c stocks
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2024 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
A. Raqeeb ◽  
A. Saleem ◽  
L. Ansari ◽  
S. M. Nazami ◽  
M. W. Muhammad ◽  

Abstract Land use and land cover change are affecting the global environment and ecosystems of the different biospheres. Monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of these changes is of utmost importance as they often results in several global environmental consequences such as land degradation, mass erosion, habitat deterioration as well as micro and macro climate of the regions. The advance technologies like remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS) are helpful in determining/ identifying these changes. In the current study area, changes in carbon stocks, notably in forest areas, are resulting in considerable dynamics of carbon stocks as a result of climate change and carbon sequestration. This study was carried out in the Diamer district of the Gilgit Baltistan (GB) Pakistan to investigate the change in cover change/land use change (particularly Forest Land use) as well as carbon sequestration potential of the forests in the district during almost last 25years. The land cover, temporal Landsat data (level 1, LIT) were downloaded from the USGS EROS (2016), for 1979-1989, 1990-2000 and 2001-2012. Change in land uses, particularly forest cover was investigated using GIS techniques. Forest inventory was carried out using random sampling techniques. A standard plot of size 0.1 ha (n=80) was laid out to determine the tree density, volume, biomass and C stocks. Simulation of C stocks was accomplished by application of the CO2FIX model with the data input from inventory. Results showed a decrease in both forest and snow cover in the region from 1979-2012. Similarly decrease was seen in tree volume, tree Biomass, dynamics of C Stocks and decrease was in occur tree density respectively. It is recommended we need further more like project such as BTAP (Billion Tree Afforestation Project) and green Pakistan project to increase the forest cover, to control on land use change, protect forest ecosystem and to protect snow cover.

Shihua Zhu ◽  
Xi Chen ◽  
Chi Zhang ◽  
Xia Fang ◽  
Liangzhong Cao

AbstractQuantification of grassland carbon (C) variations is necessary for understanding how grazing and climate change interact to regulate carbon capture and release. Central Asia (CA) has the largest temperate grassland belt in the world and unique temperate dryland ecosystems, which experienced severe climate change and grazing-induced disturbances. However, the impact of grazing on C dynamics is highly uncertain owing to climate variations. Here, an arid ecosystem model (AEM) supplemented with a grazing module that specifically addressed physiological and ecological characteristics of dryland vegetation was developed to quantitatively simulate grassland C dynamics in response to changes in precipitation, temperature, grazing intensity, and CO2 level in the past decades. The regional simulation results showed that net primary productivity (NPP) was affected mainly by precipitation (in 59% of the studied area). Grazing had a negative effect on NPP and C stocks, whereas overcompensation occurred in 25.71% of the studied area, mainly in the dry western parts. The complex interaction effects of climate, CO2, and grazing negatively affected productivity, with a grassland NPP decrease of − 1.14 g C/m2/a and high interannual variability. We found that the temporal pattern of cumulative C sequestration, especially total C and vegetation C (VEGC), closely followed the annual fluctuations of precipitation. VEGC stocks decreased from 182.22 to 177.82 g C/m2, with a very low value between 1998 and 2008, when precipitation significantly decreased. The results indicate that southern Xinjiang and the Turgay Plateau of Kazakhstan are ecologically fragile areas due to grassland degradation.

2021 ◽  
Rodinei F Pegoraro ◽  
Ivo R Silva ◽  
Ivan F Souza ◽  
Roberto F Novais ◽  
Nairam F Barros ◽  

