age independent
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Tomas Bertok ◽  
Aniko Bertokova ◽  
Eduard Jane ◽  
Michal Hires ◽  
Juvissan Aguedo ◽  

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common types of cancer among men and women worldwide. Efforts are currently underway to find novel and more cancer-specific biomarkers that could be detected in a non-invasive way. The analysis of aberrant glycosylation of serum glycoproteins is a way to discover novel diagnostic and prognostic CRC biomarkers. The present study investigated a whole-serum glycome with a panel of 16 different lectins in search for age-independent and CRC-specific glycomarkers using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses and glycan heat matrices. Glycosylation changes present in the whole serum were identified, which could lead to the discovery of novel biomarkers for CRC diagnostics. In particular, the change in the bisecting glycans (recognized by Phaseolus vulgaris erythroagglutinin) had the highest discrimination potential for CRC diagnostics in combination with human L selectin providing area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.989 (95% CI 0.950–1.000), specificity of 1.000, sensitivity of 0.900, and accuracy of 0.960. We also implemented novel tools for identification of lectins with strong discrimination power.

Kutay Bahadir ◽  
Bilgesu Arikan-Ergun ◽  
Atilla Halil Elhan ◽  
Ergun Ergun ◽  
Tanju Aktug

Abstract Introduction Sacrospinal anomalies that may accompany anorectal malformations may cause fecal and urinary incontinence despite proper anomaly treatment. The sacral ratio has been suggested in the determination of both the prognosis in terms of incontinence and the need for further examination for sacrospinal anomalies. The normal and clinically decisive values of sacral ratio are given differently in publications. We aimed to determine the distribution of the sacral ratio in children under 12 months and to develop the sacral ratio percentile card that will enable one to give an age-independent parametric result in clinical evaluations. Materials and Methods The files of patients under 1 year of age who had anteroposterior direct radiography including pelvis were reviewed retrospectively. Sacral ratio was studied for 360 patients, 30 patients per month. Percentile card was developed with LMS software and reference values were used as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10%. Results The lowest sacral ratio value was 0.514 and the highest value was 0.936. There was no statistical difference between the mean sacral ratio of the cases when they were classified on a monthly basis (p = 0.191). Low percentile values were found slightly different at first 4 months of age. Conclusion Although the mean of sacral ratio does not change significantly during the first year of life, values that are considered pathological for patients are within different percentile limits depending on age. Instead of using sacral ratio with some clinically decisive values, we think that parametric evaluation with the help of the percentile card will increase its clinical value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Pinku Halder ◽  
Upamanyu Pal ◽  
Agnish Ganguly ◽  
Papiya Ghosh ◽  
Anirban Ray ◽  

AbstractMaternal risk factors and their interactions with each other that associate chromosome 21 nondisjunction are intriguing and need incisive study to be resolved. We determined recombination profile of nondisjoined chromosome 21 and maternal genotypes for four selected polymorphic variants from the folate regulators genes stratifying the women according to the origin of segregation error and age at conception. We conducted association study for genotype and maternal addiction to smokeless chewing tobacco, usually chopped tobacco leaves or paste of tobacco leaves with the incidence of Down syndrome birth. Additionally, we designed various logistic regression models to explore the effects of maternal genotype, maternal habit of smokeless chewing tobacco, maternal age at conception and all possible interactions among them on chromosome 21 nondisjunction. We found folate regulator gene mutations are associated with maternal meiosis II error. Regression models revealed smokeless chewing tobacco and folate polymorphic/mutant risk genotype interact with each other to increase the risk of reduced and single peri-centromeric recombination events on chromosome 21 that nondisjoined at meiosis II in the oocytes and the effect is maternal age independent. We inferred maternal folate polymorphic/mutant risk genotypes and habit of smokeless chewing tobacco interact with each other and increase the risk of meiosis II error in oocytes in maternal age-independent manner.

Blood ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 138 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 2164-2164
Marissa Li ◽  
Terra Lasho ◽  
Moritz Binder ◽  
Wazim Mohammed Ismail ◽  
Susan M. Geyer ◽  

