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Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (23) ◽  
pp. 7244
Ruchira Mitra ◽  
Hua Xiang ◽  
Jing Han

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are polyesters having high promise in biomedical applications. Among different types of PHA, poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (P4HB) is the only polymer that has received FDA approval for medical applications. However, most PHA producing microorganisms lack the ability to synthesize P4HB or PHA comprising 4-hydroxybutyrate (4HB) monomer due to their absence of a 4HB monomer supplying pathway. Thus, most microorganisms require supplementation of 4HB precursors to synthesize 4HB polymers. However, usage of 4HB precursors incurs additional production cost. Therefore, researchers have adopted strategies to reduce the cost, such as utilizing low-cost substrate as well as constructing 4HB monomer supplying pathways in microorganisms. We herein summarize the biomedical applications of P4HB, the natural producers of 4HB polymer, and the various strategies that have been applied in producing 4HB polymers in non-4HB producing microorganisms. It is expected that the readers would gain a vivid idea on the different strategic developments in the field of 4HB polymer production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 911 (1) ◽  
pp. 012077
Syuryawati ◽  
Faesal ◽  
Muhammad Aqil

Abstract Sorghum has broad adaptability, drought tolerance, high production, has strong and deep roots so that it can grow back after being harvested (ratoon) which can reduce production costs, with ratoon sorghum cultivation it can increase production and income. This study aims to determine the benefits of sorghum farming with ratoon cultivation which can increase farmers’ production and income. Research was conducted in Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi,March- September 2018. Research consisted of eight sorghum lines andNumbu variety, using Randomize Block Design of three replications. Spacing 75 cm x 20 cm 1 plant/hole. The main fertilizing plants were 300 kg urea + 100 kg SP36 + 100 kg KClha−1, and ratoon plants were 150 kg urea + 50 kg SP36 + 50 kg KClha−1. Results showed that average yield of main crop was 5.92-6.57 tha−1, and ratoon 4.85-5.83 tha−1. Revenue obtainedmain cropRp. 11,840,000-13,140,000 andratoonRp. 9,706,000-11,660,000ha−1. Benefit of sorghum farming using ratoon system is Rp. 4,843,000-5,950,000ha−1, and Rp.6,729,000-Rp. 8,572,000ha−1 forratoon system. with two harvests, farming benefits range from Rp. 11.5 million-14.5 millionha−1. This is supported by efficient use of sorghum ratoon farming to produce 1 kg of sorghum seeds at a cost of only Rp. 530-615 or more cost efficient up to 49.47% of main crop. Thus, sorghum farming with ratoon cultivation is very helpful for farmers because there is additional production and income so that it is feasible to develop.

2021 ◽  
Vol 892 (1) ◽  
pp. 012101
Puspitasari ◽  
A M Kiloes ◽  
J A Syah

Abstract Mango is one of the world’s favourite tropical fruit. Currently, Indonesia is only able to export 0.1% of the total mango production. This condition is ironic because Indonesia is the fifth mango producing country in the world. This study aims to identify key variables that can affect the sustainability of increasing mango exports. The identification of variables that could influence the increase in mango exports was carried out through focus group discussions (FGD). Then the variables were analyzed with the Matrix of Cross Impact Multiplications Applied to a Classification (MICMAC). The result of MICMAC analysis shows that government support and capital are the influence variables, which are the main indicators that can trigger an increase in mango exports. Mango exporting farmer groups is a relay variable that indicates that this is sensitive and unstable in efforts to increase mango exports, this shows that interventions in these variables will impact the system as a whole. Thus, the strategic priority in increasing mango exports threefold is the empowerment of mango exporting farmer groups through government support in increasing access to exporters with partnership schemes, infrastructure development assistance such as irrigation networks and Good Handling Practices facilities. Besides, capital assistance for additional production inputs to produce export quality mangoes.

