Constructive Comprehension Abilities Exhibited by Language-Disordered Children

1985 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-184 ◽  
Susan Ellis Weismer

Constructive comprehension abilities were compared in a group of 12 language-disordered children (second graders) and two groups of children acquiring language normally (12 second graders matched to the language-disordered subjects on nonverbal cognitive skills and 12 kindergartners matched on language comprehension). Differences were examined in proficiency of the children in constructing spatial and causal inferences associated with short stories presented in a Verbal Task and Picture Task. The language-disordered group scored significantly lower on inference items than the cognitively matched control group of second graders on both tasks. A conditional analysis indicated that even when the language-disordered subjects appropriately answered the relevant premise items, they were significantly less likely than the second-grade controls to correctly respond to inference items on both tasks. There was no significant difference between the language-disordered and kindergarten children for either the overall or conditional analysis. The finding that language-disordered children evidenced difflculty in inference construction for both verbal and pictorial material was interpreted as being indicative of a cognitive deficit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 273-304

The current research aims to know (the effect of Bayer's strategy on developing divergent thinking among second-grade intermediate students in the subject of Arab-Islamic history) . In order to achieve the goal of the research, the researcher puts the following null hypothesis : 1.There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group students who study according to the Bayer strategy and the average scores of the control group students who study in the traditional way in the dimensional divergent thinking test . The researcher chose an experimental design with two groups, one experimental and the other a control, and the two research groups (experimental - control) were rewarded with the following variables : (Chronological age in months, grades of the previous year, IQ test, pre-branched thinking test ) . The current research was limited to second-grade intermediate students in (Al-Furat Intermediate School for Boys), which is one of the schools affiliated to the city of Baghdad / Directorate of Education Al-Karkh First. (32) students, and the second represented the control group who were studying the same subject in the traditional way, and they numbered (31) students. Thus, the number of the research sample reached (63) students. 2017-2018 . The researcher prepared the divergent thinking test in light of the steps and main questions of the Sheikhly test (2001) in measuring the ability of divergent thinking of the students of the research sample . : The search results showed .The experimental group students who study history according to the Bayer strategy outperformed the control group students who study history using the traditional method in the dimensional branched thinking test . Keyword: Divergent thinking Bayer Stratagy

2002 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-176
Riva Mandel

The author examined the effect of teaching the Pattern and Sequence (useriation) unit from the intervention program Bright Start on the development of seriational mathematical thinking in kindergartners of Israeli, Ethiopian, and Russian origin. In addition, the author examined the effect of the teaching of this unit on the capacity for cognitive change in this area within the study group of children. Bright Start is a plan for the development of thinking in early childhood. This program, developed by Haywood, Brooks, and Burns (1986, 1992), is based on four developmental theories:(a) Feuerstein’s theory of structural cognitive modifiability and mediated learning experience; (b) Piaget’s stages theory of cognitive development; (c) Vygotsky’s social-historical theory of cognitive development; Haywood’s transactional perspective on human abilities.This study was focused on one unit of the program, the unit dealing with the development of seriational thinking. The teaching of this unit, like the remaining units in the program, is based on the mediational teaching style. The main emphasis of the study was placed on the comparison of three groups of different origin in Israel; therefore, no control group was examined.40 kindergartners from a disadvantaged area in Israel’s central region were examined, of whom 9 were native Israelis, 11 were of Russian origin, and 20 were of Ethiopian origin. The chidren were given several tests before and after the program. The examination consisted of three stages. At the beginning of the school year, the children underwent three tests to assess their ability to solve problem tasks when creating series with different elements. Subsequently, the intervention plan was taught with the aim of fostering cognitive skills of planning, comparison, relating to several sources of information, and restraining impulsiveness. Towards the end of the year, the children were again examined, and they underwent the three tests that they had done in the beginning of the year, checking their ability to solve tasks when creating series with different elements. In addition, the extent of internalization of the various skills was examined, as well as the capacity to apply skills to the area of arithmetic.As stated, this study focused on children of Ethiopian and Russian origin in comparison to native Israeli children. The decision to focus on children of Ethiopian origin derived from gaps that emerged in the learning process of this population as a result of the cultural difference that characterizes it. The children of Russian origin were part of the kindergarten’s population. They too manifested gaps as a result of cultural and social changes occurring among immigrants from the former Soviet Union.The purpose of the study was to demonstrate that intervention in specific thinking processes—in this case seriation from Bright Start at kindergarten age—will result in greater effectiveness and a significant cognitive ability to change in this area, particularly in children of Ethiopian origin whose initial cognitive level was poor. The hypothesis was confirmed that the children of Ethiopian descent did indeed evince initial inferiority visa-vis the other two groups, but after the intervention program they improved their performance and narrowed the gaps in comparison to the other groups. It is noteworthy that, according to the theory, cognitive processes are not related to any particular content or culture, but are suited to everyone. These processes were found to be beneficial to all of the children, but the cognitive change in seriational thinking as a result of the intervention program was particularly conspicuous in children of Russian origin.The effect of the intervention program was expressed in the ability to apply acquired skills to unstudied areas. Internalization of cognitive skills was apparent, as was the improved ability to comprehend a series and the acquisition of mathematical skills in all of the kindergarten children.The findings of this study have didactic implications relating to the significance of teaching seriation to kindergarten children. In addition, the study indicates the need for early education programs adapted to the population of children of Ethiopian and Russian origin in Israel.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Yuliana Putri ◽  
Ismail Ismail ◽  
Rispawati Rispawati

