scholarly journals Perdagangan Manusia dalam Kisah Yusuf: Kajian Hermeneutik terhadap Kejadian 37:12–36

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Osian Orjumi Moru

This article aims to systematically and contextually explain the events of human trafficking that occurred in the Genesis 37: 12-23 story. This article was written using a qualitative method with a hermeneutic approach and literature study. Through these methods and practices, the writing of this article presents a series of written information data about the causes, forms and effects of the trafficking incident that occurred in the story of the character Yusuf in Genesis 37: 12-23. Theoretically, the human trafficking incident that happened in the character of Yusuf in Genesis 37: 12-23 is a form of crime against humanity in the form of slavery which involves the exploitation of economic and social factors. As a result, as the main character in this incident, Yusuf experienced various acts of physical and mental violence as a logical consequence of the trafficking incident he shared. These acts of physical and psychological violence have a broad impact on the journey of life and the growth of Yusuf's human dimension. The record of the sale of the figure of Yusuf in the Elohis traditional text ended with the recovery of the victim's trauma through a restitution approach and spiritual maturity. Both methods are essential contributions to the contextualization of Yusuf's story for the problem of human trafficking today.ABSTRAKArtikel ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menjelaskan secara sistematis dan kontekstual tentang peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang terjadi dalam kisah Kejadian 37: 12-23. Artikel ini ditulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan hermeneutik dan studi kepustakaan. Melalui metode dan pendekatan tersebut, penulisan artikel ini menyajikan serangkaian data informasi tertulis tentang sebab, bentuk dan akibat dari peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang terjadi pada kisah tokoh Yusuf dalam Kejadian 37: 12-23. Secara teoritis, peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang menimpa tokoh Yusuf dalam Kejadian 37:12 -23 merupakan bentuk kejahatan kemanusiaan berupa perbudakan yang melibatkan eksploitasi faktor ekonomi dan faktor sosial. Akibatnya, Yusuf sebagai tokoh utama dalam kejadian ini mengalami berbagai tindakan kekerasan fisik dan mental sebagai konsekuensi logis dari peristiwa perdagangan manusia yang dialaminya. Tindakan kekerasan fisik dan mental tersebut memiliki daya dampak luas bagi perjalanan hidup dan pertumbuhan sisi kemanusiaan Yusuf. Catatan kisah perdagangan tokoh Yusuf dalam teks tradisi Elohis, diakhiri dengan adanya pemulihan trauma korban yang dilakukan melalui pendekatan restitusi dan pematangan spiritual. Kedua Pendekatan tersebut menjadi sumbangan penting terhadap pemaknaan kontekstualisasi kisah Yusuf bagi persoalan perdagangan manusia pada masa kini.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Galant Nanta Adhitya ◽  
Nadia Lasari

Feminist movements are said to have served their purposes and achieved equality, empowerment, and emancipation for women. America thus enters the era of postfeminism. A redefined image of independent and free-spirited yet feminine women is brought through popular cultural products, creating a shift in the view of 21st century American women, one of which can be seen from their response toward male domination. It is expressed in the lyrics of songs compiled in Lana Del Rey’s Ultraviolence album. This study employs descriptive qualitative method by treating the lyrics with the same approach as poetry. The data are in the form of language features, such as words, phrases, clauses, lines, and verses related to women’s response to male domination. McRobbie’s notion of double entanglement allows this study to borrow the feminist concept of male domination. There are five male dominating conducts found in the lyrics: 1) marginalization in “Sad Girl”; 2) subordination in “Shades of Cool”, 3) stereotype in “The Other Woman”; 4) physical and psychological violence in “Ultraviolence”, sexual violence in “Fucked My Way Up to the Top”; 5) domestic workload in “Old Money”. Meanwhile, the women’s response toward male domination is expressed in “Brooklyn Baby”. The progressive postfeminists approach male domination differently from the conservative feminists. The female speaker of the lyrics comprehend that her men’s conducts are dominating her, yet she receives them with a manner full of desire. For her, every relationship has the luxury to define their own rules as long as there is a consensual agreement from both parties involved.Keywords: domination; lyrics; postfeminism; postnational; women

