scholarly journals Many-valued logic and sequence arguments in value theory

Synthese ◽  
2021 ◽  
Simon Knutsson

AbstractSome find it plausible that a sufficiently long duration of torture is worse than any duration of mild headaches. Similarly, it has been claimed that a million humans living great lives is better than any number of worm-like creatures feeling a few seconds of pleasure each. Some have related bad things to good things along the same lines. For example, one may hold that a future in which a sufficient number of beings experience a lifetime of torture is bad, regardless of what else that future contains, while minor bad things, such as slight unpleasantness, can always be counterbalanced by enough good things. Among the most common objections to such ideas are sequence arguments. But sequence arguments are usually formulated in classical logic. One might therefore wonder if they work if we instead adopt many-valued logic. I show that, in a common many-valued logical framework, the answer depends on which versions of transitivity are used as premises. We get valid sequence arguments if we grant any of several strong forms of transitivity of ‘is at least as bad as’ and a notion of completeness. Other, weaker forms of transitivity lead to invalid sequence arguments. The plausibility of the premises is largely set aside here, but I tentatively note that almost all of the forms of transitivity that lead to valid sequence arguments seem intuitively problematic. Still, a few moderately strong forms of transitivity that might be acceptable lead to valid sequence arguments, although weaker statements of the initial value claims avoid these arguments at least to some extent.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-87
Maciej Rachwał ◽  
Justyna Drzał-Grabiec ◽  
Katarzyna Walicka-Cupryś ◽  
Aleksandra Truszczyńska

Abstract Background: The post-mastectomy changes to the locomotor system are related to the scar and adhesion or to the lymphatic edema after amputation which, in turn, lead to local and global distraction of the work of the muscles. These changes lead to body statics disturbance that changes the projection of the center of gravity and worsens motor response due to changing of the muscle sensitivity. Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the static balance of women after undergoing mastectomy. Methods: The study included 150 women, including 75 who underwent mastectomy (mean age: 60±7.6) years, mean body mass index (BMI): 26 (±3.6) kg/m2) and 75 who were placed in the control group with matched age and BMI. The study was conducted using a tensometric platform. Results: Statistically significant differences were found for almost all parameters between the post-mastectomy group and group of healthy women, regarding center of foot pressure (COP) path length in the Y and X axes and the mean amplitude of COP. Conclusions: First, the findings revealed that balance in post-mastectomy women is significantly better than in the control group. Second, physiotherapeutic treatment of post-mastectomy women may have improved their posture stability compared with their peers.

Vignesh Kamath ◽  
Swapna B V ◽  
Smitha Sammith Shetty ◽  
Priya Mukherjee ◽  
Anoop Mayya ◽  

Aim: To assess the knowledge and attitude of students of dental schools in Southern India towards Basic Life Support (BLS), as well as to study the retention of BLS knowledge over time. Subjects and methods: A prevalidated questionnaire was employed, which contains 12 knowledge Questions and five questions designed to assess the students perspective towards BLS. It was hosted on Google Forms, and the URL was distributed to the Students. Results: A total of 267 responses were received, of which 66 were males and 201 were female students. Out of a maximum possible score of 12, the mean knowledge score of the group was 4.54. It was found that those who attended a BLS workshop within the last 2 years scored significantly better than those who either took it more than 2 years ago or had never undergone BLS training. Almost all participants (96%) agreed that there is a need for BLS to be learned by all dental students and hence BLS training should be part of the dental curriculum. 76.8% of respondents expressed reluctance to perform CPR on strangers. Conclusion: The findings show that the dental students who participated in the study had inadequate knowledge in BLS, but had a positive attitude towards the adoption of BLS into the dental curriculum.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 4757-4762 ◽  
Friedhelm Olschewski ◽  
Christian Monte ◽  
Albert Adibekyan ◽  
Max Reiniger ◽  
Berndt Gutschwager ◽  

Abstract. The deployment of the imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer GLORIA (Gimballed Limb Observer for Radiance Imaging of the Atmosphere) on board a long-duration balloon for stratospheric research requires a blackbody for in-flight calibration in order to provide traceability to the International Temperature Scale (ITS-90) to ensure comparability with the results of other experiments and over time. GLORIA, which has been deployed onboard various research aircraft such as the Russian M55 Geophysica or the German HALO in the past, shall also be used for detailed atmospheric measurements in the stratosphere up to 40 km altitude. The instrument uses a two-dimensional detector array and an imaging optics with a large aperture diameter of 36 mm and an opening angle of 4.07∘ × 4.07∘ for infrared limb observations. To overfill the field of view (FOV) of the instrument, a large-area blackbody radiation sources (125 mm × 125 mm) is required for in-flight calibration. In order to meet the requirements regarding the scientific goals of the GLORIA missions, the radiance temperature of the blackbody calibration source has to be determined to better than 100 mK and the spatial temperature uniformity shall be better than 150 mK. As electrical resources on board a stratospheric balloon are very limited, the latent heat of the phase change of a eutectic material is utilized for temperature stabilization of the calibration source, such that the blackbody has a constant temperature of about −32 ∘C corresponding to a typical temperature observed in the stratosphere. The Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Research at the University of Wuppertal designed and manufactured a prototype of the large-area blackbody for in-flight calibration of an infrared interferometer deployed on board a long-duration balloon for stratospheric research. This newly developed calibration source was tested under lab conditions as well as in a climatic and environmental test chamber in order to verify its performance especially under flight conditions. At the PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt), the German national metrology institute, the spatial radiance distribution of the blackbody was determined and traceability to the International Temperature Scale (ITS-90) has been assured. In this paper the design and performance of the balloon-borne blackbody (BBB) is presented.

