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2022 ◽  
Vol 2153 (1) ◽  
pp. 012008
C Vera ◽  
R Sorzano ◽  
L Ardila ◽  
G Orozco ◽  
W Aperador

Abstract Steels are in constant contact with fluids that could generate corrosion regardless the application in which this steel is located. AISI-SAE 1045 like steels is widely used in different applications in engineering, even several of these parts made of this steel suffers wear processes. The synergy between corrosion and wear phenomena exacerbates the detriment of some physical properties of the material conducing it to a failure. A potential alternative to avoid this issue is to coat the material surface with an anticorrosive material, and among different techniques to produce coatings, physical vapor deposition ones are environmentally friendly, secure and with excellent properties on the final product. We report the production of coatings based on vanadium and carbon on AISI-SAE 1045 steels substrates varying some of the deposition parameters in a sputtering coatings machine. A 23-factorial design of experiments was done with power applied to the vanadium target, power applied to the carbon target and temperature as active factors with two levels each one. A relevant effect of the power applied to V target and temperature on the anticorrosive properties of the coatings was found, thus increasing these factors levels always gives higher surface roughness and higher corrosion rates, this result together provides an important insight into the values that must be considered to achieve good anticorrosive properties on the material. Overall, these results indicate that with low V target power and room temperature, and high C target power the lowest corrosion rates and roughness of the group are achieved, both results agree.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Fernando García-Solís ◽  
Jaime R. Rau ◽  
Edwin J. Niklitschek

The two mammalian carnivores, puma (Puma concolor) and South American grey fox (Lycalopex griseus) were studied, in a remote area located in the humid temperate forest of the coastal range of southern Chile. A total of six locations were selected in three landscapes: pre-mountain range, mountain range, and coast. The chosen study locations are relevant because they correspond to threatened areas with different levels of human intervention., so they offer the ideal setting for studying how different species of carnivores respond to both human presence and activities. A dataset was collected for 24 months during 2016–2018 through photo-trapping (13 camera traps placed along 50 photo-trap stations). Wes estimated the apparent occurrence and relative abundance index (RAI) of the fauna registered, by means of generalized linear models to contrast those of an apex predator, such as the puma and a sympatric mesopredator, the South American grey fox, across the three landscapes. The ecological variables assessed were the RAI of the other carnivore considered, exotic carnivores such as dogs and cats, human intervention, farmland effect, prey availability, and habitat quality. The primary hypothesis was that the apparent occurrence and RAI of puma and fox would be positively associated with the RAI of prey and livestock and negatively with human intervention. On the other hand, the secondary hypothesis dealt with the interactions between puma and fox faced with different degrees of human intervention. The results showed that the apparent occurrence of the puma was statistically explained by location only, and it was highest at the mountain range. The apparent occurrence of foxes was explained by both puma apparent occurrence and relative integrated anthropization index (INRA), being highest in the pre-mountain range. Concerning the RAI of pumas, high values were yielded by location and fox RAI. For the RAI of foxes, they were location, puma RAI, and INRA. It can be suggested that eucalyptus plantations from the pre-mountain range could offer an adequate habitat for the puma and the fox, but not the coastal range, as the mountain range could be acting as a biological barrier. Due to the nature of the data, it was not possible to detect any relevant effect between the two carnivores’ considered, between their respective preys, or the very abundant presence of dogs.

