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Published By Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang


2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Ena Trisiyani Dewi ◽  
Tri Marthy Mulaysari

Abstrak Air bersih pada gerbong kereta api digunakan untuk kamar mandi pada setiap gerbong. Air bersih pada kereta api berperan penting bagi penumpangnya, apabila air bersih yang digunakan kualitasnya tidak sesuai dengan peraturan , maka dapat berdampak bagi pengguna air bersih tersebut. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dengan pengamatan, wawancara, dan pemeriksaan. Data ini disajikan dengan menggunakan editing, coding, tabulating dan saving. Hasil penelitian pada kereta api ekonomi yaitu kualitas fisik, kimia, dan mikrobiologi telah memenuhi standar Permenkes 32 Tahun 2019, dengan hasil tidak berbau, tidak berasa, pemeriksaan warna 10,7 TCU, kekeruhan 5 NTU, TDS 258mg/l, suhu 29˚C, pH 8, dan total coliform 41CFU/100ml. Keadaan sarana sanitasi pada kereta api ekonomi kurang baik, dengan reservoir sudah berkarat, dan toilet yang berbau urine. Air bersih  pada kereta api eksekutif yaitu kualitas fisik, kimia, dan mikrobiologi telah memenuhi standar Permenkes 32 Tahun 2019 yang meliputi hasil air tidak berbau, tidak berasa, warna air 5,5 TCU, kekeruhan 5 NTU, TDS 353mg/l, suhu 24˚C, pH 8,4, dan total coliform 23CFU/100ml. Keadaan sarana sanitasi pada kereta api eksekutif kurang baik terdapat pada reservoir yang berkarat. Pada kedua kereta kondisi sarana perpipaan sudah baik. Kuantitas pada kereta api ekonomi tidak memenuhi syarat yaitu hanya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih sebanyak 166 orang, yang seharusnya 212 orang, sedangkan untuk kereta api eksekutif kuantitas air telah memenuhi syarat. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kualitas dan kuantitas air bersih sudah memenuhi syarat dengan kondisi baik. Keadaan sanitasi dari reservoir gerbong kereta tidak memenuhi syarat dan keadaan sanitasi toilet tidak memenuhi syarat untuk kereta api ekonomi. Saran peneliti pada PT. KAI yaitu melakukan pemeliharaan terhadap reservoir dengan melakukan pengurasan dan pembilasan secara rutin. Serta memelihara jaringan-jaringan perpipaan air bersih.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Yura Witsqa Firmansyah

Diare masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Diare dapat terjadi pada semua kelompok umur, terutama balita yang menjadi kelompok rentan dengan prevalensi sebesar 23,4%. Terdapat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian diare seperti tingkat pengetahuan ibu, perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, dan kondisi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi faktor-faktor yang terbukti sebagai risiko kejadian diare pada balita berdasarkan kajian review. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan scoping review dengan penelusuran jurnal penelitian melalui database sinta. Adapun kriteria jurnal penelitian yang digunakan adalah terindeks pada sinta 2, 3, dan 4, memiliki sitasi lebih dari 200, waktu publikasi 10 tahun terakhir, dan memiliki variabel yang terbukti sebagai faktor risiko kejadian diare pada balita. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa variabel yang terbukti sebagai faktor risiko kejadian diare berbasis review adalah tingkat pengetahuan ibu, riwayat pemberian ASI, kondisi sarana air bersih, sumber air minum, kebiasaan mencuci tangan setelah BAB pada ibu balita, mencuci tangan sebelum memberikan makan balita, mencuci tangan sebelum masak, dan peralatan makan balita, serta kondisi jamban. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat beberapa faktor yang terbukti berisiko terhadap kejadian diare seperti faktor pengetahuan ibu, perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, serta faktor lingkungan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Alfian Gifari Ardi ◽  
Budi Triyantoro ◽  
Teguh Widiyanto