Abstract The extent to which the C sink strength of eucalypt plantations can be affected by coppicing or replanting remains unclear. To address this issue, we evaluated variations in C stocks under coppiced or replanted eucalypt stands formed by clones or seedlings. For each field assessment (0 [T0], 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 and 7.0 years [at harvest]), tree biomass, litterfall, and soil C stocks (0–120 cm depth) were determined. At harvest, debarked stemwood productivity was similar under coppice or replanting, about 50.0 Mg C ha–1. Generally, coppiced stands favored subsoil C storage (40–100 cm), whereas replanted stands favored soil C accrual in topsoil (0–20 cm), depending on the genetic material. Relative to T0, soil C increased about 2.14, 1.91, and 1.84 Mg C ha–1 yr–1 under coppice, replanting with seedlings and clones, respectively. Coarse root biomass under these stands were about 17.3, 13.4, and 9.5 Mg C ha–1, respectively, equivalent to 50% of total harvest residues. Hence, inputs from coarse roots could represent a large contribution to soil C over multiple rotations under coppiced or replanted stands. Otherwise, short-term C losses can be high where stumps and coarse roots are harvested, especially following successive coppice cycles. Study Implications: Our findings have important implications for forest managers growing eucalypt plantations aiming to maximize C accumulation. Both coppiced and replanted stands can fix up to 50 Mg C ha−1 only in debarked stemwood over 7 years, with a comparatively higher C storage in coarse roots under coppice. Despite the increasing demand for forest residues in bioenergy production, harvesting stumps and coarse roots should be avoided, especially upon replanting eucalypt stands after successive coppice cycles.

2021 ◽  
Kazumichi Fujii ◽  
Risako Mitani ◽  
Yoshiyuki Inagaki ◽  
Chie Hayakawa ◽  
Makoto Shibata ◽  

Abstract AimsThe loss of soil organic matter (SOM) has widely been reported in the tropics after changing land use from shifting cultivation to continuous cropping. We tested whether continuous maize cultivation accelerates SOM loss compared to upland rice and forest fallow. Methods: Because litter sources include C4 plants (maize in maize fields and Imperata grass in upland rice fields) in Thailand, C3-derived and C4-derived SOM can be traced using the differences in natural 13C abundance (δ13C) between C3 and C4 plants. We analyzed the effects of land use history (cultivation or forest fallow period) on C stocks in the surface soil. Soil C stocks decreased with the cultivation period in both upland rice and maize fields. ResultsThe rate of soil organic carbon loss was higher in maize fields than in upland rice fields. The decomposition rate constant (first order kinetics) of C3-plant-derived SOM was higher in the maize fields than in the upland rice fields and the C4-plant-derived SOM in the forest fallow. Soil surface exposure and low input of root-derived C in the maize fields are considered to accelerate SOM loss. Soil C stocks increased with the forest fallow period, consistent with the slow decomposition of C4-plant-derived SOM in the forest fallows. ConclusionsContinuous maize cultivation accelerates SOM loss, while forest fallow and upland rice cultivation could mitigate the SOM loss caused by continuous maize cultivation.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1810
Reimo Lutter ◽  
Gustav Stål ◽  
Lina Arnesson Ceder ◽  
Hyungwoo Lim ◽  
Allar Padari ◽  

The new European Union Forest Strategy for 2030 aims to plant an additional 3 billion trees on non-forest land to mitigate climate change. However, the choice of tree species for afforestation to achieve the maximum climate benefit is unclear. We compared the climate benefit of six different species in terms of carbon (C) sequestration in biomass and the harvested wood substitution in products to avoid carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil-based materials over the 100-year period by afforesting about ¼ of the available area in northern Europe. The highest climate benefit was observed for larch, both at a stand scale (1626 Mg CO2 eqv. ha−1) and at the landscape level for the studied scenario (579 million Mg CO2 eqv.). Larch was followed by Norway spruce, poplar, hybrid aspen and birch, showing a climate benefit about 40–50% lower than that for larch. The climate benefit of willow was about 70% lower than larch. Willow showed 6–14-fold lower C stocks at the landscape level after 100 years than other tree species. The major climate benefit over the 100-year period comes from wood substitution and avoided emissions, but C stock buildup at the landscape level also removes significant amounts of CO2 already present in the atmosphere. The choice of tree species is important to maximize climate change mitigation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2141 (1) ◽  
pp. 012011
K Devi ◽  
Shashank Sharma ◽  
Rajesh Nair