2021 ◽  
Charlotte Rahlves ◽  
Frank Beyrich ◽  
Siegfried Raasch

Abstract. Lidar scan techniques for wind profiling rely on the assumption of a horizontally homogeneous wind field and stationarity for the duration of the scan. As this condition is mostly violated in reality, detailed knowledge of the resulting measurement error is required. The objective of this study is to quantify and compare the expected error associated with Doppler-lidar wind profiling for different scan strategies and meteorological conditions by performing virtual measurements implemented in a large-eddy simulation (LES) model. Various factors influencing the lidar retrieval error are analyzed through comparison of the wind measured by the virtual lidar with the ‘true’ value generated by the LES. These factors include averaging interval length, zenith angle configuration, scan technique and instrument orientation. For the first time, ensemble simulations are used to determine the statistically expected uncertainty of the lidar error. The analysis reveals a root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of less than 1 m s−1 for 10 min averages of wind speed measurements in a moderately convective boundary layer, while RMSD exceeds 2 m s−1 in strongly convective conditions. Unlike instrument orientation and scanning scheme, the zenith angle configuration proved to have significant effect on the retrieval error. Horizontal wind speed error is reduced when a larger zenith angle configuration is used, but is increased for measurements of vertical wind. Results suggest that the scan strategy has a relevant effect on the lidar retrieval error and that instrument configuration should be chosen depending on the quantity of interest and the flow conditions in which the measurement is performed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Linhan Ye ◽  
Stephan Schorn ◽  
Ilaria Pergolini ◽  
Okan Safak ◽  
Elke Demir ◽  

<b><i>Background:</i></b> Intractable pancreatic pain is one of the most common symptoms of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Celiac neurolysis (CN) and splanchnicectomy were already described as effective methods to manage abdominal pain in unresectable PDAC, but their impact on overall survival (OS) has not yet been established. <b><i>Objective:</i></b> We aimed to investigate the impact of CN and splanchnicectomy on the survival of patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> A systematic review of PubMed and Cochrane Library according to predefined searching terms was conducted in March 2020. Hazard ratios (HR) of OS data were calculated using the Mantel-Haenszel model for random effects or fixed effects. <b><i>Result:</i></b> Four randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) and 2 non-RCTs with a total of 2,507 patients were identified. The overall pooled HR did not reveal any relevant effect of CN and splanchnicectomy on OS (HR: 1.03; 95% CI: 0.81–1.32), which was also underlined by the sensitivity analysis of RCTs (HR: 1.0; 95% CI: 0.72–1.39) and non-RCTs (HR: 1.07; 95% CI: 0.71–1.63). However, subgroup analyses depending on tumor stage revealed that CN or splanchnicectomy was associated with a worsened OS in AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer) stage III patients with unresectable PDAC (HR: 1.22; 95% CI: 1.03–1.45), but nor for AJCC stage IV patients (HR: 1.27; 95% CI: 0.9–1.80). <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> Although only few data are currently available, this systematic review with meta-analysis showed that in unresectable PDAC, CN or splanchnicectomy is associated with a worsened survival in stage III PDAC patients, with no effect on stage IV PDAC patients. These data call for caution in the usage of CN or splanchnicectomy in stage III PDAC and for further studies addressing this observation.

2021 ◽  
S. Fotios ◽  
C.J. Robbins ◽  
S. Farrall

A recent study investigated the influence of lighting on crime by considering the effect of change in ambient light level on crimes recorded in three US cities for the ten-year period 2010 to 2019. The results suggested a significant increase in robbery after dark, but did not suggest significant change in for any other type of crime. The current study was conducted to validate this by considering crimes recorded in three different US cities. This analysis confirmed the statistically significant increase in robbery after dark. These data do not suggest that change in ambient light level has a practically relevant effect on overall crime counts: in other words, the potential benefit of lighting for crime reduction is limited.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Marta A. Lages ◽  
Manuel L. Lemos ◽  
Miguel Balado

