Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología
Latest Publications





Published By Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz


2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
José-Antonio Cecchini ◽  
Antonio Méndez-Giménez ◽  
Cristina García-Romero ◽  

Introduction: This research examines intraindividual changes in 3x2 achievement goals in physical education classes during one semester, as well as the relationship of these changes with those in other motivational and outcome variables. Method: A total of 334 (178 boys and 156 girls) high school students (M = 13.12, SD = 1.05) completed five questionnaires in two different school years. Results: The results of the true intraindividual change model (TIC) provided unequivocal support for the separation of task-based and self-based goals, as well as the structures based on both valences of approach and avoidance. They also showed different intraindividual change patterns in the 3x2 achievement goals, indicating a progression in the stability of the goals depending on their definition. Intraindividual variability in achievement goals is directly related to intraindividual variability in dependent variables, with the task-approach goals TIC being the most adaptive. Conclusions: These goals should be prioritized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
Sabrina Martins Barroso ◽  

Introduction: Resilience is the ability to adapt or recover after adverse situations.This study aimed to adapt and investigate evidence of the validity of the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) for the Brazilian context. Method: The total sample comprised 1,937 people who participated in the study and the validity analysis was carried out with 1,480 people between 18 and 78 years of age. It was carried out using translation, back-translation, descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Item Response Theory, the ROC curve and BRS correlation with the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale - 10-item version (CD-RISC-10), the Social Support Perception Scale, the Patient Health Questionnaire - 2-item version (PHQ-2), and sociodemographic data. Results: The results showed the adequacy of the Brazilian version of the BRS (BRS-BR), alpha of 0.80, omega = 0.81, one factor, good information capacity of the items (except for item 5) and correlation with the CD-RISC-10 (rho = 0.64), PHQ-2 (rho = - 0.38)and Social Support (rho = 0.14). There was also a correlation with sex (rho = 0.11), age (rho = 0.13), marital status (rho = 0.15) and schooling (rho = 0.15). The ROC curve shows a cutoff point at 10 points for low resilience and 21 points for high resilience. Conclusions: The investigation of the psychometric characteristics of the BRS-BR showed that the instrument can be useful for the evaluation of resilience in the Brazilian context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
Mario Sainz ◽  
Roberto M. Lobato ◽  
Gloria Jiménez-Moya ◽  

Introduction: Hostile and benevolent classism influence the derogation of poor people and groups, with negative consequences. The present study aims to adapt and validate the Ambivalent Classism Inventory (ACI) to obtain an adequate tool for expanding research on this topic among the Spanish-speaking population. Method: Toward this end, the researchers back-translated the ACI version originally developed for English speakers. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses verify the ACI’s reliability and factor structure with a sample of Mexican participants. Results: The results demonstrated that the adapted scale’s psychometric properties are acceptable. Its original and factor structure are similar to those of the original scale:hostile classism (12 items), protective paternalism (4 items), and complementary class differentiation (4 items). Furthermore, the study tests the convergent and divergent validity of the scale´s sub-dimensions concerning other ideological and socioeconomic variables. Conclusion:The proposed ACI adaptation should contribute to understanding attitudes toward the poor as well as their consequences among Spanish speakers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
Beatriz Sora ◽  
Amparo Caballer ◽  
M. Esther García-Buades ◽  

Introduction/objective: HR practices have been widely studied in the literature. However, critical research gaps remain unexplored. Little attention has been paid to the relationship between HR practices and well-being, or the mechanisms that explain the effect of HR on employees’ wellbeing, and the role of gender in this relationship. Hence, this study aims to examine the relationship between HR practices and well-being (eudemonic and hedonic) through organizational justice, taking into account gender. Method: A convenience sampling technique was used in a correlational design. The sample was composed of 1647 employees from 42 Spanish organizations. Our measures were HR practices, organizational justice, and hedonic and eudemonic wellbeing. Multi-group structural equation models were computed. Results: The results supported our hypothesis, which mainly stated that (1) organizational justice (distributive, procedural and interactional justice) mediated the relationship between HR practices and eudemonic and hedonic well-being; (2) there were differences between men and women in this mediation. Conclusions: Human resource practices and organizational justice offer tools to HR managers in order to maintain and improve employees’ well-being levels within their organizations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
Arcadio de Jesús Cardona Isaza ◽  
Alicia Tamarit Chulia ◽  
Remedios González Barrón ◽  
Inmaculada Montoya Castilla ◽  

