oral control
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Grigory V. Rukavishnikov ◽  
Elena V. Verbitskaya ◽  
Olga Yu. Vekovischeva ◽  
Andrey V. Bobrovsky ◽  
Alexander O. Kibitov ◽  

Abstract Background Eating Disorders pose a serious health risk to individuals. Often, eating disorder symptoms are overlooked when assessing obesity risk. The current cross-sectional study was focused on the search of association between disordered eating behaviors evaluated by Eating Attitudes Test 26 (EAT-26) and obesity in a large cohort of Russian-speaking adults seeking online assistance with medical weight correction. Methods The web-based cross-sectional study evaluated the data of online Eating Attitudes Test 26 (EAT-26) completed by 13,341 registered adult visitors of weight loss clinic website. The EAT-26 provides an overall score for potential eating disorders risk, as well as scores for three subscales: Bulimia, dieting, and oral control. Additional self-reported information about sex, weight, height, and age of respondents was used for analysis. The nonparametric analysis of variance and binominal logistic regression modeling were applied to search for an association between obesity and EAT-26 total score and subscales scores. The critical level of the significance was considered as α = 0.05. Results Women (94%) had lower BMI values but higher EAT-26 total score than men, which was indicated as statistically significant by a Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test (Z = − 11.80, p < 0.0001). Logistic regression for the whole cohort revealed that Bulimia subscale score was associated with higher risk of obesity (OR = 1.03, 95% CI 1.02–1.05) whereas higher score of EAT-26 oral control subscale was associated with decreased risk of obesity (OR = 0.93, 95% CI 0.91–0.95). Separate analysis for men and women showed that in men higher obesity risk was associated with higher oral control subscale scores (OR = 1.08, 95% CI 1.06–1.11); while in women both dieting and bulimia subscales scores were associated with higher obesity risk (OR = 1.02, 95% CI 1.01–1.03 and OR = 1.03, 95% CI 1.02–1.05, respectively). Older age was associated with obesity risk for both women and men. Conclusions In a large cohort of individuals seeking medical weight correction assistance, the risk of obesity was associated with the higher EAT-26 scores, age, and sex. Moreover, different eating disorder risk profiles were associated with obesity in men and women. Higher oral control subscale score was associated with decreased risk of obesity in women, but with higher risk in men. Older age was a shared obesity risk factor for both sexes. Therefore, the use of EAT-26 would facilitate individual diagnostic assessment for specific eating disorders in different sub-cohorts. Further assessment of separate EAT-26 subscales may be important to predict sex-/age-specific risks of obesity that implies their study in the future. Plain English summary Obesity is a significant health problem. Different factors (e.g. social, biological, and behavioral) are important for their successful treatment. Abnormal eating behaviors may be one of the most likely predictors of increased body weight. This study aims to determine whether there is a significant association between obesity and scores on the eating behavior questionnaire-Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26)-in a large cohort of adults seeking medical weight correction assistance at a private weight loss clinic web-site. According to the study results, the association was shown for the male sex, older age, and higher Bulimia scores as measured on the EAT-26. Moreover, different EAT-26 scales were associated with obesity risks in women and men subgroups, while older age was a shared risk factor for obesity in both sexes. The findings may suggest sex-/age-specific diagnostic approach and treatment strategies for individuals with obesity.

Manpreet Kaur ◽  
Kiran Grover

Eating disorders and overweight are notable health issues, which are increasing day by day among young adults. Therefore, the study was conducted to evaluate the extent and type of eating disorders among college girls. A sample of 500 college girls in the age group of 18-25 years was randomly selected from five colleges of Ludhiana city, Punjab. Eating disorders were assessed by using Eating Attitude Test (EAT) questionnaire and subjects were categorized into two groups - With Eating Disorders (WED) and Without Eating Disorders (WOED). Prevalence of eating disorders among college girls on basis of EAT scale was 46 percent with higher mean scores of oral control (15.86±6.29) followed by dieting (13.17±8.47), bulimia, and food preoccupation (3.86±1.98). The correlation coefficient showed positive associations of eating disorders with body mass index. This study suggested formulating nutrition and health fitness clubs in colleges to create awareness and practices regarding diet, exercise, and yoga.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5 (293)) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Saulė Grigaliūnaitė ◽  
Rita Kantanavičiūtė-Petružė

The theoretical analysis of scientific literature sources and practice show that standardized adult assessment tools for the evaluation of adult swallowing disorders and readiness for withdrawal of the nasogastric tube (NGZ) are not uniformly used in Lithuanian health care institutions. The theoretical analysis of the assessment of swallowing disorders in adults fed by NGZ in the article showed that in the early stage of the disorder, examinations that are performed in the patient's ward and do not require radiological evaluation are sufficiently accurate. The aim of the study is to reveal the tools and methodologies for the evaluation of swallowing disorders in adults fed by NGZ in the patient's ward during the acute period of the disease. After the theoretical analysis of scientific literature sources, it can be stated that: enteral feeding improves feeding quality, but it restricts patient's movements, complicates communication, induces isolation; accurate assessment of dysphagia can be made by performing a swallowing sample in the patient’s ward; assessment of swallowing function takes into account masticatory muscle function, movements of lips, tongue and soft palate, swallowing, cough and gag reflex, oral control, oral residue, voice quality after swallowing and aspiration risk.

