premarital pregnancy
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-24
Nurhikmah Nurhikmah ◽  
Bunga Tiara Carolin ◽  
Rosmawaty Lubis

ABSTRAK: FACTORS RELATED TO EARLY MARRIAGE AMONG ADOLESCENT GIRLS Background: One of the problems that often occur in adolescents is early marriage. This can have various impacts including on the emotional and health of the reproductive system in adolescents. In 2019 in Kotabaru district, there were a total of 1,552 marriages, and 39.63% had early marriages.Objective: To determine some factors related to early marriage among adolescent girls in Pulau Laut Kepulauan District, Kotabaru Regency.Methodology: This study used correlation research with Case Control. The sample in this study was 78 adolescents which consisted of 39 adolescents in the case group and 39 adolescents in the control group. The sampling technique used was a total sampling. The research instrument consisted of a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the chi square test.Results: The results showed that there were not premarital pregnancy (75.6%), high family income (57.7%), pornography media (62.8%), lack of knowledge (65.4%), negative culture of early marriage (65,4%), negative peer influence (51.3%). The bivariate results found that there were premarital pregnancy (p=0,000), family income (p=0,000), pornography media (p=0.101), knowledge (p=0,000), early marriage culture (p=0,000), peer influence (p= 0,000).Conclusions: Factors related to early marriage among adolescent girls is premarital pregnancy, family income, knowledge, early marriage culture, and peer influence with early marriage. Suggestions: Youth are expected to dig more information about the impact of early marriage so that a quality generation can be created. Keywords: adolescents, early, marriage. Latar Belakang: salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada remaja adalah pernikahan usia dini. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan berbagai dampak diantaranya terhadap emosional dan kesehatan sistem reproduksi pada remaja. Pada tahun 2019 di kabupaten Kotabaru dari 1.552 total pernikahan, 39,63% melakukan pernikahan usia dini.Tujuan: Mengetahui beberapa faktor yang yang berhubungan dengan pernikahan dini pada remaja putri di Kecamatan Pulau Laut Kepulauan Kabupaten KotabaruMetodologi: Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian korelasi dengan Case Control. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 78 remaja yang tediri dari 39 remaja kelompok kasus dan 39 remaja kelompok kontrol. Tekhnik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari kusioner. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi square.Hasil Penelitian: hasil penelitian didapatkan tidak hamil pranikah (75,6%), pendapatan keluarga tinggi (57,7%), media fornografi (62,8%), pengetahuan kurang (65,4%), negatif budaya pernikahan dini (65,4%), pengaruh teman sebaya negatif (51,3%). Hasil bivariate didapatkan hamil pranikah (p=0,000), pendapatan keluarga (p=0,000), media fornografi (p=0,101), pengetahuan (p=0,000), budaya pernikahan dini (p= 0,000), pengaruh teman sebaya (p=0,000).Kesimpulan: Factor yang berhubungan dengan pernikahan usia dini pada remaja putri adalah hamil pranikah, pendapatan keluarga, pengetahuan, budaya pernikahan dini, dan pengaruh teman sebaya pernikahan usia dini.Saran: Remaja diharapkan lebih menggali informasi mengenai dampak dari pernikahan usia dini sehingga tercipta generasi yang berkualitas. Kata kunci : Remaja, Pernikahan, Usia Dini

