MILES/SMP, MILES/SIB, and MILES/tapis — Field specific applications of a common interdisciplinary multimedia database information system for teaching and learning

W. Wiemer ◽  
U. Großmann ◽  
W. Hall ◽  
J. Heuser ◽  
D. Kaack ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Agoeng Koerniawan SA

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of academic information systems in improving the quality of higher education implementation in PGRI STKIP Bangkalan, and the extent to which the policies of implementing higher education before and after the use of information systems and how satisfaction is felt by students towards academic information systems at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan, named STKIP PGRI Bangkalan’s Siakad.The study was conducted by conducting a survey of users of the internet-based academic information system (Siakad STKIP PGRI Bangkalan), namely lecturers, students and employees with the method of observation and conducting in-depth interviews to obtain as much information as possible from all respondents/informants. The number of informants was 5 people consisting of the chairman of STKIP PGRI Bangkalan, Vice Chairman I, Head of BAAK and two students who had experience in their respective fields of work, knew deeply and had many roles in the process of using information systems.Based on the results of the study, it was shown that with the use of the information system/ STKIP PGRI Bangkalan’s Siakad which is one of the facilities for the smooth activities of the teaching and learning process, it proved to provide convenience, many benefits and benefits that greatly support the duties of serving lecturers, students and outsiders requiring. This is evidenced by the support of the support of lecturers and students, capacity, namely the ability of employees to process data and value, namely the benefits felt by lecturers, employees and students as well as outside parties in need.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Isnadi Isnadi ◽  
Suparno Suparno ◽  
I Nengah Putra ◽  
Benny Sukandari

Information technology (IT) has an important role in carrying out the functions of universities, so that it can be trusted to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the academic process lead to the academic services being more maximal as well as supporting the university's business process innovation to develop. The Naval Academy (AAL) is one of the educational institutions found in the Indonesian Navy and has the task of producing professional Navy officers, possessing current technological mastery capabilities and towards World Class Navy. By referring to the desired results above, AAL uses information technology in conducting teaching and learning activities. The Information System available at the Naval Academy (AAL) is currently not optimal, therefore the authors conducted an analysis to plan the strategic development of information systems and information technology at the Naval Academy (AAL). This research was made using the Ward and Peppard method. The step of this research started with internal analysis, external analysis using PEST analysis, internal IS/IT analysis and external SI/IT analysis to map the information system position at the Naval Academy (AAL) with SWOT analysis. The results were the achievement of the IS/IT formulation strategy and management of IS/IT in the future

Teknologi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Fajar Indra Kurniawan ◽  
Ronny Makhfuddin Akbar

Monitoring siswa merupakan bentuk proses pengawasan sekolah terhadap kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa, salah satunya di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri atau SMAN Mojoagung, Jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Monitoring siswa tersebut meliputi jurnal kelas, presensi siswa dan capaian kompetensi dasar siswa. Proses pengolahan monitoring yang berjalan selama ini memiliki beberapa kendala, diantaranya 1) Belum tersedianya rekapitulasi absensi per mata pelajaran, sehingga guru mata pelajaran kesulitan memonitor kehadiran siswa ketika mata pelajaran sedang berlangsung; dan 2) Tidak terdokumentasi dengan baik capaian kompetensi dasar yang telah diajarkan pada tiap mata pelajaran, yang akhirnya mempengaruhi kualitas proses belajar mengajar. Berdasarkan kendala yang dialami, perlu dibangun sebuah sistem informasi yang mampu mengakomodasi pengelolaan proses aktivitas belajar mengajar meliputi pelaporan jurnal kelas, rekapitulasi absesi kehadiran siswa per mata pelajaran, dan laporan capaian kompetensi dasar. Pengembangan sistem informasi pada penelitian ini menggunakan Waterfall. Sistem monitoring ini menggunakan tiga aspek pengujian, diantaranya efficiency, reliability, dan usability berdasarkan Web Quality Evaluation Method (WebQEM). Hasilnya menunjukkan rata-rata loadtime 2,78 detik dan rata-rata pagesize 190,52 KB pada kecepatan internet 20,98 Mbps, serta persentase session, pages dan hits dengan nilai 99% dengan 25 data pada pengujian efficiency. Pengujian reliability menunjukkan performa yang baik karena mampu mengakomodasi 600 user yang menangani 1.085 request dan throughput 227,098/menit dengan 0% error dari total 5.322 data yang tersimpan. Sedangkan pengujian usability yang melibatkan 322 responden memiliki persentase 76,72% yang masuk kategori baik. Dari hasil pengujian tersebut aplikasi mampu menangani permintaan data dalam jumlah besar dan memastikan kehandalan server mengakomodasi akses seluruh siswa SMAN Mojoagung. Student monitoring is the form of school's supervision process on the teaching and learning activities at SMAN Mojoagung, Jombang, East Java, Indonesia, which  includes the class journals, student's attendance, and students' achievement of basic competencies. However, the recent monitoring process has had some obstacles, including 1) The absence of recapitulation of students' attendance in each lesson which makes it difficult for the teacher to monitor the students' attendance in the teaching and learning process; and 2) poor documentation of the students' achievements of basic competencies in each lesson, which ultimately affects the quality of the teaching and learning process. Based on the obstacles, it is crucial to build a web-based information system which is capable to accommodate the supervision process of the teaching and learning activity involving class journal report, recapitulation of the students' attendance in each lesson and the report of basic-competence achievement. The approach of this current research in this information system development used Waterfall method. The approach of this current research in this information system development used Waterfall method. The developed monitoring system used three aspects of testing, including efficiency, reliability, and usability based on the Web Quality Evaluation Method (WebQEM). The results showed an average loadtime of 2.78 seconds and an average pagesize of 190.52 KB at 20.98 Mbps internet speed as well as a percentage of sessions, pages, and hits of 99% in the efficiency testing on 25 data. The reliability testing showed proper performance since it could accommodate 600 users which handle 1,085 Request and 227.098/minute Throughput with 0% Error from the total of 5,322 saved data. Meanwhile, the usability testing involving 322 respondents showed a percentage of 76.72% and were categorized as good. Based the test results, the application was able to handle a large amount of data demand and ensured the reliability of the server in accommodating the access to all students of SMAN Mojoagung.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Yeni Nuraeni