Kesehatan lingkungan adalah suatu kondisi lingkungan yang mampu menopang keseimbangan dinamis antara manusia dan lingkungan, serta melindungi kesehatan manusia melalui pencegahan penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh lingkungan. Salah satu vektor penyakit yang sering menimbulkan masalah dalam lingkungan, yaitu lalat. Lalat  sangat menyukai tempat yang kotor, salah satunya adalah kandang ternak. Kandang sapi juga pada umumnya kotor dan berbau, sehingga lalat banyak dijumpai di kandang ter-sebut, seperti lalat rumah (Musca domestica). Tujuan Penelitian yaitu untuk menganalisis hubungan sanitasi kandang dengan kepadatan lalat di Kecamatan Sokaraja Kabupaten Banyumas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional yang bersifat dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, penelitian ini dilakukan pada peternakan sapi yang ada di Kecamatan Sokaraja, untuk menilai sanitasi kandang sapi dan menganalisis kepadatan lalat di kandang sapi. Hasil observasi menunjukkan 10 kandang sapi, terdapat 7 kandang sapi yang memenuhi syarat dan 3 kandang yang tidak memenuhi syarat, sedangkan kepadatan lalat menunjukkan bahwa dari 10 kandang sapi terdapat 10 kandang sapi dengan kepadatan lalat sedang. Hasil analisis menggunakan uji  Korelasi Sperman rank  Korelasi Koefisien sebesar 0,076 0,05 artinya HA ditolak dan H0 diterima, yang berarti tidak ada hubungan sanitasi kandang dengan kepadatan lalat di kandang sapi, dari 10 kandang sapi terdapat 3 kandang tidak memenuhi syarat sanitasi. Kepadatan lalat di kandang sapi dikategorikan sedang sampai dengan tinggi. Perlu adanya, upaya meningkatkan sanitasi kandang sapi dalam hal pemberian desinfeksi, penggunaan APD, pencegahan kepadatan lalat, pembersihan kandang, pengelolaan limbah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Laylatul Hasanah ◽  
Enza Resdiana

Sanitasi lingkungan merupakan suatu hal yang sering kita dengar yang meliputi mencakup penyediaan air bersih, pembuangan kotoran,  pembuangan sampah. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui Implementasi sanitasi lingkungan pada masyarakat di Desa Banra’as  Gili Iyang di Kabupaten Sumenep tahun 2020. Peneilitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan wawancara dan Observasi lapangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Banra’as Pulau Gili Iyang pada bulan september tahun 2020. Obyek pada penelitian ini adalah Kepala Desa, perangkat Desa dan Masyarakat sebanyak 10 orang sebagai informan. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar wawancara, dan lembar observasi untuk menggambarkan kondisi masyarakat di pulau Gili Iyang.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat di Desa Banra’as belum menerapkan sanitasi dengan baik ditunjukkan oleh hasil wawancara bahwa 50% masyarakat masih menggunakan WC terbuka, 50% masyarakat membuang limbah ke ruang terbuka, 700 KK masih tidak memiliki sumber air bersih sendiri, dan 100% masyarakat di Banra’as membakar limbah rumah tangga (sampah) di lahan terbuka

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Nurudin Achmad Fauzi ◽  
Nur Hilal ◽  
Yulianto Yulianto
T Test ◽  

Sampah organik merupakan jenis sampah yang dapat memicu keberadaan vektor pembawa agent penyakit. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi masalah sampah organik adalah dengan pembuatan kompos. Waktu matang kompos dapat dipersingkat dengan penambahan bioaktivator. Bioaktivator dapat dibuat dari bahan-bahan organik yang di fermentasikan. Bahan organik yang dapat digunakan antara lain kulit pisang dan air cucian beras. Hal tersebut karena kandungan gizi yang terkandung dalam kulit pisang dan air cucian beras dapat memicu pertumbuhan mikroba pengurai. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk memanfaakan limbah kulit pisang sebagai bahan dasar bioaktivator yang difermentasi bersama cucian beras.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi experiment dengan desain time series. Objek yang diteliti adalah waktu matang kompos dengan bioaktivator 0 ml, 10 ml dan 30 ml. Data diambil dengan cara melakukan pengukuran suhu kompos dengan pengulangan sebanyak tiga kali.Hasil penilitian dengan analisis anova menunjukkan nilai signifikan 0,017 0,05 sehingga ada perbedaan secara signifikan anatara ketiga variasi. Uji lanjut menunjukan perbedaan signifikan ada pada bioaktivator 0 ml dengan 30 ml. Berdsarkasn uji t-test yang dilakukan antara bioaktivator 0 ml dengan 10 ml, 10 ml dengan 30 ml dan 0 ml dengan 30 ml didapatkan nilai signifikan 0,065 0,05; 0,275 0,05 dan 0,008 0,005, arinya tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara bioaktivator 0 ml dengan 10 ml dan 10 ml dengan 30 ml. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian disimpullkan bahwa penambahan bioaktivator 30 ml berpengaruh terhadap waktu matang kompos dan penambahan bioaktivator 10 ml tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap waktu matang kompos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Tri Cahyono ◽  
Linda Restu Pamuji ◽  
Sukma Cantika Graha Putri

