METHODIKA: Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi
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Published By METHOMIKA:Jurnala Manajemen Informatika Dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Universitas Methodist Indonesia

2442-7861, 2614-3143

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Gortab Lumbantoruan ◽  
Mufria J Purba ◽  

In providing loans, cooperatives have stages that must be passed before credit is decided to be disbursed. The aim is to facilitate cooperatives in assessing the feasibility of a credit application. The loan eligibility assessment is carried out with many assessment criteria including employment, income, capital/shares, number of dependents, and house status. Analysis of loan eligibility requires the accuracy of a credit analyst in analyzing credit applicants submitted by members. If the credit analysis is not precise, then the provision of credit funds can be difficult and even make a loss. So to determine whether a loan application can be accepted or not, of course, cooperative management has many multi-criteria considerations. In this study, an analysis was carried out using the Simple Additive Weighting method to facilitate the process of making feasibility decisions and eliminating lending to prospective debtors. The results of the study show that the results of the calculation of the determination of lending funds to members of savings and loan cooperatives using the simple additive weighting method can show alternatives that are eligible to receive loans with a preference value >= 60% and also alternatives that are not eligible to receive loans, namely with a preference value of <= 60%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-55
Taufiq Taufiq ◽  
Maryana Maryana ◽  
M.Daud M.Daud

Information Technology in spatial data processing has developed to a point where these results are in line with the application challenges required by natural resource management. In addition, the internet, geomatics, and telecommunications are rapidly changing the way natural resources are managed and protected. These provide more accurate and up-to-date information and are quickly available to users. Regional potential is a product that exists in an area that can be developed and is able to provide benefits to the local community and can be used as a supporter of the national economy. This understanding gives the connotation that optimal management planning is needed in order to achieve the intended expectations, so this decision support system is presented in a simple form for easy access on Android smartphone devices. Applications are made with Eclipse as an editor as well as compile and builder and SQLite for the application database.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Darwis Robinson Manalu ◽  

Improving services in all fields in higher education is the main choice because it is closely related to stakeholder satisfaction, especially in the academic field. Information technology used in managing activities will determine the desired process and output. So it is necessary to evaluate and audit information technology to determine the achievement of performance or productivity. Universitas Methodist Indonesia has implemented Information Technology in managing academic activities ranging from new student registration to student graduation, lecturer and staff activities, research activities, and community service. COBIT is one of the tools used in auditing information systems and information technology. The audit is carried out on human resources related to system and technology management involving the Head of the Data Processing Center, Head of Administration and Information Services, Head of System Development Affairs, and Implementing Staff. To obtain data by making a questionnaire given to the audited party. From the test results on the effectiveness of the control, there is already a running control, namely PO8.1. Quality Management System, PO8.4. Customer Focus, PO8.5 Continuous Improvement, and PO8.6 Quality Measurement, Monitoring and Review, DS5.9. Malicious Software Prevention, Detection, and Correction need to be improved and continuously. Then the level of performance of the Detailed Control Objective (DCO) in the third party service management process still tends to be lacking and still needs to be improved, with the average performance value in the third party service management process being 1.5.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Darwis Robinson Manalu ◽  

Improving services in all fields in higher education is the main choice because it is closely related to stakeholder satisfaction, especially in the academic field. Information technology used in managing activities will determine the desired process and output. So it is necessary to evaluate and audit information technology to determine the achievement of performance or productivity. Universitas Methodist Indonesia has implemented Information Technology in managing academic activities ranging from new student registration to student graduation, lecturer and staff activities, research activities, and community service. COBIT is one of the tools used in auditing information systems and information technology. The audit is carried out on human resources related to system and technology management involving the Head of the Data Processing Center, Head of Administration and Information Services, Head of System Development Affairs, and Implementing Staff. To obtain data by making a questionnaire given to the audited party. From the test results on the effectiveness of the control, there is already a running control, namely PO8.1. Quality Management System, PO8.4. Customer Focus, PO8.5 Continuous Improvement, and PO8.6 Quality Measurement, Monitoring and Review, DS5.9. Malicious Software Prevention, Detection, and Correction need to be improved and continuously. Then the level of performance of the Detailed Control Objective (DCO) in the third party service management process still tends to be lacking and still needs to be improved, with the average performance value in the third party service management process being 1.5.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Rimbun Siringoringo ◽  
Jamaluddin Jamaluddin ◽  
Gortab Lumbantoruan

The growth of e-commerce has resulted in massive product information and huge volumes of data. This results in data overload problems. In the case of e-commerce, consumers or users spend a lot of time choosing the goods they need. The urgent question to be answered at this time is how to provide solutions related to intelligent information restrictions so that the existing information is truly information that is by preferences and needs. This research performs information filtering by applying the singular value decomposition method and the Pearson similarity technique to the book recommendation system. The data used is the Book-Crossing Dataset which is the reference dataset for many research recommendation systems. The resulting recommendations are then compared with e-commerce recommendations such as Based on the results of the study obtained data that the results of the recommendations in this study are very good and accurate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-64
Emma Rosinta Simarmata ◽  