2018 ◽  
Ludovica Liguori ◽  
Valentina Citro ◽  
Bruno Hay-Mele ◽  
Giuseppina Andreotti ◽  
Maria Vittoria Cubellis

Bioinformatics has pervaded all fields of biology and has become an indispensable tool for almost all research projects. Hence the demand for graduates well-trained in bioinformatics has grown. Teaching bioinformatics has been incorporated in all traditional life science curricula. Better than teaching stand-alone bioinformatics, it would be useful to stress multidisciplinary and problem-solving aspects. Since bioinformatics relies heavily on the use of computers, e-learning is particularly convenient, but few examples have been produced so far. We present a tutorial that starts from a practical problem: finding novel enzymes from marine environments. First, we introduce the idea of metagenomics, a recent approach that extends biotechnology with non-culturable microbes. We then lead the students through databases such as BRENDA, and programs such as BLAST and Clustal Omega. Lastly, we let the students querying these databases about molecules found in marine environments. At the end of the experience, students will have acquired practical knowledge of bioinformatics fundamentals.

2019 ◽  
M Alizadeh Asfestani ◽  
V Brechtmann ◽  
J Santiago ◽  
J Born ◽  
GB Feld

AbstractSleep enhances memories, especially, if they are related to future rewards. Although dopamine has been shown to be a key determinant during reward learning, the role of dopaminergic neurotransmission for amplifying reward-related memories during sleep remains unclear. In the present study, we scrutinize the idea that dopamine is needed for the preferential consolidation of rewarded information. We blocked dopaminergic neurotransmission, thereby aiming to wipe out preferential sleep-dependent consolidation of high over low rewarded memories during sleep. Following a double-blind, balanced, crossover design 20 young healthy men received the dopamine d2-like receptor blocker Sulpiride (800 mg) or placebo, after learning a Motivated Learning Task. The task required participants to memorize 80 highly and 80 lowly rewarded pictures. Half of them were presented for a short (750 ms) and a long duration (1500 ms), respectively, which enabled to dissociate effects of reward on sleep-associated consolidation from those of mere encoding depth. Retrieval was tested after a retention interval of 20 h that included 8 h of nocturnal sleep. As expected, at retrieval, highly rewarded memories were remembered better than lowly rewarded memories, under placebo. However, there was no evidence for an effect of blocking dopaminergic neurotransmission with Sulpiride during sleep on this differential retention of rewarded information. This result indicates that dopaminergic activation is not required for the preferential consolidation of reward-associated memory. Rather it appears that dopaminergic activation only tags such memories at encoding for intensified reprocessing during sleep.

1997 ◽  
Vol 165 ◽  
pp. 561-566
M. Yoshizawa ◽  
K. Sato ◽  
J. Nishikawa ◽  
T. Fukushima ◽  
M. Miyamoto

AbstractThe projects LIGHT and MIRA are the space-borne and ground-based optical/Infrared-interferometer projects of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. The contents of each project are gradually developing, and the descriptions given below are the preliminary ones studied at the present time.LIGHT (Light Interferometer satellite for the studies of Galactic Halo Tracers) is a scanning astrometric satellite for stellar and galactic astronomy planned to be launched between 2007 and 2010 by a M-V launcher of ISAS, Japan. Two sets of Fizeau-type 40cm-pupil interferometers with 1 m baseline are the basic structure of the satellite optics. The multi-color (U, B, V, R, I, and K) CCD arrays are planned to be used in the focal plane of the interferometer, optimized for detecting the precise locations of fringe patterns. LIGHT is expected to observe the parallaxes and proper motions of nearly a hundred million stars up to 18th visual (15thK-band) magnitude with the precision better than 0.1 milli-arcsecond (about 50 microarcsecond in V-band and 90 micro-arcsecond in K-band) in parallaxes and better than 0.1 milli-arcsecond per year in proper motions, as well as the precise photometric characteristics of the observed stars. Almost all of the giant and supergiant stars belonging to the disk and halo components of our Galaxy within 10 to 15 kpc from the sun will be observed by LIGHT to study the most fundamental structure and evolution of the Galaxy. LIGHT will become a precursor of a more sophisticated future astrometric interferometer satellite like GAIA (Lindegren and Perryman, 1996).