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-24
Mariah Algiftiah

One of the purposes of marriage is to continue the offspring. The premarital pregnancy detection test practiced by KUA is a new breakthrough which is motivated by community concerns because of the increasing prevalence of promiscuity that affects pregnancy outside marriage. Therefore, the author focuses on 3 aspects of the problem in this thesis, namely: (1) How is the implementation of marriage in KUA, Jombang ?, (2) What is the urgency of the prenuptial pregnancy detection test in KUA, Jombang? practice of detecting premarital pregnancy? The type of research in this thesis is field research. The data sources in this study were obtained directly from the field with a qualitative approach in which data was collected and then processed with a descriptive analytical approach. If this policy is linked and analyzed using the theory of maslahah mursalah, the obligation to test prenuptial pregnancy detection is to provide benefits to many parties, namely all parties will be able to know in detail the results of the examination. In addition to providing benefits, this policy can also reject adversity that might occur in the future. That is to avoid any disputes in the household or from things that are not desirable. Keywords: pregnancy test, islamic mariage,  maslahah mursalah.   Abstrak Salah satu tujuan dari pernikahan adalah untuk melanjutkan keturunan. Test deteksi kehamilan pranikah yang dipraktekkan KUA adalah terobosan baru yang mana dilatarbelakangi oleh keprihatinan masyarakat karena semakin maraknya pergaulan bebas yang berdampak kepada kehamilan di luar nikah. Maka dari itu, penulis memfokuskan 3 aspek pemasalahan dalam tesis ini, yakni: (1) Bagaimana pelaksanaan pernikahan di KUA Tembelang Jombang?, (2) Bagaimana urgensi test deteksi kehamilan pranikah di KUA Tembelang Jombang?, (3) Bagaimana pandangan maslahah mursalah terhadap praktek deteksi kehamilan pranikah?. Jenis penelitian dalam tesis ini merupakan penelitian lapangan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh langsung dari lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang mana data dikumpulkan lalu diolah dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis. Apabila kebijakan ini dikaitkan dan dianalisis menggunakan teori maslahah mursalah, adanya kewajiban melakukan test deteksi kehamilan pranikah adalah memberi manfaat untuk banyak pihak yakni seluruh pihak akan dapat mengetahui secara detail hasil dari pemeriksaan tersebut. Selain memberikan kemanfaatan, kebijakan ini juga dapat menolak kemafsadatan yang mungkin saja terjadi di masa mendatang. Yakni menghindari adanya perselisihan dalam rumah tangga ataupun dari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Kata kunci : Pemeriksaan kehamilan, pernikahan islam, maslahah mursalah

2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-291
Yue Qian ◽  
Yongai Jin

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 238
Ni Made Tantri Chandra ◽  
Emy Susanti ◽  
Karen Mwende Kinuthia

The presence of patriarchal culture can be found in most regions of Indonesia, including Bali. The patriarchal culture in Bali tends to be more rigid because of the Balinese belief that any offspring, especially men, will not only continue the responsibilities of the parents in terms of the social life of the community; however, they also expected to carry out the ceremonies of death for their parents. They are trusted to help their parents reach the creator easily. The Balinese culture has been dominated by patriarchy for a long time and has continued developing to this day. Patriarchal power is increasingly persistent when it comes to power in Bali. As a result, women in Bali are still considered subordinate creatures under the patriarchy’s control and bondage. The phenomenon of premarital pregnancy in Bali is a reflection of the new way that men dominate women. The approach used in this study is Michel Foucault’s theory of power. The method used was qualitative research with in-depth interviews with 18 informants who were native Balinese. This research was conducted in Denpasar, Singaraja, and Badung City. The results of this study found that the social reality of premarital pregnancy in the urban areas of Bali’s Island is inseparable from the influence of the social discourse behind the apparent reality. The discourse then obtains the legitimacy of truth from the family and produces new knowledge to believe the truth. In this social reality, premarital pregnancy has made Balinese women significantly disadvantaged and increasingly subordinated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 14-25
Aresta A. O. Batmaro ◽  
Luh Putu Ruliati ◽  
Indra Yohanes Kiling

Marriage due to premarital pregnancy become increasingly more common in Indonesia, although the behaviour is still deemed as inappropriate by the society and tend to be negatively stigmatized. This might affect the marriage satisfaction which could harm the overall quality of the marriage. The purpose of this study was to determine marital satisfaction on youth with premarital pregnancy. Participants in this study were nine young women who were married due to premarital pregnancy and residing in Kupang City. Data was collected using interviews and analysed with thematic analysis approach that revealed three main themes. The results showed that marital satisfaction varied in participants, in which six participants were more satisfied and enjoyed their current married life, while the other three participants were not satisfied due to dissatisfaction with aspects of equality of roles in household, parenting and sexual life. Implications from this results were discussed further in the article.