Background Schools and formal education can be a bridge for airborne disease to spread caused by air germs. Measurement of air germs result, shows that class 4 (9482 CFU/m3) and class 5(2371 CFU/m3) in SDN 5 Teluk, Purwokerto Selatan district.  The average air gems rate is 1685.33 CFU/m3 in SDN Karangmangu, Baturaden district. The aims of this study was to analyze predictive factors for air germs number in public elementary schools in Banyumas Regency. Methods This research is observational study with cross sectional analytic approach. The independent variables or predictive variables are temperature, humidity, lighting, occupancy density, occupant behavior, cleaning frequency, and ventilation area. The dependent variable is the number of air germs. The sample size was 46 classrooms. The analysis used simple and multiple regression. Research Resulth average temperature (29.9130C), humidity (74.087%), lighting (225.304 lux), occupancy density (2.050 m2 / person), cleaning frequency (2.5 times / day), occupant behavior (53.470% active), ventilation area (9,171%), air germ rate (3425,130 CFU / m3), wind speed (not detected by tools). Prediction of temperature with the number of air germs, Y = 1026.505 + 80.187 X, R = 0.169, p = 0.262. Prediction of humidity with the number of air germs, Y = 2719.038 + 9.531 X, R = 0.083, p = 0.585. Prediction of exposure with air germ count, Y = 3343.684 + 0.361 X, R = 0.059, p = 0.696. Prediction of occupancy density with air germ numbers, Y = 3959.041 + (-260.389) X, R = - 0.386, p = 0.008. Prediction of cleaning frequency with air germ count, Y = 3204.664 + 88.187 X, R = 0.150, p = 0.320. Prediction of occupant behavior with air germ count, Y = 3632.488 + (-3.878) X, R = - 0.160, p = 0.289. Prediction of ventilation area with air germ count, Y = 3965.421 + (-58.911) X, R = -0.427, p = 0.003. Simultaneously predict temperature, humidity, lighting, occupancy density, cleaning frequency, occupant behavior and ventilation area with air germ count, Y = (-1267.495) + (-194.907) (density p = 0.049) + (-42.019) ( Ventilation p = 0.061) + 148.449 (Temperature p = 0.072) + 90.826 (Cleaning p = 0.379) + 12.187 (Humidity p = 0.543) + (-2.205) (Behavior p = 0.561) + 0.111 (Exposure p = 0.913), R = 0.5850. Conclusion ,  predictive factors for occupancy density, ventilation and temperature are significant in predicting the number of airborne germs. Suggestions need to regulate the number of students in each class, the availability standard ventilation, and the addition of an Exhauster.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Richani Ulfa Diyanti ◽  
Choiroel Anwar ◽  
Asep Tata Gunawan

Abstract [The Relationship Between Home Sanitation Facilities And Clean Living Behavior With Diarrhea Case Toward Toddler In The Working Area Of Health Center I Kembaran Banyumas Regency In Year 2018] The number of diarrhea sufferers in the working area of Puskesmas I Kembaran is included in the top 10 most people with disease. Thus, there are 813 diarrhea cases found in 2016. This study aims to determine the relationship between environmental sanitation facilities and clean healthy living behavior (PHBS) with diarrhea cases in the working areaof Puskesmas I KembaranBanyumas regency 2018. Type of research used in this research is analytical with case control approach. There are 66 samples where 22 samples are as case and 44 samples are as control. The variables studied are clean water, disposal facility / latrine, wastewater storage facilities, food and beverage storage, clean water use, disposing of baby's feces and hand washing with soap. Further, the research is analyzed with chi square test, logistic regression, and OR with 95% CI and α 0,05. The result of bivariate analysis was obtained by means of environmental sanitation and hygiene and hygienic living behavior which have relation of clean water facilities (p = 0,000, OR = 19,741), disposal facility (P = 0,000; OR = 11,327), food and beverage storage p = 0,000; OR = 14,095), the use of clean water (p = 0,002; OR = 7,800), removing infant stool p = 0,001; OR = 7,286), handwashing with soap (p = 0,006; OR = 6,923). While the waste water disposal facilities have no significant relationship and are not at risk. However, the multivariate analysis shows that the most influential variable is clean water (p = 0,003; RP = 10,663). This research can be concluded that environmental sanitation and clean healthy life behavior can be a risk factor for diarrheal disease. The variable which has the most significant influence is the disposal of feces / latrines. It is recommended that the public always maintain the cleanliness of the environment and apply clean and healthy living behavior.

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 175-180
Atyaf Umi Faizah

The majority of bottled water industry uses polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles as their packaging. When exposed to direct sunlight, this type of packaging is able to cause new compounds in water. Research at the State University of New York states showed that from 259 bottled water in 9 countries, 242 of them contained microplastics. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there are differences in the amount of microplastic in bottled PET containers that are exposed and not exposed to sunlight. This type of research is pre-experimental using the static group comparison design. There are 2 treatment groups: PET bottled water that is exposed and not exposed to sunlight. The results showed that there were microplastics in PET bottled water exposed and not exposed to sunlight. Samples of bottled PET which exposed to sunlight have microplastic’s number of 175 particles/ liter. Whereas bottled water that was not exposed to sunlight has microplastic’s number of 132,25 particles/ liter. Independent t-test showed that the Sig (2-tailed) value was 0,023. This value less than  = 0,05. So, we can say that there were differences between both of them. The conclusion of the study was that there were differences in the number of microplastics between PET bottled water exposed and not exposed to sunlight. As a form of vigilance, the public is advised to deliver PET bottled water from direct sunlight both for distribution and other type utilization of PET bottles for other purposes such as disinfection of water using sunlight (SODIS).

