Fluorogenic hyaluronan nanogels for detection of micro- and nanoplastics in water

Matteo Cingolani ◽  
Nelsi Zaccheroni ◽  
Damiano Genovese ◽  
Luca Prodi

Environmental pollution from plastics is exponentially increasing due to human activities. While larger microplastics can be detected with various methods, retrieving micron-size fragments and nanoplastics remains challenging. Yet, these smaller-sized...

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 487
Yuji Nagata

Xenobiotics are released into the environment by human activities, and they often cause problems such as environmental pollution, since most such compounds cannot be readily degraded, and have harmful effects on human beings and the natural ecosystem [...]

Pratibha Verma ◽  
Alka Katiyar

Environment refers to the entire physical and biological world. In which organisms live, grow, thrive and develop their natural tendencies. The truth is that the existence of life is basically dependent on the environment. Changes in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of any element of the environment that are harmful to humans or other beings is called environmental pollution.Environmental pollution has taken the form of a worldwide problem today and in India also this problem is seen in various forms. Due to industrial and technological development, rapid population growth, urbanization etc., the environmental pressure started increasing. Today, the greatest need is "destruction-free development" but due to human activities, environmental imbalance increases, which pollutes the environment and endangers the existence of other animals and flora including humans. Environmental pollution affects human health, causing fatal diseases. पर्यावरण का तात्पर्य समूचे भौतिक एवं जैविक विश्व से है। जिसमें जीवधारी रहते हैं, बढ़ते हैं, पनपते हैं और अपनी स्वाभाविक प्रवृत्तियों का विकास करते हैं। सत्य तो यह है कि जीवन का अस्तित्व मूलतः पर्यावरण पर निर्भर है। पर्यावरण के किसी भी तत्व के भौतिक, रासायनिक अथवा जैविक विशेषताओं में परिवर्तन जो मानव या अन्य प्राणियों के लिए हानिकारक हो पर्यावरण प्रदूषण कहलाता है। पर्यावरण प्रदूषण आज एक विश्वव्यापी समस्या का रूप ले चुका है और भारत में भी यह समस्या विविध रूपों में दृष्टिगत होती है। औद्योगिक एवं तकनीकी विकास, तीव्र जनसंख्या वृद्धि, शहरीकरण आदि के कारण पर्यावरण के दबाव में निरन्तर बढ़ोतरी होने लगी। आज सबसे बड़ी आवश्यकता है ‘‘विनाश रहित विकास’’ किन्तु मानवीय क्रियाकलापों से पर्यावरणीय असंतुलन बढ़ता ही जाता है जिससे पर्यावरण प्रदूषित हो जाता है और मानव सहित अन्य प्राणियों एवं वनस्पतियों का अस्तित्व खतरे में पड़ता जा रहा है। पर्यावरण प्रदूषण मानवीय स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित करता है जिससे घातक रोग उत्पन्न होते हैं।

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 189 ◽  
Nirmala Nirmala ◽  
Vanny M. A. Tiwow ◽  
Suherman Suherman

This study determine the contact time, pH, and the optimum concentration of the solution ofcopper (Cu) and iron (Fe) from skin the plantain (musa sapientum). Advances in the industry todayresulted in many human activities that caused increasing impact of the pollution on surrounding of theenvironment. Environmental pollution by heavy metals being a serious problem along with increasingthe use of heavy metals in the industry. The method used in this study was a laboratory experiment usingcolorimeter. The results showed that the adsorption of copper and iron on the plantain bark influencea time variation of Cu and Fe occurred in the 60 minute and 30 minute (99.64% and 99.54%);variation of pH for Cu and Fe occurrs in pH 4 and pH 3 (99.62% and 99.58%) and variation ofconcentration for Cu and Fe occurred at 20 ppm and 1 ppm (80.74% and 96.81%), respectively.

Mariana ◽  
M. Zaki ◽  
Mahidin ◽  
Asri Gani ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi ◽  

Environment is a habitat for all living things in the universe. Therefore, it must be preserved, especially on the surface and ground water. Environmental pollution in almost all over the world recently has been in a very alarming level. The main focus of this paper is to analyze the level of pollution on the surface and ground water that is influenced by industrial activities and other human activities. The method used in this research is field and laboratory investigations, and the material analyzed is the surface water and ground water samples. The analysis shows that industrial activities and human activities carried out so far correlated to the occurrence of pollution on the surface and ground water. The analysis showed that the heavy metal Ph at the highest water level of 0.01 mg/L was recorded in Lhokseumawe City. While the highest heavy metal Ph was also found in Lhokseumawe City by 0.0076 mg/L. The results of the analysis of heavy metals in groundwater analyzed at the three locations show that Lhokseumawe City is also the highest with 0.0076 mg/L compared to Bireuen and Aceh Utara District. While Aceh Utara District has the highest pollution for heavy metals Pb of 0.004 mg/L. Thus, there needs to be a supervision in active industries so that environmental pollution can always be stable in the future.

