JITU : Journal Informatic Technology And Communication
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Published By Universitas Boyolali


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Narendra Basral Naseri ◽  
Nurgiyatna Nurgiyatna

Many entrepreneurs have formed businesses in the culinary field. At this time, there are many restaurants not use computerization in making transactions. With limited human resources and lack of time effectiveness to serve customers who place orders, a food ordering information system is needed that can solve these problems. This system makes it easy to order food and manage the income, because when making transactions with customers you don't need to write menus manually and customers can get accurate info. This system, customers immediately know the details of him transaction. This study uses the Waterfall methodology then built with the Codeigniter’s framework and as a database support using MySQL. The data collection stage in making this information system is carried out by observation and interview. The system is implemented with a client server network architecture using a personal computer at the cashier as a server, so the system runs without internet access. The results of this system include ordering menus, processing order and transactions data, and printing transaction receipts in PDF. System testing using Black Box testing method, shows that the system has run well without any errors. Meanwhile, the results of questionnaire testing of 31 respondents, consisting of 30 visitors getting an interpretation percentage of 96% and 1 coffee shop owner getting 80% of the interpretation percentage. So, it can be concluded that the system is considered feasible to be applied and facilitates the process of ordering food.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-39
Dwi Krisbiantoro ◽  
Sofyan Fathur Rohim ◽  
Irfan Santiko

Plagiarism is a crime that often occurs in the academic world, plagiarism occurs because of theft of other people's work that is illegally recognized as if the work is his own. N-gram is an algorithm by cutting as many characters as N-characters in a sentence or word. While the Knuth Morris Pratt (KMP) algorithm is a string search algorithm, this algorithm is used to maintain information that is used to carry out the number of shifts whenever there is no matched patency in the text. The purpose of this study is to create a system to measure the comparison of the accuracy of the N-gram algorithm with a website-based KMP on a thesis abstract document. This research uses the waterfall system development method which has stages, namely analysis, design, coding, and testing. The KMP test results are better than N-gram where kmp has an average percentage of 3.8% while the N-gram 3.5% results are obtained from an average of 10 trials and 5 documents tested.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-29
Maria Atik Sunarti Ekowati ◽  
Endang Satyawati ◽  
Retno Palupi ◽  
SM Santi Winarsih

The term cooperative comes from the foreign language co-operation. Cooperative means joint effort. A cooperative is a business unit that collects and distributes funds for members of the cooperative itself. One of the cooperative business units is a savings and loan cooperative. Each member of the Savings and Loans Cooperative must make savings in accordance with the cooperative's provisions. Members can make loans, managed transactions are member savings transactions and member loan transactions. Savings and loan cooperative funds come from cooperative members. Because this savings and loan really helps the needs of members, if this savings and loan facility is dissolved because there is no coordination in data processing on savings and loans, the people in ngawen, manjung, will be less viable for their livelihoods, so that many children drop out of school, the result will be to destroy the nation's development and the state, because of that, it is necessary to develop a Manjung Ngawen Cooperative UMKM Savings and Loan Information System. Development objectives help, facilitate and accelerate cooperative administration in managing transactions. The method used by WatterFall, the result of system development is that the system can help calculate loan interest, loan installments, remaining unpaid loans, share SHU for each member and display data on reports on deposits, loans, and member payments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-47
Retno Palupi ◽  
Diyan Ayuk Yulianna ◽  
SM Santi Winarsih

Comparative Analysis of the Haversine Formula and the Euclidean Formula based on Geographical Information Systems which aims to analyze and compare the measurement results of the two formulas whether there are significant differences to the distance measured based on geographic information systems. Research objects used to collect distance data are several bank offices in the city of Solo. The method used in this research is to create a geographic information system application using web-based programming using the PHP (Pearl Hypertext Prepocessor) programming language, with the MySQL database. Measurements were carried out on two formulas, namely the Haversine formula and the Euclidean formula and obtained data in the form of distances in kilometers (km) which were obtained from the program system, then the data was processed using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) 23 software. is the Independent Sample t-test method. From the data analysis, the conclusion is that there is no significant difference in the calculation of the distance between the Haversine formula and the Euclidean formula. The Independent Sample T Test method is able to analyze the comparison of distance measurements using the Haversine formula and the Euclidean formula does not have a significant difference, meaning that the variants of the two formulas are the same.   Kata Kunci : Haversine   formula,    Euclidean  formula ,   geographic                          information system, Independent Sample  t-Test Method

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-56
Elisa Mei Sintiasari ◽  
Donna Setiawati ◽  
Wisnu Sanjaya

Shopsock is one type of business in the field of shoe sales, so far the sale of shopsock products has been carried out by interacting with direct consumers and the marketing is not optimal. To optimize product sales and marketing, in this study an online sales website (e-commerce) was built to display information on products sold in shopsock stores and customers can easily make purchases. This website was built using the waterfall method, object modeling using UML, open source programming tools based on PHP, MySQL database and the result achieved is an e-commerce website to expand market prey for promotion and make it easier for consumers to buy shopsock products

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-51
Wisnu Sanjaya ◽  
Bambang Sugiantoro ◽  
Yudi Prayudi

