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Published By Dnipropetrovsk National University Of Railway Transport


Lyudmyla M. LUCHKA

Objective. The purpose of the article is to highlight book exchange as an important source of book acquisition process in the libraries of Katerinoslav - Dnipropetrovsk.  The object is libraries of different subordination as a system of collection-forming documents. Methods. Analytical-synthetic, system-structural, comparative and statistical methods are used during the research in accordance with the task. Results. The author revealed the peculiarities of book exchange process in the libraries of educational institutions, scientific societies of Katerynoslavshchyna. The exchange of publications with Kyiv, Galician and Lviv institutions is proved to be useful and important. The author retraced process of cooperation of city public libraries on local literature acquisition. Libraries and reading rooms of higher, secondary and lower agricultural educational institutions received professional publications of Katerinoslav societies free of charge. The article gives a picture of the current state of document exchange in the libraries of Dnipropetrovsk region. The constant source of library acquisition is territorial and domestic professional book exchange. Conclusions. Book exchange is an important component of the process of acquisition of high quality stock in Ukrainian libraries. This prprocess was actively carried out by Katerinoslav libraries in the 19th - early 20th centuries. Throughout history the book exchange has proven to be a necessary and useful source of acquisition and high quality service in the implementation of complex reader requests. Document exchange in the 21st century in Dnipropetrovsk region is changing its format (transition to e-resources), but remains an important source in the process of creating high quality collections.


Objective. A survey was conducted among selected librarian catalogers in Kazakhstan to determine the current cataloging practices and policies being employed in their respective libraries. Methods. Responses suggested that cataloging is still one of the important aspects of the library work even with the emergence of electronic resources. Results. While many were still applying traditional standards such as MARC, AACR, LC and DDC in their descriptive cataloging and authority works, catalogers were interested in new standards such as RDA and BIBFRAME. Conclusions. Finally, interests in having a unified online catalog as well as more trainings on the field of cataloging and metadata librarianship in the future has also been considered by these libraries to improve the quality of their cataloging work.

Joseph Marmol YAP ◽  

Objective. This survey research intends to understand how people from a fourth-class municipality of Cavite made their decision to be vaccinated in spite of false information circulating within family, friends, and neighbors. Methods. The study employed survey research and gathered data using voluntary sampling from a pool of citizens with an appointment schedule in the vaccination site located in Magallanes, Cavite. Results. The pandemic saw a rise in the spread of information disorders. The proliferation of fake news and misinformation affect our lives as they disrupt relationships with family members and friends. Trust is being questioned as people believe in contrasting medical opinions. The overload of information sharing is a challenge for individuals to evaluate news sources coming from multiple platforms. As the status of inoculation in the Philippines is ongoing, citizens who want protection took time to get vaccinated. The impact of traditional and social media continues to be powerful influencers in information dissemination. As we deal with overabundance of information, librarians have an emerging role to play. Conclusions. Librarians are seen as partners of a local government unit in promoting citizens' well-being, providing credible sources of health information vital for an individual to help them arrive at an informed decision, and showcase advantages of vaccines as evidenced by scientific publications.


The global scenario of uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how quickly university libraries can respond to changes in the educational and research ecosystems of their institutions. The new (6th) issue of the journal “University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings” is exactly about this. The papers discuss new behaviours / work of library staff based on digital communication technologies, our projects, our goals, our hopes, as well as our doubts and concerns for the maximum contribution of libraries to the development of university communities in a constantly changing world. Full-length articles about the most interesting world library and information practices and ideas were selected, reviewed and recommended by members of the international editorial board of the similarly-named conference (UniLibNSD-2021), which was held in a hybrid format on October 7-8, 2021 in Dnipro, Ukraine. The title “University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings” has been accepted in Scopus (2021).


Objective. Indicators of citation databases are widely used as a tool for evaluating academic productivity and decision-making in science and technology. Academic libraries organize services to work with such resources. Methods. Based on the analysis and description of the work of the Information Monitoring Service, the role and type of support that academic libraries can provide in the process of their use are considered. Results. The portfolio of services for the use of citation databases provided by the employees of the Service consists of administration and organization of access, consulting, and information work, monitoring and analysis of publishing activity, organizing information, information support of journal’s editorial boards. Conclusions. Such services of academic libraries are diverse and require the development of theoretical and methodological basis for their quality implementation, continuous training of staff, their more active involvement in research processes.


