Poverty Alleviation and Community Empowerment in the Bagan-Nyaung-U Area of Central Myanmar

Nilar Aung
2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Ulfi Putra Sany

<p>Becoming a challenge for every country and society, poverty is a problem that must be overcome. In Islam, it is also viewed as a disease that must be cured. One of the effective instruments of poverty alleviation is community empowerment. Community empowerment is methods used by individuals, groups and communities so they are able to manage the environment, achieve their own goals, work and help each other to maximize their quality of life. In the Qur'an there are many verses that speak about theme of community empowerment. This paper discusses community empowerment according to the Qur'anic perspective using thematic interpretation methods. The principles of community empowerment in the Qur'an are the principle of <em>ukhuwwah</em>, <em>ta'awun</em> principle, and the principle of equality. The steps of empowerment as mentioned in the Qur'an include continuous self-development, encouraging zakat and infaq programs, conducting training and skills education for the community, and avoiding economic behaviors prohibited by Islam such as hoarding and monopoly (<em>ihtikar</em>).</p><p>***</p><p>Kemiskinan merupakan masalah yang harus diatasi dan menjadi tantangan bagi setiap negara dan masyarakat. Islam juga memandang kemiskinan sebagai penyakit yang harus disembuhkan. Karena kemiskinan dekat dengan kekufuran. Salah satu instrumen pengentasan kemiskinan yang efektif adalah dengan melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Yang dimaksud dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah cara dan metode yang digunakan individu, kelompok dan komunitas sehingga mereka menjadi mampu mengelola lingkungan dan mencapai tujuan mereka sendiri, dan dengan demikian mampu bekerja dan membantu satu sama lain untuk memaksimalkan kualitas hidup mereka. Dalam Al Quran terdapat banyak ayat yang membicarakan tema pemberdayaan masyarakat. Tulisan ini membahas pemberdayaan masyarakat menurut perspektif Al Qur’an dengan menggunakan metode penafsiran tematik. Prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam Al Quran yaitu prinsip <em>ukhuwwah</em>, prinsip <em>ta’awun, </em>dan prinsip persamaan derajat. Langkah-langkah pemberdayaan sebagaimana disebutkan Al Qur’an antara lain pengembangan diri yang kontinyu, mendorong program zakat dan infaq, melakukan pembinaan dan pendidikan ketrampilan bagi masyarakat, dan tidak melakukan perilaku ekonomi yang dilarang oleh agama seperti menimbun  harta (<em>hoarding</em>) dan monopoli (<em>ihtikar</em>)</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (12) ◽  
pp. 1940-1953 ◽  
Derrick Ssewanyana ◽  
Patrick N Mwangala ◽  
Vicki Marsh ◽  
Irene Jao ◽  
Anneloes van Baar ◽  

Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use form a risk factor for health and social problems during adolescence. From a socio-ecological model, perceptions of 85 young people and 10 stakeholders on the types of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs used and the predisposing and protective factors were explored; among adolescents at the Kenyan Coast in the Kilifi County. We found that the consumption of home-brewed alcohol, tobacco and marijuana smoking, and khat chewing was common and requires multi-component and community-centered intervention. Countering alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use needs enforcement of strong measures to regulate access to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs for minors; addressing social and cultural norms; strategies for poverty alleviation; and community empowerment.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 189
Djonet Santoso ◽  
Sri Suwitri ◽  
Paulus Israwan Setyoko ◽  
Soesilo Zauhar

As a population group with income and/or expenditure that is alarmingly close to the poverty line, the position of transient poor can be very unstable. They are in a constant vulnerability of falling under the poverty line with every critical situation that arises, which are affected by disasters, social conflicts, termination of employment, and/or changes in public policy especially in the economic sector. Up to 2015, poverty alleviation programs in Indonesia is divided into four clusters: social protection, community empowerment, small scale credit, and pro-poor supported program. Strangely, there is not a single clause in any of the four clusters that elaborates the policy schemes that addressed to the transient poor. The research is aimed to triangulate the position of transient poor groups in the poverty alleviation policy framework. Additionally, this research is also aimed to clarify the agenda-setting process in the formulation of poverty alleviation policy that neglects the transient poverty issues mitigation. The methodology used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Two major findings can be derived as the conclusions from the research. Firstly, the position of transient poor population is not included in the poverty alleviation policy scheme. The existing policy alleviation scheme does not accommodate the needs and tailored approach to cater to transient poor population. Secondly, the oversight to catering to transient poor population starts even from the agenda-setting in policy formulation processes. This is seen from the fact that transient poverty issues are not exposed to the problem stream, policy stream, and political stream that utilizes policy window to discuss transient poor issues throughout the agenda-setting.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 465-480 ◽  
Pius T. Tanga ◽  
Mulwaini Mundau

