bottom position
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2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 015016
Soyeon Kim ◽  
Soyeon Lee ◽  
Su Jin Moon ◽  
Kyuhwan Kim ◽  
Jung Bog Kim

Abstract Since the vibration of a single pendulum is very periodic, measuring its period is a very interesting topic. When students are asked to measure the period of a single vibration, they start and stop the stopwatch when the pendulum reaches the top point as a reference point. In this paper, we try to show that the error can be reduced more by using the equilibrium point, that is, the bottom position as the reference rather than the top position. We think it would be beneficial for students to measure the period in both cases, compare the errors, and think about the reasons for error differences. Students believe that the moment the pendulum moved slowly and nearly stopped at the top was more likely to measure the time to be more accurate. The reason for this is that they think the pendulum will move so fast when it passes the bottom point that they will not be able to start or stop the stopwatch accurately at the instant passing the lowest point. We are also able to obtain the error of the position measurement by using the recorded video of a simple pendulum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Ahmad Hariyadi ◽  
Masnuatul Hawa ◽  
Sutrimah Sutrimah ◽  
Siti Aniqoh Sofwani ◽  
Endah Yuliani

Pemerintahan Desa merupakan garda terdepan dalam penyelenggaran pemerintahan dan pelayanan publik di Indonesia. Hal itu bisa berjalan dengan baik kalau di dukung dengan SDM perangkat desa dan pemuda karang taruna yang mampu melaksanakan perannya dengan baik. Perangkat desa dan pemuda merupakan SDM di pemerintahan paling bawah yang memiliki andil besar terhadap pembangunan di negeri ini. Peran  mereka dibutuhkan terutama di desa sebagai penggerak pemerintahan desa. Kemampuan manajemen administrasi pemerintahan desa harus dikuasai oleh perangkat desa dan pemuda di suatu desa untuk memberikan pelayanan publik yang maksimal baik dari aspek tata kelola maupun dokumentasi. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan pemahaman dan pelatihan terhadap manajemen pengelolaan administrasi Desa Wotsogo Kecamatan Jatirogo Kabupaten Tuban. Metode yang dipakai dalam pelatihan adalah metode Demonstrasi berbasis audio visual. Melalui metode Demonstrasi diharapkan dapat melatih dan memahami manajemen administrasi pemerintahan. Sasaran pelatihan ini adalah perangkat desa dan  unsur  pemerintahan Desa Wotsogo Kecamatan Jatirogo. Village apparatus is the front guard in the administration of government and public services in Indonesia. It needs to be supported by the human resources of the village, especially youth organization. Village apparatus and youth as the human resources are at the bottom position of the government have many contributions in the development of the country. Their role is needed as the driving force in the village governance. The village apparatus and youth organization must capable in administration manajement to give good services to the public both in terms of administration and documentation. The purpose of this activity is to provide understanding and training on the administrative manajement of Wotsogo Village, Jatirogo District, Tuban Regency. The method used in the training is the audio-visual based demonstration method. Through the Demonstration method, it is hoped that it can train and understand the government administration manajement. The targets of this training are village apparatus and also the element of the Wotsogo Village government in Jatirogo District.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 1024
Jun Yan ◽  
Junxia Meng ◽  
Jianhu Zhao

As widely applicated in many underwater research fields, conventional side-scan sonars require the sonar height to be at the seabed for geocoding seabed images. However, many interference factors, including compensation with unknown gains, suspended matters, etc., would bring difficulties in bottom detection. Existing methods need manual parameter setups or to use postprocessing methods, which limits automatic and real-time processing in complex situations. To solve this problem, a one-dimensional U-Net (1D-UNet) model for sea bottom detection of side-scan data and the bottom detection and tracking method based on 1D-UNet are proposed in this work. First, the basic theory of sonar bottom detection and the interference factors is introduced, which indicates that deep learning of the bottom is a feasible solution. Then, a 1D-UNet model for detecting the sea bottom position from the side-scan backscatter strength sequences is proposed, and the structure and implementation of this model are illustrated in detail. Finally, the bottom detection and tracking algorithms of a single ping and continuous pings are presented on the basis of the proposed model. The measured side-scan sonar data in Meizhou Bay and Bayuquan District were selected in the experiments to verify the model and methods. The 1D-UNet model was first trained and applied with the side-scan data in Meizhou Bay. The training and validation accuracies were 99.92% and 99.77%, respectively, and the sea bottom detection accuracy of the training survey line was 99.88%. The 1D-UNet model showed good robustness to the interference factors of bottom detection and fully real-time performance in comparison with other methods. Moreover, the trained 1D-UNet model is used to process the data in the Bayuquan District for proving model generality. The proposed 1D-UNet model for bottom detection has been proven effective for side-scan sonar data and also has great potentials in wider applications on other types of sonars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-37
Anna Nuriskia ◽  
Sofyan A Gani ◽  
Saiful Marhaban

This paper focused on analysing the visual values found in the Pathway to English 3 textbook. In conducting this research, a descriptive qualitative approach was used. The content analysis model was applied. The data was taken from an English textbook published by Erlangga in 2015 entitled Pathway to English 3. A documentation approach was used to collect the data. The textbook was examined the data based on Kress and Leeuwen (2006) visual complementarity. There are three results of the research. First, most participants employed in Pathway to English 3 textbook are human participants (53.4%). Meanwhile, the non-human participants mostly used are object participants. Second, in terms of interactive meaning, the textbook supports the medium shot (69.5%) and the oblique perspective (54.9%). All of the pictures in the book are in black and white (100%). Additionally, (81.7%) images have a background. Last, from the compositional meaning, it was found that the images in the textbook are more presented to be informative (38.6%) rather than illustrative (34.8%) and decorative (26.6%). Furthermore, the dominant positions of the images are top/bottom position (60.7). In conclusion, textbook pictures can serve pedagogical purposes by supporting students in completing the tasks that follow the pictures.

