Livestock and agriculture of Northern Ireland

1957 ◽  
Vol 1957 ◽  
pp. 83-89 ◽  
James Morrison

The pattern and character of Northern Ireland farming is to-day very different from what it was a century ago. The farms, although still relatively small, were then very much smaller, and the output of farm products was very low. The changes in farm organisation consequent upon the gradual increase in the size of farms made it possible for the occupiers to keep more stock. Indeed, the tendency to-day for consolidation of holdings into larger units is being accentuated by economic conditions and developments in farm mechanisation.Climatic conditions have also played a big part in the expansion of stock farming. While the rainfall cannot be regarded as excessive, at least in the east, it tends to be unduly persistent in the harvest months so that crop production, especially of cereals, is a risky business. In the west, with a higher rainfall, it is even more so. This enforced limitation of cropping has induced farmers to concentrate more on the production of livestock and their associated products.

E.V. Shishkina ◽  
S.V. Zharkova ◽  
O.V. Malykhina

Представлены результаты работы селекционеров Западно-Сибирской ООС – филиала ФГБНУ ФНЦО по культуре лука алтайского. Из 18 образцов были выделены перспективные, из которых в 2008 году отобран образец № 11. Дальнейший клоновый отбор позволил отобрать образец № 61/98, который по ряду показателей превосходит районированный сорт. В 2017 году этот образец передан на испытание в ГСИ, как сорт Виктор.The accomplishments of the plant breeders of the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station, the Branch of the Federal Scientific Centre of Vegetable Crop Production, regarding Altai onion cultivation are discussed. Eighteen candidate varieties were examined, promising ones were selected, and the candidate variety No. 11 was selected in 2008. Further clone selection made it possible to select the candidate variety No. 61/98 which exceeded the released variety in terms of a number of indices. In 2017, this candidate variety was submitted for State Variety Testing as Viktor variety.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 144
Dianxi Zhang ◽  
Muhammad Safdar Sial ◽  
Naveed Ahmad ◽  
António José Filipe ◽  
Phung Anh Thu ◽  

Water scarcity is rising as a global issue, because the planet earth is facing a global water crisis, which is considered something that can destroy environmental sustainability of our planet. The fact is that humanity’s demand is depleting natural resources faster than nature can replenish itself; if human habits and unsustainable use of water resources do not change, water scarcity will inevitably intensify and become a major cause of conflict among different nations of the world. The water scarcity issue is a crucial issue but unfortunately it has not received due attention in past. Pakistan, which once was a water abundant country, now facing a situation of water scarcity. Pakistan has a poor irrigation system which results 60% loss of its water; Pakistan uses more water for crop production than other countries. Likewise, the country harvests water from rainfall, rivers, snow, and glaciers. The country is facing a serious water crisis that is caused by different factors, such as changing climatic conditions, rising population, poor irrigation system, poor political will, and rapid urbanization. The water crisis of Pakistan is expected to worsen in coming years. This is a drastic situation which calls for emergency measures. With this background, the present study provides a detailed view of the water situation in the country with challenges to water management. The study also suggests some recommendations for policymakers to improve the water crisis situation in the future.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 150-157
Tatyana Anatolyevna Vasilyeva

The paper presents the study results of Vigainavolok I materials. This settlement is located on the west of Lake Onega in Karelia. The monument was investigated by G.A. Pankrushev in 1963-1966. Its area was 8,000 m. 26 buildings remains were revealed. The area of 2748 m was studied. The inventory collection includes more than 25 thousand pieces of ceramics and about 7 thousand pieces of stone, clay and metal. The buildings served as dwellings and workshops. The collection includes sinkers that are marked as direct signs of fishing. Favorable climatic conditions for the development in the forest zone, confined to the coast of a large body of water, settlement equipment, osteological materials of the Stone Age monuments characterize fishing as one of the determining factors in the life of the population.

N. Hodisan ◽  
G. Morar ◽  
Cornelia Ciobanu

Recent studies confirms the fact that Abrosia artemisifolia L. sin A.elatior., specie has spread from the west of the country to the central; and south areas, invading agricol crops, provoking great production losses if the intervention in not efficient and made in due time. In the present paper there are presented the effect of several tested herbicides in different phases of vegetation, in climatic conditions of 2006-2007.

