Some Historical Implications of Kinship Organization for Family-based Politics in the Brazilian Northeast

1979 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 262-292 ◽  
Linda Lewin

The still modest literature devoted to the history of the family in Brazil offers two conflicting interpretations of elite family organization. On the one hand, scholars have often ascribed an exaggerated organizing propensity to the elite extended family or parentela. Gilberto Freyre's early identification of ‘patriarchal cohesion’ as the foundation of Brazilian national organization persisted as the conventional wisdom until very recently. For Freyre, the elite patriarchal family assumed a ‘civilizing’ mission by imposing solidarity and order in an otherwise disorganized social milieu. Other commentators have been less impressed with the elite family's achievements over time. For them, Brazil's great families were disorganized, destructively violent, and even ‘schools of vice.’ Oliveira Viana, who probably best summed up the limitations of elite family organization, argued that the extended family (clã parental) lacked a common life except in crisis situations when its solidarity was only ephemerally evident.

Joanna Senderska ◽  
Iwona Mityk ◽  
Ewa Piotrowska-Oberda

AbstractThe article discusses the image of the family and the family home in a series of novels for young people by the popular Polish writer Małgorzata Musierowicz in the context of literary conventions and stereotypes about the family in contemporary Polish society. The novels, which cover a period of over 40 years, generally fit contemporary Polish realities; however, the didactic function of the novels results in the author creating an idealized image of the Polish intellectual family, filling the readers with optimism. The picture created by the writer, on the one hand, fits perfectly into the stereotype of the family, which is one of the values highly esteemed by Poles. On the other hand, it adapts to the conventions of novels for girls. In this article, the stereotype of the family is reconstructed on the basis of language data and surveys. We present the meanings and contexts of family as a noun and family as an adjective. We also present the results of our survey, the aim of which was to determine an essence of a stereotypical family and how the traditional family model is comprehended by respondents coming from various groups. We also present the respondents’ attitude to the patriarchal family model and the division of roles into male and female. In our opinion, the correspondence between the family picture created in the novels and the image of the family operating in social consciousness is the reason for the popularity of the series.

1985 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 410-424 ◽  
J. Louis Martyn

At several junctures in the history of its interpretation Paul's letter to the Galatians has been seen as the embarrassing member of the Pauline letter-family, the one refusing to be brought into line with the others, and even, in some regards, the one threatening the unity and good-natured comradery of the family. Luther, to be sure, called on the familial image in an entirely positive sense, when he confessed himself to be happily betrothed to the letter. Others have considered that betrothal the prelude to an unfortunate marriage, in which Luther was led astray, or led further astray, by this intractable and regrettable letter.

Artifex Novus ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 58-75
Anna Sylwia Czyż