The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of donor-funded community empowerment projects on poverty alleviation in Zimbabwe. The primary data were collected from a questionnaire survey from 52 project members who were from two local ngos that were selected randomly. A semi-structured interview guide designed for two officials of the selected ngos implementing the projects was also used. The findings show that there is heavy dependence on outside funding, no adherence to the principles of the empowerment approach and a failure to positively impact the lives of the project members. This therefore calls for ngos to adopt better empowerment practices: community involvement in decision making, project ownership, and clear lines of communication with the ngos. However the findings also show the strength of linking project members with relevant institutions and training in order to ensure sustainability of community projects that may foster community empowerment towards poverty eradication.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Fawzia Sulaiman

<p><strong>English<br /></strong>Poverty alleviation program in agricultural sector was initiated by an income generating program for small farmers and fishers/P4K project in 1979, and subsequently followed by various sub sectoral projects. A series of studies conducted by the Center for Agro-Socio-Economic Research on the performance and achievement level of poverty alleviation projects within agricultural sector indicated the following common features: (1) Except for the P4K and the Food and Nutrition projects, a strong sub sectoral and top-down approach was common in the project implementation. This project approach neither adequately accommodate needs and aspirations of project participants nor an effective coordination within agricultural sector and inter-sectoral coordination; (2) A too short project duration that did not accommodate community empowerment process. Community empowerment and program sustainability, which are supposed to be the main goals of a poverty alleviation program, were not adequately addressed. In the project implementation, the objective was emphasized in achieving physical project targets set in the Project Budgetary System (Daftar Isian Proyek); (3) In general, the project preparation and technical field supervision were not adequate; (4) The provision and distribution of project package were not carried out in professional manners that had resulted of the low quality of package; 5) The low capability of project participants to evolve the project package. In term of the physical achievement, the sub-sectoral poverty alleviation projects had relatively resulted of economic multiplier effects in the project areas.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Indonesian<br /></strong>Program penanggulangan kemiskinan pada sektor pertanian dimulai pada tahun 1979 melalui proyek pengembangan penigkatan pendapatan petani-Nelayan Kecil ( proyek P4K ) yang kemudian disusul oleh berbagai proyek penanggulangan kemiskinan oleh keempat subsektor lingkup pertanian. Serangkaian penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian mengenai kinerja dan tingkat pencapaian tujuan berbagai proyek penanggulangan kemiskinan di lingkup sektor pertanian mendapatkan beberapa kesamaan dalam kinerja proyek, antara lain: (1) kecuali proyek P4K dan Diversifikasi Pangan dan Gizi, sebagian besar proyek berorientasi subsektoral dengan pendekatan dari atas ke bawah. pendekatan ini kurang mengakomodasi berjalannya koordinasi yang efektif antar subsektor dan lintas sektoral,serta kurang tersalurnya aspirasi dan kebutuhan partisipan proyek; (2) Jangka waktu proyek yang terlalu singkat tidak memungkinkan diakomodasinya proses pemberdayaan masyarakat. Selain itu, pemberdayaan masyarakat dan kesinambungan program yang seharusnya merupakan tujuan utama proyek penanggulangan kemiskinan kurang memperoleh perhatian. Pencapaian tujuan proyek lebih ditekankan pada target fisik yang ditetapkan dalam Daftar Isian Proyek (DIP). (3) Persiapan proyek dan pembinaan peserta proyek kurang memadai; (4) Pengadaan serta distribusi paket proyek belum ditangani secara profesional sehingga sering dijumpai rendahnya kualitas paket proyek; (5) Kurangnya kemampuan peserta proyek dalam pengembangan peket bantuan</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Siti Mujanah

ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the extent of Direct Funding Assistance to Community (BLM) through National Program of Community Empowerment-Independent Urban (PNPMMandiri Perkotaan) affected to the increased well-being of poor families in the city of Surabaya, so the results of this study are expected to know whether this program can be continues as poverty alleviation programs in Indonesia in the future or not. The techniques of data collection used in this study was survey and questionnaire used as instrument given to the sample of the population which received BLM PNPMMP in Surabaya, and data were analyzed by descriptive method. The research finding showed that the Revolving funds have been distributed to the community through PNPM in Surabaya to revive economic activity through micro smallbusiness that has been very beneficial for economic activities so that they have no longer funding from money landers to fulfill the financial needs for funding their business progress, and they were able to increased their business until 20-30%, and it was impact on household well-being about 10 s/d 30%. This indicate that the Funding Assistance could resolved the families financial difficulties, and improved their own business, the quality of their family’s food, and there was also able to save money for their familiy purpose.ABSTRAKSIPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui besarnya pengaruh Bantuan Langsung Masyarakat (BLM) melalui Program  Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri bagi peningkatan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat miskin di Surabaya. Di samping itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah program tersebut dapat dilanjutkan sebagai program mengentas kemiskinan di Indonesia di waktu yang akan datang. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui survey dengan menggunakan kuisioner digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sampel dari populasi yang memperoleh BLM PNPM di Surabaya serta dianalisa dengan metode deskriptif. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dana bergulir yang didistribusikan kepada komunitas untuk menghidupkan kembali aktivitas perekonomian melalui usaha mikro dan kecil sangat bermanfaat bagi kegiatan perekonomian, sehingga masyarakat tidak melakukan pinjaman ke rentenir. Di samping itu kegiatan usahanya meningkat sampai dengan 20-30% serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan rumah tangga 10-30%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Bantuan Langsung Masyarakat dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan kesulitan keuangan masyarakat, serta meningkatkan usaha mereka, kualitas makanan keluarga serta juga meningkatkan tabungan keluarga

