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Published By University Of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur

2722-3299, 2722-3302

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Maria Novita Apriyani

Abstract   Penggunaan media sosial dewasa ini secara luas hampir digunakan oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat serta tidak memiliki ruang batas, sehingga pengguna dapat bebas memanfaatkan beragam fasilitas yang ada didalamnya. Berdasarkan data dari HootSuite dan Agensi Marketing We Are Social dalam awal tahun 2021, jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia mencapai 202,62 juta dari total populasi penduduk Indonesia sejumlah 274,9 juta jiwa.  Sejumlah 96,4 persen pengguna internet mobile berjenis smartphone dan ponsel fitur berusia 16-64 tahun. Dampak negatif dalam penggunaan media internet di masyrakat diantaranya terjadinya tindak pidana penipuan online, penyebaran konten pornografi, hingga hate speech atau ujaran kebencian.   Tindak pidana ujaran kebencian atau hate speech pada pengguna media internet khususnya di Indonesia dilakukan pada aplikasi media sosial yang familiar seperti facebook, twitter, Instagram, youtube, dsb. Ujaran kebencian atau hate speech yang menyebar didunia maya semakin mengkhawatirkan hingga tak terbatasnya ruang bagi pemgguna internet mengakibatkan perbuatan tersebut bisa menyasar siapapun menjadi korban maupun pelakunya khususnya remaja. Jumlah santriwan/santriwati yang cukup beragam latar belakang usia dan pendidikan menjadikan generasi muda khususnya remaja di Pondok Pesantren Darul Fallah Ponorogo kurang dibekali pemahaman mengenai dampak buruk dan hukuman yang mengancam dari perbuatan ujaran kebencian atau hate speech di media sosial. Remaja sebagai pengguna internet saat ini berpikir bahwa media sosial masih berfungsi sebagai area yang bersifat untuk bersenang-senang dan cenderung mengarah ke ranah personal sehingga banyak fungsi produktif diabaikan. Dengan adanya sosialisasi, strategi yang efektif dari Pondok Pesantren Darul Falah Ponorogo untuk menanamkan kesadaran bagi para santriwan/santriwati akan bahaya serta dampak yang ditimbulkan dari tindak pidana ujaran kebencian atau hate speech dapat memberikan edukasi untuk menggunakan media internet dengan lebih cerdas dan bermanfaat baik bagi masyarakat serta dapat dipertangungjawabkan.  Kata kunci : internet sehat, pencegahan, hate speech, remaja.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Hervina Puspitosari ◽  
Mas Anienda Tien Fitriyah

Abstract Online shop is a popular shopping choice. attractive to consumers without having to visit the store directly, through internet applications can be easily accessed and ordered at a price offer that is sometimes also much cheaper than shopping directly coming to the store. However, the various conveniences offered in reality also cause various problems related to the protection of consumers in transactions at online shops, which oftentimes consumers also experience fraud, whether the goods have not arrived that have been ordered and paid for or the goods arrived but are not in accordance with what was ordered. There are still many cases of online buying and selling fraud, efforts are needed to reformulate existing regulations that have not been able to accommodate the interests of consumers, so it is also necessary to change the Consumer Protection Act which is more secure in providing legal protection to consumers in online buying and selling transactions as well as regulation of business actors. that adapts to the development of information technology and social changes in society. Keywords: Protection, Women, Buying and Selling, Online

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Yana Indawati ◽  
Sri Maharani MTVM ◽  
Wiwin Yulianingsih

Abstract Media Sosial adalah wujud perkembangan teknologi yang digunakan sebagai sarana berkomunikasi, berinteraksi dan membangun jaringan melalui media online bagi seluruh lapisan kalangan masyarakat. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberi pemahaman dan meningkatkan kesadaran dan etika kepada remaja santri didalam menggunakan media sosial diera digital. Pengaruh lingkungan dan keluarga dapat menjadi faktor penting mendorong remaja dan dampak yang didapatkan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Penyuluhan Hukum kepada remaja santri Pondok Pesantren Darul Falah dalam penggunaan media sosial agar dapat dimanfaatkan secara bijak dan cerdas serta menghasilkan suatu yang bermanfaat bagi penggunanya. Hasil dari serangkaian penyuluhan hukum ini yakni meningkatnya pemahaman, kemampuan dan pengetahuan kepada remaja santri Pondok Pesantren darul Falah dalam bermedia sosial dan transaksi lainnya yang berhubungan dengan Informasi Transaksi Elektronik (ITE), sehingga perkembangan teknologi informasi dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal dan tepat. Serta meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap resiko yang akan didapat jika media sosial disalah gunakan. . Keywords: hukum, media sosial, Teknologi, Remaja Pondok Pesantren

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Indah Maulani ◽  
Aryono Aryono

