Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Biological Engineering and Earth Sciences
Latest Publications





Published By Kemerovo State University

2542-2456, 2542-2448

Татьяна Орешкова ◽  
Tatiana Oreshkova ◽  
Наталья Воротилина ◽  
Natalya Vorotilina ◽  
Марина Махрова ◽  

<h1 style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span class="p"><span style="font-size: 8.0pt; color: #231f20; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; font-weight: normal;" lang="EN-US">The article gives a brief description of water bodies in the Ordzhonikidze district and describes the hydrography of the Pravaya Sarala river near the village of Priiskovaya. The objects of our study were the small streams that form the Pravaya Sarala. The research involved measurements and calculations of the parameters of the Central and the Lake tributaries. The article features the results of the measurements and their comparison, made with the help of generally accepted methods. The result was that the Lake tributary exceeds the Central one in all respects. Despite the fact that the slope of the Central tributary is greater than that of the Lake tributary, the average fl rate of the former is lower. It may be associated with the shallowness of some in parts of the Central tributary: the roughness and unevenness of the bottom of the riverbed with its boulders slow the movement of the water. According to the mountain rivers classifi the waterways in question refer to the category of small mountain rivers.</span></span></h1>

Ольга Мезенцева ◽  
Olga Mezentseva ◽  
Юрий Удодов ◽  
Yurii Udodov

<p>The article analyzes the facial dissimilarity of bryozoans of the Emsian Stage near the town of Gyr’evsk. The bryozoans associations have been found in all types of facies, except the sand-mudstone one. In the littoral facies (bioclastic limestones with subordinate sand-mud-siltstones rock) the bryozoans are represented by the orders of <em>Trepostomida, Fenestellida, Cryptostomida, Cystoporida</em>, but treposomides predominate (63 % of the total number of species). After the littoral facies turn into the facies of the open lagoon (mudstones with subordinate limestones), only trepostomides are represented in the Emsian section, near the boundary, forming the Briozoan interbeds. Briozoan interbeds consist of the fragments of Neotrematopora salairiensis colonies. The restoration of species and genus diversity in new facies occurs relatively quickly. In comparison with trepostomides, representatives of other orders appear with a large time-lag. Under the conditions of an open lagoon, bryozoans are characterized mainly by branched bifoliate colonies. In the slope facies (bedded limestones), characterized by greater depths and low hydrodynamics, fennestellids dominate (58 % of the total number of species). Trepostomides and cystoporides in these facies are represented by species with thick-branched and massive branched colonies. When the facies of bedded limestones change to sandy-mudstones (the beginning of the regression), the fenestellids also form Briozoan interbeds near the boundary. In the lateral rows of the facies of a single stratigraphic unit, several facial associations of bryozoans are often found. The species of bryozoans characteristic of this stratigraphic level are present in all associations. The unity of the Emsian complex of bryozoans is expressed in the gradual change of their associations upwards the section (three Briozoanbiostratigraphic Zones have been <span>identified).</span></p>

Надежда Егорова ◽  
Nadezhda Egorova ◽  
Анастасия Зинковская ◽  
Anastasia Zinkovskaya

<p>The article gives the urban environment quality assessment for the administrative entities of the Prokopyevsky urban district. The assessment is based on the methodology developed by V. N. Fedorov and M. Yu. Aksenova. The main indicators for assessing the urban environment quality were: environmental comfort, assessed through the perception of the environmental tension level by Prokopyevskresidents; population provision with social infrastructure facilities that are active components of social relations and act as carriers, forms and ways of meeting common individual demands. Two options for calculating the transport city center accessibility indicated the level of transport infrastructure development: that for vehicle owners and that for public transportusers.Asabasisforassessingtheurbanenvironmentaestheticqualities, the V. A. Nikolaeva method was used. For greater results comparability, scoring scales are used. At the same time, respondents were asked to determine the attractiveness degree and emotional impact of the each district urban environment. The total contribution of the urban environment quality objective factors was estimated with the help of the urban environment integral quality factor.<strong></strong></p>

София Горбунова ◽  
Sofia Gorbunova

<span>The article discusses the principles of education for sustainable development and examples of their implementation in the context of the ecological culture formation. The subject of the study is environmental education for sustainable development. The aim of this research is to formulate the principles of education for sustainable development and to show the ways of their practical implementation. The research uses the comparative approach with elements of hypothetical-deductive analysis. As a result of the study, a set of interrelated principles determining education for sustainable development was defined: continuity, inclusiveness, interdisciplinarity, integration, unity of theory and practice. The results of this study can be used in educational practice in the creation and implementation of curricula and courses, as methodological recommendations for the work of volunteer organizations and educational environmental activities. The results can be used in the sustainable development programs designed by the administrative authorities. Environmental education is an important tool for implementing the concept of sustainable development. Thus, the outlined educational principles should become the basis of educational practices and technologies aimed at the formation of ecological culture and the ecologization of consciousness.</span>

Александр Федоров ◽  
Alexandr Fedorov ◽  
Павел Зарченко ◽  
Pavel Zarchenko ◽  
Виктория Пономарева ◽  

