test load
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Hyun-gi Kim ◽  
Sungchan Kim ◽  
Byung-Geun Ha

In this study, for the purpose of conducting the structural tests for the verification of structural soundness of the flight-load conditions of the external fuel tank for the fixed-wing aircraft, the flight load acting on the external fuel tank was converted to test load and the suitability of the converted loads was verified. The loads imposed on the external fuel tank were expressed as the combination of the inertial load (based on the acceleration in the translational direction) and the tangential direction inertial load (based on the angular acceleration of the moment). To calculate the test load, the transfer function table was generated by calculating the shear load and moment based on the unit load. For this purpose, a transfer function table was established by dividing the external fuel tank into a few sections and calculating the shear load and moment generated by the unit shear load and unit moment in each section. In addition, the test load for each section was calculated by computing the established transfer function table and flight-load conditions. However, in actual structural tests, it is often not possible to impose a load in the same position as the point at which the shear load and moment are calculated. For this reason, the actual test-load positions had to be determined and the calculated test loads were redistributed to those positions. Then, the final test load plan was established by applying a whiffle tree to increase the efficiency of the test while also making it easier to apply the actuators. Finally, the suitability of the established test load plan was confirmed by comparison with the flight-load conditions.

Assylkhan Jalairov ◽  
Dauren Kumar ◽  
Khaini-Kamal Kassymkanova ◽  
Gulshat Murzalina ◽  
Gulnar Jangulova

The article presents results of the overpass condition survey, technical survey, static tests and assessment of the structure operational reliability, a doubledecker overpass on Almaty-Kapshagai highway section in Kazakhstan. Technical survey determined the dimensions of the overpass, the camber of reinforced concrete superstructures main beams and checked the values of the overpass roadway actual transverse and longitudinal slopes. The calculation and analytical assessment of the overpass load-bearing structures, for the strength of the bending moment, are performed. Static tests of the overpass split beam superstructure of a length of 33.0m were conducted. Trucks loaded with ballast were accepted as a test load.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Rocco Eisseler ◽  
Daniel Gutsche ◽  
Clemens Maucher ◽  
Hans-Christian Möhring

In powder bed-based additive manufacturing (AM), complex geometries can be produced in a layer-wise approach. Results of material science experiments regarding material property identification, e.g., tensile strength, show interdependencies between the test load direction and the layer orientation. This goes hand-in-hand with the measured cutting force, changing with the relative angle between cutting direction and layer orientation in orthogonal cutting tests. However, due to the specific process characteristics, the layer orientation results in anisotropic material properties. Therefore, during machining, the material behaves depending on the buildup direction, which influences the cutting process. To predict this behavior, a simplified inverse approach is developed to determine the buildup direction-dependent parameters of a modified Johnson–Cook model for cutting simulation. To qualify these cutting models, mainly the cutting force and additionally the chip formation examined during orthogonal cuts are used. In the present paper, the influence of the laser-powder-bed-fusion (LPBF) process parameters on subtractive post-processing are shown. A good agreement between verification experiments and simulations is achieved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (6) ◽  
Zhixiong Bai ◽  
Hang Yang ◽  
Ning Su ◽  
Xiaochun Wu

The effect of different loads on the high-temperature wear behavior of 5Cr5Mo2V steel at 700 °C was investigated. Wear morphologies, oxide compositions and matrix evolution were studied. The results showed that the wear rate increased with an increased test load, and the wear mechanism transformed from abrasive-oxidative wear to adhesive-oxidative wear. The relation between a delaminated oxide layer and cracks in the matrix were investigated. The exfoliation of carbides and displacement difference between the matrix and carbides caused a crack initiation. The wear rate strongly related to carbides, and coarse M6C carbides with poor holding power led to a high wear rate. Besides, a diagram of wear characteristics under different loads was suggested in this work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (12) ◽  
pp. 727-733
A H Abdulaziz ◽  
J McCrory ◽  
K Holford ◽  
A Elsabbagh ◽  
M Hedaya