ABSTRAKT Sprowadzone do Wilna między 1616 a 1618 r. benedyktynki utworzyły niewielką i skromnie uposażoną wspólnotę. Ich sytuacja zmieniła się w 1692 r., kiedy to dzięki bogatym zapisom Feliksa Jana Paca mogły wystawić murowany kościół konsekrowany w 1703 r. Hojność podkomorzego litewskiego nie była przypadkowa, bowiem do wileńskich benedyktynek wstąpiły jego córki Sybilla i Anna, jedyne potomstwo jakie po sobiepozostawił. Z nich szczególne znaczenie dla dziejów klasztoru miała Sybilla (Magdalena) Pacówna, która w 1704 r. została wybrana ksienią. Nie tylko odnowiła ona życie wspólnoty, ale stała się również jedną z najważniejszych postaci ówczesnego Wilna. Po pożarze w 1737 r. Sybilla Pacówna energicznie przystąpiła do odbudowy klasztoru i kościoła, którą kończyła już jej następczyni Joanna Rejtanówna. Wzniesioną wówczas według projektu Jana Krzysztofa Glaubitza fasadę ozdobiono stiukowo-metalową dekoracją o indywidualnie zaplanowanym programie ideowym odwołującym się i do tradycji zakonnej i rodowej – pacowskiej. W fasadzie wyeksponowano ideały związane z życiem benedyktyńskim sytuując je wśród aluzji o konieczności walki na płaszczyźnie ducha i ciała, włączając w militarną symbolikę także konieczność walki z wrogami Kościoła i ojczyzny oraz charakterystyczną dla duchowości benedyktyńskiej pobożność związaną z krzyżem w typie karawaka oraz zOpatrznością Bożą. Jednocześnie przypominano o bogactwie powołań w klasztorze benedyktynek wileńskich przyrównując mniszki do lilii. Porównanie to dzięki obecności w fasadzie herbu Gozdawa (podwójna lilia) oraz powszechnego w XVII i XVIII w. zwyczaju określania Paców „Liliatami” można było odnosić także do ich rodu, w tym do zasłużonej dla klasztoru ksieni Sybilli. Tak mocne wyeksponowanie fundatorów było nie tylko chęciąupamiętnia darczyńców, ale wraz z całym architektonicznym i plastycznym wystrojem świątyni wiązało się z koniecznością stworzenia przeciwwagi dla nowego i prężnie rozwijającego się pod patronatem elity litewskiej klasztoru Wwizytek w Wilnie. Przy tym charakter dekoracji fasady kościoła pw. św. Katarzyny wpisuje się w inne fundacje Paców: kościół pw. św. Teresy i kościół pw. śś. Piotra i Pawła będąc ostatnią ważną inicjatywą artystyczną rodu w stolicy Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. SUMMARY The Benedictines, who had been brought to Vilnius between 1616 and 1618, formed a small and modest community. Thanks to the generous legacy of Feliks Jan Pac, in 1692 their situation changed as they could erect a brick church, which was then consecrated in 1703. The generosity of the Lithuanian chamberlain was not a coincidence; his two daughters, Sybilla and Anna, the only offspring he left, had joined the Benedictine Sisters in Vilnius. Sybilla (Magdalena) Pac, who became an abbess in 1704, was particularly important for the history of the monastery. Not only did she renew the community life, but she also became one of the most important personalities of the then Vilnius. After the fire in 1737 Sybilla Pac vigorously started rebuilding the monastery and the church, which was completed by her successor, Joanna Rejtan. The facade which was then erected after Johann Christoph Glaubitz’s design was adorned with stucco and metal decorations with a perfectly devised ideological programme which referred to the tradition of the order and to the one of the Pac family. The facade presented ideals connected with the Benedictine life, which placed them among the hints of having to fight at the level of spirit and body, incorporating among the military symbols also the need to fight the enemies of the Church and the state, and the typical for the Benedictine spirituality piety connected with the Caravaca cross and the Divine Providence. At the same time, it reminded of the Benedictine vocations comparing nuns to lilies. This comparison, due to the presence of the Gozdawa coat-of-arms (double lilie) and the common nickname of the Pac family in the 17th and 18th cc. “the Liliats”, could also apply to their lineage, including the abbess Sybilla and her services to the monastery. Exposing founders in such an emphatic way was not only the will to immortalise them, but was also, together with the entire architectural and artistic decor of the church, connected with the need to counterbalance the new and dynamicallydeveloping Visitation Monastery in Vilnius. At the same time, the nature of the facade decoration of the Church of St. Catherine is in line with other foundations of the Pac family: St Theresa’s Church and the St Peter and St Paul Church, and was the last significant artistic initiative of the family in thecapital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Jennifer B. Saunders