2021 ◽  
pp. 074823372199657
Fernando Cézar Cardoso Maia ◽  
Rebecca Andrade Porto ◽  
Letícia Rocha Magalhães ◽  
Pedro Henrique Nahas Chagas ◽  
Gisele Alborghetti Nai

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the world. Although some studies have shown cardiac electrophysiological changes associated to glyphosate, the histopathological changes that this herbicide may cause in the cardiovascular system are not yet established. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cardiovascular effects of subchronic oral and inhalation exposure to the glyphosate herbicide in rats. Eighty albino Wistar rats were distributed into eight groups (five males and five females/group): inhalation control: nebulization with sodium chloride solution (NaCl); oral control: nebulized feed with NaCl; low inhalation concentration: nebulization with 3.71 × 10−3 grams of active ingredient per hectare (g.a.i./ha) of glyphosate; low oral concentration: nebulized feed with 3.71 × 10−3 g.a.i./ha of glyphosate; medium inhalation concentration: nebulization with 6.19 × 10−3 g.a.i./ha of glyphosate; medium oral concentration: nebulized feed with 6.19 × 10−3 g.a.i./ha of glyphosate; high inhalation concentration: nebulization with 9.28 × 10−3 g.a.i./ha of glyphosate; and high oral concentration: nebulized feed with 9.28 × 10−3 g.a.i./ha of glyphosate. After 75 days of exposure, the animals were euthanized, and aortas and hearts were collected for histopathological analysis. Fatty streaks were observed in most animals exposed to glyphosate and were more prevalent in male rats, regardless of the route of exposure ( p < 0.05). There were no differences in the measurements of the thickness of the right and left ventricle or in the collagen density of both ventricles in any of the groups evaluated ( p > 0.05). Our study suggests that glyphosate has atherogenic potential, regardless of the concentration and route of exposure.

Carmelo M Vicario ◽  
Robert D Rafal ◽  
Giuseppe di Pellegrino ◽  
Chiara Lucifora ◽  
Mohammad A Salehinejad ◽  

Abstract We commonly label moral violations in terms of ‘disgust’, yet it remains unclear whether metaphorical expressions linking disgust and morality are genuinely shared at the cognitive/neural level. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), we provide new insights into this debate by measuring motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) from the tongue generated by TMS over the tongue primary motor area (tM1) in a small group of healthy participants presented with vignettes of moral transgressions and non-moral vignettes. We tested whether moral indignation, felt while evaluating moral vignettes, affected tM1 excitability. Vignettes exerted a variable influence on MEPs with no net effect of the moral category. However, in accordance with our recent study documenting reduced tM1 excitability during exposure to pictures of disgusting foods or facial expressions of distaste, we found that the vignettes of highly disapproved moral violations reduced tM1 excitability. Moreover, tM1 excitability and moral indignation were linearly correlated: the higher the moral indignation, the lower the tM1 excitability. Respective changes in MEPs were not observed in a non-oral control muscle, suggesting a selective decrease of tM1 excitability. These preliminary findings provide neurophysiological evidence supporting the hypothesis that morality might have originated from the more primitive experience of oral distaste.

Olha Dushchenko

The use of Internet-oriented applications is constantly growing, but the question arises how to create Internet-oriented applications. The educational course "Programming of Internet-oriented applications" is designed to solve this problem. The article describes the subject, purpose and results of the educational course "Programming of Internet-oriented applications". The content of the program of the educational course "Programming of Internet-oriented applications" is given. The methodical aspects of teaching the course "Programming of Internet-oriented applications" are revealed, namely the description of lectures with the description of studying the concepts of the topic, methods and means of teaching (verbal teaching methods (explanation, story, conversation), visual teaching methods (demonstration), methods learning depending on the type of cognitive activity (information-receptive, reproductive, problem, partial-search (heuristic), search (research), inductive, deductive), method of stimulating interest in learning and motivation of learning-cognitive activity (discussion); computer), laboratory practicals with a description of tasks to perform, methods and means of teaching (verbal teaching methods (explanation, story, instruction), visual teaching methods (illustration, demonstration), teaching methods depending on the type of cognitive activity (reproductive), methods of control and self-control on the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities: methods of oral control (individual recitation, frontal recitation), methods of self-control (personal exploration of errors, self-analysis); textbook, computer), independent work of students, modular control work. It is noted that for most lectures multimedia presentations have been developed, which are freely available on the Internet. A distance course "Programming of Internet-oriented applications" has been created as part of distance learning implementation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 143
Salvatore Iuso ◽  
Antonello Bellomo ◽  
Tiziana Pagano ◽  
Raffaella Carnevale ◽  
Antonio Ventriglio ◽  