Due to their complexity, detecting and analysing damage modes in composite honeycomb sandwich panels can be difficult. This article describes the way in which a three-point bending test (3PBT) was performed on a glass fibre aluminium honeycomb sandwich panel (HSP). Acoustic emission (AE) was used to identify damage signals, which were then analysed to determine the positions and characteristics of defects. To locate damage positions, Delta-T mapping was used. The test load was progressively applied in three phases, with the specimen being inspected visually during each phase. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed that the most significant damage was local crushing under the test load, which caused matrix cracking, fibre breakage and pull-out. Damage progression and the damage mode were detected using the cumulative energy and frequency spectra of the AE sources for each phase. Matrix cracking frequencies ranged from 30 kHz to 100 kHz, while fibre damage modes ranged from 157 kHz to 322 kHz. The findings highlighted the utility of Delta-T mapping in locating damage positions on sandwich structures under testing. The investigation also emphasised the value of studying frequency spectra and cumulative energy when analysing AE signals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2070 (1) ◽  
pp. 012235
Ramu Kandregula ◽  
B Hemanth ◽  
A Harikishan

Abstract A Ship’s anchor makes a ship to be at a fixed location against currents and winds when ship is in rest position. Purpose of anchor is to restrict the drifting of ship, which is occurs due to the currents. Even though there are many different types of anchor, present paper intended to do design and analysis on stockless anchor AC14 type. Project aims to determine the equivalent von-mises stress and maximum deformation in anchor when subjected to proof test. Proof test load is decided based on the mass of the anchor. (Reference is taken for the relationship of proof test load and mass of the anchor. Solid modeling of Stockless ship anchor model is carried out on NX 11.0 and modal analysis of ship anchor is carried out using ANSYS 16.0

Solar Energy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 225 ◽  
pp. 978-1000
Xabier Apaolaza-Pagoaga ◽  
Atul A. Sagade ◽  
Celestino Rodrigues Ruivo ◽  
Antonio Carrillo-Andrés

Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 1216
Kai-Shing Yang ◽  
Khalid Hamid ◽  
Shih-Kuo Wu ◽  
Uzair Sajjad ◽  
Chi-Chuan Wang

This study examines the performance of three heat pump dryers: the original reference design, a modified drying chamber, and an external desiccant wheel design. Unlike most existing studies that normally adopt organic products as the drying materials, in this study we used moist sodium polyacrylate (Orbeez) as the drying material for consistent characterization of the heat pump performance. R-134a was adopted as the refrigerant for the heat pump system. The experiments were performed subject to different weights of Orbeez (drying material) at a constant volumetric flow rate of 100 m3/h. During experimentation, different parameters like the coefficient of performance (COPHP), drying rate, heat transfer rate by the condenser, moisture extraction rate, and specific moisture extraction rate were calculated. The average COPHP, mass transfer rate, heat transfer rate, MER, and SMER of the system were calculated as 3.9, 0.30 kg/s, 0.56 kW, 0.495 kg/h, and 1.614 kg/kWh, respectively. The maximum COP for the refrigeration system was achieved at lower test loads with the desiccant wheel. The moisture extraction rate for a lower test loading was higher than that for a higher test load due to the higher penetration of drying air at the lower test load, although the maximum test load showed the maximum relative humidity at the dryer outlet. The desiccant wheel showed good performance in terms of moisture extraction rate and COPHP, but it showed poor performance in terms of the specific moisture extraction rate due to the high power consumption (around 2.6 kW) of the desiccant dehumidifier. The moisture extraction rate (MER) for all designs increased to a maximum value, followed by consistent decline. However, the maximum MER for the desiccant design exceeded those for the other designs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 3424
Tuomo Poutanen ◽  
Sampsa Pursiainen ◽  
Jari Mäkinen

The reliability of load-bearing structures is normally secured through codes, a competent structural design and proper execution inspection. Alternatively, the reliability can be obtained via skilled test loading, which is a feasible technique both in the construction of new structures and in the load-bearing verification of existing ones. Although the current codes lack instructions for test loading, they are, however, used in special cases; for example, when the reliability of the structures is doubtful due to a defect, or when the structure is suspected to have especially high resistance variability. Test loading involves significant research questions that need to be addressed, including: What is the test load in comparison with the expected maximum service time load or the characteristic load? How can the instantaneous test load be compared with the actual long-term service-time load? Does the test loading harm the structure, and what is the target reliability in the test loading calculation? In this paper, we approach these questions from a theoretical point of view and propose how a suitable test load can be chosen in practice using an approximate and a precise approach.

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