This chapter provides information about the significant contexts of the Hindu American community’s narrative performances. Reviewing reasons behind why people immigrate, it begins with general theories of immigration and then concentrates on the specific reasons why Indians left India during the period after 1947. The chapter then shifts its focus to the context in the United States as a receiving site for immigrants from India with particular attention to race and religion, two dominant themes in American immigration that have contributed to the Guptas’ experiences and the dynamics of their community-making activities. This leads to a discussion of the significance of religion for migrants in the United States before introducing the more specific religious context of the Guptas’ community. Finally, the chapter expands its lens to their transnational extended family with family trees, a description of their social community, and a specific history of key players in the family.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
Ítala Paris de Souza ◽  
Roseney Bellato ◽  
Laura Filomena Santos de Araújo ◽  
Karla Beatriz Barros de Almeida

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to understand family organization in care nucleus and supporting networks for families of young patients who experienced childhood kidney disease and adolescent cancer. It is a situational study using the history of life by means of in-depth interviews and observation. A genogram and an eco-map were used as analytical tools for data organization and analysis. The genogram showed family composition and the relationships established among its members and the care nucleus, strengthening the continuing and prolonged care required by the youth. The eco-map contrasted the punctual and unlinked work of the supporting network with the implicated, affective, and continuing work from the base network participation in the illness experienced by the youth. These tools allow health professionals to know the family organization in care, and the resources and networks with which they count on for support through the experience of a chronic illness.

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-347 ◽  
Fred C. Gingrich

The assessment of missionaries tends to focus on the adult members of the family unit being approved for service. Yet, the family is the one consistent relational network that missionaries are connected to throughout the pre-field, on the field, and post-field phases of mission service. In addition, throughout the history of missions sending bodies have struggled to balance the needs of the missions context, the ministry gifts that the adult members of the family bring to the field, and the dynamics of their marital and family relationships. While the literature on missionary children has grown significantly, adopting a perspective that prioritizes the family unit as the unit being “sent” may result in helpful information regarding missionary attrition and longevity. Therefore, assessing missionary families, not only the individual members of the family, at the various stages of missionary service is warranted. Using concepts and techniques from systems theory, a model and logistical factors for assessing missionary families are presented, along with suggestions for whom to assess, what to assess, and how to conduct family assessment. Resources and possible assessment techniques are also provided.

1978 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 429-453 ◽  
P. Gibbon ◽  
C. Curtin

The subject of this paper is the question of the stem family, in the sociological literature and in anthropological studies of Ireland. The notion of the stem family is said to derive from the work of the nineteenth-century French sociologist Frederic Le Play (1806–82). Le Play divided the history of the family into three stages. Ancient societies were supposedly characterized by what he called the ‘patriarchal’ family, in which all the sons were retained within the household, over which the oldest member of the family ruled and in which any number of generations resided. Most of the world's population were said however to have experienced their primary socialization in the ‘stem’ family. The stem family was a threegenerational structure which functioned to retain its original location (land and/or house) by means of dispersing most younger members, while preserving the main family stem by a principle of single inheritance. Parents married off and kept within the group only those children nominated as successors. Finally, there was the modern, ‘unstable’ family which formed upon marriage and dissolved upon the death of the parents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 56-59
I. V. Oktyabrskaya ◽  
Z. M. Chirkina ◽  

The Anastasia movement (“Ringing Cedars of Russia”, the Anastasians) was born in Russia in the mid-1990s under the influence of the publication of V. Megre’s works. It developed from reading clubs and festivals to big projects of family estates and the form of political party. In the Altai region (Altai krai) we can registrate 12 settlements at different stages of formation. In religious studies, the anastasians are considered as the one of the new religious movements that is based on the ideology and practices related to Slavic neo-paganism. In Russian Ethnology/anthropology there are attempts to characterize the Anastasians in terms of subculture, as a community with a complex identity that includes a quasi-ethnic plane. Their culture is based on the natural peasant economy. The main concept of self-organization is the idea of family estates.

