statistical literacy
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Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 135-143
M. V. Karmanov ◽  
O. A. Zolotareva

The maintenance of civil peace and harmony in the Russian state from time immemorial has been defined as a priority that allows maintaining the integrity of both state and territorial. Global processes taking place in the world, epidemic waves of viruses, incessant local wars, diligent attempts to separate people and peoples bring to the fore the need to consolidate society in order to ensure the national security of the country. In this context, the importance of statistics increases, which significantly affects the perception of the dominant values by society, forms the attitude of people to the state policy being pursued. At the same time, the understanding of statistical information (figures, data) in a number of cases does not correspond to reality, making it difficult to adequately assess the existing situation, which is associated with an insufficient level of statistical literacy of the population, officials and specialists in various fields of activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 4

In this paper, the objective is to discuss some aspects of statistical literacy in the context of conducting an educative project of opinion survey in the perspective of the teaching-learning approach of the Nossa Escola Pesquisa Sua Opinião (Nepso) Program or “our school survey your opinion”, in English. This Program, with centers created in some regions of Brazil, Latin America and Europe, consists of the dissemination of the use of opinion survey as a pedagogical tool through an eight-step methodology. This discussion is supported by a qualitative research, of participant observation, whose empirical research was based on the holding of eight meetings for the development of an opinion survey based on a theme chosen by a group of 16 students aged 13-14 years at a public school from Belo Horizonte city, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Of these eight meetings, one was selected to explore the analysis model we call the Nepso Process, which was based on the non-fragmentation of this teaching-learning approach to the detriment of a fragmented analysis. For such, the data were analyzed in a descriptive and interpretive manner, coherent with the qualitative nature of the research. Thus, it was found that Nepso is a methodology capable of stimulating statistical literacy in students through steps that link competencies and skills needed to work with projects. Abstract: Portuguese Neste artigo, objetivamos discutir alguns aspectos do letramento estatístico no âmbito da realização de um projeto educativo de pesquisa de opinião na perspectiva da abordagem de ensino-aprendizagem do Programa Nossa Escola Pesquisa Sua Opinião (Nepso). Esse Programa, com polos criados em algumas regiões do Brasil, América Latina e Europa, consiste na disseminação do uso da pesquisa de opinião como ferramenta pedagógica por meio de uma metodologia baseada em oito etapas. Tal discussão está amparada em uma investigação qualitativa, de observação participante, cuja pesquisa empírica baseou-se na realização de oito encontros para o desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa de opinião a partir de um tema escolhido por um grupo de 16 estudantes de 13-14 anos de uma escola pública da cidade de Belo Horizonte, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Desses oito encontros, um foi selecionado para perscrutar o modelo de análise que chamamos de Processo Nepso que consistiu na não-fragmentação dessa abordagem de ensino-aprendizagem em prol de estratos de análise. Para tanto, os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva e interpretativa, coerente com a natureza qualitativa da pesquisa. Destarte, verificou-se que o Nepso é uma metodologia capaz de estimular algum letramento estatístico nos estudantes por meio das suas etapas de trabalho que vinculam competências e habilidades necessárias ao trabalho com projetos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 13

