water supply company
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2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-67
Fathorrasi Fathorrasi ◽  
Suwignyo Widagdo ◽  
Yuniorita Indah Handayani

Entities both business and public, will improve the quality of service with dimensions that are well applied so that it becomes the key to success in the business and public sector. Good quality service will provide customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is the key to business success. Related research to discuss and analyze the effect of services quality based on Information Technology to customer satisfaction of the Regional Water Supply Company of Bondowoso Regency. The data used in this study are primary data obtained through questionnaires. The population of this study is active customers in the service area of ​​the Regional Water Supply Company of Bondowoso Regency with a total sample of 100 people and accidental sampling. For data analysis, the authors used multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be stated that simultaneously Information Technology (IT) based service quality variables consisting of Reliability, Tangible, Assurance, Empaty and Responsiveness affect customer satisfaction in the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of Bondowoso Regency. Partially, the variable quality of service based on Information Technology (IT) consisting of Reliability, Tangible, Assurance, and Responsiveness affects customer satisfaction in the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of Bondowoso Regency. Where as the variable quality of service based on Information Technology (IT) measured by Empathy partially did not affect customer satisfaction in the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of Bondowoso Regency. Variables in service quality based on Information Technology (IT) as measured by reliability are the dominant variables in influencing the level of customer satisfaction in the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of Bondowoso Regency. Keywords: Service Quality, Reliability, Tangible, Assurance, Empaty      Responsiveness, and Customer Satisfaction

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 3652
José Pérez-Padillo ◽  
Jorge García Morillo ◽  
Emilio Camacho Poyato ◽  
Pilar Montesinos

Sustainable water use has become a critical issue for the future of the planet in face of highly probable climate change. The drinking water supply sector has made significant progress over the last 20 years, although improvements in the management of urban hydraulic infrastructures are still required. The proposed system, Integrated Tool for Water Supply Systems Management (ITWSM), built on three interconnected modules (QGIS database, Epanet hydraulic model, and Google My Maps app), was developed on open-source software. The core of ITWSM allows analyzing the behavior of water supply systems under several operation/failure scenarios. It facilitates decision making supported by the mobile application ITWSM-app. Information flows easily through the different decision levels involved in the management process, keeping updated the georeferenced database after system changes. ITWSM has been implemented in a real public water supply company and applied to manage breakdown repairs in water transmission systems. The use of the proposed methodology reduces the average cost of failure repair by 13.6%, mainly due to the optimal planning of the resources involved.

Grundwasser ◽  
2021 ◽  
Sara Vassolo ◽  
Christian Tiberghien ◽  
Christoph Neukum ◽  
Désiré Baranyikwa ◽  
Melchior Ryumeko ◽  

AbstractDue to population growth, the city of Gitega in the central part of Burundi is lacking drinking water. Therefore, the national urban water supply company decided to expand the Nyanzari wellfield by drilling additional wells.Two additional wells were drilled to 80 m (F7.2) and 85 m (F8bis) depths. Step tests followed by 72-hours aquifer tests were performed in each well. Results indicate bilinear flow followed by linear flow and radial flow in F7.2. No reaction was observed in observation wells. Fracture-matrix transmissivity was estimated at 3 · 10−4 m2/s. In the case of F8bis, linear flow in an infinite flow fracture followed by radial flow was visible. Reaction was measured in observation wells. Transmissivity was estimated at 3.3 · 10−3 m2/s.Both wells lie no more than 300 m apart, but no evidence of interference between them was depicted during the tests. It appears that two independent fracture systems prevail in the wellfield.

2021 ◽  
Vol 930 (1) ◽  
pp. 012005
P Aryastana ◽  
N Sukaada ◽  
A A S D Rahadiani ◽  
C A Yujana

Abstract The rising population and economic activity have induced an increase in the demand for clean water in Buleleng Regency, especially in Sawan, Kubutambahan, and Tejakula District, respectively. The distribution of clean water supply is carried out through house connections and public hydrant by the Water Supply Company of Buleleng Regency with service coverage only reaching 40.09% in 2018. So it is necessary to evaluate and develop plans for the existing clean water supply system to increase service coverage. The evaluation of the water supply system includes an analysis of the availability and demand of clean water based on the population, with a projection for the next 25 years. Analysis of the clean water supply system development plan considers the availability of water resources potential. The evaluation results show that the existing system has not met the water demands in the service area. The development plan carried out to fulfill the demand for clean water is by optimizing the discharge of the Sanih Fountain by 125 liters/second and the construction of the Bungkulan 2 well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 11144
Lilia Peñafiel ◽  
Francisco Javier Alcalá ◽  
Javier Senent-Aparicio