Chu Thi Mai Phuong ◽  
Nguyen Thi Huong ◽  
Tu Thuy Anh

Abstract: In the current trend, human activities of production and activities have discharged a large amount of waste. This makes the pressure to handle environmental pollution increasing. Therefore, environmental services have become an important economic sub-sector of many countries including Vietnam. In Vietnam, as of 2017, have 3,769 enterprises operate in the field of environmental services. Of which, more than 80% are non-state enterprises, about 1% are FDI enterprises and the rest are state-owned enterprises. Enterprises mainly focus on services with high demand resulting from the requirements of the 2005 Law on Environmental Protection, such as designing, manufacturing, and building waste treatment systems; environmental monitoring and analysis; consulting, training, providing environmental information. This paper provides a general analysis of businesses operating in the environmental services industry, the situation of attracting FDI into the industry, pointing out the causes and shortcomings in the development of the industry and giving some discussions and recommendations for developing environmental services in Vietnam Keywords: Environmental services, FDI, Vietnam.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Tessalonicha J. Rompis ◽  
Widdhi Bodhi ◽  
Fona Budiarso

Abstract: Arsenic is still used in lots of human activities that results in environmental pollution. Arsenic is also found in nature in a small quantity. Gold mining industry is one of the human activities that uses arsenic. Mining waste that is not managed properly can inflict environmental pollution and harms the human health due to its toxic-substance content. This study was aimed to isolate and identify bacteria in the soil sediment obtained from the estuary area of Totok River, Southeast Minahasa and tested the bacteria's resistance levels to arsenic. Bacteria were isolated from sediment samples from the estuary area of Totok River, and the isolated bacteria were grown in agar media containing arsenic trioxide. Bacteria identification were perfomed by using morphological, physiological and biochemical tests. The results showed that bacteria grew successfully in 10 isolates; 2 isolates were Gram negative bacteria and 8 isolates were Gram positives bacteria. All isolates showed no motility. Identification of bacteria revealed four genera: Bacillus sp., Streptococcus sp., Acetobacter sp, and Escherichia sp that were resistant to arsenic 1000 ppm. Conclusion: There were 4 genera of arsenic-resistant bacteria identified in the sediment of the estuary area of Totok River, as follows: Bacillus sp., Streptococcus sp., Acetobacter sp, and Escherichia sp. All of them were resistant to arsenic 1000 ppm.Keywords: sediment, arsenic-resistant bacteria Abstrak: Arsen (As) masih banyak ditemukan dalam kegiatan manusia yang berakibat pencemaran terhadap lingkungan. Arsen juga dapat ditemukan di alam secara alami namun dalam jumlah yang sedikit. Industri pertambangan emas merupakan salah satu kegiatan manusia yang menggunakan arsen. Limbah pertambangan yang tidak dikelola dengan baik dapat mencemari lingkungan dan mengganggu kesehatan manusia karena berpotensi mengandung racun yang berbahaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bakteri resisten arsen serta tingkat resistensinya yang terdapat pada sedimen di muara Sungai Totok Kecamatan Ratatotok Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara Sulawesi Utara. Bakteri diisolasi dari sedimen di muara sungai Totok dan ditumbuhkan pada media agar yang mengandung arsen trioksida. Identifikasi dari bakteri yang tumbuh menggunakan uji fisiologi, uji morfologi dan uji biokimia. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 10 isolat dengan bakteri yang berhasil tumbuh, yaitu 2 isolat bakteri Gram negatif dan 8 isolat bakteri Gram positif. Semua isolat tidak menunjukkan adanya motilitas dan dapat dikategorikan ke dalam empat kelompok genus yaitu Bacillus sp., Streptococcus sp., Acetobacter sp, dan Escherichia sp. Keempat genus bakteri ini resisten terhadap arsen hingga konsentrasi 1000 ppm. Simpulan: Terdapat empat genus bakteri resisten arsen yang teridentifikasi dalam sedimen di muara Sungai Totok, yaitu Bacillus sp., Streptococcus sp., Acetobacter sp, dan Escherichia sp. Kesemuanya resisten terhadap arsen hingga konsentrasi 1000 ppm.Kata kunci: sedimen, bakteri resisten arsen