2021 ◽  
Stanislav Vladimirovich Tuzhilkin ◽  
Filipp Igorevich Brednev ◽  
Andrey Vladimirovich Yastreb ◽  
Ruslan Pavlovich Uchuev ◽  
Andrey Evgenievich Parshakov ◽  

Abstract The article presents geological substantiations, the process and the results of the construction of a multilateral well with multistage fracturing from the existing producing well in the Yuzhno-Priobskoye field. The scope of construction of a multilateral TAML-3 well as per the international classification with a saved mainbore was to prove the effectiveness of the multilateral technology and its economic feasibility in the conditions of an extensive stock of producing wells. Every year we are seeing an increasing number of new wells being drilled in reservoirs with worsening characteristics which is caused by low permeability. Sharp production declines (up to 70% in the first year) and an increasing amount of periodic wells highlight the need to advance well stimulation methods. Well workovers by drilling a horizontal lateral while keeping the mainbore in operation allows to increase the production rate by 30% compared to a conventional sidetracking. While keeping the production rate of the mainbore, this technology provides for an additional production from a lateral bore and allows to operate the well at the planned bottomhole pressure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 320-345
Danuta Guzal-Dec ◽  
Kamila Bartniczuk ◽  
Magdalena Zwolińska-Ligaj

Abstract Subject and purpose of work: The aim of the study was to determine the significance of the borderland location as a factor in the development of the Terespol commune. The paper answers the questions how the borderland location is perceived by the inhabitants, whether it gives an opportunity for the development of the Terespol commune, and what is the significance of the borderland location compared to other factors in the commune’s development. Materials and methods: The study uses the method of a survey with a representative sample of 50 inhabitants of the Terespol commune. The literature on the subject related to the factor of the borderland location and its role in local development as well as planning documents concerning the development of the commune were investigated. The analyzes were supplemented with a review of official statistical databases describing economic activity in the commune. The time scope of the research covers the years 1990-2021. Results: In the light of the research, the borderland location is the leading factor in the development of the commune, and keeping it on the current development path and the growing significance of this factor may increase the chance of building a “New Silk Road”. Other development potential are rich natural and landscape values which favour the expansion of tourism and agriculture. The potential of the local community – residents, local entrepreneurs, and local government – is assessed as low. In the opinion of the inhabitants the potential of the location is also not fully used. Conclusions: The commune’s potential should be used in the development of additional production specialties, its multifunctionality and better adaptation to new socio-economic conditions resulting from the economic transformation and the challenges of increasing competitiveness. It is necessary to activate other functions and factors, whose significance has decreased over the years, including human capital activation. A fuller use of the commune’s potential should be based to a greater extent on the participation of the local community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (8) ◽  
pp. 1552-1573
Tat'yana Yu. KUDRYAVTSEVA ◽  
Kseniya S. KOZHINA

Subject. The article considers the development of an algorithm for evaluating the effectiveness of an investment project for the digitalization of light industry enterprises from the perspective of various stakeholders. Objectives. The aim is to evaluate the economic efficiency of an investment project for the digitalization of the technological process of light industry companies from the position of various stakeholders. Methods. We employ the comparative analysis, statistical analysis, the net present value method, the investment analysis, and sensitivity analysis. Results. We review an investment project for digitalization of the technological process of a light industry company, determine the effects that will be obtained during the implementation of the investment project, provide calculations of these effects, and define changes in the labor and material costs of companies. Conclusions. The implementation of an investment project of light industry enterprises will affect two categories of costs: labor and material. The introduction of the technology will reduce time losses in the total amount of labor inputs of one item manufacture, therefore, the production staff will have free time to produce additional items. Material costs will be increased due to the introduction of RFID tags for each unit of products and materials for additional production. The maximum possible reduction of time losses is 50%, taking into account the capacity of OOO Sportego. The implementation of the investment project will be effective in case of reducing losses by at least 15% and not more than 50%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (7) ◽  
P. S. Bhupal Dev ◽  
Bhaskar Dutta ◽  
Kevin J. Kelly ◽  
Rabindra N. Mohapatra ◽  
Yongchao Zhang