This paper presents partial results of a one-year project funded by a grant from Mexico’s National Science and Technology Council and the National Institute for the Evaluation of Education that was designed to characterize the teaching of statistics in Mexican high school education. Work was organized in two 6-month phases. The first stage involved documentary research that consisted of analyzing the study programs of statistics courses used at 12 high school-level educational systems. The second used the field research technique to design and administer a survey called “Teaching Statistical Literacy, Reasoning and Thinking” (TSLRT), that was answered by 754 high school statistics teachers at those 12 educational systems. Both phases were based on the theoretical ideas of statistical literacy, reasoning and thinking, and were conducted with the aim of constructing a reference framework to analyze the study programs (phase one) and design the items included in the TSLRT survey (phase two). Here, we report results from the survey applied, which was comprised of 18 items on sociodemographic variables and 65 Likert scale items that measured the degree to which teachers’ classroom practice focused on elements of statistical literacy, reasoning and thinking, or shared elements. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to the responses to the 65 Likert scale items. Results indicate that the responses fit a one-dimensional model. Finally, we discuss the pedagogical and theoretical implications of the TSLRT survey results.  Abstract: Spanish En este artículo, reportamos parte de los resultados de un Proyecto de investigación de un año, el cual fue financiado por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología y el Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación Educativa. El Proyecto fue diseñado para caracterizar la enseñanza de la estadística en la Educación Media Superior mexicana, y se organizó en dos fases de 6 meses cada una. La primera etapa involucró un estudio documental que consistió en analizar los programas de estudio de la materia de estadística utilizados en 12 diferentes sistemas educativos de educación media superior. La segunda usó la técnica de investigación de campo para diseñar y administrar un cuestionario llamado “Enseñanza de una Cultura, Razonamiento y Pensamiento Estadístico” (TSLRT, por sus siglas en inglés). El cuestionario fue respondido por 754 profesores de educación media superior que imparten la materia de estadística y laboran en escuelas de los 12 sistemas educativos mencionados. Ambas fases estuvieron basadas en las ideas teóricas de cultura, razonamiento y pensamiento estadístico con el objetivo de construir un marco de referencia para analizar los programas de estudio (fase uno) y diseñar los ítems incluidos en el cuestionario TSLRT (fase dos). Aquí, reportamos los resultados del cuestionario aplicado, el cual consistió en 18 ítems sobre variables sociodemográficas y 65 ítems de escala Likert que midieron el grado en que la enseñanza del profesor se centra en elementos de una cultura, razonamiento y pensamiento estadístico, o en elementos comunes. Se aplicó un análisis factorial de confirmación a las respuestas de los 65 ítems. Los resultados indican que las respuestas se ajustan a un modelo unidimensional. Finalmente, discutimos las implicaciones pedagógicas y teóricas de los resultados del cuestionario.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 16

In order to study the manifestation of data sense and identify ways of thinking about variability in authentically realistic problems in a group of Chilean fifth-grade students, a lesson plan was designed and implemented, within the framework of statistical literacy and using the “lesson study” modality, in which students were urged to make inferences based on the analysis of data corresponding to the tsunami that struck the Chilean coast in 2010. This article focuses on the qualitative study of the data representations produced by two groups of students during the implementation of the lesson plan. The analysis of the behavior of the tsunami carried out by the students led them to work simultaneously with nominal qualitative, ordinal qualitative, discrete quantitative, and continuous quantitative variables; to create new variables; to construct representations of data (multiple bar graphs and frequency tables); and to make inferences based on the data. We conclude that the use of an authentic context and the construction of their own representations promoted data sense in students and facilitated the development of their statistical thinking, through which they were able to recognize, describe, and explain the variability of the phenomenon. Abstract: Spanish Con el propósito de estudiar la manifestación del sentido del dato e identificar las formas de razonar la variabilidad en problemas auténticamente realistas en un grupo de estudiantes chilenos de quinto grado de primaria, se diseñó e implementó un plan de clases, en el marco de alfabetización estadística y bajo la modalidad “lesson study”, en el que se instó a los estudiantes a hacer inferencias a partir del análisis de los datos correspondientes al tsunami que azotó la costa de Chile en 2010. Este artículo se centra en el estudio cualitativo de las representaciones de datos producidas por dos grupos de estudiantes durante la implementación del plan de clases. El análisis del comportamiento de los datos del tsunami realizado por los estudiantes los llevó a trabajar simultáneamente con variables cualitativas nominales, cualitativas ordinales, cuantitativas discretas y cuantitativas continuas; crear nuevas variables; elaborar representaciones de datos (gráfico de barras múltiples y tabla de frecuencias); y hacer inferencias basadas en los datos. Se concluye que el uso de un contexto auténtico y la construcción de representaciones propias, promovieron en los estudiantes el sentido del dato y facilitaron el desarrollo de su pensamiento estadístico, pudiendo reconocer, describir y explicar la variabilidad del fenómeno.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (24) ◽  
pp. 3197
Jocelyn D. Pallauta ◽  
Pedro Arteaga ◽  
José A. Garzón-Guerrero