Abstract Organic rich soils (peat) store significant amount of global soil carbon (C) in the form of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Peat soils act as sinks and are a source of greenhouse gases (GHG) which occur in the form of Free Phase Gas in coastal landforms. South-West India has an extensive wetland system and is the primary source of GHG emissions, and CH4, in particular, has high potential to contribute to global climate change. In this scenario, this study sheds light on how SW Indian peatlands contribute to the global carbon cycle. The soil C stock and GHG spatial distribution in three distinct topographic coastal landforms within the peatland region were investigated: site 1, Muthukulam in the wetland boundary; site 2, Ramapuram in the paleo-sand ridge, and site 3, Eruva in the paleo-drainage channel. The combination of non-destructive Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and direct measurement (coring) in conjunction with the C core analysis helped in building the relationship between the GHG storage in the landforms of varying C stocks. Moreover, Common offset GPR has the ability to image subsurface features, lithological boundaries, coastal landforms, and peat-forming environments. The result from this study depicts the importance of different landforms in the storage of C and GHG in SW Indian peatlands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 94 (1) ◽  
Eduardo Alanís-Rodríguez ◽  
Víctor M. Molina-Guerra ◽  
Alejandro Collantes-Chávez-Costa ◽  
Enrique Buendía-Rodríguez ◽  
Arturo Mora-Olivo ◽  

Abstract Background Ecological restoration is a process that helps the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed. The success of restoration actions depend on the understanding of the processes, mechanisms and factors that guide vegetation dynamics. The restoration of plant communities can be made by unassisted (passive restoration, where the community recover by itself) and assisted (active restoration) ecological succession. It is imperative to know the scope of both types of activities to guide future restoration actions by evaluating the properties and functioning of the intervened communities. Methods Variance analysis of the carbon (C) stocks, basal area, canopy area, Shannon–Weaver index values, specific richness and abundance of three Tamaulipan thornscrub communities (assisted natural succession area, unassisted natural succession area and control area) was performed. Furthermore, a similarity analysis between the sampling areas using the floristic composition (abundance) was performed. Results In total, 11 families, 17 genera and 20 species of vascular plants were registered. The richness of species and abundance ranked as follows per area: assisted ecological natural succession > control > unassisted ecological natural succession. The species composition between sampling areas showed a low number of common species between plant communities. Conclusions The values of species richness, diversity, abundance, basal area, and canopy area of the assisted natural succession vegetal community was statistical similar to the control plan community. The values of C stocks showed that assisted ecological succession could recover not only structure and composition attributes but also this key ecosystem property.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Yihuai Hu ◽  
Olha Khomenko ◽  
Wenxuan Shi ◽  
Ángel Velasco-Sánchez ◽  
S. M. Ashekuzzaman ◽  

Worldwide dairy processing plants produce high volumes of dairy processing sludge (DPS), which can be converted into secondary derivatives such as struvite, biochar and ash (collectively termed STRUBIAS). All of these products have high fertilizer equivalent values (FEV), but future certification as phosphorus (P)-fertilizers in the European Union will mean they need to adhere to new technical regulations for fertilizing materials i.e., content limits pertaining to heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn), synthetic organic compounds and pathogens. This systematic review presents the current state of knowledge about these bio-based fertilizers and identifies knowledge gaps. In addition, a review and calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from a range of concept dairy sludge management and production systems for STRUBIAS products [i.e., biochar from pyrolysis and hydrochar from hydrothermal carbonization (HTC)] is presented. Results from the initial review showed that DPS composition depends on product type and treatment processes at a given processing plant, which leads to varied nutrient, heavy metal and carbon contents. These products are all typically high in nutrients and carbon, but low in heavy metals. Further work needs to concentrate on examining their pathogenic microorganism and emerging contaminant contents, in addition to conducting an economic assessment of production and end-user costs related to chemical fertilizer equivalents. With respect to STRUBIAS products, contaminants not present in the raw DPS may need further treatment before being land applied in agriculture e.g., heated producing ashes, hydrochar, or biochar. An examination of these products from an environmental perspective shows that their water quality footprint could be minimized using application rates based on P incorporation of these products into nutrient management planning and application by incorporation into the soil. Results from the concept system showed that elimination of methane emissions was possible, along with a reduction in nitrous oxide. Less carbon (C) is transferred to agricultural fields where DPS is processed into biochar and hydrochar, but due to high recalcitrance, the C in this form is retained much longer in the soil, and therefore STRUBIAS products represent a more stable and long-term option to increase soil C stocks and sequestration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 914 (1) ◽  
pp. 012045
C A Siregar ◽  
B H Narendra