Emerging evidence suggests controversial results on the associations between sport activity and eating disorders (EDs). The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between sport activity in general, weight-dependent/independent sport activity particularly, and risk or protective factors in feeding and eating disorder (FED). The sample (n = 282, divided into two successive groups), included competitive athletes in the first analysis, non-competitive athletes, and sedentary peers; in the second analysis it has been divided into weight-dependent athletes, weight-independent athletes, non-competitive athletes, and sedentary peers. The participants were tested with Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Profile of Mood State (POMS) questionnaire, Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), and Body Uneasiness Test (BUT). The results show higher levels of self-esteem among athletes in general and particularly in weight-independent athletes (p = 0.0210). We found higher levels of image and body dissatisfaction among sedentary peers and weight-dependent athletes (0.0005 < p < 0.0015). Sedentary peers also reported higher levels of tension/anxiety, depression/dejection, confusion/bewilderment and fatigue/inertia (0.0001 < p < 0.0331). Dieting and oral control were found to be higher among weight-dependent athletes (0.0337 < p < 0.0400). The findings suggest that sedentary condition is associated with higher levels of body-image discomfort and higher level of psychological distress, whereas weight-dependent athletes may report dietary issues and bodily concerns. Sport activity should be promoted and specific trainings on diet and body-consciousness encouraged among athletes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 354 ◽  
pp. 676-688
Carlos-A. Bernal Rodriguez ◽  
Valquiria Linck Bassani ◽  
Leonardo Castellanos ◽  
Freddy A. Ramos Rodríguez ◽  
Yolima Baena

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (03) ◽  
pp. e343-e353 ◽  
Ana Maria Hernandez ◽  
Esther Mandelbaum Gonçalves Bianchini

Introduction Dysphagia, when left untreated, can result in an increase in morbidity and mortality rates, especially among infants with history of life-threatening neonatal diseases. The videofluoroscopy swallowing study (VFSS) is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of dysphagia. There are few imaging studies of infant swallowing based on videofluoroscopy, none of which were performed during breast-feeding. Objective To analyze the similarities and differences in infant swallowing function –regarding the feeding method – breast or bottle – and the impact on videofluoroscopy findings. Methods A retrospective study of 25 VFSSs of breastfeeding and bottle-feeding infants was performed. The studied variables were: oral capture and control; tongue versus mandible movement coordination; sucking pattern; mandible excursion; liquid flow; bolus retention; laryngeal penetration; tracheal aspiration; clearing of material collected in the pharynx; and gastroesophageal reflux (GER). Results The study showed a statistically significant association between nipple/areole capture; oral control; sucking pattern; mandibular excursion; liquid flow and feeding method. The velar sealing deficit, the place that trigger the pharyngeal swallow, food retention in the pharyngeal recesses, laryngeal penetration and GER were also factors associated with the feeding method. Conclusion The analysis of the swallowing characteristics of both feeding methods revealed significant differences between them, with an impact on the diagnosis in the VFSSs, especially regarding velar function.

Tuan Nor Atiqah Syafiqah Tuan Abd Aziz ◽  
Madihah Shukri

This study examined the relationship between body dissatisfaction and eating disorder of undergraduate students in University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT). Using stratified random sampling technique, data from 299 respondents was gathered. Body dissatisfaction was measured using Body Shape Questionnaire while eating disorders were assessed using Eating Attitudes Test. Descriptive statistics showed that the majority of the respondents reported no symptom of body dissatisfaction. With regard to eating disorders, respondents reported low levels of dieting, bulimia and oral control, indicating that an eating disorder in this sample was somewhat low. T-test analyses showed that there were no significant gender differences in body dissatisfaction as well as in eating disorders. However, there was evidence to suggest that female respondents had slightly higher level of eating disorder than males. Results of Pearson correlations showed there was significant relationship between body dissatisfaction and total score of eating disorders, dieting, bulimia and oral control subtypes (r = .58, p <.001; r = .64, p<.001; r = .39, p<.001; r = .18, p<.001; respectively)  in that, higher level of body dissatisfaction was significantly related to increased risk of eating disorders.

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