Abstract Background: SARS-Cov-2 infections are associated with increased mortality and morbidity, largely due to inflammatory cascades and cytokine release syndrome (CRS). Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) is defined by the presence and subsequent expansion of somatic, leukemia-associated driver mutations in apparently healthy individuals with normal blood counts. CHIP has been associated with increased inflammation, with cytokines such as IL1-b, IL6 and TNF-a being elevated at baseline in affected individuals. We hypothesized that the presence of CHIP in patients with COVID-19 would result in excessive inflammation-related mortality and morbidity. Methods: We used the Mayo Clinic COVID-19 database to identify patients with COVID-19 on whom peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were available for research use (IRB approved). We carried out target-capture next generation sequencing for 220 CH related genes, by previously described methods (1000 x coverage, variant allele fraction/VAF detection limit >0.5%; Kusne Y et al AJH 2021). CHIP was defined by the presence of a CH mutation with a VAF>1% in an individual with normal baseline blood counts. Demographics, blood counts, and inflammatory markers (CRP and cytokine levels- ELISA assay) at COVID-19 diagnosis and during follow-up (as clinically indicated) were collected. COVID-19 disease severity was classified based on the presence and severity of CRS, graded using the Penn Grading Scale (Porter et. al., 2018), and the WHO ordinal scale (WHO Blueprint, 2020). We used Fisher's exact test and the Wilcoxon rank sum test to compare categorical and continuous variables. Survival analysis was performed using the Kaplan-Meier method. We accounted for differences in age and sex using multivariable-adjusted proportional hazards regression models. Results: Seventy-two CHIP mutations were detected in 56 (25%) of the 227 patients with COVID-19 that had PBMC available; median age 69 years (range; 42-99 years), 61% male. Fifteen (26%) patients had 2 CHIP mutations, while 1 patient had 3 CHIP mutations. Common mutations encountered included DNMT3A (32%) , TET2 (19%) , SF3B1 (8%) , ASXL1 (6%) , MPL (5%) , and TP53 (5%; Figure 1A). COVID-19 patients with CHIP were older in age (median 69 vs 57 years; p<0.0001) and had higher baseline MCP-1 (p=0.04) levels. However, there were no differences in sex, comorbidities, blood counts, IL1-b, IL6 and TNF-a levels between the two groups. The median follow-up for the entire cohort was 9 months. The relative change from baseline in blood counts and inflammatory markers (CRP and cytokines) during follow-up was similar in CHIP and non-CHIP patients, with the exception that COVID-19-onset neutropenia was more common in CHIP patients (8% vs 1%; p=0.017) compared to those without CHIP. At last follow up neutropenia had resolved in all patients. Both groups had comparable number of patients with CRS (61% CHIP vs 53% non-CHIP patients, p=0.354, Figure 1B), however, CHIP patients had more severe CRS (median Penn Grade 3 versus 2 in non-CHIP, p=0.018, Figure 1C). Based on the WHO ordinal scale, CHIP patients were more likely to experience hospitalization with severe disease and death (61% versus 45% in non-CHIP, p = 0.049). Moreover, COVID-19 CHIP patients experienced worse overall survival in comparison to patients without CHIP (median 13.1 months vs not reached, p<0.001, Figure 1D). This association remained consistent after adjusting for age and sex at the time of COVID-19 diagnosis (HR 3.15, 95% 1.32 - 7.55, p = 0.010). At last follow-up, 22 deaths were documented: 13 (23%) in patients with CHIP and 9 (5%) in the non-CHIP group (p=0.02), with the primary cause for mortality being hypoxic respiratory failure (62% in CHIP vs 44% non-CHIP, p=0.04). Conclusions: In this study, we observe an age-independent impact of CHIP on COVID-19 associated inflammatory morbidity (CRS) and mortality (hypoxemic respiratory failure). We are currently carrying out detailed single cell (ssDNA, RNA and ATAC-seq) and proteomic studies (O-link PEA assays) to better elucidate this pathophysiology. Figure 1 Figure 1. Disclosures Patnaik: Kura Oncology: Research Funding; StemLine: Research Funding.

2021 ◽  
Melissa Alexis Iacovidou ◽  
Priscille Barreaux ◽  
Matthew B Thomas ◽  
Erin E Gorsich ◽  
Kat S Rock

Mathematical models of vector-borne infections, including malaria, often assume age-independent mortality rates of vectors, despite evidence that many insects senesce. In this study we present survival data on insecticide-resistant Anopheles gambiae s.l. from field experiments in Côte d’Ivoire. We fit a constant mortality function and two age-dependent functions (logistic and Gompertz) to the data from mosquitoes exposed (treated) and not exposed (control) to insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), to establish biologically realistic survival functions. This enables us to explore the effects of insecticide exposure on mosquito mortality rates, and the extent to which insecticide resistance might impact the effectiveness of ITNs. We investigate this by calculating the expected number of infectious bites a mosquito will take in its lifetime, and by extension the vectorial capacity. Our results show that the predicted vectorial capacity is substantially lower in mosquitoes exposed to ITNs, despite the mosquitoes in the experiment being highly insecticide-resistant. The more realistic age-dependent functions provide a better fit to the experimental data compared to a constant mortality function and, hence, influence the predicted impact of ITNs on malaria transmission potential. In models with age-independent mortality, there is a reduction of 56.52% ( [[EQUATION]] 14.66) for the vectorial capacity under exposure compared to no exposure. However, the two age-dependent functions predicted a larger reduction due to exposure: for the logistic function the reduction is 74.38% ( [[EQUATION]] 9.93) and for the Gompertz 74.35% ( [[EQUATION]] 7.11), highlighting the impact of incorporating age in the mortality rates. These results further show that multiple exposures to ITNs had a considerable effect on the vectorial capacity. Overall, the study highlights the importance of including age dependency in mathematical models of vector-borne disease transmission and in fully understanding the impact of interventions.

