social maladjustment
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2021 ◽  
pp. 67-79
Anna Karłyk-Ćwik

Appropriate regulation of emotions is important for maintaining physical and psychological health and well-being, as well as social adaptation and development. In the prevention of social maladjustment, it is particularly important to support factors that contribute to the proper control of emotions, especially anger. One such factor is humor, which helps to relieve emotional tension and express anger in a safe way. This research aims to identify the types of anger expression occurring in adolescents who are socially maladapted and determine whether there are significant differences in the use of humor between (sub)groups of minors due to their type of anger expression. The study was carried out in twenty-four juvenile correctional institutions in Poland and included a sample of 705 minors (29% females and 71% males, aged between 12 and 21 years old, with an average age of 17). Two research tools were used: the Anger Expression Scale (AES) and the Humor Style Questionnaire (HSQ). K-means cluster analysis led to the separation of three types of anger expression in the group of socially maladjusted youth: Anger-out, Low-Anger, and Anger-control. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) analysis revealed the statistically significant differences between the groups of minors (clusters) in their use of three styles of humor: affiliative, self-enhancing, and aggressive. These findings can be used in the design of modern interventions in the field of prevention and promotion of mental and social health.

Н.В. Зильберберг ◽  
Я.В. Кащеева ◽  
Н.В. Киселева ◽  
М.М. Кохан

Псориаз является одним из наиболее распространенных хронических дерматозов, в мире зарегистрировано около 125 млн больных этим заболеванием, причем частота встречаемости в структуре дерматологических заболеваний составляет около 40%. Несмотря на то, что в большинстве случаев псориаз не представляет угрозы для жизни, тем не менее он является непосредственной причиной появления весьма серьезных патологических проблем, социальной дезадаптации. В последнее время все большее число исследователей говорят о псориазе не как об изолированном кожном заболевании, а как о системной псориатической болезни с доминирующими проявлениями на коже. Системность заболевания проявляется в частом вовлечении в процесс не только кожного покрова, но и других систем и органов, в частности опорно-двигательного аппарата при артропатической форме псориаза (псориатическом артрите). Распространенность псориатического артрита у больных псориазом колеблется от 7% до 47%, причем у 15% пациентов артрит развивается до поражения кожи, при обычном псориазе артрит бывает в 6-7% случаев, а при уже выявленной псориатической артропатии у 73,2% больных встречается пустулезный или экссудативный псориаз, а также псориатическая эритродермия. В статье представлены результаты применения в терапии больных среднетяжелым и тяжелым псориазом препарата метотрексат в виде подкожных инъекций в сравнении с аналогичной схемой использования внутримышечных инъекций метотрексата. Показана высокая эффективность курса терапии метотрексатом в лечении псориаза и псориатического артрита. Приведены данные о более высокой безопасности, более значимом позитивном влиянии на качество жизни, о лучшей переносимости и более длительной ремиссии, достигнутых в группе пациентов, получавших подкожные инъекции метотрексата. Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic dermatoses. About 125 million patients with this disease are registered in the world, and the frequency of occurrence in the structure of dermatological diseases is about 40%. Despite the fact that in most cases psoriasis does not pose a threat to life, but, nevertheless, it is the direct cause of the appearance of very serious pathological problems, social maladjustment. Recently, an increasing number of researchers speak of psoriasis not as an isolated skin disease, but as a systemic psoriatic disease with dominant skin manifestations. The systemic nature of the disease is manifested in the frequent involvement in the process of not only the skin, but also other systems and organs, in particular, the musculoskeletal system in the arthropathic form of psoriasis (psoriatic arthritis). The prevalence of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis ranges from 7 to 47%, and in 15% of patients arthritis develops before skin lesions, with ordinary psoriasis, arthritis occurs in 6-7% of cases, and with already identified psoriatic arthropathy in 73,2%, pustular or exudative psoriasis, as well as psoriatic erythroderma. The article presents the results of the use of methotrexate in the form of subcutaneous injections in clinical practice in the treatment of patients with moderate and severe psoriasis, in comparison with a similar scheme of using intramuscular injections of methotrexate. The course of methotrexate therapy has been shown to be highly effective in the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. The data on higher safety, a more significant positive effect on the quality of life, better tolerability and longer remission of the process achieved in a group of patients receiving subcutaneous injections of methotrexate are presented.