The rapid development of the IT world has covered all aspects of life and among IT technology products is the creation of Operating Systems and Web browser applications. Privacy in the use of IT in the open era is now highly expected, therefore now widely developed Operating Systems and Web browser applications that have facilities to protect user privacy. Linux and TOR Browser is a combination that is widely used in the field of security, but unfortunately many are misused by the person in a crime. The motivation to use both is to eliminate or minimize the digital footprint of the browsing activity so that it will complicate the search of digital evidence in a crime. This research proposes a framework of stages for TOR Browser analysis in Linux Operating System which aims to provide solution in forensic investigation using offline forensic method. The use of offline forensic methods to obtain detailed information from a digital proof on a computer in a off state

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Sitaresmi Wahyu Handani ◽  
Septiana Nur Hidayah ◽  
Ito Setiawan

Gamelan merupakan salah satu budaya lokal Indonesia yang perlu dipelihara eksistensinya. Beberapa penelitian terkait pengenalan gamelan ke generasi muda telah banyak dilakukan, diantaranya menghasilkan aplikasi yang menggabungkan antara gamelan dengan teknologi terkini yaitu augmented reality. Penggunaan teknologi augmented reality untuk menampilkan dan memperkenalkan alat musik gamelan merupakan inovasi baru dan perlu diapresiasi. Namun perlu sebuah penilaian tersendiri untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan teknologi tersebut berdampak positif terhadap penggunanya. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan kajian lebih dalam dengan menggunakan metode Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) untuk mengetahui pengalaman pengguna dalam berinteraksi dengan aplikasi gamelan berbasis augmented reality. Terdapat lima aspek yang diuji yaitu aspek kemudahan penggunaan (Perceived Ease of Use), manfaat penggunaan (Perceived Usefulness), sikap pengguna (Atitude Toward Using), keinginan pengguna (Behavioral Intention of Use), kesadaran pengguna (Actual System Usage). Dari hasil uji validitas dan realibiltas yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa semua butir komponen dalam kuisoner yang dibagikan valid dan reliable. Sedangkan dari analisis data deskriptif yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil bahwa persepsi pengguna terhadap lima aspek tersebut di atas sangat baik dengan nilai skor tertinggi 4.10 pada aspek kemudahan penggunaan dan sikap pengguna.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-40
Ahmad Jamaludin ◽  
Donna Setiawati ◽  
Fariyono Fariyono

Research titled System Information Acceptance Services Aditama Android based.Aditama Computer is one of the company engaged in the service and sale of computers in Boyolali such as laptops, PCS, printers, CCTV, scanners, Fingerspots, LCD projectors.This business was established from 2003 and address at Jalan Kenanga No.14 Boyolali, Boyolali Sub-district, Boyolali district. The administration system of service acceptance on Aditama Computer is still simple, admin fill in the Entry service input form, and Rekap service data also still recab through the book.And that often happens admins are often late in giving information until the work of the computerThis makes it a frequent customer to ask admins directly through a short message.Itupun admin is also long in responding to customers. The purpose of this research is to design, implement, and test the service acceptance information system in Aditama Computer, producing information system of service acceptance to improve services in Aditama Computer.Methodelogi Research used is a waterfall, modeling objects using UML.For coding using PHP MySQL, and Android client. The result is an information system to facilitate the service to the customers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-24
Fajar Dwi Septian ◽  
Donna Setiawati ◽  
Ari Pantjarani

This research is entitled Sistem Informasi Manajemen Mutu Produk Di PT Deltomed Laboratories Wonogiri. This study aims to create a product quality management information system at PT Deltomed Laboratories, facilitate information management & product quality administration, and create efficiency and effectiveness in the process of product quality management for the better. The system development method used in this study is Waterfall where the process starts from Communication, Planning, Modeling, Construction and Deployment. For system design tools using UML diagrams with the Visual Basic programming language and MySQL Database. The results achieved are a product quality management information system that facilitates information management & product quality administration, as well as creating work efficiency and effectiveness in the process of product quality management for the better.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-33
Anugerah Bagus Wijaya ◽  
Randi Octavian Andriyono

Melalui hasil wawancara penulis dengan murid di SD Negeri 2 Kembangan diperoleh informasi bahwa murid yang kesulitan dalam pembelajaran dikelas pada matapelajaran Matamatika. Dalam dunia pendidikan banyak game edukasi yang sudah dibuat sebagai media pembelajaran untuk anak-anak. Digital Game Basic Learning (DGBL) adalah salah satu metode yang menggunakan teknologi game, sebuah game digital apa pun bisa dianggap sebagai media jika terdapat unsur pembelajaran didalamnya. Masih terdapat kesenjangan penting dalam literatur tentang DGBL, karena metode tersebut masih perlu penekanan pada hasil pembelajaran dalam lingkungan kelas yang lebih otentik, dalam hal ini adalah kajian dalam segi keterampilan berpikir penggunanya dalam proses memahami materi atau pembelajaranya. Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTs), adalah salah satu komponen utama dalam keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan kritis dan ini adalah tingkat tertinggi dalam hierarki proses kognitif. Metode pengembangan sistem yang penulis gunakan untuk mengembangan game edukasi ini adalah Digital Game Based Learning-Infrastructure Design (DGBL-ID). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa game edukasi pembelajaran Matematika yang dibangun, dapat memberikan pengetahuan dan semangat belajar matematika pada siswa

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