JTCVS Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Shreya Sarkar ◽  
Jeffrey B. MacLeod ◽  
Ansar Hassan ◽  
Daniel J. Dutton ◽  
Keith R. Brunt ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 916
Nora Pashayan ◽  
Antonis C. Antoniou ◽  
Andrew Lee ◽  
Michael Wolfson ◽  
Jocelyne Chiquette ◽  

In risk-stratified cancer screening, multiple risk factors are incorporated into the risk assessment. An individual’s estimated absolute cancer risk is linked to risk categories with tailored screening recommendations for each risk category. Absolute risk, expressed as either remaining lifetime risk or shorter-term (five- or ten-year) risk, is estimated from the age at assessment. These risk estimates vary by age; however, some clinical guidelines (e.g., enhanced breast cancer surveillance guidelines) and ongoing personalised breast screening trials, stratify women based on absolute risk thresholds that do not vary by age. We examine an alternative approach in which the risk thresholds used for risk stratification vary by age and consider the implications of using age-independent risk thresholds on risk stratification. We demonstrate that using an age-independent remaining lifetime risk threshold approach could identify high-risk younger women but would miss high-risk older women, whereas an age-independent 5-year or 10-year absolute risk threshold could miss high-risk younger women and classify lower-risk older women as high risk. With risk misclassification, women with an equivalent risk level would be offered a different screening plan. To mitigate these problems, age-dependent absolute risk thresholds should be used to inform risk stratification.

2021 ◽  
Pinku Halder ◽  
Upamanyu Pal ◽  
Agnish Ganguly ◽  
Papiya Ghosh ◽  
Anirban Ray ◽  

Abstract Maternal risk factors and their interactions with each other that associate chromosome 21 nondisjunction are intriguing and need incisive study to be resolved. We determined recombination profile of nondisjoined chromosome 21 and maternal genotypes for four selected polymorphic variants from the folate regulators genes stratifying the women according to the origin of segregation error and age at conception. We conducted association study for genotype and maternal habit of smoke less chewing tobacco with the incidence of Down syndrome birth. Additionally, we designed various logistic regression models to explore the effects of genotype, smokeless chewing tobacco habit, maternal age at conception and all possible interactions among them on chromosome 21 nondisjunction. We found folate regulator gene mutations are associated with maternal meiosis II error. Regression models revealed smokeless chewing tobacco and folate regulator mutant genotypes interact with each other to increase the risk of reduced and peri-centromeric recombination events on chromosome 21 that nondisjoined at meiosis II in the oocytes and the effect is maternal age independent. We inferred maternal polymorphic genotypes and habit of smokeless chewing tobacco interact with each other and increase the risk of meiosis II error in oocytes in maternal age-independent manner.

2021 ◽  
Roberta Pastorino ◽  
Angelo Maria Pezzullo ◽  
Leonardo Villani ◽  
Francesco Andrea Causio ◽  
Cathrine Axfors ◽  

Background. Most countries initially deployed COVID-19 vaccines preferentially in elderly populations. Population-level vaccine effectiveness may be heralded by an increase in the proportion of deaths among non-elderly populations that were less covered by vaccination programs. Methods. We collected data from 40 countries on age-stratified COVID-19 deaths during the vaccination period (1/14/2021-5/31/2021) and two control periods (entire pre-vaccination period and excluding the first wave). We meta-analyzed the proportion of deaths in different age groups in vaccination versus control periods in countries with low vaccination rates; (2) countries with age-independent vaccination policies; and (3) countries with standard age-dependent vaccination policies. Findings. Countries that prioritized vaccination among older people saw an increasing share of deaths among 0-69 year old people in the vaccination versus the two control periods (summary prevalence ratio 1.32 [95 CI% 1.24-1.41] and 1.35 [95 CI% 1.26-1.44)]. No such change was seen on average in countries with age-independent vaccination policies (1.05 [95 CI% 0.78-1.41 and 0.97 [95 CI% 0.95- 1.00], respectively) and limited vaccination (0.93 [95 CI% 0.85-1.01] and 0.95 [95 CI% 0.87-1.03], respectively). Prevalence ratios were associated with the difference of vaccination rates in elderly versus non-elderly people. No significant changes occurred in the share of deaths in age 0-49 among all 0-69 deaths in the vaccination versus pre-vaccination periods. Interpretation. The substantial shift in the age distribution of COVID-19 deaths in countries that rapidly implemented vaccination predominantly among elderly may herald the population level-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination and a favorable evolution of the pandemic towards endemicity with fewer elderly deaths. Funding. This study received no specific funding.

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