V.A. Lebedev ◽  
D.N. Krazhanovsky

Some features of underwater mechanized and automatic wet welding with pulse feed of the electrode wire are considered. The conditions for experimental research to identify the parameters of forming of the weld metal at different parameters of pulse feed of the electrode wire are described. Regression equations describing the dependences of the size of the roll on the parameters of pulse feed and contour plots and response surfaces of the marked dependences are presented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-105
Kelda Manser-Smith ◽  
Daniele Romano ◽  
Luigi Tamè ◽  
Matthew R. Longo

Fingers have preferential associations with relative spatial locations. Tactile localisation is faster when the fingers are in these locations, such as when the index finger is in a relatively higher spatial position, and the thumb in a relatively lower position. However, it is unclear whether these associations are related to hands specifically, or are a more general characteristic of limbs. The present study therefore investigated whether toes have similar spatial associations. If these associations reflect the statistics of natural limb usage, very different patterns of association would be expected for the fingers and toes, given their different functional roles in daily behaviour. We measured reaction time (RT) and error rates of responses to tactile stimuli applied to the middle finger/toe or thumb/big toe, when they were positioned in a relative upper or lower location. We replicated the finding that fingers have preferential associations that facilitates localisation—RT and error rate were lower when the index finger was in the top position, and the thumb in the bottom position. We found that toes do not hold the same spatial information, though it remains unclear whether toes hold different spatial information or none at all. These results demonstrate spatial information held by the fingers is stronger and more reliable than for the toes, so is not a general characteristic of limbs, but possibly related to hand use.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (5) ◽  
pp. 1113-1139
Xiuli Tong ◽  
Qinli Deng ◽  
Hélène Deacon ◽  
Jean Saint-Aubin ◽  
Suiping Wang

AbstractThis study examined how language knowledge and item properties (i.e., semantic relatedness and position) influenced Chinese missing logographeme effects. Eighty-four Chinese readers and 53 English readers were asked to search for the Chinese logographeme 口 while reading a Chinese prose passage. The target 口 appeared in five different positions (i.e., left, right, top, bottom, or inside), varying its degree of semantic relatedness to its embedded characters. The generalized linear mixed-effect model revealed a significant interaction between semantic relatedness and position in Chinese, but not in English, readers when visual complexity and frequency were controlled. For Chinese readers, a higher omission rate occurred when 口 appeared in the top and inside positions and exhibited low semantic relatedness with its embedded characters, whereas 口 was omitted more when it was positioned on the right and exhibited high semantic relatedness to its embedded characters. English readers exhibited a different omission pattern: 口 was omitted more when it appeared in the left or right position irrespective of semantic relatedness. In addition, 口 was omitted more in the inside, rather than the bottom, position. These findings suggest that the omission rate of the logographeme is determined by item properties at the sublexical level and the reader’s language knowledge.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (No. 2) ◽  
pp. 93-99
Radovan Tůma ◽  
Jan Goliáš

Cabbage heads stored in containers in a high-capacity cooling room were evaluated by the half-cooling times. The temperature of the heads and the surrounding air in their immediate vicinity was measured by a puncture thermometer. The shortest half-cooling times were measured in the immediate vicinity of the evaporator; in contrast, very long half-cooling times were measured in a container on the opposite side of the cooling room. The measured values were longer by one order of magnitude. When cabbage heads are inside the container furthest from the evaporator, without being covered by a layer of stacked containers, then the heat transfer passes directly into the ambient air, thus, the half-cooling times in this container were not the longest. The head cabbage cooling, evaluated by the half-cooling time (in hours) and the end of cooling time (in hours), in the chambers to a storage temperature (0 °C) are directly proportional. The heads in a container 14 m from the evaporator, in the bottom position, but not covered by other containers had a half-cooling time of 194.7 hours, with a total time of 973.5 h, because the air circulating around the container, permanently cooled down the stored heads. The total calculated cooling time will be extended 5.0 times. For the heads in the same position, but 7 m from the evaporator, the heat dissipation at the bottom position was so slow that the half-cooling time was 225 hours, and the total time was 1 125 hours (46.88 days), which was the longest cooling time for the cabbage heads.

2020 ◽  
Qing Bin Guo ◽  
Xiang Bao Hao ◽  
Chao Wu ◽  
Jean Seydoux ◽  
Chao Wang ◽  

2020 ◽  
Qing Bin Guo ◽  
Xiang Bao Hao ◽  
Chao Wu ◽  
Jean Seydoux ◽  
Chao Wang ◽  

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