Abstract Changes in the soil carbon (C) stocks of degraded peatlands due to drainage, fire, or conversion of forest cover have not been studied much. This study aims to determine the characteristics of soil C stocks in degraded peatland covers due to logging and fire. The research was carried out on peatlands located in three villages representing peatland cover conditions in the form of primary/pristine peat swamp forest, logged-over forest, and post-fire peatland. Peat samples from each type of peatland cover were analyzed to determine the bulk density (BD) and C concentration. The results showed that peatland on the logged-over forest has the highest BD (0.135 gr cm−3) compared to the other sites. Based on the distribution of peat depth, the lowest BD was mainly found at the surface peat layers and increased significantly with the depth of peat. The C concentration with the mean value of 57.6% showed no significant differences among the three locations and at different depths. Soil C stocks in the upper one-meter depth were 621, 779, and 606 Mg ha−1 in the peat swamp forest, logged-over forest, and post-fire peatland, respectively. The total soil C stocks were ultimately determined by the peat thickness in the area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Nelda Dezzeo ◽  
Julio Grandez-Rios ◽  
Christopher Martius ◽  
Kristell Hergoualc’h

Abstract Background Amazon palm swamp peatlands are major carbon (C) sinks and reservoirs. In Peru, this ecosystem is widely threatened owing to the recurrent practice of cutting Mauritia flexuosa palms for fruit harvesting. Such degradation could significantly damage peat deposits by altering C fluxes through fine root productivity, mortality, and decomposition rates which contribute to and regulate peat accumulation. Along a same peat formation, we studied an undegraded site (Intact), a moderately degraded site (mDeg) and a heavily degraded site (hDeg) over 11 months. Fine root C stocks and fluxes were monthly sampled by sequential coring. Concomitantly, fine root decomposition was investigated using litter bags. In the experimental design, fine root stocks and dynamics were assessed separately according to vegetation type (M. flexuosa palm and other tree species) and M. flexuosa age class. Furthermore, results obtained from individual palms and trees were site-scaled by using forest composition and structure. Results At the scale of individuals, fine root C biomass in M. flexuosa adults was higher at the mDeg site than at the Intact and hDeg sites, while in trees it was lowest at the hDeg site. Site-scale fine root biomass (Mg C ha−1) was higher at the mDeg site (0.58 ± 0.05) than at the Intact (0.48 ± 0.05) and hDeg sites (0.32 ± 0.03). Site-scale annual fine root mortality rate was not significantly different between sites (3.4 ± 1.3, 2.0 ± 0.8, 1.5 ± 0.7 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 at the Intact, mDeg, and hDeg sites) while productivity (same unit) was lower at the hDeg site (1.5 ± 0.8) than at the Intact site (3.7 ± 1.2), the mDeg site being intermediate (2.3 ± 0.9). Decomposition was slow with 63.5−74.4% of mass remaining after 300 days and it was similar among sites and vegetation types. Conclusions The significant lower fine root C stock and annual productivity rate at the hDeg site than at the Intact site suggests a potential for strong degradation to disrupt peat accretion. These results stress the need for a sustainable management of these forests to maintain their C sink function.

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