Sumber daya manusia (SDM) di lingkungan perguruan tinggi yang terdiri dari dosen dan tenaga penunjang memiliki posisi yang sangat strategis, karena memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap proses belajar, mutu lulusan dan pola keluaran yang kompetitif. Efektivitas kinerja dalam proses belajar mengajar dan perbaikan atmosfer akademik sangat dipengaruhi oleh standardisasi mutu yang ingin dicapai serta proses penjaminan mutu yang harus dilakukan oleh sebuah perguruan tinggi salah satunya dalam bidang sumber daya manusia (SDM). Syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar penerapan sistem penjaminan mutu SDM di sebuah perguruan tinggi dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik adalah ketersediaan basis data akurat yang dapat digunakan pada setiap pengambilan keputusan. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan sistem informasi penjaminan mutu SDM di lingkungan perguruan tinggi. Sistem informasi penjaminan mutu SDM ini dapat berfungsi untuk memudahkan bagi perguruan tinggi dalam menjalankan penjaminan mutu, sehingga proses penjaminan mutu bisa dijalankan melalui tahap-tahap yang terangkai dan didukung oleh pangkalan data (basis data), sistem informasi manajemen, dan sistem pendukung keputusan yang terintegrasi. Adapun tahapan yang dilakukan dalam perancangan sistem informasi ini meliputi analisis kebutuhan, perancangan model proses, analisis kebutuhan perangkat lunak, dan desain. Human resources (HR) in the college environment consisting of lecturers and support staff have a very strategic position, because it has a direct impact on the learning process, the quality of graduates and the competitive output pattern. Effectiveness of performance in teaching and learning and improved academic atmosphere is strongly influenced by the standardization of quality to be achieved and the quality assurance process that should be done by a university either in the field of human resources (HR). Condition that must be met in order for the application of quality assurance system in a college human resources can be successfully implemented is the availability of accurate database that can be used in any decision-making. It is necessary to develop human resources information system of quality assurance in higher education environments. Human resource quality assurance information system can serve to make it easier for universities in implementing quality assurance, so that the quality assurance process can be run through the connected stages and supported by the data base (database), management information systems, and integrated decision support system. The stage that is done in designing information systems include requirements analysis, design process models, software requirements analysis, and design.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Dafid Dafid

<p class="SammaryHeader" align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em> </em><em>Academic Information System is an online and interactive learning information system owned by universities. Its function is very important to support the academic activities and to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Excelllent educational services which good quality and easy to use can be reached by improving the quality of the learning web. In an effort to optimize the contribution of information technology and ensure the web services that have been provided are appropriate, it is necessary to know the level of service provided to improve quality. This research was conducted using the IPA method (Importance-Performance Analysis) which is used to measure the level of user satisfaction with the services provided and using the WebQual method to measure the quality of the learning web used. Data collection is done by conducting a questionnaire on STMIK XYZ Palembang students by giving 2 questions. Measurements are made by comparing the value between performance and importance of the assessment variable. The results showed that the quality of the SIA Simponi STMIK XYZ had not met the expectations of the users, so it was necessary for the manager to improve the services provided for all dimensions, namely usability (U), information quality (I), interaction quality (A) especially for variables which is included in  fourth quadrant.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keyword : </em></strong><em>Academic Information System, WebQual, Importance-Performance Analysis</em></p><p class="SammaryHeader" align="center"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p><p><em>Sistem Informasi Akademik merupakan sistem informasi pembelajaran online dan interaktif yang dimiliki oleh perguruan tinggi. Fungsinya sangat penting untuk mendukung kelancaran kegiatan akademik maupun peningkatan kualitas belajar mengajar. Layanan  pendidikan yang berkualitas secara fungsionalitas maupun yang mudah dalam penggunaan dapat dilakukan melalui perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas web pembelajaran. Dalam usaha mengoptimalkan kontribusi teknologi informasi dan memastikan layanan web yang telah diberikan telah sesuai maka perlu diketahui tingkat layanan yang diberikan guna peningkatan kualitas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pengguna atas layanan yang diberikan serta menggunakan metode WebQual untuk mengukur kualitas dari web pembelajaran yang digunakan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan kuesioner terhadap mahasiswa STMIK XYZ Palembang dengan memberikan 2bentuk pertanyaan. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan membandingkan nilai antara performance dengan importance dari variabel penilaian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa </em><em>kualitas SIA Simponi STMIK XYZ belum memenuhi harapan dari pengguna sehingga perlu upaya dari pihak pengelola untuk memperbaiki layanan yang diberikan untuk semua dimensi yang ada yaitu </em><em>usability(U), information quality(I), interaction quality(A) terutama untuk variabel-vararibel yang termasuk dalam kuadran empat</em></p><strong><em>Kata kunci : </em></strong><em>Sistem Informasi Akademik, WebQual, Importance-Performance Analysis</em>

