Jurnal Komunikasi
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Published By Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

2579-3292, 2086-6178

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-151
Supriyadi Sandi

Entertainment-based education can be done by teachers and parents to design learning materials about soft skills in children such as helping children. The usefulness of this animated film, has a function as an entertainment tool and as a learning medium for children so that children do not feel bored and are able to provide freshness because of the entertainment element. Of the many animated films that are shown, not many teach about something that contains the meaning of goodness, for example the attitude of helping each other. After making this film, it shows that this film has an interesting storyline and is worthy to be watched by children aged 2-8 years and contains educational values both morally and religiously and can entertain children. Children always want to help people who are having difficulties, namely by helping everyone so that they can help ease the burden of suffering from others and get a reward from the creator. The making of this animation using Macromedia Flash MX software by adding a mixture of visual effects in each scene to make it more interesting and the picture clearer

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-116
Safira Hasna

The popularity of Korean dramas and songs triggers the dominance of Korean Hallyu internationally in various parts of the world. One of the factors which triggers this dominance is the Kpop Bangtan Sonyeodan boy band (BTS). BTS does not only create songs that are massive and standard but also  has a meaning that makes them won a number of international awards. The objective of this paper is to analyze the dominance of Korean hallyu especially Korean boy band BTS as a pioneer of the Asian music industry internationally using structuration theory in the context of the cultural industry by using the literature review method, this is  to describe a number of findings related to the cultural industry and structuration. As a result, BTS as an agent  become an active participant who can reproduce the social system by referring to social actions that ultimately produce a social structure, BTS as an active agent can become a creative labour in the cultural industry by creating works that are not only profit-oriented but combines with the creativity which able to deliver messages through its music, as pioneer of Korean artists internationally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-161
Susilowati Susilowati ◽  
Titi Widaningsih ◽  
Toto Soebandoro

The impact that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic with the determination to work from home (WFH) which resulted in the obstruction of face-to-face communication activities with customers, thus requiring a strategy to establish relationships and maintain good communication with customers. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the strategy of customer relations and the use of video conferencing using Zoom Cloud Meeting. The concept of Customer Relations Strategy used is Qutlip and Wood and Smith's Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Theory and Daft and Lengel's Media Richness Theory. Research at PT Mandiri Cipta Sejahtera uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and uses the postpositivism paradigm. Data analysis uses Huberman and Miles data analysis, namely Data Reduction by collecting field data such as interviews, videos of the Zoom Meeting, data from the company's website and social media. The results of the study: (1) the company's customer strategy has met the stages of the customer relations strategy, namely; Fact Finding, Planning and programming, Taking action and communicating, evaluation, and the company has carried out customer relations activities, namely superior service to customers, excellent service (service off excellence) and good relations with customers (good relationship). (2) In the use of Zoom Cloud Meetings as a media resource, the implementation of Zoom Meetings is not fully media capable of sending many signals, and able to provide immediate feedback, can perform various languages, symbols and share data, also able to focus on delivering messages. Keywords: Strategi Customer Relations, Video Konfrensi,  Computer Mediated Communications, Kekayaan Media 

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-136
Halimatusa'diah Halimatusa'diah

ABSTRACT The idea of a Flat Earth in Indonesia became popular along with the development of social media. As one of the most popular social media today, YouTube has the potential to expand the reach of this idea to influence public discourse and recruit followers. This qualitative study aims to analyze the role of YouTube in influencing individual beliefs to convert to being Flat Earthers. The study found that YouTube plays an important role in the process of converting individuals into Flat Earthers. In addition, this study also shows that the claims of religious arguments from this idea, have strengthened individuals to switch beliefs to become Flat Earthers. This religious argument, considered to be in harmony with their holy book. These findings suggest that the YouTube platform has the potential to be a powerful avenue for changing one's beliefs. Keywords: YouTube, Flat Earth, Conversion, Flat Earthers. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-122
Muhammad Rachdian Al Azis