Understanding statistical tables is a main component of statistical literacy, although related research dealing with secondary school students is scarce. The purpose of this study was to investigate secondary school students’ performance when translating graphs to tables and then interpreting the resulting table. Using content analysis of the responses to a questionnaire given to a sample of Spanish students, we analysed the correctness of the constructed table, the semiotic conflicts that appeared in their construction, the interpretation of the table elements, the ability to argue on the basis of the information in the table, and the reading level exhibited by the student in this task. Most students correctly translated a pictogram to a frequency table, and a half of them a double bar graph to a two-way table. The main semiotic conflicts were misinterpretation of the icon in the pictogram and incorrect computation of marginal frequencies. About 40% of the sample correctly justified a statement using the data in the graph and then reached the upper reading level of the graph and table, but only a minority achieved that level when the question required knowledge of the context. The findings of the study suggested points to reinforce the teaching of statistical graphs and tables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Nurokhmi Wahyu Setiani ◽  
Nuriana Rachmani Dewi ◽  
Rochmad Rochmad

This study aims to describe statistical literacy skills based on the field of expertise and curiosity of grade XII student of SMK Komputama Jeruklegi. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive research. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. The study took four subjects from each category in each field of expertise in SMK Komputama Jeruklegi. Data collection using questionnaires, statistical literacy tests, and interview guidelines. The validation test used is a technical triangulation test. The results showed that of the two fields of expertise taken, students achieved two to four indicators of statistical literacy. For students of information and communication technology with curiosity is very high can meet all indicators of statistical literacy ability. Students with high curiosity meet indicators understand the data, present the data and draw conclusions. Students with curiosity are meeting indicators understanding the data and drawing conclusions. While students with low curiosity meet the indicator presents the data and draws conclusions. Then the results of students in the fields of business expertise and management show that students with very high curiosity and high meet indicators of understanding data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Students with curiosity are meeting indicators understanding the data and presenting the data. Whereas students with low curiosity meet the indicators understand the data and draw conclusions. This research is expected to contribute to students' statistical literacy skills, so that they can provide an overview of future research.

Enes Abdurrahman Bilgin

In today’s world, educated individuals are expected to understand basic statistical concepts and interpret statistical messages. For this reason, despite the undeniable importance of statistical literacy in the educational process, studies on undergraduate and postgraduate students in practice reveal that students have difficulties in determining the data structure, choosing the appropriate test for the purpose, and interpreting the findings correctly. Similar studies indicate that steps should be taken in many ways to overcome such difficulties. When the respective literature is viewed, it is understood that the use of software packages in teaching has many disadvantages such as being complex, being expensive and not being compatible with mobile devices, therefore, tech-supported teaching materials suitable for the level of students, in other words, instructional software is needed. Hence, it was aimed in this study to design a mobile teaching software for the development of advanced statistical literacy skills, which are often needed in the scientific research process. For this purpose, the first type of development method, which is one of the quantitative research methods, was preferred in the research. At the end of the research process, a free mobile teaching software program was developed that can be used in the teaching of statistical concepts at the postgraduate level and can perform statistical analysis. The alternatives offered by the application developed as a result of the research in response to the needs in the literature were examined. Additionally, the application was published via Google Play Store and was made available for users for a period of one year to receive evaluations, and at the end of this period, it was downloaded by users from dozens of various countries. It has been observed that the application, which has been downloaded approximately 40 thousand times in the last six months and reached 16 thousand users, received 84.6% positive scores (4.23). It is estimated that the application, which was developed as a result of the process, will contribute to the literature in terms of statistical literacy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 48-56
Reynaldo E. Repedro, Jr. ◽  
Crispina V. Diego

Statistics has proven its usefulness in research over centuries to produce quality insights and data-driven decision-making. Learning statistics not only rely on cognitive but other factors such including attitude as well. This descriptive-correlational research determined the attitudes toward statistics in the components of affect, cognitive competence, value, difficulty, interest and effort, and statistical literacy of 200 public senior high school students selected through stratified random sampling. The SATS-36© developed by Schau et al. (2003) was used to determine attitudes, while a researcher-made questionnaire was utilized to measure statistical literacy. Using descriptive statistics and inferential analysis, students' attitudes toward the subject were established positively in value, interest, and effort components. In contrast, a negative attitude was exhibited in the components of affect, cognitive competence, and difficulty. Students' statistical literacy was found to be low in all areas and as a whole. Among the six components of attitude, the value component showed a significant relationship and predicted students' statistical literacy. Thus, the most vital component of attitudes toward statistics is value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 1454
Iyam Maryati