Objective. Social media have become one of the main technologies for promoting the university library. The purpose of the work is to characterize the main stages of organizing work in social media for librarians (SMM specialists and a working group) of the Scientific Library of the Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU). Methods. Statistical analysis tools made it possible to study in detail the corporate networks of the BNTU Library. A comparative analysis of the experience of maintaining BNTU accounts in social media by an SMM specialist and a working group of employees from various library departments was carried out. Results. The advantages and risks in the work of the group are summarized. The following areas highlighted: Team building; Communication and work organization; Creativity and creative power; Overcoming the challenges of group work; Content formation techniques; Potential. Conclusions. Working in a group produces creative and interesting content in large volumes. The experience of managing the process of forming a content policy in 2020 proves that the process has become more flexible and independent of the personality of an SMM specialist.


Objective. The aim of the article is to study the phenomenon of leadership in the student collective. Methods. During the research and to achieve its goal, theoretical research methods were used, including analysis and synthesis, generalization, explanation. Results. As a result, the problems of formation of leadership qualities in students of higher education institutions are analyzed, the development history of the leadership problem, the versatility of the concept are considered. Interpretations of the leadership phenomenon existing in domestic and foreign literature are presented. The phenomenon of the leadership role differentiation in a group is analyzed, the role of libraries in the formation of students’ leadership competence is highlighted. Conclusion. The conclusion indicates that for the effective formation of students’ leadership qualities it is necessary to study their psychological characteristics and that libraries play a significant role in the process of formation of students’ leadership qualities.

Olena V. MATVEYEVA ◽  
Tetiana M. SHYTIKOVA ◽  
Victoriia V. YUNAKOVSKA ◽  

Objective. The article aims to familiarize with online resources, useful to librarians, scientists, teachers, and students. Methods. Overview of online resources for distance learning, qualification upgrade, scientific, educational and professional activities. Results. The description and characteristics of Internet resources for scientific, educational and professional activities is given. Conclusions. Distance learning is an important component of continuous professional development, a convenient modern format of professional improvement. The advantage of distance learning is the opportunity to learn at a convenient time and in any place. The use of modern Internet tools (including author identifiers) in your activities opens up new opportunities.

Oksana Z. KLYMENKO ◽  
Olena L. SOKUR

Objective. To represent library communication in the socio-cultural space of modern society. Methods. The methodology of the article was based on a set of general and special methods of scientific knowledge. Results. We substantiated the essence and content of the term "library communication" as a pre-planned activity in the socio-cultural space of modern society. There are presented the structural content elements of library communication:, goal, objective, essence, driving mechanism, purpose, implementation, basic tools, main communication product, indifferent components, sources, environment and specifics of functioning, levels and result. We established that library practice today is constantly enriched with new phenomena and concepts to denote them, for which library science as a science should formulate appropriate terms, provide theoretical and methodological justification. Conclusions. It is argued that in the context of the theory of social communications, the institutionalization of the term "library communication" as a separate type of professional communication and the driving force of the transformation of the library business is relevant.

Tetiana O. KOLESNYKOVA ◽  

Objective. The authors study: 1) the level of awareness of librarians of Ukrainian universities about Open Educational Resources (OER); 2) the ability of librarians to provide support services for the development, creation and use of OER in teaching, learning, research. Methods. The study was conducted by methods of analysis of professional literature, online survey (questionnaires) and analysis of the results. The questionnaires “Library of Higher Education Institution in Support of Distance Learning: Open Educational Resources” was distributed from 20.04. until 20.05.2021 among 137 directors of libraries of higher education institutions of Ukraine. Responses came from 77 libraries. The questionnaire consisted of 9 open-ended and closed-ended questions to allow researchers to get a holistic picture of the research process. Results. The analysis of 77 questionnaires showed that the vast majority of free HEI libraries in Ukraine have extensive experience in working with electronic educational resources. Ranking by resource type prove that 95.89% of library collections are the own generation resources (HEI authors): databases, incl. repositories. The concept of "Open Educational Resources" (OERs) is familiar and understandable to 84.42% of respondents. At the same time, 75.32% are already involved in supporting the OER. Librarians may catalog them (21.92%) or not catalog (32.88%). Among the OER types supported by librarians, educational materials (77.05%) and textbooks (55.74%) predominate. The closest partnership of librarians in OER support (except for teachers) is with the specialists of IT services (66.13%). Conclusions. Despite the still spontaneous, chaotic and little-studied nature of the library movement towards OER, librarians are well aware of this issue. At the same time, 96.1% of respondents want to improve their competencies in the direction of supporting open educational resources. This is very important, because it is the understanding and acceptance of OER that is crucial for a long-term vision of this movement. That is why specific aspects, such as organizational, economic, personnel and motivational, need urgent further study.

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