passport data
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A. A. Zhilina ◽  
N. V. Lareva ◽  
E. V. Luzina ◽  
E. A. Tomina ◽  
I. Yu. Gomboeva ◽  

Aim. Study of the prevalence of gastroesophageal refl ux disease among residents of the Trans- Baikal Territory, taking into account its ethnic composition.Materials and methods. By the method of random household walk, the study included persons over 18 years of age. The GerdQ questionnaire was applied. Additionally, passport data, information on smoking, alcohol use, coff ee, anthropometric data, social status, membership in a particular ethnic group (Buryats, Europoids) are collected. Four groups were analyzed: the 1st Caucasians, who scored 8 or more points on the GerdQ questionnaire and the 2nd — Caucasians, who scored less than 8 points, the 3rd group—the Buryats, who scored 8 or more points, and the 4th—Buryats, not scored 8 points. For statistical processing used the program Statistica 10.0, the diff erences were considered signifi cant when p< 0.05.Results. 371 profi les were selected for analysis. 8 or more points on the GerdQ questionnaire scored 48 people (12.9%). 236 people—Caucasians (63.6%) and 135 Buryat people (36.4%), while the latter had more rare manifestations of GERD (38 Caucasians (16.1%) and 10 Buryats (7.4%) p = 0.009). The average age of persons of the 1st group was 53.4 ± 17.47 years and exceeded that of the 2nd group (46.2 ± 19.2 years), p = 0.035. Manifestations of GERD in Buryats were observed at a younger age and did not diff er between the 3rd and 4th groups. There was no correlation between GERD symptoms and bad habits (smoking, alcohol). The dependence of GERD symptoms with coff ee consumption and obesity has not been established.Conclusion. The prevalence of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease in the territory of the Trans- Baikal Territory is below the national indicators, which is probably related to the ethnic composition of the population. Age-related features of the identification of symptoms of GERD are characteristic only for Caucasians.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (5) ◽  
pp. 251-259
O. A. Syslov ◽  
V. I. Fedorova

It’s impossible to use digital technologies without using the amount of information coming from various systems designed to manage the transportation process and plan its work, taking into account modern economic requirements and resource constraints. Digital twins are currently the most promising tool for solving the problems of managing technically rich multi-level assets, which include railway transport. The track facilities are one of the most expensive assets, and the issues of organizing the management of the maintenance of the railway track are very acute, since they are directly related to the safety of train traffic, therefore, the development of a digital twin of the railway track is a priority task for track science. A digital twin of a railway track should contain elements of BigData technology in the form of arrays of diagnostic data coming online from mobile and stationary diagnostic tools, an array of passport data about the track device, as well as a set of models that can convert this data into matrices “state — action”, suitable for making organizational and technical decisions on the management of the track complex, starting from the level of linear enterprises and ending with network tasks. The article presents models that can be taken as a foundation for building digital twins of a railway track. The results of verification and approbation of the proposed models in the “Neyroekspert-Put’” software package are also presented.

Viktor I. Kotenev ◽  
Alexander D. Stulov

A simpler method is proposed for determining the resistances of an induction motor (total inductive resistance, active resistance of the stator and reduced active resistance of the rotor) according to reference data. Three algebraic equations are obtained from the equations of reactive power dissipation and electromagnetic power in the nominal mode and the equation of electromagnetic power in the critical mode: the first is relative to three resistances, the second is the equation of the dependence of the active resistance of the stator relative to the total inductive resistance, and the third is the active resistance of the rotor relative to the total inductive resistance. An iterative method is proposed for solving this system of equations, which gives a small error already at the second step of the calculations. When assessing the error of the method, the specified values ​​of the electromagnetic power and the multiplicity of the maximum torque were used, which are expressed relative to the reference resistances of the control motors. An estimate is given of the total error from the imperfection of the method and the discrepancy between the reference values ​​of the multiplicity of the maximum torque and power on the motor shaft with their refined values ​​calculated from the resistances from the reference book. Based on the calculated resistances in the nominal mode, the dependences of the active and inductive resistances of the motor are constructed using an accurate and approximate method.

