Jurnal Inovasi Matematika
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2656-7245, 2656-7431

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-203
Joko Sutrisno AB

This study aimed to analyze the differences in learning independence regarding gender and mathematical disposition in public junior high school students in Bandar Lampung. The research conducted was a survey study through the spread of questionnaires involving 355 students from 11 schools—data analysis using two-lane variance analysis. The results showed no difference in learning independence between male and female students. In terms of mathematical disposition, the average learning independence of students who had a higher high disposition than those who had low dispositions. This difference occurred between male students and female students. In students with low mathematical dispositions, it was known that the average independence of learning female students was higher than male students. Thus, to develop learning independence, students need to pay attention to students' gender and mathematical disposition characteristics to develop learning independence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-171
Ahmad Ahmad

The purpose of this study is to determine (1) the autonomous of learning mathematics taught by the blended learning model of the flipped classroom type in as the senior class in a junior high school in Sokaraja in academi year of 2019/2020, (2) the autonomous of learning mathematics taught by conventional learning models in as the senior class in a junior high school in Sokaraja in academi year of 2019/2020, and (3) whether the learning independence is maintained. A quasi-experimental approach with a non-equivalent control group was employed in this research. The samples utilized in this research were divided into two classes, with one class serving as the experimental class and the other serving as the control class. As a data collecting technique, the independence test was used. The information was then examined using descriptive statistics and the t-test. Based on the findings the following conclusions may be drawn: There are variations in students' learning independence while studying mathematics. Students who get mixed learning model type flipped classroom and students who receive traditional learning models have curved sides.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-189
Endang S Kresnawati ◽  
Yulia Resti ◽  
Bambang Suprihatin ◽  
M. Rendy Kurniawan ◽  
Widya Ayu Amanda

Penyakit arteri koroner (coronary artery disease) menjadi penyebab utama kematian penduduk di dunia setidaknya selama dua dekade (2000-2019) dan mengalami peningkatan kematian terbesar dalam rentang waktu tersebut dibandingkan dengan penyebab kematian lainnya. Keberhasilan memprediksi penyakit arteri koroner secara dini berdasarkan data medis bermanfaat bagi pasien dan juga bagi kestabilan perekonomian negara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memprediksi penyakit arteri koroner jantung dengan mengimplementasikan dua metode statistical learning yaitu Multinomial Naïve Bayes dan pohon keputusan dengan validasi silang 10-fold, dimana variabel-variabel numerik didiskritisasi untuk memperoleh variabel-variabel kategorik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode Pohon Keputusan memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik dibandingkan metode Multinomial Naïve Bayes dalam memprediksi penyakit arteri koroner. Ukuran kinerja metode Pohon Keputusan memperoleh tingkat akurasi 99,63 %, sensitivitas 100 %, spesifisitas 99,33%, presisi 99,23 %, dan nilai prediksi negatif (NPV) 100 %. Ukuran-ukuran ini mengindikasikan bahwa metode Pohon Keputusan layak digunakan untuk memprediksi penyakit arteri coroner, termasuk data independent berupa data penyakit arteri coroner lainnya dengan variable predictor yang sama. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan rujukan dengan penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya dalam mendiskritisasi variabel numerik mampu meningkatkan kinerja metode dalam memprediksi penyakit arteri coroner.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-163
Maya Saftari ◽  

This study produced a prototype of Riemann's number of teaching materials based on APOS theory. The student activity sheet (LAM) based on APOS theory was designed to help students understand the integral of the subject matter of Riemann quantities. The teaching materials design process was divided into two stages, namely preliminary study and formative evaluation. In the preliminary study stage, the researchers prepared and designed teaching materials in the form of student activity sheets for the subject of Riemann's Amount based on the APOS theory (Action, Process, Object, and Scheme). In the formative evaluation stage, researchers evaluated and revised the results of the design of teaching materials. The evaluation results in the form of comments and suggestions were used to revise the products produced, namely the first, second, and third prototypes. From these three stages, the first prototype that the researcher designed was revised based on the comments from the validator, namely expert review and several students. The second prototype was revised based on comments from several groups of students in small groups. The third prototype was the final design result used for field testing at the field test stage. The trials conducted showed that the goal of producing a product design that had a potential effect (usability) in the mathematics learning process had been achieved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-137
Mulia Suryani ◽  
Lucky Heriyanti Jufri ◽  

This study aimed to describe the errors made by students in working on math story problems on the subject of the matrix based on Watson's error criteria. This type of research was descriptive research with quantitative methods. This study's data collection techniques used the method of tests, interviews, and documentation, while the subjects in this study were 35 people. The test was carried out only once with many questions of 4 story questions. Then the data obtained were analyzed by data triangulation techniques. This study indicated that most errors made by students were incorrect data errors (inappropriate data / ID) with an error percentage of 20.39%. In comparison, the minor errors made by students were omitted data (OD) errors with an error percentage of 2.63%. For the omitted conclusion (OC) error, response level conflict (RLC), indirect manipulation (UM), skill hierarchy problem (SHP), and in addition to the seven errors (others/ O) with an error percentage range of 10%≤ P<25% and for inappropriate procedure errors (IP) with an error percentage range of P <10%. The causes of errors were lack of accuracy in reading and solving problems, errors in performing calculations, errors in using formulas, and lack of understanding of the material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-151
Sari Saraswati ◽  
Iesyah Rodliyah ◽  
Novia Dwi Rahmawati