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-63
I Komang Agus Edi Suryawan ◽  
I Nyoman Gede Sugiartha ◽  
I Nyoman Sutama

The environment as a place to live and at the same time as a storage for waste from human activities. Can return to normal if the waste does not damage the environment. Environmental pollution has a bad impact on society. Research and reports from related institutions noted Indonesia's environmental problems, namely polluted rivers, the quality of the water must be considered because it is widely used by the community. The research method in this writing uses normative legal research, first examining the problem using the basis of statutory law. Discussion of issues regarding legal arrangements for criminal acts of environmental pollution and responsibility for criminal acts of environmental pollution according to criminal law in Indonesia. In this case, the legal provisions for criminal acts of environmental pollution are regulated in Law No.32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. The accountability may be imposed on individuals, corporations and authorized officials.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Gina Bunga Nayenggita ◽  
Santoso Tri Raharjo ◽  
Risna Resnawaty

Dalam berbagai aktivitas membawa dampak nyata bagi kualitas kehidupan, baik bagi individu atau masyarakat. Berbagai permasalahan terjadi di Indonesia, sebagian besar disebabkan oleh ulah manusia itu sendiri atau memang alam yang sudah mulai mengikis. Ulah manusia juga hadir dari beberapa perusahaan yang membuat adanya pencemaran lingkungan, udara dan lain sebagainya. Maka peran-peran manusia atau sebuah organisasi turut andil dalam menangani permasalahan di Indonesia. Dan dari sanalah lahir sebuah gagasan CSR. CSR merupakan merupakan komitmen usaha untuk beroperasi secara legal dan berkontribusi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan tanggung jawab kemitraan dari karyawan dan keluarganya, pemerintah, perusahaan komunitas lokal, dan komunitas luas. CSR dapat melakukan dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat setempat secara nyata yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat sekitar.  In various activities it has a real impact on the quality of life, both for individuals and society. Various problems occur in Indonesia, mostly caused by human behavior itself or indeed nature has begun to erode. Human activities are also present from several companies that make environmental pollution, air and so on. Then the roles of humans or an organization contribute to addressing problems in Indonesia. And from there came the idea of CSR. CSR is CSR is a business commitment to operate legally and contribute to improving the quality of life and responsibility of partnerships from employees and their families, the government, local community companies, and the wider community. CSR can do with the empowerment of local communities that are actually needed by the surrounding community.

Fahm-i-Islam ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-52
سنا ضیاء

Man is Allah’s vicegerent on earth. The fulfillment of this sacred role requires immense power, and for this purpose, Allah has made Nature subservient to human beings. All natural objects and phenomena not only beautify the universe, but also are the source for its nourishment. That is why the survival of earth depends on the integrity of environment.Environment plays an integral role in human life. Providence has created balance in environment which is being destroyed by harmful human activities. Pollution has become a worldwide problem. Different toxic matters and deforestation has made our earth a dangerous abode for us. As Islam has guidelines for every aspect of life, so in the same way, it asks human beings to preserve the environment. Our prophet’s traditions are full of golden principles to preserve our surroundings. He advised his followers to cover the edibles to protect them from toxic elements in the environment. Moreover, he encouraged us to plant more and more trees, and ensured blessings for the cultivators if their fruits are eaten by other creatures. Hence our environment can be better looked after, if we follow the principles of Islam. This paper discusses our prophet’s teachings on the protection and preservation of environment, and the following of these principles can save us and the coming generations from all ailments and impurities.

2014 ◽  
Vol 955-959 ◽  
pp. 1935-1938
Ji Hua Wang ◽  
Dan Zhu ◽  
Shan Shan Zhang ◽  
Jian Fei Guan

As the human activities increasing, pesticide, oil and heavy metal used widely caused the environmental pollution more and more serious. Therefore, it is very necessary to find the reasonable and efficient method to degrade environmental pollutants. This article summarized the construction of genetic engineering bacteria and its applications in pesticide pollution, oil pollution and heavy metal pollution bioremediation, which has proved to be a hot pot in environmental pollutants bioremediation researching. It also put forward the difficulties in the construction and application of genetic engineering bacteria and developing trend.

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