<p>The article features a study of the peculiarities of heart rate regulation in 46 students in 2 stages of training: the beginning and the end of the academic year. The indices of variation pulsometry were analyzed at rest and in orthostasis, taking into account the type of daily activity. The data analysis has revealed signs of the extinction of the structural trace of longterm adaptation to the learning process in the group during the summer period. It is shown that in the end of academic year, compared with the autumn period, students demonstrate a decrease in sympathetic activity of the nervous system at rest, and the stress response to the study load is more pronounced. It was found out that those students who were examined in the autumn period formed a stable mechanism of vegetative regulation to educational activity and took place at the expense of the lower links of nervous and humoral regulation, with a higher level of functional reserves involved in the formation of successful adaptation to the academic process. It has been revealed that students with different types of daily activity demonstrate adaptation processes with their own specifi at the beginning and the end of the academic year: in individuals with an evening type in the summer period, sympathetic infl were predominantly determined by the central mechanisms of the regulation of the sympathetic adrenal system.</p>

Валерий Кимеев ◽  
V. Kimeev

<p>The paper features environmental problems of the protected natural landscape zones of the two ecomuseums – The Tazgol in Mountain Shoriya and the Tyulbersky Gorodok. Both the museums are located in the Kuzbass Tom’ River Valley (Pritomye) and function as independent municipal budgetary institutions. The research project included a number of actions aimed at creating engineering infrastructure, preservation and restoration of both the territory of the ecomuseums and the surrounding natural landscape. The paper reveals some issues that may interfere with these plans and the role of the local authorities, other organizations and local population in their implementation. It offers some solutions for these complex problems by joint efforts of museum staff, local municipal authorities, departments of culture, forest complex, ecology and natural resources of the Administration of the Kemerovo region and various local enterprises, such as the Kemerovo State University practice bases, the Shor National Park, travel companies, etc.).<strong></strong></p>

Гюльнар Гаджиева ◽  
Gyulnar Gadzhieva ◽  
Зулейха Эюбова ◽  
Zuleikha Eyubova

<p>Natural geosystems of the south-eastern slope of the Greater Caucasus are genetically related to the large morphostructural units that constitute the territory, as well as to the aerodynamic condition of the lower layer of the troposphere. The study revealed that there are contradictions in the geosystems formation of various local morphostructures. Thus, the differentiation of geosystems may either be intensifi or weakened, depending on the height of mountain areas and ridges. The slope and direction of visibility of the area are the basic elements that play a decisive role in the shaping of structural and genetic features of the area in question. The article features the structural changes that are observed in natural geosystems based on the slope and direction of visibility maps and charts of the contemporary geosystems in the south-eastern slope of the Greater Caucasus. The research also features the infl of morphometric parameters of the relief on the agriculture development in the mountain geosystems of the south-eastern slope of the Greater Caucasus in GIS.<strong></strong></p>

Регина Тисейко ◽  
Regina Tiseiko

<p>The current paper describes the basics of the ecological framework theory as a tool aimed at improving functional target characteristics of the regional network in protected areas. It introduces a brief analysis of the experience in the environmental framework development in various subjects of theRussian Federation. The research used ARC GIS 10.1. software to create a spatial ecological framework module for the Bogradsky district (theRepublicofKhakassia). The article offers brief geographical and environmental characteristics of the area as the basis of the content of the information model. The novelty of the research is in its comprehensive and systematically structured approach to the development of the ecological framework, which encompasses the elements of the network of protected areas together with objects of protected natural areas associated with different species of wildlife. The article contains a list of elements included in the spatial GIS module within the project «The Ecological Framework of the Bogradsky District, theRepublicofKhakassia». The project can be a useful tool for inventory, monitoring and development of protected areas</p>

Любовь Ковригина ◽  
Lyubov Kovrigina ◽  
Александра Филиппова ◽  
Alexandra Filippova ◽  
Наталья Романова ◽  

<p>Of the 27 species of orchids growing in the Kemerovoregion, 20 are included in the Red books of The Russian Federation and the Kemerovoregion. An objective assessment and development of effective protection measures involves consideration of the location, population assessment and evaluation of the conditions. The article features characteristics of species composition, biomorphs, ecological features of the protected Orchidaceae species in the Kemerovodistrict. The research focused on the population status of <em>Dactylorhiza fuchsii </em>(Druce) Soo and <em>Orchis militaris </em>L. at the time of their fl The process involved setting transects consisting of 25 adjacent square pads with an area of 1 m2 each. The number of specimen was calculated on each site; their age and status were determined; the height of fl plants, the length of the infl and leaf were measured. Juvenile, immature, virginile and generative specimen were defi in each population of orchids. The authors determined the vital status of specimens, characterized the age and vitality spectrum, as well as the spatial structure of the populations. The population status <em>Orchis militaris </em>L. is defi as satisfactory, whereas the population of <em>Dactylorhiza fuchsii </em>(Druce) Soo was assessed as bad.</p>

Ольга Столбова ◽  
Olga Stolbova ◽  
Валерий Рябов ◽  
Valerii Riabov

<p>The article presents the characteristics of modern agriculture, which is the basic link of the agroindustrial complex of the Kemerovoregion. It examines the factors that determine its specialization and the main industry of rural economy of Kuzbass. Agriculture plays an important role in ensuring food security in the region. The leading industry is beef farming, beef and dairy cattle, arable farming and grain growing. The Kemerovoregion achieves self-suffi in many agricultural products, some products are exported outside of the region. Prospects of development of agricultural production in Kuzbass are associated with the development of private fodder industry based on the cultivation of forage crops and legumes for intensive and industrial pig, poultry, and beef and dairy cattle breeding and production of succulent feeds for dairy and beef cattle. The development of agriculture will lead to the creation of new processing industries, the formation of a developed agro-industrial complex in the region, which will increase the level of socio-economic development of the region.<strong></strong></p>

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