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 203-209
Agus - Subagiyo

Effort to control DHF (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever) vectors without toxic substances by using natural and enviromentally friendly materials was natural repellent made using plants that were widely available in the community.Many types of plants contain  various secondary metabolite compound substances that have the potential to be used as natural insecticides, especially as repellent of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. The research needs  to be done to determine the effectiveness of basil leaves, citronella leaves, clove leaves and betel leaves as a repellent against Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. This research method was an experiment in the laboratory. The materials used for this research were basil leaves, citronella leaves, clove leaves, and betel leaves. The extracted leaves were then made lotions with certain formulas, tested as a natural repellent against Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. The concentrations used were 20%, 40% and 80% as well as negative control (0%) and positive control (brand x lotions). The number of mosquitoes used in the study were 25 x 4 treatments = 100 mosquitoes. The replication or repetition was done 10 times. To find out the difference in the number of Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes that perch on the hands of probandus which has been smeared with basil leaf, citronella leaf, clove leaf and betel leaf extracts uses Anova Statistical tests and kruskal wallis. To see the difference between concentrations was tested with LSD or Mann-Whitney test. The calculation result of the number of Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes that perch before and after applying the lotion, the lowest was the lotion of citronella leaf extract 0% (11); 20% (2); 40% (1); 80% (1); The highest protection capacity of extract lotion is citronella leaves with concetrations of 20% (81,1%); 40% (95%), 80%(98,2%); There were no significant differences between the lotion concentrations of 20% and 80%, while the concentration of 40% is significantly different. Then the LSD follow-up test finds that the protective capacity of lotion of clove leaf extract is negative and citronella leaf extract is positive. The most effective protection capacity against Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes was lotion of citronella leaf extract with concentration of 40% (95%) and a concentration of 80% (98,2%), proven by the value of protection capacity that is stable even though it has been used for up to 6 hours and can exceed the protection capacity of lotion x (90,3%). It is reccomended that further research needs to be developed to optimize the lotion of citronella leaf extract 40% and 80% with orgonolaptic test of color, aroma, stickness and comfort of its use.

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 171-174
Asep Tata Gunawan ◽  
Yulianto - Yulianto ◽  
Bahri - Bahri

Introduction: The government of banyumas district by decree number: 660. 7776/2018 concerning the management of the waste in banyumas district, in which the President's decree strongly recommends the closing of the TPA on January 2, 2019 and urges the management of waste through non-governmental groups (KSM) in trash management 3r (main, reuse and recycling). The application of 3r activities in communities is still hampered largely by the lack of awareness of people sorting waste. The world health ministry of semarang, which has an open land of 2.3 ha (2.3 ha), has an average of 4 m3/ week organic waste. Thus selecting a comprehensive waste management by using a 10-panted run way method, so each week it is used to invert waste from tub one to tub the next. Based on the above description, the formula of the problem in this study is knowing the effectiveness of the waste turning engineering tools in supporting the waste processing process. Methods: Research and Development is a research method that uses to obtain or develop products and test the effectiveness of these products. The turning tool is designed to compare the effectiveness of the waste turning process before and after using the tool. This research was conducted at a waste processing place (composter) at Campus 7 Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang. The population in this study were all of the campus residents' solid waste generation. The sample of this study was waste in each tub (from tub 1 to 10) compost processing volume of 0.5-4 m3 / week. This study used tables analysis and the average value calculated from the results of sieving the waste. Research and discussion: The design and assembly of a waste turning tool is appropriate and can support the composting process of waste at Campus 7 Purwokerto, Health polytechnic of Ministry of Health Semarang. The volume of waste in basins 1 to 10 is on average around 0.5-4 m3 / week, in each tub per week there is a decrease in waste by an average of about 8-9%, so that starting from basin 1 with a volume of waste 4 m3 / week decreasing in the basin 10 to 0.5 m3 / week. The comparison of manual waste reversal using a machine is as follows:Turning over manual waste takes about 5-7.5 minutes per basin with 4 workers, so it takes 50-75 minutes to reverse 10 basins. Turning the trash with a machine takes about 45-50 seconds withConclusion: A waste turning tool has been proven effective to assist and facilitate the process of waste reversal for the decomposition process in the composting basin at the campus 7 composting place.

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