Dalam dunia kontemporer yang sudah serba terdigitalisasi, pemanfaat teknologimenjadi marak dipergunakan. Hal yang sama juga berlaku di dalam dunia komunikasi.Manusia sebagai makhluk sosial tentu memiliki kecenderungan untuk terus mencari manusialain untuk proses pertukaran pesan. Media sosial sebagai wujud pemanfaatan teknologi tadidipergunakan untuk kepanjangan indrawi manusia dalam kemampuan berinteraksi. Dalamprosesnya, adanya mesin-mesin tadi yang terbungkus dalam istilah teknologi ini kemudianmenimbulkan pertanyaan, apakah pemanfaatannya dibarengi dengan etika—sebuah konsepsiyang menimbang baik-buruk—mengingat banyak platform berbasis internet memungkinkanproses komunikasi tanpa perlu repot terlebih dahulu saling bertukar pandang.Masih segar dalam ingatan, kasus Jrx, penabuh drum SID yang mencantumkanpostingan di sosial media “IDI kacung WHO” sehingga berujung pada pelanggaran pasal 28ayat (2) jo Pasal 45A ayat (2) dan/atau pasal 27 ayat (3) jo pasal 45 ayat (3) jo pasal 45 ayat(3) UU Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik dan/atau pasal 310 KUHP dan/atau pasal 311KUHP. Meski disangkakan seabrek pasal, Jrx berdalih dirinya hanya memperjuangkan nyawarakyat. “Kritik saya ini untuk ibu-ibu yang menjadi korban akibat dari kebijakan kewajiban rapid test (sebagai syarat administrasi).”Muncul kemudian pertanyaan, mengapa klaim yang begitu heroik dari niat yang begitu mulia kemudian bisa bermuara pada pelanggaran hukum? Di mana letak kesalahan komunikasinya? Apakah konten postingan yang menyebut IDI kacung WHO? Apakah karena cara kritik yang kurang relevan? Lalu bagaimana cara kritik yang pantas dan relevan? Apakah medium penyalur kritik tersebut sudah tepat? Apakah yang dilakukan oleh yang bersangkutan sudah sejalan dengan niat pemanfaatan sosial media selaku medium? Apakah dalam membuat postingan, yang bersangkutan sudah melewati proses pemikiran panjang? Apakah yang bersangkutan memahami pentingnya etika dalam menyampaikan pendapat? Atau apakah pemahaman etika sendiri di Indonesia kemudian sudah bergeser? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut di muka tentu menghadirkan pertanyaan yang jauh lebih filosofis: Apakah etika masih ditempatkan pada suatu tempat yang layak, yakni yang disebut Spinoza dalam karyanya, The Ethics, agar manusia hendaknya tidak terbawa oleh perasaannya.Benar jika dibilang Spinoza adalah seorang realism. Seorang Pantheis yang kemudian menyamakan Tuhan dengan alam itu sendiri. Tapi dialah yang mula-mula (jika boleh dikatakan) bersama Immanuel Kant keluar dari paham dogmatis Yahudi dan/atau Kristiani untuk kemudian menjadikan filasafat sebagai pisau dalam membedah fenomena yang ada.Sehingga agaknya, dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu pegangan dalam konteksnya relevansi dengan kehidupan di Indonesia yang tak hanya ke-beragam-an dan ke-ber-agama-an.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-143
Jusuf Fadilah ◽  
Widarti Widarti ◽  
Dina Andriana

Abstract  - This scientific research aims to determine the connotation and extension of Iwan, one of the supporting roles in the movie "Susah Sinyal", and the masculinity ideology of social development based on the analysis of Roland Barthes. The analytical methods used use qualitative research methods to give priority to descriptive interpretation and analysis of authors, and tend to give priority to analysis to generate more prominent thematic perspectives. This research has taken 10 photos in the movie "Susah Sinyal". These photos are inseparable from Iwan's role and are marked by explicit signs, to examine the implicit meaning of these images, from the connotation, extension, and mythological meaning spread in society Interpretation. The views and idols of people who were hyped up in their time.Keywords: Maskulinitas, konotasi, denotasi, mitos

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-175
Gan Gan Giantika

 The digital age makes communication enter a new phase. The widespread use of gadgets nowadays, making activities through gadgets more often done. New technology is increasingly advanced, the internet is increasingly easy to access, more applications and social media to communicateare also increasingly diverse. One service product that was born thanks to internet acces is social network, namely Instagram. Instagram is a social media that has visual power. With this power, many individuals and companies use it to attract the attention of the public, one of them is the @zilohijab Instagram account. This study wants to reveal the use of Instagram as a means of communication an sales of Muslim fashion on the Instagram account @zilohijab. The method used by researchers in this study is a descriptive qualitative research method. In the discussion of this study resulted in several strategies used by @zilohijab in planning the content of messages on his Instagram account including Instagram @zilohijab with the concept of Trusted Muslim Fashions used as a teaser, approaching through community building, working with influencers to produce content and product curation, as well as designing story to strengthen visual content with an emotionless strategy. The conclusion in this study is that the strategy designed by @zilohijab has been carried out to the maximum because the strategy is based on the concept and character. Keywords : Strategy, Instagram, Media Communications, Sales 

