scholarly journals Urban Farming Program For Women PKK Manang Village To Improve Family Food Security Value In The Era Of The Pandemi Transition Covid-19

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Wahyu Adhi Saputro ◽  
Musta’in Musta’in ◽  
Ahmad Fauzi

Food is indeed one of the mandatory things that must be fulfilled. However, the current condition of thepopulation growth which continues to increase is not accompanied by an increase in agricultural land sothat the available food stock may one day be insufficient. This makes a food problem which is closelyrelated to food security. PKK mothers are people who think about food for their families so that they havea huge influence. The decline in the amount of land and reduced food stocks in the era of the Covid-19pandemic because people flocked to buy large amounts of food stocks became a problem that was raisedin this community service program. The aim of this program is to introduce urban farming methods thatcan be done in empty house areas to increase food access to increase the value of family food security. Themethod used in the community service program was the online extension method and then carried out theurban farming practice which was carried out by one of the PKK mothers in Manang Village. It is hopedthat this example can become a role model for the people around him. The results of the community serviceprogram that have been carried out have improved the skills of PKK Manang Village women in cultivatingplants in the area of their home yard that is still empty or not in use. The existence of planting crops thatcan be harvested can meet food needs so that from the dimension of accessibility to food security it can befulfilled properly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-171
Muhammad Kasim ◽  
Ahmad Zainuri

Indonesia's population growth prediction is estimated to be around 316 - 319 million (in 2025) from 255.6 million (in 2015), of course there are many problems. Lack of food can cause malnutrition. The purpose of this community service program is to use the yard to meet family food needs in preventing stunting. The location of the activity is in Tahele Village, East Popayato District, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province. The implementation period is September - October 2020. This program involves the community of Tahele Village, village apparatus and the people. They cooperate with college students in implementing the main program. The method of implementing the activity is participatory. The activities carried out are the socialization of the program plan, identification of land to be used as demonstration land, land clearing, nurseries and planting, seminars, program implementation in the community and maintenance of food crops. Of the 15 lands targeted, only 7 were successfully planted. The land is spread over 3 hamlets, namely 2 lands in Dusun Selatan, 4 lands in Dusun Tengah and 1 land in Dusun Utara. The success rate of the program is in the good category, this can be seen from the enthusiasm of the people of Tahele Village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-344
Siti Sri Wulandari ◽  
Bambang Suratman ◽  
Triesninda Pahlevi ◽  
Novi Trisnawati

This Community Service provides a solution to the above problems, namely by improving nutrition to the community through the provision of basic food ingredients to people affected by COVID-19. The expected benefits of this Community Service are helping the economy, especially to meet the needs of its staples, and the welfare of people affected by COVID-19 in Cemandi Village, Sedati District, Sidoarjo Regency. The method applied is to provide direct food assistance to people affected by COVID-19. The results of the implementation of Community Service in the form of documentation and citizen responses to basic food assistance, among others. The implementation of community service as an effort to increase food security through the provision of basic necessities for the people affected by Covid 19 which was carried out to the residents of Cemandi village, Sidoarjo Regency received a positive response by providing basic necessities from the Community Service team and feeling that it was sufficient for their family's food needs in the next few days and had already right on target because residents desperately need basic food assistance due to decreased income and unable to fulfill their family's nutrition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 905 (1) ◽  
pp. 012084
A Listiana ◽  
Pawito ◽  
S Hastjarjo

Abstract Rutan Boyolali is an institution that organizes guidance activities for prisoners as a social reintegration process. The guidance that is carried out recently leads to a productive one. One of the efforts to realize the productive correctional institutions can be done through agricultural activities. However, the location of the correctional institutions that are in the middle of urban areas faced the challenge of limited agricultural land. One of the solutions is to carry out the concept of urban farming. Through urban farming, it is hoped that prisoners can become skilled and ready to work when they are free. This concept also can be an innovation and solution in overcoming various problems in prisons. On the other hand, the benefits of urban farming are maintaining food security. The rate of urban development eliminates agricultural land and results in cities no longer being able to meet their food needs independently.