SinkrOn ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 249
Adjat Sudradjat

As one of the educational institutions, Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) must be able to perform the data processing of students' grades well, because it will be used as one of the clear and valid benchmarks to determine student achievement level as learners. The conventional processing system of students' grades require a lot of time and effort for teachers and administrative staff to write down the marks in legs and report books, as well as to recapitulate student grades at the end of the semester. The manual processing of students' grades is also vulnerable to errors that come from inaccuracy in the process, thus affecting the accuracy of data and reduce the level of validity of information generated. The research discusses about the development of computerized academic information system in Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) with the aim to provide convenience in processing the data and accelerate the making of reports of achievement of learning. The scope of discussion is to focus on the management of student personal data, student's grades data, student mutation data, to the results of learning achievements through desktop applications using waterfall as the model of development system. With a reliable level of data accuracy, parents can obtain valid reports on student achievement, and SDIT stakeholders can receive strategic information for learning evaluation materials and determine future policy in school teaching and learning activities.

Olga Tyatyushkina ◽  
Alina Shirokova

This article includes the description of the documentation system of the University, aspects and problems of University document flow automatization in teaching and learning process, requirements to information system and designing of module «Academic course working program» prototype.

Kelvin C. P. Wang ◽  
Xuyang Li ◽  
Robert P. Elliott

Images of highway right-of-way are used widely by highway agencies through their photologging services to obtain visual information for the analysis of traffic accidents, design improvement, and highway pavement management. The video data usually are in analog format, which is limited in accessibility and search, cannot automatically display site engineering data sets with video, and does not allow simultaneous access by multiple users. Recognizing the need to improve the existing photologging systems, the state highway agency of Arkansas sponsored a research project to develop a full digital, computer-based highway information system that extends the capabilities of existing photologging equipment. The software technologies developed for a distributed multimedia-based highway information system (MMHIS) are presented. MMHIS removes several limitations of the existing systems. The advanced technologies used in this system include digital video, data synchronization, high-speed networking, and video server. The developed system can dynamically link the digital video with the corresponding engineering site data based on a novel algorithm for the data synchronization. Also presented is a unique technique to construct a three-dimensional user interface for MMHIS based on the terrain map of Arkansas.

Khairul Afdhal ◽  
Elfi Tasrif

The Student Field is an important unit for every school in Indonesia, especially for SMKN 8 Padang. The role of student affairs helps schools to deal with various types of violations that students do in the school environment in the teaching and learning process including student absentee management, as well as managing extracurricular activities that interest students. The Student Information System Field of SMKN 8 Padang is based on Android, with this information system users can access anytime and anywhere regarding the rules and regarding extracurricular activities. If students are found committing a violation, they will be directly inputted with the android by the teacher who found the violation committed by the student, and the teacher input the student's attendance. Users who have logged in can enter their own extracurricular interest. All data inputted with Android will be stored on a web server based on Codeigniter framework programming using a MySQL database. The results obtained from the implementation of this student field application are to facilitate the SMK Negeri 8 apparatus, especially in the student field, to record students who commit violations, students who take extracurricular activities and absenteeism that were previously done manually now become digital using mobile phones that can be taken anywhere.Keywords: Information System, Android, Web Programming, CodeIgniter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-25
Mohammed Khaleel Hussein ◽  
Raffat Izzat Saheel ◽  
Ali Jumaah Ali

E-learning utilizing information systems framework has been booming in information systems. This paper covers the systematic performance evaluation results process, and understanding how e-learning utilizing information system implementation was undertaken for education in the context of universities. The aim of this paper is to analyse the framework of improving e-learning utilizing information system adoption utilizing information system, implementation, and development in higher education. Although e-learning utilizing information systems have been widely used at various education sectors, several fixed outcomes have been calculated. Recent e-learning utilizing information systems structure was implemented utilizing current method and managed for the drawbacks of recent academic technique. There are many things that are not flexible and effective for supporting the real era of this world referring to teaching and learning.

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