Penelitian   ini   bertujuan   untuk   mengetahui   ada   tidaknya   pengaruh   model pembelajaran Problem Posing terhadap kemampuan berpikir analisis sisw a kelas XI pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kew arganegaraan (PKn) di SMKN 6 Mataram. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperiment dengan nonequivalent  control  group  design.  Instrumen  yang  digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini adalah  instrumen  tes bentuk  pilihan ganda  sebanyak  25 item  untuk  mengukur kemampuan berpikir analisis sisw a. Berdasarrkan hasil analisis data menggunakan uji t diperoleh nilai thitung = 2,256 > ttabel = 1,683, dengan dk = n1 + n2 – 2= 39 pada  taraf  signifikan  5%, artinya  terdapat  perbedaan  yang  signifikan antara kemampuan berpikir analisis sisw a kelas eksperiemen dan kelas kontrol pada mata pelajaran  PKn.  Kemudian  hasil dari analisis menggunakan uji N-Gain diperoleh nilai N-Gain  sisw a kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,604 dengan kategori sedang dan kelas kontrol  sebesar  0,492  dengan kategori  sedang.  Meskipun  kategori  kedua kelas tersebut  adalah sedang  namun nilai  N-Gain  kelas eksperimen  lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahw a ada pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Posing terhadap kemampuan berpikir analisis sisw a kelas XI pada mata pelajaran PKn di SMKN 6 Mataram.  AbstractThis research aims to find out the influence of Problem Posing learning model on students’  analytical  thinking  ability  in  Civic  education  at  the  second  grade  of SMKN 6 Mataram. The type of research is Quasi Experiment by using Non-equivalent Control Group Design. The research instrument used w as multiple choice test w hich consisted of 25 items to measure students' analytical thinking ability. Based on the data analysis by using t-test, it resulted that t-ratio = 2.256 > t-table = 1.683 w ith dk  = n1+n2–2=39  on 5% significant  level, w hich means there is a significant difference  betw een  students’  analytical  thinking  ability  on  Civic  education  at experimental  class  and  control  class.  Then,  the  result  w as  tested  by  N-Gain analysis. It show ed that the N-gain value of Experimental class is 0.604 as medium category  w hile  Control  class  is  0.492  as  medium  category.  Although both categories  w ere same,  the N-Gain value of Experimental class w as higher than Control  class.  Regarding  to  the  result,  it  can  be  concluded  that  there  is  an influence of Problem Posing learning model on students’ analytical thinking ability in Civic education at the second grade of SMKN 6 Mataram.Key words: Problem Posing Learning Model, Analytical Thinking Ability