Adryan Fristiohady

The use of this mask has an important role in anticipating Covid-19 virus. If the community has knowledge about the use of masks, the community will also be obedient in the use of masks. Compliance is to describe the positive behavior of the people shown by using. Through this Thematic Community Service Program, the community can know the benefits of using masks in preventing Covid-19. the method used in the integrated community service activities of Thematic KKN is the method of socialization, the method for the environment of student residence, the method of media networking and reporting methods.Thematic KKN takes place in the city of Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara

Oky Setyo Widodo ◽  
Sunaryo Hadi Warsito ◽  
Shelly Wulandari

The main objective in this community service activity is to improve the insight of the people in Kepohbaru Bojonegoro sub-district about zoonotic diseases. The hope is that with the increasing knowledge of citizens, the level of public health in general can be better. The implementation method that will be used in this community service program is counseling and discussion. The purpose of counseling conducted to the community is to provide a general description of zoonotic diseases and then conduct an in-depth discussion about the clinical symptoms, handling, prevention and treatment of zoonotic diseases. After the activity is completed, monitoring will be carried out through the transfer of students of BBM KKN Universitas Airlangga.AbstrakTujuan utama dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah dapat meningkatkan wawasan masyarakat di Kecamatan Kepohbaru Bojonegoro tentang penyakit zoonosis. Harapannya dengan bertambahnya pengetahuan warga, maka tingkat kesehatan masyarakat secara umum bias menjadi lebih baik. Metode pelaksanaan yang akan digunakan dalam program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah penyuluhan dan diskusi. Tujuan dari penyuluhan yang dilakukan kepada warga masyarakat adalah memberikan gambaran umum tentang penyakit zoonosis dan selanjutnya dilakukan diskusi yang mendalam tentang gejala klinis, penanganan, pencegahan, dan pengobatan penyakit zoonosis. Setelah kegiatan selesai, akan dilakukan monitoring melalui penerjunan mahasiswa KKN BBM Universitas Airlangga.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
Dina Prasetyowati ◽  
Rasiman Rasiman ◽  
Ipah Budi Minarti

Desa Bendar dikenal sebagai desa Nelayan karena mayoritas penduduk Desa Bendar adalah nelayan dengan jumlah sebesar 55,7% atau 880 orang. Root of problem yang dihadapi oleh Desa Bendar, Kecamatan Juana, Kabupaten Pati adalah banyaknya hasil tangkapan ikan para nelayan serta sumber daya manusia yang belum terberdayakan secara maksimal, sehingga belum dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat baik secara kelompok maupun individu di Desa Bendar. Mitra dalam pengabdian ini adalah KUB Mina Melati. Dalam menjalankan usahanya, KUB Kerupuk Ikan Mina Melati masih menerapkan manajemen tradisional. Rendahnya pengetahuan anggota KUB Kerupuk Ikan Mina Melati menjadi salah satu penyebabnya terutama dalam hal proses produksi dan pengolahan kerupuk yang baik dan manajemen pengelolaan usaha. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan pengabdian ini adalah pelatihan dan workshop teknik-teknik produksi kerupuk, serta praktik produksi kerupuk. Dengan adanya program pengabdian ini diharapkan masyarakat Desa Bendar dapat menghasilkan produksi kerupuk ikan yang memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi. Apabila nilai jual dari hasil pengolahan kerupuk ikan tinggi, maka penghasilan warga akan meningkat, dan selanjutnya memberi dampak kepada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa Bendar dan menjadikan Desa Bendar sebagai Desa Sentra Kerupuk Ikan. Kata kunci: Desa Nelayan, Kerupuk Ikan,Pemberdayaan. Abstract Bendar Village is well- known as a Fishing Village because the majority of Bendar Village residents are fishermen with a total of 55.7% or 880 people. The root of the problem faced by Bendar Village, Juana Subdistrict, Pati Regency was the number of fish catches of the fishermen and human resources that have not been maximally empowered yet, so that they have not been able to improve the welfare of the community yet both individually and in groups in Bendar Village. The partner in this service was KUB Mina Melati. In running its business, KUB Kerupuk Ikan Mina Melati still applied traditional management. The low knowledge of members of KUB Kerupuk Ikan Mina Melati was one of the causes, especially in terms of good cracker production and processing and business management. The activities carried out by this service were training and workshops on cracker production techniques, as well as cracker production practices. With this community service program, it is hoped that the people of Bendar Village can produce fish crackers that have a high selling value. If the selling value of fish cracker processing results is high, the income of citizens will increase, and subsequently, have an impact on improving the welfare of the people of Bendar Village and making Bendar Village a Center Village of Fish Crackers. Keywords: Fishing Village, Fish Crackers, empowerment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 325
Wahju Gunawan