Yuskar Yuskar

The study is a current survey aims to answer some of the concerns regarding the level of understanding and practice of compulsory charity (muzzaki) on his obligation to pay alms in accordance with the guidance of Islam, alms management effectiveness by BAZ l LAZ by applying the principles of Good Governance Organization, so that the charity can act as community empowerment and poverty alleviation in the city of Padang. Data collection is done by spreading the questionnaires directly to the public compulsory alms (muzzaki). Of the 150 respondents were given a list of questionnaires, only 105 questionnaires can be used. From the results of research conducted can be concluded that a mandatory public charity (muzzaki) in Padang : understand the provisions of alms and tax laws in force; b ) practice to fulfill their zakat obligation is very high: c ) Understanding of the public on the benefits and effectiveness of the payment of zakat through BAZ LAZ is quite high , but the realization of Padang city communities , are majority make payments directly to mustahik zakat , and not many people through the Agency or amil zakat institutions exist: d) understanding and expectations high enough so that the organization alms (BAZ LAZ) can manage alms properly, effectively and economically, based on the principles of good organization governance. e) high expectations and hopes for the community to BAZ I LAZ always be one tool in the business community empowerment and poverty alleviation .

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Rizca Yunike Putri

The problems that arise in relation to the implementation of village government are human resource capacity and institutional capacity in community empowerment. It is undeniable that villages in the Border have diversity in terms of the capacity of the village human resources and village institutions. For established villages, the implementation of the Village Law and the PP Village does not raise serious problems that can actually provide space for innovation to improve the welfare of rural communities. However, another story is that villages with minimal capacity certainly need efforts so that the village government is able to do better things for its people. Especially community empowerment for poverty alleviation through increasing income of poor families. By using qualitative research methods, supported by in-depth interviews in data collection and supporting sekounder data, this study provides an illustration of how village government empowered communities in villages as well as Indonesia's border areas.Keywords: community empowerment, village government, border area

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-28
Maria Ulfa ◽  
Mohammad Mulyadi

Community empowerment through micro-business development can be an instrument in poverty alleviation. The development of micro-businesses cannot take place by itself, therefore it needs to get financial support from the government. One form of government’s support is the people's business credit (kredit usaha rakyat - KUR) which until now has been running for more than ten years. The purpose of this study was: (1) To determine the impact of the KUR on the micro-business sector; and (2) To determine the impact of the development of micro-businesses on poverty reduction. The type of research used was descriptive with a qualitative approach. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling with a consideration that the informants were considered the most knowledgeable about the object of this research problem (key informants). The informants consisted of officials from the Makassar City Office of Cooperatives and SMEs, business actors, and community leaders. Based on the research conducted, it is known that the KUR has a positive impact on the development of micro-businesses in Makassar City and the development of micro-businesses has a positive impact on poverty alleviation.AbstrakPemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan usaha mikro dapat menjadi sebuah instrumen dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan. Pengembangan usaha mikro tidak dapat berjalan sendiri, karenanya perlu mendapat dukungan pembiayaan dari pemerintah. Salah satu bentuk dukungan pemerintah adalah kredit usaha rakyat (KUR) yang hingga saat ini telah berjalan selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui dampak KUR pada sektor usaha mikro; dan (2) Untuk mengetahui dampak pengembangan usaha mikro terhadap penanggulangan kemiskinan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dengan pertimbangan bahwa narasumber atau informan dianggap paling tahu tentang objek permasalahan penelitian ini (key informant). Adapun informannya terdiri dari pejabat pada Dinas Koperasi dan UKM Kota Makassar, pelaku usaha, dan tokoh masyarakat. Berdasarkan penelitian diketahui bahwa KUR memiliki dampak positif terhadap pengembangan usaha mikro di Kota Makassar dan pengembangan usaha mikro memiliki dampak positif terhadap penanggulangan kemiskinan.

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