2021 ◽  
Vol 213 (10) ◽  
pp. 81-92
Lyudmila Shalaeva

Abstract. Goal. The assessment of the main trends in the activity of agricultural producers in crop production was carried out in order to substantiate the possibilities of the Perm Region for self-sufficiency with the main types of food resources in the presence of adverse effects of natural and climatic conditions. Methods. A statistical analysis was carried out using grouping and comparison methods based on the official statistics of the Perm Region for 2016-2020. Results. In accordance with the social and geographical specifics of the Perm Region, on the territory of which rural areas predominate, the largest volume of crop production is produced in the households of the population (up to 58 %), whose activities are characterized by the lowest level of stability and are more susceptible to the negative impact of natural and climatic conditions. The activity of agricultural organizations (share up to 36 %) and farms (share up to 8 %) is more stable. A higher level of dependence on natural and climatic conditions was revealed in the field of potato production, a lower level – in the field of grain and vegetables production of protected soil. The risk is reinforced by the fact that up to 70 % of the natural volume of potatoes and more than 80% of vegetables are produced in households. With a decrease in the total sown area by 1.2 %, there is a decrease in the sown area of potatoes by 15 % and vegetables by 6 %. The identified trends allowed us to identify the risk of reducing the level of food self-sufficiency of the Perm Region with potatoes and vegetables. The insecurity of domestic potato consumption in the Perm Region is, according to preliminary data, 13 % in 2020. The presence of risk was also revealed for vegetables, the internal consumption of the region was provided with vegetable products of its own production by an average of 56% during the study period. The results obtained allow us to identify the directions of optimization of the Perm Region strategy in solving the problems of food self-sufficiency. Scientific novelty. The dynamics of factors of crop production (structure, yield, acreage, intensification) is assessed taking into account the social, geographical, natural and climatic specifics of the Perm Region through the prism of the impact on the regional food balance and the level of self-sufficiency of the region with potatoes and vegetables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-126

Climate change which is one of the main determinants of agricultural production has started affecting the crop growth pattern and yield from past couple of decades in various agro-climatic zones globally. Under such scenario, the prior forecasting of yield of field crops such as wheat via modeling techniques can help in simplifying the crop production management system starting from farmer’s level to policy makers. The present study was thus undertaken to model the wheat yield of Ludhiana district of  Indian Punjab through regression analysis of historical data (1993-2017) of wheat yield and climatic conditions in the area. The developed model was successfully validated with a strong positive correlation (R2=0.81) between predicted and observed data. Both observed and predicted yields were having similar trend with a minimum and maximum absolute differential error of 0.1 and 13.9% respectively. The developed model may serve as a powerful tool for predicting the future yield of wheat crop with available futuristic climatic data of the study area.

1980 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-171 ◽  
Thomas R. Harris ◽  
Harry P. Mapp

Climatic conditions in semiarid regions like the Oklahoma Panhandle result in wide fluctuations in rainfall, dryland crop yields, and returns to agricultural producers in the area. Irrigated crop production increases peracre yields and significantly reduces fluctuations in yields and net returns.Irrigated production of food and fiber in the Oklahoma Panhandle has developed rapidly during the past three decades, increasing from 11,500 to 385,900 acres since 1950 (Schwab). The primary source of irrigation water in the area is the Ogallala Formation, an aquifer underlying much of the Great Plains region. Until the past couple of years, the presence of relatively low cost natural gas led producers to expand irrigated production and apply high levels of water to crops irrigated in the area.

Б.Т. Базарова ◽  
Б.Қ. Копбулсынова ◽  
Ж.А. Аймешева ◽  
B. Bazarova ◽  
B. Kopbulsynova ◽  