2021 ◽  
pp. 132-142
Tatiana Timofeeva ◽  
Alina Belikova

The article presents the results of an empirical study of the relationship between life time perspective and the peculiarities of cognitive assessment and emotional perception of the COVID-19 pandemic as a difficult life situation. The paper presents a theoretical review of current domestic and foreign studies of theories of life and time perspective within the psychological time of the individual. The life perspective is considered as a complex of conditions and circumstances that provide a person with the opportunity to develop on his life path. The time perspective is seen as a motivational aspect of life. In the work, to collect data, the survey method (questionnaire) was used, as well as Method for the diagnosis of cognitive assessment of difficult life situations by E.V. Bityutskaya; Questionnaire of Zimbardo's time perspective. The data were processed by methods of mathematical statistics (contingency tables, frequency, correlation analysis). The results of the psychological research showed that respondents with a pronounced perspective of orientation towards a positive past most often experience difficulties in making decisions in the present. Moreover, if a person is focused on the present, then most often it is accompanied by negative emotional states - apathy, despair, grief, anxiety. It was also found that respondents with a pronounced future orientation perspective do not experience strong negative emotions. Nevertheless, for the overwhelming majority of respondents, the future seems distant and vague, due to which they are unable to make plans and view their lives in the future. Many people are afraid to make plans in a pandemic situation, avoid responsibility, make impulsive decisions, seek pleasure, which increases the risks of social maladjustment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 139-157
Justyna Kusztal

The article presents an analysis and interpretation of the sources and other materials gathered in search of answers to the questions about social pedagogy as the source of contemporary social rehabilitation thinking and practice. Social pedagogy and social rehabilitation pedagogy share some of their history, both rooted in the thinking and writings of the first Polish pedagogues (19th/20th century), and also in the institutional measures designed to serve people and social groups, especially children threatened by poverty, marginalization and social maladjustment. The article discusses the developmental stages of Polish social pedagogy, with the turning point being 1945, as well as their implications for the evolution of social rehabilitation ideas and practice, from their origin at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries to the present day.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-217
Jolanta Bożena Lipińska-Lokś

The reality is full of new phenomena, and the existing ones are transformed. An example is the phenomenon of social maladjustment. There is an increase in the number of criminal acts and acts proving demoralization committed by children and adolescents. The situation forces us to take radical measures, preceded by an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms and causes of the problem. The analysis shows the diversification of the demoralization phenomenon and, most often, the accumulation of risk factors for the emergence of the problem of social maladjustment, with the scarcity of the so-called protective factors. People with disabilities are in a particularly disadvantaged situation, often with a low degree of adaptation, exposed to unfavorable social situations. The greater the danger, the less favorable the environmental conditions - family and lack of support.

Olena V. Belkina-Kovalchuk ◽  
Evgeniya A. Durmanenko ◽  
Tetyana A. Martyniuk ◽  
Victoria V. Petruk ◽  

This research study examines issues related to the prevention of social maladjustment of students from risk groups through the use of school mediation. The relevance of the stated research topic is due to the significant scale of the spread of juvenile delinquency in modern Ukrainian society and the growing popularity of school mediation to resolve and prevent emerging social problems at the school stage. This research study aims to identify and state the main aspects in the impact of the practice of school mediation on the factors that are fundamental in the social adaptation of students from the risk group in the modern realities of Ukrainian society. The leading approach in this scientific research is a combination of analytical and logical methods of researching the issues presented as the main ones in this work. The main results of this research study were: identifying the degree of the positive impact of mediation practice at school on the students’ consciousness in the context of the need for their subsequent social adaptation and stating the fact that this practice is promising in the future to resolve issues of social fitness specifically for students from risk groups in modern social conditions. The applied value of this research work is identifying the prospects for further research of a complex of factors affecting the social situation in Ukraine in the context of the subsequent spread in a society of groups that pose a social danger, and the possibilities of school mediation as a means of preventing the development of such a phenomenon already in the early stages. Subsequent scientific research on the role of school mediation in the context of preventing the development of juvenile delinquency and assessing its effectiveness in preventing the social spread of students at risk will help supplement the existing information picture of research in this area and will become the starting point for an objective analysis of the need to use school mediation as means of preventing the spread of juvenile delinquency in Ukraine.

D.A. Yakhieva-Onikhimovskaya ◽  
S.M. Kolesnikova ◽  

Recently, resonant cases have often arisen with the participation of children who commit unlawful acts. Participants in these crimes are most often children - victims of social maladjustment and child neglect, who are subject to an increased risk of the prevalence and severity of diseases (compared to the child population as a whole) due to the unfavorable socio-economic background of their life and upbringing, due to their aggravated socio-medical history of their parents. As a rule, these children elude the attention of the district out-patient clinic service: they fundamentally refuse to visit a pediatrician at an early stage of the development of the disease and undergo preventive medical examinations, which subsequently leads to a greater burden of somatic morbidity

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 398-419
Anna Akhmetzyanova ◽  
Tatyana Artemieva ◽  
Irina Salnikova ◽  
Elena Lemekh ◽  