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 196-204
Sulistiawati Sulistiawati

This research is intended to search and information about the strengthening of Islamic religious education (PAI) through the recitation of furudhul Ainiyah which is carried out in Nurul Jadid Paiton Junior High School. The method of this research is by qualitative method with case study method, to express. That is more intense and deep with the above phenomenon. Technique of completion of data and information is done through interview, observation, study study, and literature study. The findings of this research are 1). Students or students are required to complete the recitation of Furudhul Ainiyah as a condition to take the odd semester and even semester exam and become a requirement for class and graduation increase. 2). the implementation of the furudhul Ainiyah memorization is performed on Thursday and Friday nights and Tuesday nights, and can also be done during normal day breaks, 3). The responsible and recipient of the rote deposit are PAI teachers and their homeroom teachers, 4). For students and students who can not read written Al-qur'an is not subject to rote burden, but get special coaching related to Al-Qur'an reading written by the religious coordinator of students. 5). Memory materials include Aqidah, Fiqih or Amaliyah materials, and daily prayers for students of VII and VIII semerter 1 and 2, while for classes IX semesters 1 and 2 cover the material of the Qur'an and Fiqh. 6). (a). Principal, (b). Vice Principal of the curriculum section, (c). Coordinator of students' religious activities, (d). Teacher / teacher of PAI, (e). Homeroom, (e). Student religious coordinator, (f). Student.

Zuniar Kamaluddin Mabruri

This study aims to understand language management for learning in Indonesia. The research method used is a qualitative method with the type of literature study. The results show that the State of Indonesia has carried out language management in relation to the recognition of existing languages and is regulating for the government in the context of the state and nation so that there is a triangular relationship between language and the state which is regulated by the government for the benefit of the nation. If the state has guaranteed the existence of a language as a whole, then a number of policies will emerge to guarantee the rights and obligations of each in managing the existing language. Policies are formulated in the form of rules known as regulations, to serve as joint guidelines between the government and speakers of existing languages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Daniel Zacheus Soelistiyo ◽  
Hana Suparti ◽  
Paulus Sentot Purwoko ◽  
Ana Lestari

The pastor cannot be separated from his ministry life. In the church, the pastor is a leader, the attitudes and actions of pastors are often imitated by their congregation. Therefore, the pastor must maintain the attitudes and actions of his congregation as well as possible, the most important thing is that he must be able to set an example for others. For this reason, this article describes Paul's life teaching in serving as the goal in this writing which is beneficial for the implementation of the shepherd in serving God and others. Using descriptive qualitative method with literature study and analysis approach. So it can be concluded that the implementation of teaching about the life of the Apostle Paul in serving is based on 2 Timothy 3:10-17, among others: The Apostle Paul's Way of Life (Verse 10a). The Patience of the Apostle Paul (Verse 10b). The love of the Apostle Paul (Verse 10c). Perseverance of the Apostle Paul (Verse 10d). Live Hold on to the truth (Verse 14). Seek to know the Scriptures (Verse 15a). Wisdom (Verse 15b). Faith in Jesus (Verse 15). Living in the Word (Verse 16) Willing to Teach God's Word (Verse 16a). Willing to admit mistakes (Verse 16b). Willing to correct behavior (Verse 16c). Willing to be educated in the truth (Verse 16d). Willing to do good (Verse 17). All of this can be a guide for pastors in implementing Paul's teachings for the church and its ministry entrusted by God.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-148
Ni Made Diah Cahyani ◽  
Ni Made Verayanti Utami ◽  
I Wayan Juniartha

People speaking language differently, it can be influenced by some social factors. This research is intended to find out the kinds of speech style and the variables that influencing the characters of “Birds of Prey” in speaking a language. There are two aims of this study, those are: 1) To find out the kinds of speech style are used in “Birds of Prey” movie, 2) To find out the dominant style used by the character in “Birds of Prey” movie. This research is using descriptive qualitative method in analyzing the data with the theory proposed by Joos (1967) to divine the style of speech style. The result of the data was presented in both formal and informal method in finding presentation. The formal method was applied through table and the informal method was applied through word explanation to explain which type of an utterance belongs to. The result of this study showed there are 266 utterances that categorized into type of speech style, there are 4 types of speech style that grouped into: 17 formal styles, 56 consultative styles, 180 casual style and 13 intimate styles with casual style as the dominant style to be used by the character according to the movie’s rating and genre.