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 716-749 ◽  
Astrid Dannenberg ◽  
Carlo Gallier

Abstract A growing experimental literature studies the endogenous choice of institutions to solve cooperation problems arising in prisoners’ dilemmas, public goods games, and common pool resource games. Participants in these experiments have the opportunity to influence the rules of the game before they play the game. In this paper, we review the experimental literature of the last 20 years on the choice of institutions and describe what has been learned about the quality and the determinants of institutional choice. Cooperative subjects and subjects with optimistic beliefs about others often vote in favor of the institution. Almost all institutions improve cooperation if they are implemented, but they are not always implemented by the players. Institutional costs, remaining free-riding incentives, and a lack of learning opportunities are identified as the most important barriers. Unresolved cooperation problems, like global climate change, are often characterized by these barriers. The experimental results also show that cooperation tends to be higher under endogenously chosen institutions than exogenously imposed institutions. However, a significant share of players fails to implement the institution and they often perform poorly, which is why we cannot conclude that letting people choose is better than enforcing institutions from outside.

2019 ◽  
Vol 147 (5) ◽  
pp. 1699-1712 ◽  
Bo Christiansen

Abstract In weather and climate sciences ensemble forecasts have become an acknowledged community standard. It is often found that the ensemble mean not only has a low error relative to the typical error of the ensemble members but also that it outperforms all the individual ensemble members. We analyze ensemble simulations based on a simple statistical model that allows for bias and that has different variances for observations and the model ensemble. Using generic simplifying geometric properties of high-dimensional spaces we obtain analytical results for the error of the ensemble mean. These results include a closed form for the rank of the ensemble mean among the ensemble members and depend on two quantities: the ensemble variance and the bias both normalized with the variance of observations. The analytical results are used to analyze the GEFS reforecast where the variances and bias depend on lead time. For intermediate lead times between 20 and 100 h the two terms are both around 0.5 and the ensemble mean is only slightly better than individual ensemble members. For lead times larger than 240 h the variance term is close to 1 and the bias term is near 0.5. For these lead times the ensemble mean outperforms almost all individual ensemble members and its relative error comes close to −30%. These results are in excellent agreement with the theory. The simplifying properties of high-dimensional spaces can be applied not only to the ensemble mean but also to, for example, the ensemble spread.

2004 ◽  
Vol 41 (5) ◽  
pp. 507-518 ◽  
Seth M. Weinberg ◽  
Nicole M. Scott ◽  
Katherine Neiswanger ◽  
Carla A. Brandon ◽  
Mary L. Marazita

Objective To determine the precision and accuracy of facial anthropometric measurements obtained through digital three-dimensional (3D) photogrammetry. Design Nineteen standard craniofacial measurements were repeatedly obtained on 20 subjects by two independent observers, using calipers and 3D photos (obtained with a Genex 3D camera system), both with and without facial landmarks labeled. Four different precision estimates were then calculated and compared statistically across techniques. In addition, mean measurements from 3D photos were compared statistically with those from direct anthropometry. Results In terms of measurement precision, the 3D photos were clearly better than direct anthropometry. In almost all cases, the 3D photo with landmarks labeled had the highest overall precision. In addition, labeling landmarks prior to taking measurements improved precision, regardless of method. Good congruence was observed between means derived from the 3D photos and direct anthropometry. Statistically significant differences were noted for seven measurements; however, the magnitude of these differences was often clinically insignificant (< 2 mm). Conclusions Digital 3D photogrammetry with the Genex camera system is sufficiently precise and accurate for the anthropometric needs of most medical and craniofacial research designs.

2007 ◽  
Vol 22 (30) ◽  
pp. 2237-2246 ◽  
J. J. BEATTY ◽  
D. Z. BESSON ◽  

The ANtarctic Impulse Transient Antenna (ANITA) is the first long-duration balloon experiment designed to search and measure the flux of Greisen–Zapsepin–Kuzmin (GZK) neutrinos. We present new limits on neutrinos fluxes of astronomical origin from data collected with the successful launch of a 2-antenna prototype instrument, called ANITA-lite, that circled the Antarctic continent for 18.4 days in January 2004. We performed a search for Ultra-High-Energy (UHE) neutrinos with energies above 3 × 1018 eV . No excess events above the background expectation were observed and a neutrino flux following E-2 spectrum for all neutrino flavors, is limited to [Formula: see text] for 1018.5 eV < Eν < 1023.5 eV at 90% confidence level. The launch of ANITA is scheduled for December 2006. Looking beyond ANITA, we describe a new idea, called ARIANNA (Antarctic Ross Iceshelf ANtenna Neutrino Array), to increase the sensitivity for GZK neutrinos by one order of magnitude better than ANITA.

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