Abstract The Information and Electronic Transactions Act (ITE Law) has been enacted since 2008 and has been implemented since 2010, but there are still many people who do not fully understand, that communicating using social media can also be entangled in the law. This devotion  aims to provide assistance to raise awareness of PKK Mother Wangen Village, Polanharjo Subdistrict, Klaten Regency by memanfaatkan social media as a means of promotionand supporting various other activities effectively based on the ITE Law that applies by basing on qualitative non-doctrinal approach methods. Therefore, in this study, it is preferable to primary data collected by direct observation and supported by secondary data collected with literature studies. The data that has been processed for further analysis is qualitatively analyzed. Based on  hasil research found that kegiatan  the  diharapkan tidakberakhir padakegiatan  pengabdian,tetapi can beformed  kerjasama and means of promotion  dalampenyebaran informasi tentangpemahaman use of social media based onLaw  ITE  especially in  Wangen Village, Polanharjo Subdistrict, Klaten Regency.  Keywords: Social Media, Electronic Transaction Information  Abstrak Undang-undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE) sudah diundangkan sejak tahun 2008 dan sudah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2010, namun masih banyak masyarakat yang belum sepenuhnya memahami, bahwa berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan media sosial juga bisa terjerat hukum. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pendampingan guna meningkatkan kesadaran Ibu PKK Desa Wangen, Kecamatan Polanharjo, Kabupaten Klaten dengan cara memanfaatkan social media sebagai sarana promosi dan penunjang berbagai aktivitas lainnya secara efektif berdasarkan UU ITE yang berlaku dengan mendasarkan pada metode pendekatan non-doktrinal kualitatif. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini lebih mengutamakan pada data primer yang dikumpulkan dengan observasi secara langsung serta didukung data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan studi kepustakaan. Data yang sudah diolah untuk selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan  bahwa kegiatan tersebut diharapkan tidak berakhir pada kegiatan pengabdian, tetapi bisa dibentuk kerjasama dan sarana promosi dalam penyebaran informasi tentang pemahaman penggunaan sosial media berdasarkan UU ITE khususnya di Desa Wangen, Kecamatan Polanharjo, Kabupaten Klaten.  Kata kunci: Media Social, Informasi Transaksi Elektronik

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Agus Suyatno

Abstract   The government has carried out overcoming the problem of unemployment by launching the entrepreneurial movement. However, strengthening the movement by incorporating it into the learning curriculum is less effective because the educational target is only focused on the cognitive domain in the form of elaborating the theory of entrepreneurship without being followed by concrete steps. The translation of theory into the real world needs to be done quite well. Entrepreneurship training will be able to describe knowledge in the theoretical realm more focused on the practical realm. Many potential creative ideas to run a business have not been explored optimally. Among the people of Kaling Village, guidance activities are directed towards positive religious activities. This type of coaching directs participants to fill their spare time between work and school to learn religious concepts and theories in several aspects. The growth of an entrepreneurial spirit is also able to provide benefits to the community. These benefits can be in the form of financial and non-financial benefits. The financial benefits of entrepreneurship can be in the form of economic independence obtained in running a business. While the non-financial benefits are in the form of mental growth that is tough and never gives up in dealing with life's problems. Entrepreneurship training for the community, especially the younger generation, to foster an entrepreneurial spirit and explore existing potential. By holding entrepreneurship training, it is hoped that it will be able to create new businesses and have a positive effect on the mental development of the younger generation's independence. This training is aimed at the younger generation being assisted by the Karang Taruna Kaling Village Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Young Generation

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Adhitya Widya Kartika

Abstrak Pelaksanaan peraturan hukum yang sesuai tujuan tergantung pada keefektifan atau dilaksanakannya peraturan hukum itu secara optimal. Tercapainya suatu tujuan hukum tersebut tidak hanya menjadi tanggung jawab terhadap suatu peraturan yang berkualitas tetapi juga peran dari pemerintah juga masyarakat. Begitu juga dengan peraturan desa sebagai bagian produk regeling pada tatanan pehaturan hukum nasional. Peraturan Desa dalam pembentukannya dibutuhkan peran pemerintah yaitu Kepala Desa juga masyarakat diwakili BPD tentunya perlu memahami apa saja yang dapat diatur dalam Peraturan Desa. Selain itu pengetahuan hukum tentang materi perlu dipahami oleh masyarakat desa karena partispasinya diperlukan dalam wadah Badan Permusyawaratan Desa yang turut serta dalam pembentukan Peraturan Desa selain itu sebagai pengawasan pembentukan Peraturan Desa pembentukan maupun pelaksanaannya. Oleh karenanya Pengabdian masyarakat melalui sosialisasi menjadi penting. Tujuan dari kegiatan adalah meningkatkan pemahaman pemerintah desa dan masyarakat desa terkait materi muatan peraturan desa. Pengabdian dilakukan sosialisasi terhadap pemerintah dan masyarakat desa di Suruhwadang, Kademangan Blitar. Pelaksanaannya dilakukan sosialisasi terkait pemasalahan hukum pada masyarakat di Desa Suruhwadang, Kademangan, Blitar dengan penyampaian secara lisan dan diskusi tanya jawab. Hasil bahwa belum adanya pemahaman materi muatan diluar kegiatan rutin seperti Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa kemudian setelah sosialisasi timbul pemahaman bahwa dapat materi muatan selain hal tersebut tetapi tetap berpedoman pada kewenangan desa. Keywords: Materi Muatan, Peraturan Desa, Pemerintah Desa, Masyarakat Desa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Wahyu Adhi Saputro ◽  
Musta’in Musta’in ◽  
Ahmad Fauzi