2021 ◽  
pp. 243-247
E. A. Artemeva ◽  
L. A. Melnikova ◽  
A. P. Rodionov

The Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation takes measures to ensure regular control of livestock health status, to prevent infectious diseases and their introduction into the country; and if such diseases are diagnosed, it takes measures to prevent their spread and contain outbreaks as soon as possible. Success of the taken measures depends on the use of various diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic drugs. In order to produce such medicinal products, biofactories use production and reference strains with stable biological properties, which are stored in national collections of microorganisms. The only keeper of glanders strains is the Laboratory for Collection of Strains of Microorganisms in the FSBSI «FCTRBS-ARRVI», subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The following steps were taken due to the official request from FKP Kursk Biofactory – BIOK Company for the transfer of Burkholderia mallei production strain 5584 from the collection of the institution: the strain was passaged in golden hamsters, its viability was determined and biological properties of the culture were studied. The strain was transferred in accordance with the established procedure and in compliance with the biosafety requirements. As the work progressed, Burkholderia mallei strain 5584 culture was isolated and freeze-dried. Before the transfer, biological properties of the freeze-dried Burkholderia mallei strain 5584 were studied for their compliance with the passport data. The obtained results showed that the Laboratory for Collection of Strains of Microorganisms in the FSBSI «FCTRBS-ARRVI» provides optimal conditions to preserve the strain viability and initial biological properties after 5 years of storage. Analysis of the data obtained during the transfer of Burkholderia mallei strain 5584 allowed us to assess the actions taken at all stages of the procedure. It was established that the transfer procedure for the requested glanders production strain complied with the biosafety requirements and regulatory framework regulating the process.

N. G. Borissova ◽  
M. D. Shavdinova ◽  

The paper analyses the existing calculation methods for steam turbine condenser. The refined methods for calculating the condenser have also been considered. The dependency of the vapor pressure in the condenser on the temperature of the cooling water and the steam flow rate into the condenser have been considered. It can be seen from the obtained dependencies that the calculation of the condenser according to the ARTI and HEI (USA) methods coincides with the passport data. It is recommended to use the ARTI and HEI (USA) techniques for equipment diagnostics, and to use the KTP and USTU-UPI techniques when studying ways to increase the efficiency of the condenser. The mathematical model of the KG2-6200 condenser has been tested at the Almaty СHPP-2.

Е.Г. Бурмистров ◽  
Е.А. Давыдов ◽  
А.Б. Корнев ◽  
Е.П. Роннов

В статье рассматриваются принципы формирования информационной среды обслуживания судовых механизмов. Показывается перспективность разработки для этих целей и ведения с актуализацией на всех основных этапах жизненного цикла изделия его Электронного паспорта. Обосновывается структура паспорта, включающая три основных составляющих: 1. Состояние изделия; 2. Эксплуатационный журнал; 3. История изделия и структура обслуживающей такой паспорт базы знаний, включающей в свою очередь следующие основные группы данных: 1) общие данные; 2) данные для принятия решений на этапе ремонта; 3) критерии для принятия решений на этапе эксплуатации; 4) регламенты. Отмечается, что обеспечение действительности данных Электронного паспорта должен осуществляться через единый Регистрационный центр, функции которого сводятся к проверке наличия регистрационных данных и их целостности, хранению последних действительных копий электронных паспортов изделий и хранению данных о этих паспортах. The article deals with the principles of formation of the information environment for the maintenance of ship mechanisms. the prospects of development for these purposes and maintenance with updating at all main stages of the product life cycle of its electronic passport are shown. The structure of the passport, which includes three main components, is justified: 1. Product status; 2. Operational log; 3. Product history and structure of the knowledge base serving such a passport, which in turn includes the following main data groups: 1) general data; 2) data for decision-making at the repair stage; 3) criteria for decision-making at the operational stage; 4) regulations. It is noted that ensuring the validity of Electronic Passport data should be carried out through a single Registration Center, whose functions are limited to checking the availability of registration data and their integrity, storing the latest valid copies of electronic product passports and storing data on these passports.

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 217
Mazin Mahjoob Mohamed Mahjoob ◽  
Tai-Shen Chen ◽  
Yasir Serag Alnor Gorafi ◽  
Yuji Yamasaki ◽  
Nasrein Mohamed Kamal ◽  

Aegilops tauschii Coss., the D genome donor of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), is the most promising resource used to broaden the genetic diversity of wheat. Taxonomical studies have classified Ae. tauschii into two subspecies, ssp. tauschii and ssp. strangulata. However, molecular analysis revealed three distantly related lineages, TauL1, TauL2 and TauL3. TauL1 and TauL3 includes the only ssp. tauschii, whereas TauL2 includes both subspecies. This study aimed to clarify the phylogeny of Ae. tauschii and to find the traits that can differentiate between TauL1, TauL2 and TauL3, or between ssp. tauschii and ssp. strangulata. We studied the genetic and morpho-physiological diversity in 293 accessions of Ae. tauschii, covering the entire range of the species. A total of 5880 high-quality SNPs derived from DArTseq were used for phylogenetic cluster analyses. As a result, we observed wide morpho-physiological variation in each lineage and subspecies. Despite this variation, no key traits can discriminate lineages or subspecies though some traits were significantly different. Of 124 accessions previously lacking the passport data, 66 were allocated to TauL1, 57 to TauL2, and one to TauL3.