Background/objective: Decision-making is a set of skills useful for daily functioning which allow people to perform their tasks and control objectives and goals, generating responses to the environment’s demands from their resources. Research and intervention with adolescents require reliable instruments to assess decision-making. The Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire (MDMQ) is an instrument that assesses decision-making styles and has been successfully validated in different cultural contexts. This study analysed the psychometric properties, construct validity (factorial, convergent, and discriminant), and predictive validity of the MDMQ in Colombian adolescents. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in which 822 adolescents aged 14 to 18 years (Mage = 16.09, SD = 1.31, 33.7% girls), 410 from the regular school system (Mage = 15.50, SD = 1.29, 48.54% girls) and 412 adolescents from the Criminal Responsibility System (Mage = 16.6, SD = 1.04, 18.93% girls) participated. Decision-making styles, emotional intelligence, cognitive distortions, prosocial behaviour and antisocial behaviour were assessed. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), reliability, correlational and predictive analyses were performed. Results: The CFA showed satisfactory fit indices for the original model of four factors and 22 items. Sufficient reliability conditions were observed. The results indicated that rational decision-making (vigilance) is positively associated with emotional intelligence and influences prosocial behaviour. Negative decision-making styles are associated with cognitive distortions and influence antisocial behaviour. Conclusions: After analysing the psychometric properties, it is concluded that the MDMQ is a valid instrument to assess the decision-making styles of Colombian adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
Ioseba Iraurgi ◽  
Patricia Penas ◽  

Introduction: The Lambert’s Outcomes Questionnaire (OQ-45) is a 45-item self-administered instrument used to measure clinical outcomes in psychotherapy. It measures functioning through three areas: symptoms distress, interpersonal relations and social role. The objective of this paper is to assess the reliability and the validity of its Spanish version. Method:A sample of 639 subjects, non-clinical and clinical, completed the instrument. Results: The psychometric evidences of the questionnaire showed an adequate internal consistency (.97 and .91) and acceptable convergent validity with the BDI, STAI, PSS and SF-12. The Confirmatory Factor Analyses suggested a bifactor structure. The cut-off points have been established for the subscales and total score (54.5), considering the clinical criterion, which means, prioritizing slightly the sensibility over the specificity. The RCI was 3.80 and Minimum Change Score 17.56. Conclusion: The OQ-45 showed acceptable psychometric properties, providing support for using this version of the questionnaire to assess Spanish’s functionality. Given these findings, this tool could help clinicians evaluate treatment efficacy and establish psychotherapy goals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
Ana Estévez ◽  
María Dolores Chávez-Vera ◽  
Janire Momeñe ◽  
Leticia Olave ◽  

Introducción/objetivo: Son escasos los estudios que abordan la relación entre el apego y la impulsividad en la adolescencia. Por ello, los objetivos del estudio han sido estudiar la relación entre el apego, las estructuras inadaptadas tempranas y la impulsividad, así como comprobar el papel predictivo de los dos primeros sobre la impulsividad. Por último, se estudia el papel mediador de los esquemas inadaptados tempranos en la relación entre el apego y la impulsividad. Métodos: La muestra es de 1533 adolescentes de Ecuador (826 hombres y 707 mujeres), con edades entre los 14 y 18 años (M = 15.76, DT = 1.25). Se emplearon los siguientes cuestionarios para medir las variables de estudio: CaMir-R, YSQ-S3, BIS 11. Resultados: Los resultados reflejan como la seguridad, el valor a la autoridad parental, la permisividad parental, la autosuficiencia y rencor contra los padres, el traumatismo infantil y el esquema negatividad/ pesimismo predicen la conducta impulsiva. Asimismo, se confirma el papel mediador de los esquemas inadaptados tempranos. Conclusiones: El conocimiento del papel que cumplen los esquemas inadaptados tempranos y los estilos de apego como factores de riesgo o vulnerabilidad implicados en el establecimiento de la conducta impulsiva resulta de gran utilidad de cara a implementar estrategias preventivas y un enfoque terapéutico adecuado.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
Graham Pluck ◽  

