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Alexandra Anatolyevna Manokhina ◽  
Alexey Semyonovich Dorokhov ◽  
Tamara Petrovna Kobozeva ◽  
Tatiana Nikolaevna Fomina ◽  
Oksana Anatolyevna Starovoitova

Being a valuable source of inulin, fructose and pectin, Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is one of the most promising bioenergy crops for common usage. Animals have been reported to eat both Jerusalem artichoke green mass and tubers with pleasure. On the one hand, Jerusalem artichoke is cultivated on the area of about 3 thousand hectares in Russia. On the other hand, there are more than 200 crop species. So it is critical to choose a proper variety suitable both for soil and climatic conditions. The purpose of the research is to study Jerusalem artichoke, taking into account varietal characteristics appropriate for forage production. Research objects – varieties of Jerusalem artichoke: early ripening Skorospelka (RF); mid-early Vylgortskiy (RF); mid-season Dieticheskiy (RF), Kaluzhskiy (RF), Korenevskiy (RF), Nadezhda (RF), Nakhodka (RF), Podmoskovniy (RF), Sireniki (RB), Blank Brekos (France), Violet de Rense (France); late ripening Interest (RF), Interest 21 (RF), Novosti VIRa (RF), Tadzhikskiy Krasniy (USSR), Spindle (Germany). The soil for evaluating Jerusalem artichoke varieties was from experimental plot base "Korenevo". It is characterized as sod-slightly podzolic sandy loam. The field trial was established and the records and observations were carried out in accordance with the requirements of the field experiment methodology (1985), and the Program and methodology for evaluating Jerusalem artichoke varieties in test nurseries (2014). The varieties Vylgortskiy, Dieticheskiy, Nadezhda, Nakhodka, Sireniki, Skorospelka, Blank Brekos and Kaluzhskiy were found to reach due height of 155 - 170 cm at the end of the growing season; the varieties Podmoskovniy, Interest reached proper height of 175 - 208 cm; the varieties Interest 21, Tadzhikskiy and Violet de Rense were about 220 - 235 cm in hight; as for the varieties Korenevskiy, Novost VIRa, Spindlу their hight was 270 - 280 cm. According to aggregate amount of feed units per 1 ha, the following varieties have been shown to be the most reasonable for fodder production: Novost VIRa (22,438 fodder units), Nadezhda (19,928 fodder units), Korenevskiy (17,798 fodder units), Shpindle (16,887 fodder units), Dieticheskiy (16,395 fodder units), and Interest (16,116 fodder units). The highest total coefficient of energy efficiency has been found in the following varieties: Novost VIRa – 3.09, Tadzhikskiy – 2.78; Spindle – 2.68; Korenevskiy – 2.43; Interest – 2.10; Skorospelka – 1.98. The results of experimental and theoretical studies obtained were verified on-the-farm conditions based on a seed-speciality farm LLC Kaluga-Agro (the Kaluga region) and demonstrated beneficial effect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-216
Suriani Ginting ◽  
Sonya Enda Natasha S. Pandia ◽  
Evi Juita Wailan'An

Tax expense is the aggregate amount of current tax expense and deferred tax expense which is calculated on accounting profit recognized in one period. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of revenue and expenses on the tax expense with Earnings Before Income and Tax (EBIT) as an intervening in consumer goods companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-2019 period. The population of the study was 54 consumer goods companies with purposive sampling method obtained a total sample of 24 companies and 120 observations. Methods Data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis and path analysis by testing the classical assumptions first. The results of the study show that EBIT is able to mediate the effect of  Rvenue  on Tax  Expense on Consumer Goods companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-2019 Period but EBIT is not able to mediate the Effect of Expenses on Tax Expense  on Consumer Goods Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-2019 Period

2021 ◽  
Vol 111 (10) ◽  
pp. 3328-3375
Enrico Moretti

The high-tech sector is concentrated in a small number of cities. The ten largest clusters in computer science, semiconductors, and biology account for 69 percent, 77 percent, and 59 percent of all US inventors, respectively. Using longitudinal data on 109,846 inventors, I find that geographical agglomeration results in significant productivity gains. When an inventor moves to a city with a large cluster of inventors in the same field, she experiences a sizable increase in the number and quality of patents produced. The presence of significant productivity externalities implies that the agglomeration of inventors generates large gains in the aggregate amount of innovation produced in the United States. (JEL D62, J24, L60, O31, 034, R32)

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 2284
Hideki Yamashita ◽  
Shinsuke Kyoi ◽  
Koichiro Mori

The purpose of this study is to identify factors that can change the environmental friendliness of individuals in the context of climate change issues in terms of values, beliefs, controllability, concern, attitude, intention, and behavior through a survey experiment, and to test the hypothesis that providing information about the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions attributable to an individual with its threshold value motivates him/her to reduce that amount using statistical analyses (the Mann–Whitney test) and multivariate regressions (the ordered logit model). It is crucial to change the behavior of individuals as well as organizations to reduce the emissions of CO2 for solving climate change issues, because the aggregate amount of individual CO2 emissions is too large to ignore. We conducted a survey experiment to detect factors affecting the environmental friendliness of individuals. Subjects of the experiment were 102 students at Shiga University in Japan. They were randomly provided with communication opportunities, information about individual or group CO2 emissions, and information about their threshold value. The finding is that provision of information about the amount of individual and group CO2 emissions may be able to improve that person’s environmental friendliness in terms of values, beliefs, concern, attitude, intention, and behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Youngkyu Sung ◽  
Antti Vepsäläinen ◽  
Jochen Braumüller ◽  
Fei Yan ◽  
Joel I-Jan Wang ◽  