Ray March Syahadat

As a maritime ethnic, Butonese people migrated to some places. A rather large amount of them are in Province of Maluku, Indonesia. This study aims at investigating Butonese cultural landscape in their new migrant region. Is there any different? If this study also aims to know social interaction among ethnics and how it affects Butonese cultural landscape dynamics. This study took place in Negeri Kawa, western part of Seram Regency, Maluku Province, on November 2015. The method used in the study was a qualitative method with in depth interview by snowball and triangulation technique, observation participation, focus group discussion (FGD), and literature study. The result showed that there is a different between Butonese cultural landscape in Buton and Negeri Kawa. Stereotype, presumption, and prejudice to Butonese people also occur. However, it is not always negative because from those three things, the process of acculturation and adaptation as a form of respect and prevention of Butonese culture can occur in Negeri Kawa.

NALARs ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Ai Siti Munawaroh ◽  
Rachmat Ade Gunawan ◽  
Satrio Agung Perwira

ABSTRAKRumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia. Kebutuhan manusia di dalam rumah berbeda-beda. Keberadaan perumahan yang menyediakan rumah typical menjadi salah satu solusi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan rumah bagi masyarakat.Namun rumah typical masih menimbulkan permasalahan, yaitu adanya aktivitas dan kebutuhan ruang dari penghuni yang tidak bisa  terakomodir. Disisi lain permasalahan lingkungan akibat dari aktivitas manusia di dalam rumah menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan. Lampung merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki arsitektur yang khas. Tetapi rumah typical yang dikembangkan oleh para developer perumahan belum ada yang menonjolkan arsitektur khas Lampung tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang rumah yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masing-masing penghuni rumah dengan luas bangunan yang sama. Selain itu, rumah yang dirancang tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan dan mencirikan arsitektur Lampung.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Metode kualitatif dilakukan melalui studi literatur dan perancangan. Studi literatur dilakukan melalui kajian dari berbagai sumber yaitu buku, jurnal dan internet. Perancangan dilakukan melalui: penerapan konsep flexible house dan konsep green architecture serta transformasi bentuk hasil kebudayaan Lampung.Hasil penelitian adalah desain rumah typical di Lampung dengan konsep green flexible house. Kata kunci: green architecture, flexible house, rumah lampung ABSTRACTA house is one of the basic human needs. Human needs of house for each people is different. The existence of housing that provides typical house become one of the significant solutions to fulfill the needs of house for community. However, typical house is still causing problems for the occupants, because this typical house cannot accommodate all the occupants’ activities within it. I tbecause, typical house is a minimum standard for living which is different for each people.  On the other hand, environmental problems which is occurred by human activities within a house could raise negative impact for the environment. Lampung has been regarded as one of an area which has a distinctive character of architecture. But the typical house that is developed by the developer, have not described and represented the character of Lampung’sarchitecture.  This study has been conducted to design a house that would fulfill the needs of occupants of the house which has the same area space of the house. Additionally, the house has been designed to eliminate negative impact for the environment and would have a significant character for Lampung’sarchitecture. This research has used a qualitative method, which has been done by using literature study and design process.  Literature study has been conducted by reviewing some relevant books, journal sand various sources from worldwide web. And finally, design process has been conducted through: the application of flexible house and green architecture concept and the transformation of the Lampung’sculture. As a final result, this research will provide a design of typicalhouse in Lampung with green flexible house concept. Keywords: green architecture; flexible house; Lampung house

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-138
Tunggal Bayu Laksono ◽  
Maidah Purwanti