2018 ◽  
Vol 226 (3) ◽  
pp. 289-310
Assist. Lecturer. Hadeel Salman Dawood

      The research aims to identify the effect of the Osborne-Barnes model on the creative solution to problems in life skills and critical thinking of second-graders. The research community requires the choice of one secondary school in Baghdad and only female schools. Provided that the number of people in the second intermediate grade is not less than two divisions. The researcher selected the study sample from all the second grade intermediate students for the academic year (2016 - 2017) from Al-Furat Girls School of the Directorate General of Education Baghdad Al-Karkh / 1 and the chosen mean (75) students distributed randomly on two divisions (A, B). The total number of female students in the Division was (38) students studying using the Osborne-Barnes model for the creative solution of problems, and the total number of students in Division B was 37 students who studied in the usual manner. The parity of the two groups was verified: age in months. IQ degree. Previous achievement and critical thinking, life skills scale, previous information test. The two groups were equal in all variables. As for the research tool, the researcher prepared a test for critical thinking, whose final form consisted of (60) paragraphs and the scale of life skills, which consisted of (44) paragraphs.      After the researcher completed the research experiment according to what was planned in the development of critical thinking and the scale of life skills found the experimental group, which is modeled on the Osborne-Barnes model of creative problem solving, is superior to the development of critical thinking and life skills on the control group taught in the usual way.  

Nia Haryani ◽  
Noviyanti Aneros ◽  
Herniwati Herniwati

Abstract. Japanese intransitive and transitive verb pairs (jidoushi and tadoushi pairs) are still one of difficult things for Japanese language learners. Results of questionnaire mentioned that difficulties experienced by a student are distinguish between intransitive and transitive verb pairs, and use of intransitive and transitive verb pairs in Japanese sentence. Therefore, we have to use an effective media on intransitive and transitive verb pairs learning, on purpose to decrease that difficulties. The purpose of this research are (1) to know any significant difference in learners ability in intransitive and transitive verb pairs vocabulary and know how to using intransitive and transitive verb pairs in Japanese sentence before and after using Meguro language center (MLC) flash media; (2) to determine the effectiveness of using MLC flash media in intransitive and transitive verb pairs learning; (3) to determine learners response of using MLC flash media in intransitive and transitive verb pairs learning. This research use the true experiment design, and also use the test and questionnaire to get some data’s. The research object is second grade students of UPI’s Japanese language education departement of the academic year 2015/2016, and the samples are students at 4B as experimental group and students 4C as control group. From the result of data analysis obtained that value is 2,46 and value is 2,07 at 5% significance level. Because is greater than so Hk accepted. Then from normalized gain mean, experimental group gained 0,67 is approving of MLC flash media is more effective as compared with text media. In addition, analysis of questionnaire showed that student has given a positive response to application of MLC flash media. Keywords : Japanese intransitive and transitive verb pairs, jidoushi and tadoushi pairs, learning media, flash, Meguro language center  Abstrak. Bagi pembelajar bahasa Jepang, jidoushi dan tadoushi berpasangan masih menjadi hal yang sulit. Hasil angket menyebutkan bahwa kesulitan yang dialami pembelajar adalah kesulitan dalam membedakan jidoushi dan tadoushi berpasangan dan kesulitan dalam penggunaan kedua verba tersebut dalam suatu kalimat. Diperlukan suatu media yang efektif dalam pembelajaran jidoushi dan tadoushi berpasangan agar kesulitan tersebut dapat dikurangi. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengetahui adakah perbedaan yang signifikan mengenai kemampuan pembelajar dalam menguasai kosakata dan memahami penggunaan jidoushi dan tadoushi berpasangan sebelum dan sesudah proses pembelajaran menggunakan media flash Meguro language center (MLC); (2) untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas penggunaan media flash MLC terhadap kemampuan pembelajar dalam menguasai kosakata dan memahami penggunaan jidoushi dan tadoushi berpasangan; (3) untuk mengetahui tanggapan pembelajar terhadap penggunaan media flash MLC dalam pembelajaran jidoushi dan tadoushi berpasangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen murni. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan, yaitu tes dan angket. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu mahasiswa tingkat II Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang UPI tahun ajaran 2015/2016 kelas 4B sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan kelas 4C sebagai kelompok kontrol yang masing-masing kelas diambil sebanyak 12 orang. Dari hasil analisis data setelah melakukan penelitian, diperoleh nilai sebesar 2,46 dan nilai 2,07 pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Karena hasil lebih besar dari  maka Hk diterima. Kemudian dari nilai rata-rata normalized gain kelas eksperimen yaitu sebesar 0,67 membuktikan bahwa menggunakan media flash MLC lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan media teks. Kemudian berdasarkan pengolahan angket menunjukan bahwa pembelajar memberikan respon yang positif terhadap penggunaan media flash MLC. Kata kunci : Jidoushi dan tadoushi berpasangan, media pembelajaran, flash,  Meguro language center