At this time hypertension is a disease that endangers the community a lot because people often ignore it because this disease does not quickly affect the body but will slowly damage health. Hypertension is not contagious but can trigger other diseases, such as stroke and heart disease. The habit of people who will check their health after experiencing problems causes delays in their help. Symptoms of hypertension can be detected early so that people can prevent the seriousness of the disease. The expert system is one of the fields of science that can help the public to check whether a person has hypertension and the type of hypertension and the percentage of possible diseases he suffers because the expert system can be designed how to work like an expert. The expert system designed uses several stages, namely (1) system requirements analysis, (2) input and output design, (3) coding and (4) testing. This expert system will be represented in the form of rules, the method of reasoning using the forward chaining method and probability theory in calculating the percentage of rules that are fulfilled. The form of output (results) from the expert system is in the form of diagnostic results based on the symptoms given and suggestions that are in accordance with the diagnosis used are forward chaining, namely drawing conclusions from several types of hypertension obtained from symptoms. The output of the system is the type of hypertension diagnosed and the solution for the diagnosis. Keyword : Sistem Pakar, Forward Chaining, Hipertensi, Diagnosa

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Posma Lumbanraja ◽  

Here we examine the dynamic model of the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) assuming a constant number of host and vector populations. In this paper, the model is reduced from a three-dimensional system to a two-dimensional system so that the dynamic behavior can be analyzed in the R2 plane. In the two-dimensional model, if the threshold parameter R > 1, the endemic state becomes globally asymptotically stable. During the analysis of its dynamic behavior, a trapping region is found which contains a heteroclinic orbit connecting the slowing point, namely the origin and the endemic point. By using heteroclinic orbits, it can be estimated the time period required from a state to reach a certain state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-35
Eva Julia Gunawati Harianja ◽  

Education and teaching are the rights of every citizen as regulated in the 1945 Constitution which is written in article 31, paragraph (1). However, the high cost of education sometimes becomes an obstacle for economically disadvantaged people, so that many secondary graduates are unable to continue their education to higher education even though they have good academic potential. The government has tried to provide a solution to this problem by organizing the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) in helping its citizens obtain the right to higher education, namely through the provision of KIP Lectures that can be submitted by students at PTN and PTS. Private universities which act as facilitators for students in submitting KIP Lecture applications are expected to be more selective in the candidate selection process so that the distribution of assistance is right on target. Determination of KIP Lecture recipients based on certain criteria is often a problem in the decision-making process. To express the preferences of decision makers on the most desirable alternative, it can be done by applying the Technique For Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The TOPSIS method will be combined with fuzzy logic to determine the weight value for each criterion attribute, followed by a ranking process to select the best alternative, in this case a valid alternative as a beneficiary that fits the criteria. With this method, it is hoped that the assessment process will be more precise and accurate because it is based on predetermined criteria and weights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-30
Ahmad Roihan ◽  
Aditya Mardiansyah ◽  
Adlan Pratama ◽  
Akmal Ardhi Pangestu

This study aims to provide convenience for farmers and orchid lovers. Because giving water to orchid plants requires special attention if the orchid plant has too much water at the time of watering, the orchid plant cannot grow optimally and vice versa, if the orchid plant at the time of watering, the orchid plant lacks water then the orchid plant does not grow optimally, This tool uses a DHT22 sensor. Answering this problem, the researchers created an automatic orchid sprinkler with a DHT 22 sensor. The DHT22 sensor was chosen over the DHT11 sensor because it has a wide measurement range, namely 0 to 100% for humidity and -40 degrees Celsius to 125 degrees Celsius for temperature. This sensor also has a high-accuracy digital output. DHT 22 requires a supply voltage of 2.4 and 5.5 V. Serial clock input is used to synchronize communication between the microcontroller and DHT22, then it is used to transfer data from and to DHT22. Product trials are carried out to determine the performance of products that have been made and product revisions are made if there are errors, then trial use on orchid plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-49
Benget Rumahorbo ◽  
Resianta Perangin-angin

Copyright is a serious problem in the digital world, the process of sending and distributing digital media is so easy nowadays, copyright in the digital world is very detrimental to those who feel that their digital rights are copied and pasted or taken without the consent of the creator. Therefore we need a way where when a digital file can be identified as original as a product, one of the right ways is to use a watermark technique. But often this watermark process can be lost or cannot be extracted because the digital file has gone through a compression process, duplicate, or something else. So in this study, it will be tried to increase the durability of a watermark in digital audio as a solution for identifying copyrighted digital works. Where the watermark process will use the RSA and MSB algorithms to enter information into a digital audio file, later this information can be extracted to view copyright ownership information from the digital audio. And it is hoped that this watermarking is resistant to various digital audio processes such as compression, duplication, and editing carried out on the file. the information that is inserted into is maintained without compromising the quality of the digital audio.

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