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-107
Achmad Haikal

Dalam era Globalisasi ini, Peran Humas sangat penting dalam membangun citra positif suatu perusahaan. Dengan mengoptimalisasikan peranan humas kita dapat menjalin hubungan yang baik, harmonis dan pengertian antara public eksternal dan public perusahaan.            Biro Hukum, Organisasi, dan Hubungan Masyarakat yang juga membidangi urusan Kehumasan dalam perannya untuk BKKBN, memberikan solusi yang baik untuk instansinya. Bila dahulu Program-Program KB berhasil lewat sosialisasi penyuluhan dan safari. Namun kini terlihat kurang mengena pada era globalisasi dan tekhnologi yang semakin maju.            Maka sesuai dengan salah satu ruang lingkup tugas dan fungsi Biro Hukum, Organisasi, dan Hubungan Masyarakat yaitu mensosialisasikan program publikasi melalui media cetak. Ini dimaksudkan agar dengung  BKKBN yang termasuk kedalam Program KB Nasional dapat terdengar serta tersampaikan keseluruh penjuru Indonesia dan memberi pencitraan postif untuk BKKBN

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-144
Jusuf Fadilah

Diecast Toys yang lebih dikenal dengan nama diecast yaitu mainan dengan bahan dasar besi dan gabungan plastik, berskala kecil memang banyak penggemarnya. Secara umum, bentuk diecast bermacam-macam mulai dari mobil, sepeda motor, pesawat terbang, sepeda, alat berat (kendaraan dan alat-alat seputar tambang) dan yang lainnya adalah beberapa varian bentuk yang saat ini tersedia. Salah satu merk diecast yang terkenal yaitu Hot Wheels, dimana adanya edisi yang special dan jarang ditemui yang sering disebut dengan Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt, pembedanya yaitu adanya tanda/logo-logo Treasure Hunt di blister dan body juga bahan baku yang lebih baik. Dalam penelitian ini akan menganalisis simbol logo Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt dengan metode semiotika Roland Barthes, penelitian ini menemukan tiga aspek makna yang terdapat dalam metode analisis semiotika Roland Barthes dimana dalam makna denotasi peneliti menemukan pada umumnya kolektor dapat mengetahui penampakkan Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt yang sangat berbeda dengan hotwheel biasa (regular) dilihat dari logo yang terdapat pada blister dan perbedaan warna yang mencolok. Sedangkan dari makna Konotasi peneliti menemukan kolektor merasa sangat beruntung dapat menemukan Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt jika hunting karena hot wheels Treasure Hunt series dibuat khusus dan special. Dan dari makna mitos peneliti menemukan kolektor akan merasa ketagihan pada saat hunting model-model tertentu yang termasuk dalam seri T-Hunt dan Treasure Hunt, dan menjadikannya sebagai investasi. Sebab pada umumnya bila ditransaksikan antar kolektor, maka mobil yg berusia 1 tahun harganya minimal 2X lipat dari harga aslinya, karena itulah sebagian kolektor menjadikannya sebagai investasi. Kata kunci: Semiotika, Logo, Treasure Hunt

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-190
Irwanto Irwanto ◽  
Laurensia Retno Hariatiningsih

Abstract - It is undeniable that Instagram social media has entered in all aspects of communication. At first Instagram just sharing moments of photos and videos and then used for trading and spreading information. Instagram let anyone has the opportunity to attract other user attention by doing social construction from its  of the contents through his Instagram account. This research attempts to describe the social construction that occurs and its potential in the dissemination of rumors on social media Instagram. With a qualitative descriptive approach revealed that Instagram users in this case the students are aware of and do message construction in order to get the attention of other users. They also understand that Instagram social media has the potential to spread rumors to the public. Keywords: social media,instagram, social construction, rumors   AbstrakTidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa media sosial Instagram telah masuk di semua aspek berkomunikasi. Mulai dari sekadar berbagi momen foto dan video sampai digunakan untuk berniaga dan menyebar informasi. Melalui Instagram ini siapapun berkesempatan untuk menarik perhatian warganet dengan melakukan konstruksi sosial terhadap isi pesan yang akan dibagi melalui akun Instagramnya. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mendeskripsikan  konstruksi sosial yang terjadi serta potensinya dalam penyebaran rumors di media sosial Instagram. Dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif tersingkap bahwa pengguna Instagram menyadari dan melakukan  konstruksi pesan agar bisa memperoleh perhatian dari pengguna lainnya. Mereka juga memahami bahwa media sosial Instagram memiliki potensi dalam penyebaran rumor pada masyarakat. Kata Kunci : media sosial, instagram, konstruksi sosial, rumor

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