AbstractSystem noise identification is crucial to the engineering of robust quantum systems. Although existing quantum noise spectroscopy (QNS) protocols measure an aggregate amount of noise affecting a quantum system, they generally cannot distinguish between the underlying processes that contribute to it. Here, we propose and experimentally validate a spin-locking-based QNS protocol that exploits the multi-level energy structure of a superconducting qubit to achieve two notable advances. First, our protocol extends the spectral range of weakly anharmonic qubit spectrometers beyond the present limitations set by their lack of strong anharmonicity. Second, the additional information gained from probing the higher-excited levels enables us to identify and distinguish contributions from different underlying noise mechanisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 283 ◽  
pp. 02019
Xuesong Han ◽  
Huanggen Gao ◽  
Yuan Zheng

The functional structure of territorial space is an important factor affecting the regional carbon cycle. The article explores the interaction mechanism between the functional structure of territorial space and carbon sources and carbon sinks, constructs a model for measuring and calculating territorial spatial carbon sources and carbon sinks, and investigates land changes in Sichuan Province, etc. Based on the data, the spatial carbon emission and absorption of Sichuan from 2010 to 2017 were calculated, and the carbon source carbon aggregate amount, structural composition and intensity change trend were analysed. The results show that changes in the spatial land use structure of Sichuan are closely related to carbon emissions, and the increase in construction land is the main reason for the substantial increase in carbon emissions. Finally, in combination with the vision and goals of "carbon neutrality", relevant optimization suggestions were put forward for the land and space planning of Sichuan Province.

Philosophy ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Jessica J.T. Fischer

Abstract Common-sense morality seems to tell us that a rescuer who can save either one individual or five other individuals from death has a duty to save the greater number. But contractualism, a moral theory on which principles must be justifiable to individuals, seems to imply that it is permissible to save the one. This is because a commitment to individual justification blocks the possibility of appealing to the aggregate amount of lives saved. Does contractualism really have this implication? If so, should we side with the common-sense approach, or is there any reason to side with the contractualist? In this paper, I first examine a new argument from Jay Wallace which claims to reconcile contractualism with a duty to save the greater number. I find the argument to be unsuccessful. I then suggest that common-sense morality doesn't support a duty to save the greater number as straightforwardly as it might initially seem as it might initially seem. I introduce two mundane cases in which the permissibility of saving either the lesser or greater number is intuitively plausible, and I offer some reasons to think that the permissibility of saving the lesser number coheres with our value judgements more generally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-54
Jozef Junák ◽  
Natália Junáková

AbstractThe introductory part of the paper is devoted to the classification of aggregates according to various criteria, one of them is the geographical origin of aggregates. From the point of view of the circular economy, the use of recycled aggregates comes to the fore, mainly from the ecological point of view but also from the economic point of view.The paper summarizes the results of research focused on the variation of the amount of 2 Recycled concrete aggregate fractions in concrete, followed by an evaluation of the effect of the presence of recycled material in the mixture on the selected property, specifically compressive strength. The highest compressive strength 34.7 MPa after 28 days hardening reached sample containing 100% recycled fraction 4/8 mm, and 60% recycled fraction 8/16 mm. This value is only slightly different from the compressive strength of the reference sample (34.4 MPa).

2020 ◽  
Vol 144 ◽  
pp. 100-109
Andrey N. Burmistrov ◽  
Yuriy V. Il’in ◽  

The evolution of man-made technological society to the scale of the global system has changed the whole nature of social reproduction. The modern global biosocium “rests” on the quasi-closure of the main subsystems of our planet — the biosphere and planetary matter, their quantitative limitations. It is impossible to remove (resolve) this contradiction under the dominance of the category “quantity”, in the conditions of the promoted flywheel of the consumption society. The aggregate “amount” of public reproduction already crosses the boundary of the category “measure”. Therefore, the development of the global technological biosocium (noosphere), its relationship with the biological and basic planetary subsystems enters the zone of existential bifurcation, in which the likelihood of the appearance of the effect of a “butterfly” capable of destroying all humanity increases sharply. The authors justify the acute existential need for the priority of the “quality” paradigm in the social reproduction of the Russian Federation by its special position in the global world, the bifurcation state of the entire anthropogenic technological civilization and the socio-biological nature of man

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 3-26
Emmanuel Saez ◽  
Gabriel Zucman

This paper studies inequality in America through the lens of distributional macroeconomic accounts—comprehensive distributions of the aggregate amount of income and wealth recorded in the official macroeconomic accounts of the United States. We use these distributional macroeconomic accounts to quantify the rise of income and wealth concentration since the late 1970s, the change in tax progressivity, and the direct redistributive effects of government intervention in the economy. Between 1978 and 2018, the share of pre-tax income earned by the top 1% rose from 10% to about 19%, and the share of wealth owned by the top 0.1% rose from 7% to about 18%. In 2018, the tax system was regressive at the top-end; the top 400 wealthiest Americans paid a lower average tax rate than the macroeconomic tax rate of 29%. We confront our methods and findings with those of other studies, pinpoint the areas where more research is needed, and describe how additional data collection could improve inequality measurement.

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