Introduction: In research, a simple measure of general cognitive ability is often required. One method is the Matrix Matching Test, a brief, free-to-use, language-free assessment of general cognitive ability or intelligence in adults, which taps both fluid and crystalized processes. We investigated its reliability and validity with adolescent participants. Method:The Matrix Matching Test was administered to 111 participants, aged 12 to 17 (46% female).Subsamples also completed two standard measures of cognitive ability: Vocabulary (crystalized) and Matrix Reasoning (fluid) tests from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children IV (WISC-IV). Results: The Matrix Matching Test was found to have acceptable internal consistency and good retest reliability. Criterion validity was indicated by its ability to distinguish between psychosocially deprived participants living in foster care (n = 40) and controls, and by its positive correlation with grade point average. There were large positive correlations between the Matrix Matching Test and the standard measures of Vocabulary, and Matrix Reasoning, suggesting convergent validity. Conclusions: Our preliminary evidence suggests that The Matrix Matching Test is a reliable and valid measure of general cognitive ability for ages 12 to 17.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
Álvaro Menéndez-Aller ◽  
Álvaro Postigo ◽  
Covadonga González-Nuevo ◽  
Marcelino Cuesta ◽  

Introducción: La resiliencia académica consiste en obtener altas calificaciones a pesar de hallarse en una desventaja socioeconómica. En el presente estudio se observó si el esfuerzo, las expectativas y el autoconcepto académicos forman parte de la resiliencia académica o estarían explicando un buen rendimiento académico en general. Método: Los participantes, una población de 7479 adolescentes españoles (M = 13.87; DT = 0.82), fueron divididos en cuatro grupos según el rendimiento académico (Bueno-Malo) y el nivel socioeconómico (Clase alta-Clase baja). Se realizaron análisis de diferencias y regresiones logísticas binarias para detectar cuál de las variables empleadas explicaba el rendimiento académico en los grupos de igual nivel socioeconómico. También se estudió si el sexo influía en la pertenencia a los grupos de buen rendimiento. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias en el esfuerzo, las expectativas y el autoconcepto académicos en función de los cuatro grupos creados; los grupos de buen rendimiento académico obtuvieron puntuaciones más altas independientemente del nivel socioeconómico. Se observó que las expectativas y el autoconcepto académicos explicaban gran parte del rendimiento académico. Se detectó una tasa de mujeres significativamente más alta con relación a la de hombres en los grupos de mayor rendimiento. Conclusiones: Muchas variables, que se han considerado propias de los alumnos académicamente resilientes, explican un buen rendimiento académico, en general, independientemente del nivel socioeconómico.

Diana Rico Revelo ◽  
Idaly Barreto ◽  
Manuel Mendoza Becerra ◽  

Introducción: Este estudio analizó el papel de creencias maleables y esperanza en la disposición para apoyar concesiones del acuerdo con las FARC-EP en un contexto de polarización política. Método: Se desarrolló un estudio no experimental con 562 ciudadanos. Resultados: Los resultados confirman que la esperanza de paz surge de una percepción general del mundo como cambiante; y por lo tanto, las personas que creen que el conflicto colombiano con las FARC-EP puede cambiar, desarrollan una actitud esperanzadora, presentando más apoyo a concesiones sobre la justicia especial para la paz (JEP) y la participación en política de exguerrilleros. Asimismo, se encontró que las personas con orientación política de izquierda y de centro apoyan más las concesiones del acuerdo en comparación con personas con orientación política de derecha. Conclusiones: El estudio refleja que la polarización política constituye un obstáculo para el desarrollo de creencias maleables y actitudes esperanzadoras que favorecen la desescalada del conflicto. Se presentan las implicaciones prácticas sobre la formación de actitudes que favorecen salidas constructivas del conflicto, y sobre la responsabilidad de actores políticos en la formación de creencias rígidas que constituyen barreras para la paz.

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