As in other large Andean cities, the population in the Metropolitan District of Quito (MDQ) in northern Ecuador is growing, and groundwater is becoming essential to meet the increasing urban water demand. Quito’s Public Water Supply Company (EPMAPS) is promoting groundwater research for sustainable water supply, and geophysical prospecting surveys are used to define aquifer geometry and certain transient groundwater features. This paper examines the usefulness of existing geophysical prospecting surveys in groundwater research in the MDQ. A database was built using 23 representative geophysical prospecting surveys compiled from EPMAPS’ public repository, official geotechnical research reports, and the scientific literature. Fifteen EPMAPS-promoted surveys used near-surface electrical techniques (seven used electrical resistivity tomography and eight used vertical electrical sounding) to explore Holocene and Pleistocene sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary formations in the 25–500-m prospecting depth range, some of which form shallow aquifers used for water supply. Four other surveys used near-surface seismic techniques (refraction microtremor) for geotechnical research in civil works. These surveys have been reinterpreted to define shallow aquifer geometry. Finally, four surveys compiled from the scientific literature used electromagnetic techniques (magnetotelluric sounding and other very low-frequency methods) to explore Holocene to late Pliocene formations, some of which form thick regional aquifers catalogued as the larger freshwater reservoirs in the MDQ. However, no geophysical prospecting surveys exploring the complete saturated thickness of the Pliocene aquifers could be compiled. Geophysical prospecting surveys with greater penetration depth are proposed to bridge this research gap, which prevents the accurate assessment of the renewable groundwater fraction of the regional aquifers in the MDQ that can be exploited sustainably.

2021 ◽  
Vol 896 (1) ◽  
pp. 012016
I D Komalasari ◽  
B P Samadikun ◽  
A Sarminingsih

Abstract The Regional Public Company for drinking water in Pemalang Regency is an official agency given the authority to provide and serve water needs in the Pemalang Regency area. Based on the 2020 BPKP, service coverage is still low. Namely, administrative service coverage of 12.74% and technical service coverage of 18.50%, so the service coverage still does not meet the target and achievement of access to decent drinking water. Based on the BPKP 2020-2024, it is necessary to evaluate the management of the clean water supply system, which aims to improve clean water services in the Pemalang City area. Data analysis was done descriptively. The analysis results will describe the clean water supply system management and evaluation based on appropriate standards, regulations, and literature studies. In addition, analysis using the EPANET program is used for SPAM improvement plans. The same is done for the study of raw water availability and water demand until 2030. The evaluation results found that the existing condition of Pemalang City SPAM is still able to supply clean water needs in the Pemalang City area until 2022, and Perumda must have started looking for supplements or additional discharge to meet drinking water needs up to 2030.

Nuzulia Irawati Nora Harminarti ◽  
A. K. Munzi Yulianto Kemala Sayuti

Cryptosporidiosis is a zoonosis disease which classified as waterborne disease caused by Cryptosporidium sp. and can inflict acute to chronic diarrhea through small intestine infection. The basic in diagnosing cryptosporodiosis is microscopic or moleculer inspection of feces samples. The objective of this study was to find out the Cryptosporidium sp. infection in HIV/AIDS patients with cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4) ≤ 350 sel/mm3 in m djamil padang. This study was observational descriptive research by using feces, questionnaires, and medical record. This research samples were part of the population which fulfill in the inclusion and exclusion criteria in VCT Policlinic of m djamil padang. Two from forty respondences of this study was found positive of Cryptosporidium sp. Oocyst in their feces. The frequencies based on gender could not be determined because the different number of men and women respondences. From the anamnesis by using questionnaires, this two respondences with positive result did not have diarrhea (asymptomatic). Based on data on drinking water sources and daily water sources as a risk for Cryptosporidium sp infection, there were no significant numbers. From the same typed of water sources, more was found to be negative oocyst than positive oocyst. Based on the source of their drinking water, one of the used cooked water and the other one used retail refill water. Based on their daily water resources, both of them using Water Supply Company (PDAM). It could be influenced by the location, environmental factors, and activities of each of them those were different.

Media Ekonomi ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 19
Sri Wineh

This study aims to determine how much the equity participation of the Local Government in Telago Pancuran Water Supply Company and to determine the impact of the local goverment capital participation on the performance of the Telago Pancuran Water Supply Company. The object of research is the Telago Pancuran Water Supply Company, with a research period of five years, namely 2015 to 2019. The data collection technique uses observation, interview and documentation methods. The data analysis technique in this research uses quantitative methods using financial performance formulas, Return on Equity, operating ratios, cash ratios and billing effectiveness. The results of this study indicate that the amount of equity participation of the local Government to the Telago Pancuran Water Company continues to increase until 2016, for 2017 to 2019 it has decreased. Meanwhile, the impact of equity participation on company performance can be seen in the Return on Equity ratio, operating ratio, cash ratio for collection effectiveness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1899 (1) ◽  
pp. 012072
Nani Nagu ◽  
Edward R Ahadian ◽  
Lita A. Latif ◽  
H Fabanyo

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. e110
Jorge Alberto Achcar ◽  
Marcos Valerio Araujo ◽  
Claudio Luis Piratelli ◽  
Ricardo Puziol de Oliveira

This study introduces a new Bayesian model for predicting water consumption in a medium-sized municipality in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. For the study, a stratified random sample of water consumption for consumers in different consumer categories (residential, industrial, public and commercial) is selected for 55 monthly consecutive measurements of water consumption and the proposed model is compared with some usual existing time series models (moving average models and ARIMA models) commonly used in forecasts. The Bayesian model for the consumption data assumes the presence of a random effect that captures the possible dependence between the monthly consumption for the different categories. A hierarchical Bayesian analysis is done using MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) methods to generate samples of the joint posterior distribution of interest. A detailed discussion of the results obtained is presented, showing the advantages and disadvantages of each model proposed in terms of feasibility for the municipality's water supply company. The results of this study can be generalized to water consumption data for any municipality.

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