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 12030
Zahroh Shaluhiyah ◽  
Antono Suryoputro ◽  
Aulia Novelira ◽  
Ratih Indraswari

The aim of this study was to explore the phenomena of premarital pregnancy by exploring adolescent characteristics, experiences and socio- environmental responses. It employs descriptive study and phenomenology approach using in-depth interviews to explore adolescent’s premarital pregnancy experiences. A total of 49 adolescents aged 12-19 years with premarital pregnancy were willing to participate in this study and 10 respondents were interviewed in more deeply. The data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The average age of the respondents were 17 years old and most of them had low educational level. Their knowledge on sexual and reproductive health was categorized as lack of knowledge. Nearly half of them were more permissive so that partner influence to have sex is main factor that is difficult to resist by the respondents. Parents and community responses were initially forced to resist their premarital pregnancy, but it gradually became normally accept. Premarital pregnancy was more influenced by peer’s permissive attitude, frequent access to pornography, and lack of parental supervision. There were four respondents who tried to seek abortion. It is recommended to provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education to adolescents in order to prevent premarital pregnancy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 12029
Zahroh Shaluhiyah ◽  
Antono Suryoputro ◽  
Aulia Novelira ◽  
Ratih Indraswari

The aim of this study was to explore the phenomena of premarital pregnancy by exploring adolescent characteristics, experiences and socio- environmental responses. It employs descriptive study and phenomenology approach using in-depth interviews to explore adolescent’s premarital pregnancy experiences. A total of 49 adolescents aged 12-19 years with premarital pregnancy were willing to participate in this study and 10 respondents were interviewed in more deeply. The data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The average age of the respondents were 17 years old and most of them had low educational level. Their knowledge on sexual and reproductive health was categorized as lack of knowledge. Nearly half of them were more permissive so that partner influence to have sex is main factor that is difficult to resist by the respondents. Parents and community responses were initially forced to resist their premarital pregnancy, but it gradually became normally accept. Premarital pregnancy was more influenced by peer’s permissive attitude, frequent access to pornography, and lack of parental supervision. There were four respondents who tried to seek abortion. It is recommended to provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education to adolescents in order to prevent premarital pregnancy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 73-95
Georg Fertig

The study applies event history analysis to nominative data of three contrasting localities to explore the relationship between property transmission and family formation. This allows testing several hypotheses concerning demographic regulation and family dynamics in preindustrial Europe, including but not limited to the niche hypothesis. The analysis finds evidence for four mechanisms of family formation. Firstly, the death of one or both parents promoted marriage of their children. For farmholders, niche inheritance was an important contribution; but parental death also leads to an increase of nuptiality among those who did not own landed property. Beyond ownership, the importance of familial labour roles, particularly of older and younger women, can explain this observation. Second, marriages resulted from the accumulation of an appropriate marriage fund, as indicated by the results that purchases of land and favorable relative prices contributed to the conclusion of marriages. Third, there was an independent role for family dynamics in the sense that property transmission to one child promoted marriage of siblings. The fourth mechanism relates to autonomous family formation through marriages resulting from sexual encounters (indicated by premarital pregnancy). The relative weight of these four mechanisms is remarkably stable across social class and ecotype.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 63
Ulfa Maihardi Putri ◽  
Elsa Yuniarti ◽  
Sa'adiatul Fuadiyah ◽  
Rahmawati D Rahmawati D

Adolescent reproductive health knowledge at this time is not optimal. Based on observations at SMAN 1 Batang Anai, students' knowledge is limited to bathing regularly, exchanging underwear after bathing and for women changing pads only 3 times a day. besides,there are cases of premarital pregnancy and students who are suspected of liking the same sex. These cases is inseparable from parental supervision of adolescent attitudes and behavior that are  harm for adolescent reproductive health. The purpose of this study is to describe the knowledge of high school students and parents about adolescent reproductive health at SMAN 1 Batang Anai. This research is a descriptive study with  118 students  as populations and 24 students’ parents which are determined by propotionate stratified random sampling, and also test is given to measure their knowledge. this research uses simple regression analysis and path analysis. Generally the result shows that students’ and parents’ knowledge are enough, based on age, gender and majors of students’ majors as well as the level of education of parents including physical changes in adolescents 73.72%, maintaining adolescent reproductive health 53.51%, causes and effects from disorders and reproductive disorders 68.64% and PMS  and modes of transmission 64.19%. However, parents’ knowledge about maintaining reproductive health are less with 40.17%. Based on the data, it can be concluded that the knowledge of students and parents at SMAN 1 Batang Anai is not optimal.

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