract PAI learning in schools during the Covid-19 pandemic had many problems to face. At a time when the world of education is faced with a pandemic, this forces learning to be done online (online). There are things that must be considered in this online learning, among others, the quality of PAI teacher resources must be improved, both in terms of content and methodology as well as in the use of information technology. In addition, students are also less active in participating in online learning, either due to an unstable internet network or in terms of providing a limited internet quota. The purpose of writing this article is to study and understand the use of online media in PAI learning activities during a pandemic, namely E-Learning-based learning so that students can participate in online learning actively and attractively. This study used a qualitative and observative approach. The results of this study prove that online learning (online) using E-Learning-based learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has caused various responses and changes to the learning system that can affect the learning process and the level of development of students in responding to the material presented.  

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