The ability to predict is one of the important aspects of human mental development. There is a relationship between prognostic competence and the process of socialization. Psychological studies show that children with special educational needs, including children with general speech underdevelopment, when compared with their peers without speech pathology, are more susceptible to impaired socialization and the occurrence of school maladjustment. This affects the success of their schooling. Such children experience difficulties in complying with social norms in the implementation of their goals, since they cannot anticipate the consequences of a certain situation. This can lead to deviant behavior and failure at school. This article examines the features of the structural and functional characteristics of forecasting in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. It analyzes the research results given in the scientific literature, presents the results of the authors’ own experimental research conducted using the “Prognostic stories” technique developed by the teachers of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Special Education of the Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, and a comparative analysis of the data obtained during the experiment. The study showed that preschool children with general speech underdevelopment have lower indicators in all predictive characteristics in comparison with normative peers, and also have specific prognosis features due to speech pathology and deficiencies in higher mental functions. The most important of these are the lack of cognitive predictive function and prediction of utterance. The disadvantages of the prognostic ability of preschoolers with speech pathology determine the risk of social maladjustment, which requires the attention of specialists in the field of special education. The results obtained expand the understanding of the state of development of the prognostic competence of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. They present a more complete picture of its specific features, and highlight the most significant disadvantages of the forecasting process for this category of children. This indicates the directions of work on the development of prognostic processes in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment, as well as the prevention or minimization of the outcomes of school maladjustment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 659-668
Konstantin B. Malyshev ◽  
Nikolai G. Sobolev ◽  
Pavel V. Potemkin ◽  
Aleksei M. Chirkov

Introduction: the article considers one of the urgent issues of legal psychology – the disclosure of the mechanisms of psychological stability in employees of security department of correctional institutions. Since the professional activity of security department employees has a sociogenic and stressful nature due to a number of parameters, the predominance of the impact of stress factors over the mechanisms of mental stability in many cases leads to negative implications such as the development of psychological burnout, social maladjustment and personality deformation. Aim: to determine internal mechanisms that reduce adaptive capabilities and factors that promote them, to study the features of psychological resistance to the action of social and stress factors in the security department employees, depending on the length of their service. Methods: we study the mechanisms of psychological stability of employees and the parameters of models of stress states with the use of the following methods: “Neuropsychic stability” (“Forecast”) technique developed by V.Yu. Rybnikov (1990), a method for assessing professional burnout developed by C. Maslach and S. Jackson (1986), innovative multi-factor methods for assessing basic professional typologies of stress and spirituality of an individual according to K.B. Malyshev (2021). Conclusions: the results of the study show that social stress among security personnel is one of the most traumatic forms of stress and it corresponds to the concept of professional stress. Moreover, the essence of the concept of psychological stability is associated with the study of subjective features of the phenomenon of disequilibrium of life activity – stress. Stress reflects the entire range of basic conditions – health and development, maladjustment and pathology. The data obtained in the study indicate the disharmonic nature of psychological adaptability (pseudo-adaptation) to the action of social stressors in employees with ten years of service experience. At the same time, the majority of respondents, in contrast to employees with a period in service of up to five years, have basic professional types of stress and spirituality, which indicates a low level of their socio-moral value orientations. This makes it necessary to develop innovative approaches to the prevention of professional stress and burnout among employees at all stages of their professional activity on the basis of the subject-subject paradigm in the development of the intention to form spiritual and moral values in an individual.

2021 ◽  
Yuliya Zhurat ◽  
Tetiana Ternavska ◽  
Alla Bodnar

The paper highlights the effective psychological and pedagogical directions of persons who are in places of imprisonment. The problem of returning to a normal lifestyle today is very topical, the social maladjustment of former convicts, unwillingness to leave the former antisocial environment, insufficient or no education in general, irrational motivational sphere, low level of self-esteem and concentration on the main criteria of psychological and social health, become obstacles to re-socialization for those who are in the imprisonment places. In order to develop psychological and pedagogical support of social adjustment for people who are or are going to leave the prison, the diagnosis of psychological characteristics is relevant, which will be the key elements to the effectiveness of the applied directions that are as follows: focus on changing the social environment; socio-psychological therapy; professional orientation during the educational process. The following methods were used for scientific research as analysis of scientific literature, theoretical research methods, which study scientific and methodological literature on the problem of individual social adjustment for those who leave the prison; empirical research methods based on psychological and pedagogical observation of cognitive, labor-intensive activities and the use of professionals working at the same time, psychologists and teachers during the re-socialization of imprisoned. The research shows two stages of a pilot study, during which there was implied the diagnosis of intellectual, educational motivation, nonverbal creativity, equal self-esteem and changes in concentration of imprisoned.

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