The high-pathogenicity island irp-HPI is widespread among Vibrionaceae encoding the piscibactin siderophore system. The expression of piscibactin genes in the fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum is favored by low temperatures. However, information about the regulatory mechanism behind irp-HPI gene expression is scarce. In this work, in-frame deletion mutants of V. anguillarum defective in the putative regulators AraC1 and AraC2, encoded by irp-HPI, and in the global regulators H-NS and ToxRS, were constructed and their effect on irp-HPI gene expression was analyzed at 15 and 25°C. The results proved that only AraC1 (renamed as PbtA) is required for the expression of piscibactin biosynthesis and transport genes. PbtA inactivation led to an inability to grow under iron restriction, a loss of the outer membrane piscibactin transporter FrpA, and a significant decrease in virulence for fish. Inactivation of the global repressor H-NS, which is involved in silencing of horizontally acquired genes, also resulted in a lower transcriptional activity of the frpA promoter. Deletion of toxR-S, however, did not have a relevant effect on the expression of the irp-HPI genes. Therefore, while irp-HPI would not be part of the ToxR regulon, H-NS must exert an indirect effect on piscibactin gene expression. Thus, the temperature-dependent expression of the piscibactin-encoding pathogenicity island described in V. anguillarum is the result of the combined effect of the AraC-like transcriptional activator PbtA, harbored in the island, and other not yet defined regulator(s) encoded by the genome. Furthermore, different expression patterns were detected within different irp-HPI evolutionary lineages, which supports a long-term evolution of the irp-HPI genomic island within Vibrionaceae. The mechanism that modulates piscibactin gene expression could also be involved in global regulation of virulence factors in response to temperature changes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Charlotte Engberg Conrad ◽  
Marie Louise Rimestad ◽  
Jeanett Friis Rohde ◽  
Birgitte Holm Petersen ◽  
Christoffer Bruun Korfitsen ◽  

There has been increasing interest in parent-mediated interventions (PMIs) for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine the effect of PMIs compared to no PMI for children with ASD aged 2–17 years. The primary outcome was adaptive functioning rated by a parent or clinician. The secondary outcomes were long-term adaptive functioning rated by the parents, adverse events, core symptoms of ASD, disruptive behavior, parental well-being, quality of life of the child rated by the parents and anxiety. The MEDLINE, PsycInfo, Embase, and CINAHL databases were searched in March 2020. The Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool was used to rate the individual studies, and the certainty in the evidence was evaluated using GRADE. We identified 30 relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs), including 1,934 participants. A clinically relevant effect of PMIs on parent-rated adaptive functioning was found with a low certainty of evidence [Standard mean difference (SMD): 0.28 (95% CI: −0.01, 0.57)] on Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS), whereas no clinically relevant effect was seen for clinician-rated functional level, with a very low certainty of evidence [SMD on Clinical Global Impressions (CGI)-severity scale: SMD −0.45 [95% CI: −0.87, −0.03)]. PMIs may slightly improve clinician-rated autism core symptoms [SMD: −0.35 (95% CI: −0.71, 0.02)]. Additionally, no effect of PMIs on parent-rated core symptoms of ASD, parental well-being or adverse effects was identified, all with a low certainty of evidence. There was a moderate certainty of evidence for a clinically relevant effect on disruptive behavior [SMD: 0.55 (95% Cl: 0.36, 0.74)]. The certainty in the evidence was downgraded due to serious risk of bias, lack of blinding, and serious risk of imprecision due to few participants included in meta-analyses. The present findings suggest that clinicians may consider introducing PMIs to children with ASD, but more high-quality RCTs are needed because the effects are not well-established, and the results are likely to change with future studies. The protocol for the systematic review is registered at the Danish Health Authority website (

Francesca Lazzarini ◽  
Luca Barbacane ◽  
Giuseppe Scoleri ◽  
Rosanna I. Comoretto ◽  
Gianni Cogno ◽  

Nowadays, chronic disease management is the primary challenge of the healthcare system. From 2015, in the Veneto region (Italy), patients with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been included in the diagnostic-therapeutic pathway (PDTA) program, and their clinical condition has been continuously monitored. The aim of this retrospective study is to determine the effectiveness of PDTA intervention, alone or in combination with a specialized one, in subjects with diagnosis of T2DM. Clinical and behavioral characteristics were collected at baseline and after 1 year of follow-up. Two subgroups were considered: subjects enrolled in PDTA only and subjects enrolled in both the PDTA program and in the care plan proposed by the specialized medical center (CAD group). Longitudinal analysis showed a relevant positive effect of time on diastolic blood pressure, while CAD enrollment appears to be related to higher levels of glycated hemoglobin. When included together in the same model, interaction between time and CAD covariates results in completely nonsignificant effects. As long-term management of chronic disorders, such as T2DM, is often difficult due to disease characteristics and problems in healthcare organization, monitoring programs, such as PDTA, and specialized care programs, such as CAD, do not show a clinically relevant effect in the first year of follow-up. Therefore, they should be analyzed over a longer period. However, they should also carefully consider the need for adequate tools for data collection and sharing, in addition to the context of application, patient expectations and the need for a long-term educational program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (Supplement_6) ◽  
pp. vi97-vi97
Stefaan Van Gool ◽  
Jennifer Makalowski ◽  
Volker Schirrmacher ◽  
Wilfried Stuecker