Food is indeed one of the mandatory things that must be fulfilled. However, the current condition of thepopulation growth which continues to increase is not accompanied by an increase in agricultural land sothat the available food stock may one day be insufficient. This makes a food problem which is closelyrelated to food security. PKK mothers are people who think about food for their families so that they havea huge influence. The decline in the amount of land and reduced food stocks in the era of the Covid-19pandemic because people flocked to buy large amounts of food stocks became a problem that was raisedin this community service program. The aim of this program is to introduce urban farming methods thatcan be done in empty house areas to increase food access to increase the value of family food security. Themethod used in the community service program was the online extension method and then carried out theurban farming practice which was carried out by one of the PKK mothers in Manang Village. It is hopedthat this example can become a role model for the people around him. The results of the community serviceprogram that have been carried out have improved the skills of PKK Manang Village women in cultivatingplants in the area of their home yard that is still empty or not in use. The existence of planting crops thatcan be harvested can meet food needs so that from the dimension of accessibility to food security it can befulfilled properly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Rina Arum Prastyanti ◽  
Faulinda Elynastiti

The backgrounds of business actors in Pasar Raya Gentan are different. The majority of business actorshave received the highest education from high school. The educational background of this business actorinfluences one's mindset and attitude in making decisions and facing problems. The lack of educationresulted in a lack of knowledge of the significance of the Covenant. Business actors in the gentan marketoften use oral agreements that unconsciously lead to agreements. Preparation of Training Materials, Atthis stage, the team first makes a good and correct guidebook for writing agreements. Presentation ofContract Drafting and Review Business Contract Material, At this meeting the presenters providedsocialization and understanding of the importance of contract drafting. In addition, participants were alsogiven knowledge about the law of making contracts in business. Design (Skill Session), at this stage,participants are stimulated independently to be able to make a work agreement project which will laterbe applied in their field of work, Monitoring and Evaluation, after being deemed sufficient to master andunderstand the “Contract Drafting and Review Business Contract”, it is followed by monitoring andevaluating the success rate of contracting for participants, whether it has helped participants inimplementing this training. The solution offered to partners is to provide assistance in contract design forbusiness actors in Raya Gentan market. Contract drafting is an important element in a legal relationship.Contract drafting is a combination of two words, namely "contract" and "drafting". Literally, the word"contract" means promise, while "drafting" means designing / drafting. So contract drafting can beinterpreted briefly as the design of an agreement. A complete understanding of contract drafting is veryimportant for business actors

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Tatiana Siska Wardani ◽  
Erna Chotidjah Suhatmi

Social welfare can be improved in various ways that can be done, for example, through communityempowerment programs. The part of the community that can be empowered are housewives who aremembers of the PKK organization, especially in Wangen Village, Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency. Theimpact of environmental pollution is due to the disposal of used cooking oil and is followed by an increasein the use of cooking oil due to the appeal to stay at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. The existence ofthis makes a training program and assistance for the utilization of cooking oil waste into soap is the rightthing to deal with this problem. The specific goals and targets to be achieved in this activity are that PKKmothers are interested and motivated to become entrepreneurs, to form groups of PKK members whobecome economically independent by producing soap. In order to achieve this goal, a community serviceprogram was carried out by a lecturer at the University of Duta Bangsa Surakarta who provided soapproduction training conducted by PKK women in Wangen Village. The result of this service is an increasein the skills of PKK Village women in Wangen in making soap from used cooking oil waste.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Nurjanti Takarini ◽  
Anajeng Esri Edhi Mahanani ◽  
Eko Wahyudi

This article discusses the community service activities that have been carried out in the PKK RT / RW 005/005 Manukan Kulon group, Surabaya. This community service activity is held with the consideration that the author as an academic feels the need to participate in parsing the economic problems in society caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which created many unemployment clusters due to layoffs from closed businesses, as well as macroeconomic impacts that affect the economic conditions of the Indonesian State, require the contribution of solutions from all parties, including academics who have the dharma of community service. Business management literacy andlegality are e-commerce implemented as a means of providing understanding to the community and building PKK groups that are legally aware and smart in managing their business by utilizing information technology media.    Keywords : Community Service, Pandemic Covid 19, Business Management, Legality, E Commerce.

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