2021 ◽  
Álvaro Ricardo Monteros-Altamirano ◽  
A. Monteros-Altamirano ◽  
F. Yumisaca-Jiménez ◽  
R. Aucancela ◽  
J. Coronel ◽  

Abstract Ecuador is one of the centers of diversity for wild and cultivated potatoes. Three micro-centers of diversity were previously identified based on germplasm collecting passport data of potato landraces and their wild relatives. The objective of this study was to understand the potential hybridization dynamic of the genetic diversity present in situ in these micro-centers (provinces of Carchi, Chimborazo and Loja in Ecuador) by means of: 1. Reviewing the possibility of an eventual genetic cross within intercropped potato landraces through surveys to local producers; 2. Reviewing the possibility of potato landraces crossing with their wild relatives, also according to local producers; and 3. Map the actual geographic location of recent collections of potato landrace and wild potato relatives in the study areas. Information from farmers and eco-geographic data demonstrated that there is no potential crossing between wild and cultivated potato species. Probably the existing genetic variability in Ecuador has been accumulated since the historical movement of potato landraces by American ancestors from the center of origin in Peru and Bolivia and the continuum knowledge and seed sharing besides the conscious and unconscious selection of potato landraces by local farmers for centuries. Additionally, we discuss options to conserve both cultivated and wild potato species in Ecuador due to apparent current genetic erosion processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 10829
Thelma E. KONYEME ◽  
Josephine U. AGOGBUA ◽  
Daniel B. ADEWALE ◽  
Chinedum OGAZIE

Bambara groundnut is a legume with balanced meal. The present study investigated agro-morphological diversity of 61 Bambara groundnut accessions whose passport data were from 21 countries. The Genetic Resources Centre (GRC), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria provided the 61 accessions. The accessions were established in row plots of ten plants on the field at the Centre for Ecological studies, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Seventeen quantitative and two qualitative traits were recorded from the sampling units for each accession. Descriptive and   multivariate statistical analysis were employed on the 61 x 19 matrix mean data. Significant variation exists among the 61 accessions for the 19 descriptors. Mean genetic similarity among the 61 accessions was 0.78, the least (0.48) similarity was between TVSu1750 and TVSu250 and the highest (0.92) was between TVSu391 and TVSu415. TVSu1843 flowered earliest at 35 days. The 61 accessions were grouped into three main clusters. TVSu1964 and two accessions from Malawi (TVSu1748 and TVSu1750) in cluster III had high grain yield. Accessions in cluster II were significant for both vigour and grain yield. Striking uniformity and diversity existed among accessions from the same country. Genetic improvement in vigour and grain yield of Bambara groundnut is possible within each country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Katarzyna Stelmach ◽  
Alicja Macko-Podgórni ◽  
Charlotte Allender ◽  
Dariusz Grzebelus

Abstract Background Carrot is a crop with a wide range of phenotypic and molecular diversity. Within cultivated carrots, the western gene pool comprises types characterized by different storage root morphology. First western carrot cultivars originated from broad-based populations. It was followed by intercrosses among plants representing early open-pollinated cultivars, combined with mass phenotypic selection for traits of interest. Selective breeding improved root uniformity and led to the development of a range of cultivars differing in root shape and size. Based on the root shape and the market use of cultivars, a dozen of market types have been distinguished. Despite their apparent phenotypic variability, several studies have suggested that western cultivated carrot germplasm was genetically non-structured. Results Ninety-three DcS-ILP markers and 2354 SNP markers were used to evaluate the structure of genetic diversity in the collection of 78 western type open-pollinated carrot cultivars, each represented by five plants. The mean percentage of polymorphic loci segregating within a cultivar varied from 31.18 to 89.25% for DcS-ILP markers and from 45.11 to 91.29% for SNP markers, revealing high levels of intra-cultivar heterogeneity, in contrast to its apparent phenotypic stability. Average inbreeding coefficient for all cultivars was negative for both DcS-ILP and SNP, whereas the overall genetic differentiation across all market classes, as measured by FST, was comparable for both marker systems. For DcS-ILPs 90–92% of total genetic variation could be attributed to the differences within the inferred clusters, whereas for SNPs the values ranged between 91 to 93%. Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components enabled the separation of eight groups cultivars depending mostly on their market type affiliation. Three groups of cultivars, i.e. Amsterdam, Chantenay and Imperator, were characterized by high homogeneity regardless of the marker system used for genotyping. Conclusions Both marker systems used in the study enabled detection of substantial variation among carrot plants of different market types, therefore can be used in germplasm characterization and analysis of genome relationships. The presented results likely reveal the actual genetic diversity structure within the western carrot gene pool and point at possible discrepancies within the cultivars’ passport data.

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