Abstract The prognosis of IDH1 wild type MGMT promotor unmethylated (MGMT-p-UM) GBM patients remains poor. Addition of TMZ to radiotherapy shifted the median OS from 11.8 to 12.6 months (Stupp, Lancet Oncol 2019). We retrospectively analysed the value of individualized multimodal immunotherapy (IMI) to improve OS in these patients. Adults with first event of IDH1wt GBM and documented status of MGMT-p-UM, and treated with IMI in the period June 2015 till July 2020, were selected. IMI consisted of 1/ immunogenic cell death (ICD) therapy (NDV injections + modulated electrohyperthermia), 2/ active specific immunotherapy with autologous mature dendritic cells loaded with tumor lysate or ICD therapy-induced serum-derived antigenic extracellular microvesicles and apoptotic bodies (IO-Vac® is an approved advanced therapy medicinal product since 27/05/2015), 3/ modulatory immunotherapy adapted to the patient, and 4/ complementary medicines. Twenty-eight patients (11f, 17m) had a median age of 48y (range 18-69) and a KPI of 90 (50-100). Extent of resection was complete (11), &lt; complete (9) or not documented (8). Seven patients were treated with surgery/radio(chemo)therapy and subsequent IMI (Group-1); 21 patients were treated with radiochemotherapy followed by maintenance TMZ + ICD therapy, followed by DC vaccines (Group-2). Both groups received further maintenance ICD therapy. Age, KPI and extent of resection were not different amongst both groups. PFS was not assessed because of challenges about pseudoprogression. The median OS of group-1 patients was 11m (2y OS: 0%). Surprisingly the median OS of group-2 patients was 18m with 2y OS of 17% (CI95%: +31, -15), which was significantly (Log-rank: p = 0.027) different from group-1. The data suggest that addition of IMI after local therapy on its own has no relevant effect on OS in IDH1 wild type MGMT-p-UM GBM patients, similar to maintenance TMZ. However, the combination of both TMZ + IMI significantly improves median OS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 38-44
Arun Agarwal ◽  
Rekha Jakhar ◽  
Ambika Sharma ◽  
Aakanksha Agarwal

Objective: To study and document the outcomes of adjuvant use of high dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy in patients with severe or critical corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We report in a case series of five patients who were admitted with severe and critical COVID-19 disease and were treated with adjuvant IVIG along-with the institute's standard of care (SOC) treatment. Methods: It is a retrospective observational study. We retrospectively collected data on all patients with COVID-19 disease who were hospitalized in author’s unit. The severe and critical disease patients who received IVIg were shortlisted and are discussed. Results: Data from 101 patients were analyzed. Of them 5 patients were treated with IVIG along with institution’s SOC. 4 patients were male and 1 was female. Except one patient (P2) all were above 60 years of age and all had one or more co morbidities with Diabetes mellitus (DM) and Hypertension (HT) present all of them. 3 patients had past history of pulmonary tuberculosis (P1, P4 and P5). P2 had chronic kidney disease (CKD) and P4 had coronary artery disease (CAD) with cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) device in situ. Median length of stay was 13 days and 4 of them were discharged. Conclusions: This small case series demonstrates that administration of IVIg in patients with severe COVID-19 disease, who did not respond to usual standard of care treatment, could improve clinical outcome and reduce mortality rate. It should be especially considered in cases with severe critical COVID-19 disease along with evidence of hyper inflammation /cytokine storm. Clinical efficacy is possibly driven by its anti-cytokine effects, reduction of inflammation by inhibition of complement activation, and down-regulation of B and T cells’ functions. Among the various inflammatory markers IVIg reduced CRP and D Dimer levels. It did not show relevant effect on other inflammation markers. However, multicenter studies with large sample size are needed to substantiate these observations.

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