Desa Cipacing merupakan kawasan dengan lahan pertanian yang produktif akan tetapi seiring terjadinya perubahan orientasi kawasan di Kecamatan Jatinangor dari yang tadinya kawasan pertanian menjadi kawasan pendidikan, Desa Cipacing pun turut berubah menuju kawasan industri. Pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan alternatif kegiatan kewirausahaan dengan manfaat kepada kebersihan, keindahan dan kenyamanan lingkungan warga khususnya lingkungan rumah dengan pemukiman padat juga memberikan keuntungan dari hasil menanam bibit jeruk lemon di pekarangan untuk peningkatan pendapatan sekaligus kegiatan kewirausahaan keluarga. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk pengambilan sample adalah dengan menggunakan purposive sampling, disertai survey dan wawancara sedangkan untuk membuat analisa menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan peran warga aktif. Hasil dan temuan dari pengabdian ini adalah dapat diketahui bahwa masyarakat Desa Cipacing khususnya di RW 01, 07, 15 dan 18 sudah menyadari bahwa dengan adanya program penanaman tanaman jeruk lemon, masyarakat memahami bahwa penghijauan lingkungan sekitar sangatlah diperlukan mengingat wilayah Desa Cipacing merupakan pemukiman padat penduduk. Akan tetapi disisi lain masyarakat belum memahami secara jangka panjang bahwa bibit jeruk lemon tersebut bisa menghasilkan profit keberlanjutan untuk setiap keluarga.  Dengan demikian, diperlukannya pengembangan sebuah lembaga sosial seperti GAPOKTAN (Gabungan Kelompok Tani) yang dapat mengembangkan potensi warga dengan usaha bibit jeruk lemon dari mulai proses cara menanam, merawat, hingga sampai menjual produk untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar. Cipacing village is farmland which is so productive but facing the issue of the oriented area changing that frequently occurs in Jatinangor sub-district from farmland to educational area, it also transforms Cipacing village into industry area. This community service program proposes to give alternative solution relating to entrepreneurship with cleanliness, beauty and safety for the home environment especially densely populated but also it can make a profit from planting lemonade seeds in the courtyard to increase the income and for the entrepreneurship family. The method that is used to take samples is purposive sampling with survey and interview while for analyzing uses qualitative analysis and people’s involvement.The result and findings from this program can be figured out that with cultivating lemonade, the people comprehend that greening is a must due to Cipacing village is densely populated. On the other side, the people are far away from understanding that in the future planting lemonade seeds can be a sustainable profit for every family. Therefore, it takes social institutions such as GAPOKTAN (the farmer group) that could develop the people’s potency by planting lemonade seeds from the beginning process of how to plant, maintain until selling the product to fulfilling the market demand.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 209
Hesty Sadtyadi

Tridharma community empowerment programs through college, especially community service have been carried out by STAB N Raden Wijaya Wonogiri. The program was used to implement science acquired by the lecturers and students. Particularly, the program is to improve the ability to put themselves as a religious adviser, through religion coach training, and to improve the qualification requirements of religious teachers which are still far from the requirement, as well as the utilization and improvement of its religious infrastructure, through Vihara in three areas of community service that has been done by STAB N Raden Wijaya Wonogiri. Based on the implementation, it is necessary to evaluate community service program which has been implemented in the three areas. Evaluations of the implementation of the community service program that have been implemented seem to be successful, and the people got the good result of the program. Generally, The results of the implementation of the program can be stated to be successful

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-76
Ine Mariane ◽  
Soleh Suryadi ◽  
Taqwaty Firdausijah ◽  
Rizki Ilhami

The main problem responded by partners is Karang Taruna as a business effort in Warnasari, one of which has not yet formed a commitment to make partnerships in planning in its area, because of the lack of resources and capital owned.The purpose of this community service program is to educate business actors related to the potential of existing agrotourism with the resources needed to build partnerships through private-public partnerships needed to develop existing tourism potential.The methodology of implementation in community service is divided into 3 (three) The result of community service activities in the village of Warnasari, Pangalengan Sub-district, Bandung Regency, was to build a public private partnership so that forming an MOU also gained the ability to manage tourism in the village of Warnasari, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency.The impact of community service activities is the assistance of youth organizations as an aid to businesses and village apparatus in developing existing potential through private public partnerships developed by the MOU.The benefit of community service activities is the achievement of the welfare of the people of Warnasari Village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency, with tourism support in the area.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Said Nasuiton

Food security is inseparable from the factors of availability, quality, and affordability of food, where the condition of a country is able to meet the food needs of society ranging from families to individuals. This is in accordance with the contents of the latest Law number 18 of 2012 concerning Food which states that food security includes availability in quantity, quality, and affordability, the aim is to create a healthy, productive and sustainable life. This paper discusses how much influence the urban farming program as one of the government programs to achieve food security, especially family food. This research was conducted in several villages in five districts of Malang, namely Klojen, Suku, Lowokwaru, Blimbing, and Kedungkandang. The research method used in this paper is qualitative descriptive, with primary data collection techniques conducted by interviews and field observations. While secondary data collection is done by library and documentation techniques. Through the research conducted, the results show that this urban farming program has an influence on several points regarding food security contained in Law number 18 of 2012 including availability, quality, and affordability. Besides that, there are also locations that are less able to develop urban farming programs effectively, due to several obstacles encountered in implementing the program. 

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