Abstract The low-energy U(1)B−L gauge symmetry is well-motivated as part of beyond Standard Model physics related to neutrino mass generation. We show that a light B − L gauge boson Z′ and the associated U(1)B−L-breaking scalar φ can both be effectively searched for at high-intensity facilities such as the near detector complex of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). Without the scalar φ, the Z′ can be probed at DUNE up to mass of 1 GeV, with the corresponding gauge coupling gBL as low as 10−9. In the presence of the scalar φ with gauge coupling to Z′, the DUNE capability of discovering the gauge boson Z′ can be significantly improved, even by one order of magnitude in gBL, due to additional production from the decay φ → Z′Z′. The DUNE sensitivity is largely complementary to other long-lived Z′ searches at beam-dump facilities such as FASER and SHiP, as well as astrophysical and cosmological probes. On the other hand, the prospects of detecting φ itself at DUNE are to some extent weakened in presence of Z′, compared to the case without the gauge interaction.

F.E. Safarov ◽  
S.A. Veznin ◽  
N.A. Sergeeva ◽  
A.A. Ratner ◽  

An advance of the rate of reserves development over the water cut rate characterizes the production in the permeable-heterogeneous high-temperature Jurassic sandstone sediments by waterflooding. It is necessary to jointly influence on such oil reservoir by the methods of enhanced oil recovery and the injectivity profile aligement for increasing of additional production of them. Increasing the coefficients of oil displacement by water (Kdisp.) and the coverage of the reservoir by waterflooding this will allow. A significant quantity of projects related to the use of surfactant compositions to increase oil recovery in high-temperature reservoirs are based on the use of internal olefin sulfonates (IOS). However, such projects risk being unprofitable, without the use of tax incentives. The research presents a composition of inexpensive and available large-scale reagents, which can increase a positive economic profitability of the project, despite the fact that the residual oil saturation during the process decreases to a lesser extent compared to compositions containing IOS. On the example of several oilfields, developing a methodology developing of an oil deposit using the technology of complex stimulation based on surfactant and polymer gel compositions is shown. This study includes carrying out physicochemical and filtration experiments, as well as hydrodynamic modeling of the process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. e52493
Silviya Ivanova ◽  
Nikolay Markov

Buffaloes make better use of coarse and inferior feed by converting them to biologically valuable animal production. They make very good use of the additional production of crop production, such as straw, sunflower cakes, sprouts and other. The aim is to study the physicochemical and fatty acid composition of the rations of buffalo of the Bulgarian mura breed in a church farm in Gigentsi village, Pernik District. The application of standard methods for the nutrition of buffaloes in separate periods - pastured with succulent fodder, winter (indoor) with coarse fodder, through which the ruminants are provided with the necessary nutritional components, allows to obtain high quality milk as a basic raw material for the production of dairy products. The use of succulent fodder and the incorporation of root crops into the feed instead of the buffalo concentrate provides them with respect to linoleic and alphalinolenic fatty acids, which are substrates for the synthesis of CLA (anticancer action) in rumen of ruminants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1083
Wendy McWilliam ◽  
Andreas Wesener

Substantial environmental impacts and loss of resilience occurs with conventional vineyard designs characterized by monotonous specialized production. Studies support the restoration of green infrastructure (GI) and introduction of other production systems as promising biodiversity design strategies. However, little is known about the degree to which winegrowers are implementing them. We surveyed Willamette valley, Oregon, certified sustainable winegrowers as potential early adopters of innovative biodiversity design strategies. Results revealed growers were implementing up to 11 different types of GI components, providing them with up to 16 different ecosystem services, and six disservices. The GI was implemented at three spatial scales, with growers pursuing a sharing GI design strategy at fine scales, and a sharing and sparing strategy at intermediate and farm-wide scales. Only biodynamic certified farmers had implemented valued additional production systems. Growers can improve the implementation of their biodiversity GI designs by adopting an integrated multi-system whole farm design approach. Key enablers for grower implementation of GI and/or additional production systems included: (1) Grower awareness and value of strategy’s ecosystem services and functions, (2) grower knowledge of their design and management, (3) certifier requirements for GI, (4) availability of land incapable of growing quality grapes, (5) availability of GI backup systems in case of failure, (6) low risk of regional pest outbreaks, (7) premium wine prices, and (8) strong grower environmental and cultural heritage ethics. Further research is required to identify effective ways to advance these enablers among growers, and within certification and government programmes, to improve the implementation of these strategies among growers.

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