Zootaxa ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 1263 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

This paper outlines the history of the family name Margarodidae (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) and of the higher classification within Margarodidae sensu Morrison, and reviews the use of males in diagnosing the higher taxonomy within this group. An overview of the general morphology of adult males is provided as an introduction to the terms and structures used in the descriptive section that follows. The adult males of 31 species of Coccoidea are described, covering all the families in Margarodidae sensu Morrison plus some additional taxa which have either been included in Margarodidae sensu lato in the past or which show close affinities to it. Based on the structure of the adult males described here and also on an earlier cladistic analyses, these 31 taxa are divided into three groups: Ortheziidae (containing just ortheziids), a group here referred to as "margarodoid taxa" (which includes all the taxa in Margarodidae sensu Morrison (1928) except Steingelia; this group includes the following nine families: Matsucoccidae, Margarodidae, Xylococcidae; Stigmacoccidae fam. nov.; Kuwaniidae; Callipappidae; Marchalinidae; Monophlebidae and Coelostomidiidae); and a third group referred to here as "non-margarodoid taxa", which includes the remaining taxa considered in this paper (Steingelia, Stomacoccus, Phenacoleachia, Puto and Pityococcus). The present higher taxonomic status of each taxon is summarised in a Table and a key to identify each family based on adult male morphology is included; this key also diagnoses the above three groups based on adult male characters. Keys are also provided under each family to identify the species described herein.

1919 ◽  
Vol 44 (299) ◽  
pp. 439-472 ◽  
H. B. Guppy

SUMMARY From a consideration of the problems of plant-distribution, the writer is led to regard the history of the Angiosperms as resolving itself into two principal eras:— The era that witnessed the rise of the great families, a period of relatively uniform conditions.The era that witnessed the differentiation of these family types in response to the differentiation of the climatic and other conditions. It is argued that conclusions drawn from the prevailing influences now in operation could only be applied to the differentiation of the ancient family types–that is to say, to the second era in plant-history. It is not possible, so it is held, to apply a theory based on the present to an age of other things, other ways, and other conditions. Only the hypothesis that finds its guide to the past in the abnormalities of the present can be of service to us in the interpretation of times so different. The subject is introduced by a reference to two papers, contributed to the ‘Journal of the Linnean Society,’ which have an important bearing on the subject, the one by Bentham on the Compositæ, the other by Huxley on the Gentians. Then follows a statement of the differentiation hypothesis which involves the differentiation of primitive world-ranging types in response to the progressive differentiation of their originally uniform conditions. Allusion is then made to the dilemma into which all theorists fall when they come to handle the larger groups, the very persistence of which in our own age depends on the stability of their essential characters. If stable now, why so unstable then? We are thus forced to the conclusion that in the distant era that witnessed the deployment of the Angiosperms instability prevailed. It was an age of mutations, free and unchecked, and an age of uniformity of conditions, the mutability decreasing and the modifications becoming more and more fixed with progressive differentiation of conditions, an explanation suggested by a perusal of the accounts by Dr. Willis of his prolonged investigation on the Podostemaceæ. The distribution of families is then treated statistically; and it is shown that whilst they largely ignore the cleavage of the land into two great masses diverging from the north, they respond in a marked degree to the differentiation of the climatic zones. Behind their disregard for the present arrangement of continents and oceans lies the story of the first era, and behind their ready response to climatic differentiation lies the story of the second era. In the circumstance that the response made to the bi-cleavage of the land-mass is absent or small with the larger groups and becomes greater and greater as we go down the differentiating scale until it attains its maximum in the species, is recognised the contrast of conditions between the pre-differentiation era and the era when differentiation reigned supreme. It is held that there is a method here disclosed that could only arise by the family differentiating into the tribes, the tribe into the genera, and the genus into the species, since the opposite method of commencing with the species would produce chaos. The paper ends with the application of the statistical treatment to the larger groups behind the families, and it is shown that whilst the Dicotyledons display a much greater tendency to detachment from the tropics than the Monocotyledons, the Sympetalæ stand foremost in this respect amongst all the groups of the Dicotyledons. It may be added that there is a large amount of material in the ten tables which from considerations of space could not be discussed. These data have therefore to tell their own story

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