Literasi statistis adalah bagian dari literasi digital yang sangat penting dimiliki oleh siswa dalam era informasi ini. Strategi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan literasi statistis ini salah satunya dengan pengembangan pembelajaran menggunakan modul yang didesain untuk mengembangkan kemampuan literasi statistis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul statistika untuk mengembangkan kemampuan literasi statistis siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah/ MTs dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama/SMP yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research & Development). Dengan   menggunakan model pengembangan 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Dessiminate). Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII di salah satu MTs di Kabupaten Garut. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari lembar validasi yang diisi oleh ahli bidang pendidikan matematika, lembar penilaian kepraktisan siswa, dan tes hasil belajar dengan soal literasi statistis. Kualitas modul yang dikembangkan ditinjau dari aspek kevalidan, aspek kepraktisan dan aspek keefektifan. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah modul termasuk kategori valid, dengan nilai kepraktisan termasuk kategori tinggi. Aspek efektifitas berdasarkan tes hasil belajar dengan soal literasi statistis mengalami peningkatan ditinjau dari hasil pretest dan posttest. Demikian juga dengan hasil pengembangan dalam penelitian ini adalah produk modul pembelajaran statistika yang valid, praktis dan efektif dan layak digunakan untuk siswa MTs/ SMP. Kontribusi dari penelitian ini adalah modul ini dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika dalam materi statistika.Abstract Statistical literacy is a part of digital literacy which is very important for students in this information age. One of the strategies to improve statistical literacy skills is the development of learning using modules designed to develop statistical literacy skills. This study aims to develop a statistical module to develop valid, practical, and effective statistical literacy skills for students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah/MTs (Junior Islamic Schools) and Sekolah Menengah Pertama/ SMP (Junior High Schools). This research method is a research development (Research & Development). By using the 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis The research subjects were students of class VIII at one of the MTs in Garut Regency. The instruments used consisted of validation sheets filled in by experts in the field of mathematics education, student practicality assessment sheets, and learning outcomes tests with statistical literacy questions. The quality of the developed modules is viewed from the aspects of validity, aspects of practicality and aspects of effectiveness. The result of this research is that the module is categorized as valid, with the practicality value is in the high category. The aspect of effectiveness based on the test of learning outcomes with statistical literacy questions has increased in terms of the results of the pretest and posttest. Likewise, the results of the development in this study are statistics learning module products that are valid, practical and effective and suitable for use for MTs/ SMP students. The contribution of this research is that this module can be used in mathematics learning in statistics material.

Ankush Jindal ◽  
Dr. Manishi Bansal ◽  
Dr. Anupam Jindal

Objectives: To understand statistical literacy among practicing clinicians as well as to take suggestions on its implementation in medical curriculum. Methods: A web based online survey was conducted among practising clinicians of India. The questionnaire consisted of 30questions in three parts. Part A included questions on general information (5 questions), Part B included questions on application of statistical concepts (20 questions), and Part Casked for opinions on integration of biostatistics in medical curriculum (5 questions). Part B questions were rated on a 5-point Likert scale in which 1 indicated no confidence and 5indicated complete confidence. Results: A total of 416 clinicians responded to the questionnaire. Complete confidence in the use of SPSS software was seen in 15.8% whereas 26.7% had no confidence in it. The highest confidence was seen in statistical equations like graphical representation of data (44.7%), and sensitivity and specificity (45.2%) whereas lowest confidence was seen in COX proportional hazard regression (12.9%) and ROC curves (11.7%). Out of 416 clinicians, 136 (32.4%) had done training in statistics at undergraduate level, 128 (30.5%) did self-learning and 152 (37.1%) had received no formal training.

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