Батыс Қазақстан облысындағы кәсіпорындардың эволюциясы экономикалық дамудың жалпы циклдік сипатына байланысты да, әр түрлі сыртқы және ішкі факторлардың осы салаға әсер етуінен, сондай-ақ даму процесінде сөзсіз ауытқулар салдарынан ауытқуларға ұшырайды. Батыс Қазақстан облысының аймақтық агроөнеркәсіптік кешенін тұрақты дамытудың басымдықтары талдау арқылы анықталуы керек. Зерттеудің мақсаты - Батыс Қазақстан облысының агроөнеркәсіптік кешенінің тиімді және тұрақты дамуын зерттеу болып табылады. Бұл тақырыпты зерттеу кезінде статистикалық-экономикалық әдіс, талдау және синтез қолданылды. Ауылшаруашылық кешенінің жеке аймақ ретінде тұрақты дамуы да, жалпы елдің де дамуы ауылшаруашылық кешенінің тұрақты қалыптасуынсыз мүмкін емес, себебі оның түпкі өнімі қайта өңдеу өнеркәсібі болып табылады, ал оның мақсаты - талаптарына сай халықты сапалы өніммен қамтамасыз ету. Талдау көрсеткендей, ауылшаруашылық өндірісінің қазіргі жағдайы, қолайсыз факторлардың әсерінің күшеюімен сипатталады, ең алдымен табиғи факторлардың өндірісінде, жалпы өсімдік шаруашылығы өнімінің жылдық айырмашылықтарын тудырады, және өз кезегінде мал шаруашылығындағы ауытқуларға әкеледі, сонымен қатар оның әсері өңдеуші салаларда сезіледі, ал бұл өнеркәсіптің шикізаты болып табылады. Зертеу барысында 2015 жылдан бастап Батыс Қазақстан облысының аумағында ауыл шаруашылығы өнімдері өндірісінің күрт төмендегені анықталды, бұл жалпы, сондай-ақ өсімдік шаруашылығы мен мал шаруашылығы салалары бойынша да өндіріс тұрақтылығының төмендеуіне әкелді, және ол бүгінгі күнге дейін жалғасуда. Агроөнеркәсіптік кешеннің шикізат саласындағы өндіріс тұрақтылығының төмендеуі қайта өңдеу өнеркәсібі өнімдерін өндіруде ауытқулардың артуына әкеліп соқтырды, бұның нәтижесінде халыққа азық-түлік өнімдерін ұсынуда тұрақсыздық пайда болды. Батыс Қазақстан облысының АӨК-ін оның салаларының өнімділігі мен кірістілігін арттыруға бағытталған одан әрі дамыту өндірісті жаңғыртуды және қайта жарақтандыруды, оның инфрақұрылымын дамытуды және салалық кластерлерді қалыптастыруды талап етеді. Кілт сөздер: агроөнеркәсіп кешені, тербеліс, аграрлық сектор, өндіріс, халық саны, агротехника, экономика, талдау, өнімдер, өсімдік шаруашылығы. The evolution of enterprise in the West Kazakhstan region is subject to fluctuations due to both the general cyclical nature of economic development and the impact of various external and internal factors on this industry, as also fluctuations unavoidable in the evolution process. The priorities for sustainable evolution of the regional agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region should be identified through analysis. The goal of the research is to study the effective and sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region. Through studies this topic, the statistical-economic method, analysis and synthesis were used. Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of both a particular region and the country as a whole is impossible without the stable functioning of its core - agriculture, the final product of which is used by the processing industry, whose goal is to provide the population with high-quality products in volumes that meet their requirements. Current state of agricultural production, as the analysis shows, is characterized by an increase in the influence of unfavorable factors on production, first of all natural ones, which cause annual differences in the production of gross crop production, which, in turn, convey fluctuations to the livestock industry and, as a result, affects the processing industries. it is the raw material of the industry. In the course of the study, it was found that, since 2015, in the territory of the West Kazakhstan region, there has been a sharp decline in agricultural production, which led to a decrease in the stability of production in general, and in the fields of crop and livestock production, which continues to the present. A decrease in the sustainability of production in the raw materials sector of the agro-industrial complex entailed an increase in fluctuations in the production of products of the processing industry, which ultimately resulted in the emergence of an instability in the supply of food to the population. Further development of the agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region, aimed at increasing the productivity and profitability of its industries, requires the modernization and re-equipment of production, the development of its infrastructure and the formation of industry clusters.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 145-152
Ganesh Kumar Jimee ◽  
Kimiro Meguro ◽  
Amod Mani Dixit

Nepal, though covers small area of the earth, exposes complex geology with active tectonic processes, high peaks, sloppy terrain and climatic variation. Combination of such geo-physical and climatic conditions with existing poor socio-economic conditions, unplanned settlements, rapidly increasing population and low level of awareness has put the country in highest risk to multi-hazard events. Fires, floods, landslides and epidemics are the most frequent hazard events, which have cumulatively caused a significant loss of lives and property every year. However, due to diversity in physiographic, climatic and socio-economic conditions within the country, the type, frequency and degree of the impact of such events differs in different places. During the period of 46 years (1971-2016), an average of 2 events have been occurred causing 3 deaths/missing every day. Disaster events occurred most frequently during the months of April, July and August, while relatively lesser number of events have been reported during January, November and December. However, earthquakes have been reported in different months, regardless with the season. This paper is an effort to analyse the spatial distribution and temporal variation of disaster events in Nepal. Further it has drawn a trend of disasters occurrence in Nepal, which will help the decision makers and other stakeholders for formulating Disaster Risk Management (DRM) plan and policies on one hand and heighten citizens’ awareness of against disasters on the other.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 2104 ◽  
Chong Wang ◽  
Jiangang Liu ◽  
Shuo Li ◽  
Ting Zhang ◽  
Xiaoyu Shi ◽  

Confronted with the great challenges of globally growing populations and food shortages, society must achieve future food security by increasing grain output and narrowing the gap between potential yields and farmers’ actual yields. This study attempts to diagnose the climatic and agronomic dimensions of oat yield gaps and further to explore their restrictions. A conceptual framework was put forward to analyze the different dimensions of yield gaps and their limiting factors. We quantified the potential yield (Yp), attainable yield (Yt), experimental yield (Ye), and farmers’ actual yield (Ya) of oat, and evaluated three levels of yield gaps in a rain-fed cropping system in North and Northeast China (NC and NEC, respectively). The results showed that there were great differences in the spatial distributions of the four kinds of yields and three yield gaps. The average yield gap between Yt and Ye (YG-II) was greater than the yield gap between Yp and Yt (YG-I). The yield gap between Ye and Ya (YG-III) was the largest among the three yield gaps at most sites, which indicated that farmers have great potential to increase their crop yields. Due to non-controllable climatic conditions (e.g., light and temperature) for obtaining Yp, reducing YG-I is extremely difficult. Although YG-II could be narrowed through enriching soil nutrients, it is not easy to improve soil quality in the short term. In contrast, narrowing YG-III is the most feasible for farmers by means of introducing high-yield crop varieties and optimizing agronomic managements (e.g., properly adjusting sowing dates and planting density). This study figured out various dimensions of yield gaps and investigated their limiting factors, which should be helpful to increase farmers’ yields and regional crop production, as long as these restrictions are well addressed.

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