Trafficking in persons is a criminal act of organized crime that occurs internationally. Indonesia, as one of the countries with the fourth largest population, has experienced this crime. One of the provinces that is the center of this biggest crime is East Nusa Tenggara. In this case, the Indonesian government through existing state institutions coordinates to eliminate the crime of trafficking in persons. Immigration as one of the agencies that deals with immigration traffic problems plays a major role in efforts to deal with the Crime of Trafficking in Persons. Coordination between one party and another is carried out by the provincial government of East Nusa Tenggara. However, improving coordination is a key point of success in handling the Crime of Trafficking in Persons. This research was conducted by conducting a literature case study which aims to find out more about the crime in question. This writing is done with a descriptive research method by describing the research results in a case study literature from various literatures used by the author.

Ali Fikri ◽  
Aulia Rahmawati ◽  
Nur Hidayati

In the 4.0 era, technology was rapidly developing which caused changes in the perspective of education. The competencies needed in the world of education are also changing. This affects the competency of prospective teachers. They must prepare, improve, and continue to hone their competencies to be able to produce a quality generation that is able to answer the challenges in the current 4.0 era. This study aims to explain the perceptions of prospective PAI teachers, inform about 6C competencies which is an update in the 4.0 era curriculum which was formerly known as 4C competencies but now gets two additional new competencies by the Minister of Education and Culture so that they become 6C competencies, as well as challenges faced by prospective PAI teachers in era 4.0. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method and literature study. The results and discussion of this research are found that: 1. From the perception of PAI teacher candidates many do not know about the 6C competency being promoted by the Minister of Education and Culture because it has not been a focus among educators. 2. Prospective educators try to hone their competencies to face the 4.0 era.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 123 ◽  
Ni Wayan Trisna Anjasuari

<p><em>The Development of tourism in Indonesia is done by </em><em>considering </em><em>the art and culture, natural resources and local </em><em>wisdom</em><em> a</em><em>s</em><em> basis for development. The purpose of tourism development </em><em>is </em><em>to introduce, utilize, con</em><em>s</em><em>e</em><em>rv</em><em>e, and improve the quality tourist attraction</em><em>,</em><em> maintain norms</em><em> and</em><em> values of religious</em><em> and</em><em> cultural life and </em><em>also </em><em>nature the sound environment</em><em>. </em><em>prevent negative i</em><em>mpact</em><em> that can be caused by activities of tourism, and improve the welfare society. One of culture introduced </em><em>since </em><em>the development of tourism in Bali is Barong Dance </em><em>p</em><em>erfomance used as </em><em>a tourists attractions for </em><em>both domestic and </em><em>international tourits</em><em>.</em></p><p><em>            The Research of Barong Dance Perfomance as a tourist attraction discuss</em><em>es</em><em> three issues as follows (1) How </em><em>is the</em><em> </em><em>form</em><em> of the Barong Dance performance as a tourist attraction in Kedewatan Village Ubud District Gianyar Regency?, </em><em>(2). How is the tourists perception of the Barong Performance as a tourist attraction?. (3) What is the contribution of Barong Dance Perfomance as a tourist attraction for the local community in the Kedewatan Village?.</em><em></em></p><p><em>This research</em><em> used a qualitative method. Qualitative analysis is used to describe the form of the Barong Dance Perfomance, the perception of tourists, the contribution of the Barong Dance Perfomance. Data analysis is using Comodification Theory. Data collection is obtained through observation, interview, literature study, and document study. The research findings are presented and elaboreted descriptively to obtain overall conclucions.</em><em></em></p><p><em>These results indicate</em><em>s</em><em> that the Barong Dance performances as a tourist attraction is </em><em>designed in the form of a performance </em><em>package</em><em> including stage of the show, the ritual, the percussion, and the story of Barong Dance. The perception of the tourists are generally good. The Barong performance as a tourist attraction  has conr</em><em>t</em><em>ibuted to the welfare of society in economic and sociallife of the local culture of the Kedewatan Vil</em><em>l</em><em>age.</em></p>

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