Simona Prosen ◽  
Vesna Geršak ◽  
Helena Smrtnik Vitulić

The study focuses on students emotion expression during geometry teaching including creative movement (experimental group or EG) and without it (control group or CG). The sample (N = 104) was made up of primary school (second-grade) students: 66 were assigned to the EG and 38 to the CG. Of these, 12 students from the EG and 8 from the CG were randomly selected for observation of emotion: type, intensity, triggering situation, and response of others. For the observed students, the intensity of emotion expression was also measured by the facial expression recognition software FaceReader. All of the students self-assessed their contentedness with the teaching. The students in the EG and the CG expressed various emotions, with joy being the most prevalent, followed by anger. The most frequent situations triggering joy were activities in the EG and the CG. The intensity of joy was higher in the EG than in the CG when assessed by observation, but there was no significant difference when assessed by FaceReader. The intensity of anger expression was at a similar level in both groups. Both students and teachers responded to students joy expression, but only the students responded to anger expression in the EG and the CG. The students in both groups expressed a high level of contentedness with the teaching. Key words: creative movement; emotion expression; intensity of emotions; students; teaching method.

1978 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 363-368
Jeanette McCarthy Gallagher ◽  
D. Kim Reid

Three Piagetian-type problems were used to determine: (a) the relation between success on the check test of conservation of continuous quantities and an overt manifestation of reversibility, (b) the relation between that overt manifestation and explanation criteria, and (c) grade and task differences. 48 kindergarten, first- and second-grade children were tested. On two of the three problems conservation was related to the performance-based solution. Explanations accounted for considerable variance even after the effects of judgments had been removed. The second-graders performed significantly better across tasks than did the kindergarten children. It was suggested that both judgment and explanation criteria are needed to assess cognitive structures.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-51
Mohammad Mokhtari ◽  
Ramazan Hassanzadeh ◽  
Bahram Mirzaeeyan

Background: Meta-cognitive skills training through giving meaning to information and making a logical connection between new and previously learned content, enables students to learn better and improve their academic performance. The present study was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of meta-cognitive skills training on the motivational structure and academic performance of drop-out students. Methods: This study considered as semi-experimental research which has used the pretest-post-test with control group design. In this study, the statistical population included all drop-out male and female students of the Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University (They entered the university in 2014 and considered as drop-out students for at least two years). Thirty students were selected using the purposive sampling method, who randomly divided into two groups of experimental (n=15) and control (n=15). Meta-cognitive skills taught to the experimental group within four sessions. The Motivational Structure Questionnaire (MSQ) and academic performance report card were used to collect data. Covariance analysis and SPSS-24 software used for data analysis. Results: According to the results of covariance analysis, there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups (P<0.001). Therefore, it can conclude that meta-cognitive skills training a significant effect on the motivational structure and students’ academic performance. Conclusion: Due to the results of this study, it is imperative that university officials pay attention to the effect of the meta-cognitive training program on the motivational structure and performance of drop-out students and provide the proper context for relevant skills training in the counseling department, the department of social affairs and educational field.

1984 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-15 ◽  
Carol Swift

The Carrow Elicited Language Inventory was used to compare the imitation skills of kindergarten children identified as high risk for learning disability with those of a normal control group. A significant difference was found between the two groups in the total number of errors. Differences were also found in the ability to imitate adjectives, conjunctions, pronouns, and verbs. An incidental finding, failure on the part of many high-risk subjects to imitate interrogative stimuli, is discussed in terms of a processing deficit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
M. Arif Rahman Hakim ◽  
Tri Nur Susanti ◽  
Asiyah Asiyah ◽  
Mohamad Jafre Zainol Abidin

The aim of this study is to find out whether or not there was a significant difference between students who were taught using picture and picture strategy and that of those who were not in writing recount text. The study employed a quasi-experimental study. The population in this study were the second grade students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Bengkulu city, Indonesia with a total number are 89 students. Out of this population, 60 students were taken as the sample. They are divided into two groups; experiement and control group, which consisted of 30 students for each group. The data were collected by using writing test. The data obtained were analyzed by using t- test formula. The data were found that the result of t-count post-test (6.34) was higher than t- table (2.00) with α = 5 % and df= 58. The finding of this research shows that there is a significant difference between students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah who are taught using picture and picture strategy and that of those who are not. Based on the result on the study, picture and picture strategy can improve students’ writing achievement in writing recount text evidently

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