This study aims to determine the quality of the assessment instrument based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) based on qualitative and quantitative analysis. The type of research is descriptive quantitative. This study involved 32 Mathematics Education students. The research instrument was in the form of a question review sheet and 16 multiple-choice items based on HOTS based on Bloom's taxonomy. The qualitative study covers aspects of content/material, construction, and language. While the quantitative analysis is based on the Classical Test Theory approach with the help of the ANATES version 4.0.9 program. Aspects that are analyzed quantitatively include validity, reliability, level of difficulty, discriminatory power, and distractor functions. The results showed that 1) the instrument reached the valid criteria from the results of qualitative and quantitative studies, 2) the reliability of the items reached 0.87 including very high criteria, 3) the discriminatory power of at least 22.22%, 4) the level of difficulty of the questions included 25% easy, 31.25% moderate, while 43.75% difficult, and 5) all distractors work well. This HOTS-based assessment instrument can be applied as an evaluation tool in familiarizing students with higher-order thinking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-126
Jihan Della Safegi ◽  
Hapizah Hapizah ◽  
Cecil Hiltrimartin ◽  
Made Sukaryawan ◽  
Kodri Madang ◽  

This study aimed to determine student errors and the factors that caused students to make mistakes in solving PISA-type math problems. Error analysis was carried out based on Newman's analysis through tests and interviews. This research was conducted in one of the junior high schools in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands, involving 26 students. Subjects were selected based on a purposive sampling technique with three considerations: academic ability, teacher recommendations, and student willingness. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. The PISA math test questions tested consisted of change and relationship, space and shape, quantity and uncertainty, and data content. The results showed that reading errors were 40.21%, comprehension errors were 41.86%, transformation errors were 87.29%, process skill error is 90.26%, and the answer writing error is 88.46%. While uncertain and data is the content with the most significant error percentage, which is 82.31%. In general, errors were caused by students who cannot relate PISA questions to the material they usually study, and students were not accustomed to working on PISA questions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-101
Atika Nur Hidayati ◽  
Alben Ambarita ◽  
Dwi Yulianti

From the results of the answers to the test of mathematical communication skills and the deployment of the questionnaire obtained the problem, namely the low capacity of mathematical communication students, the difficulty of students to write the form of mathematical symbols, and the limitations of teaching materials used during learning in class V in elementary school. This study aimed to develop valid worksheets of students (LKPD) on building simple spaces in class V elementary school, knowing the practicality of LKPDs from users, educators and students, and knowing the effectiveness of LKPD on increasing mathematical communication skills. The method of development used in this study referred to the research design of Borg and Gall. Data collection techniques were carried out through documentation, observation, questionnaires, and students' mathematical communication skills tests. The subjects of this study were 25 control class students and 25 experimental class students at SDN 1 Semuli. The study results stated that LKPD products based on the AIR learning model were valid, practical, and effective in improving students' mathematical communication skills. It was proven by material experts, media experts, and language experts validating results with the "Very Valid" category. LKPD based on AIR learning models was practiced to be used by fulfilling the aspects of attractiveness, convenience, and usefulness with the "very practical" category. LKPD-based AIR learning models were effectively used to improve students' mathematical communication skills in the pretest and post-test scores, with the results of the calculation of the experimental class n-gain entry in the category was quite effective

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-113
Ari Suningsih ◽  
Imam Nurohim ◽  
Windi Ria Astuti

The study aimed to determine the effect of participating in the exact student association organization (HIMEKS) and the intensity of learning on student achievement in mathematics education at FKIP-UMPRI. The activity in question was the involvement and an essential role in the organization's activities to foster and develop talents and increase student motivation. The intensity of learning included motivation, time or duration, discipline, concentration, frequency, activity, and presentation. This type of research used ex post facto with a quantitative approach. The population was all students of mathematics education FKIP-UMPRI. The research sample was Himeks administrators who were taken using a purposive sampling technique, totaling 43 people. Data collection through the distribution of questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used simple regression analysis technique and multiple regression analysis. The results of data analysis: (1) there was an effect of activities following the HIMEKS organization with a contribution of 9.1% on student learning achievement. A positive effect with a correlation coefficient (r_x1y) of 0.302 with a low category; (2) there was an effect of learning intensity on student achievement with a contribution of 28.7%. The positive effect showed by the correlation coefficient (r_x2y) of 0.536, including the medium category; (3) there was an effect of participating in the HIMEKS organization and the intensity of learning together on student learning achievement 32.0%. A positive effect with a correlation coefficient of r_x1x2y=0.566 in the medium category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-85
Yongxing Huang ◽  
Jianlan Tang ◽  
Jerito Pereira ◽  
Chen Jihe ◽  
Maximus Tamur ◽  

Along with the development of the world of science, it is getting faster ICT in education. The objectives to be achieved in this study are to find out how the student's response to the utilization of the Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics application on the material of the curved side of the learning room in the teaching and learning process took place in the classroom. The main object in this study was the 9th-grade junior high school student who was 96 students at Gusui Middle School in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Data collection in this study was a questionnaire containing indicators that have to measure the student's response to the use of learning media using Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics and the primary tool processing research data, namely Ms. Excel and SPSS statistical. The study results were related to the student's response that students agreed, were happy, and were assisted by the Hawgent Dynamic application. The perception or student response results concluded that learning using Hawgent Dynamic software could help in mathematics. It was easier and satisfying for students to understand the material about building a curved side space. However, the use of Hawgent software was only limited to trials, so it was recommended that it be able to use and utilize this software for other discussions on mathematics lessons.

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