scholarly journals Adapting urban areas for people with limited mobility

2019 ◽  
Vol 97 ◽  
pp. 01033
Ekaterina Melnikova ◽  
Mikhail Lepert ◽  
Aleksey Popov ◽  
Tatyana Sorokoymova

In article the ways of adaptation of elements of improvement, and also replacement of monolithic and stationary parts of the equipment on flexible, transformed designs were analyzed. The main prerequisites for a qualitative change in the urban environment are the actual needs of the population: unhindered access to the objects of the mass service system (hereinafter MSS), safe movement on transport and pedestrian routes from residential areas to gravity focuses, the possibility of orientation, barrier-free communication and communication with dispatching service organizations in emergency situations through multimedia resources [7]. The main methods of research in the current article are full-scale surveys, interviewing the target audience with a preliminary sample. The article considers a set of solutions for the adaptation of the territory to the needs of PWLM by means of transformable structures [17]. Standardization of structures and equipment will allow to achieve better quality, more ergonomic solutions in the equipment of objects of different categories and purposes, unification of prefabricated elements-their serial production with the state control of products. Such organization of improvement will allow to achieve sustainable development of urban areas for the project period, will create a basis for future generations.

А.В. Терешкин ◽  
А.Л. Калмыкова ◽  
Т.А. Андрушко

Вертикальное озеленение с участием различных видов лиан в современных условиях имеет важное эстетическое и санитарно-гигиеническое значение. Особо актуально решение вопросов обогащения флоры городских территорий лианами в степных районах в связи с бедным видовым составом и резким ухудшением экологической ситуации. Объектами исследований являлись 7 видов лиан, различных жизненных форм (однолетние, многолетние), произрастающие в населенных пунктах Саратовской области (Аткарск, Саратов). Цель исследований – изучение эколого-биологических особенностей и мелиоративных свойств лиан и выявление перспектив их использования в вертикальном озеленении селитебных территорий Саратовской области. В ходе исследования видового состава, были выявлены наиболее популярные виды однолетних лиан: ипомея красно-голубая (Ipomea tricolor (L.) Roth) и ипомея пурпурная (Ipomea purpurea (L.) Roth), горошек душистый (Lathyrus edoratus L.), настурция (Tropacolum peregrinum L.) и фасоль огненно-красная (Phaseolus coccineus). Большинство (70%) из них произрастают в местах ограниченного пользования. Изученные виды лиан в исследуемых регионах достигают средних природных показателей (при наличии надлежащего ухода), обладают хорошими показателями жизненного состояния, обильно цветут и плодоносят. При воздействии токсикантами различной концентрации на листовые пластинки лиан установлено их степень устойчивости. Выявлено, что однолетние лианы лучше использовать в декоративных целях, а не в санитарно-гигиенических. Сравнительная оценка однолетних видов с многолетними лианами (девичий виноград пятилисточковый и клематис тангутский) показывает устойчивость многолетних видов (в среднем на 3 балла - 40%). Разработаны варианты декоративных композиций с участием травянистых лиан. По степени декоративности выделены однолетние лианы – Ipomea tricolor, I. purpurea (37 – 41 балл), средней степенью отличаются – Lathyrus edoratus (33 балла), Tropacolum peregrinum (30 баллов) и Phaseolus coccineus (20 – 27 баллов). Преимущество многолетних лиан заключается в их устойчивости к резким изменениям климатических условий (на 40 %) по сравнению с однолетними формами. Поэтому они более предпочтительны для озеленения городской среды. Для усиления декоративного эффекта в сезонном аспекте рекомендуются сочетать расширение видового и формового разнообразия растений (многолетние и однолетние лианы, древесно-кустарниковая, цветочная растительность). Установлено, что природно-климатические условия зоны степи и лесостепи в пределах Саратовской области являются достаточно благоприятными для нормального роста и развития древесно-кустарниковой растительности, в том числе травянистых лиан. Таким образом, обоснованное применение древесных лиан в комплексе с традиционными видами насаждений позволит создать комфортные условия проживания населения, регулировать оптимальный температурный баланс и создавать благоприятные микроклиматические условия. Vertical gardening with different types of vines in modern conditions is important aesthetic and sanitary-hygienic value. It is especially important to address the issues of enrichment of the flora of urban areas with vines in the steppe regions due to poor species composition and a sharp deterioration of the ecological situation. The objects of research were 7 species of lianas, various life forms (annual, perennial), growing in the settlements of the Saratov region (Atkarsk, Saratov). The aim of the research is to study the ecological and biological features and reclamation properties of vines and identify the prospects for their use in vertical gardening residential areas of the Saratov region. In the study, species composition was the most popular species of annual vines: morning glory red-blue (Ipomea tricolor (L.) Roth) and purple morning glory (Ipomea purpurea (L.) Roth), the fragrant pea (Lathyrus edoratus L.), nasturtium (Tropacolum peregrinum L.) and runner beans (Phaseolus coccineus). Most (70%) of them grow in restricted areas. Studied species of vines in the study regions reach average natural performance (with proper care), have good indicators of vital condition, bloom abundantly and bear fruit. When exposed to toxicants of different concentrations on the leaf blades of vines established their degree of stability. It was revealed that the annual vines are better used for decorative purposes, and not in the sanitary-hygienic. A comparative assessment of annual species with perennial vines (maiden grapes and clematis Tangut) shows the stability of perennial species (an average of 3 points-40%). The options and decorative compositions with the participation of herbaceous vines. According to the degree of decoration of the allocated annual vine – Ipomea tricolor, I. purpurea (37 – 41 points), the average degree of differ – Lathyrus edoratus (33 points), Tropacolum peregrinum (30 points) and Phaseolus coccineus (20 to 27 points). The advantage of perennial vines is their resistance to sudden changes in climatic conditions (40 %) compared to annual forms. Therefore, they are more preferable for greening the urban environment. To enhance the decorative effect in the seasonal aspect, it is recommended to combine the expansion of species and form diversity of plants (perennial and annual lianas, tree and shrub, floral vegetation). It is established that the climatic conditions of the steppe and forest-steppe zone within the Saratov region are quite favorable for the normal growth and development of tree and shrub vegetation, including herbaceous lianas. Thus, the reasonable use of wood vines in combination with traditional types of plantings will create comfortable living conditions for the population, regulate the optimal temperature balance and create favorable microclimatic conditions.

2006 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
E. v. Münch ◽  
G. Amy ◽  
J. F. Fesselet

This paper describes the potential of ecological sanitation (ecosan) to provide sustainable excreta disposal in emergency situations and in peri-urban areas or slums in developing countries. At the present time, pit latrines are the most common form of excreta disposal both for emergency situations and in low-income peri-urban areas or slums. Although not intended to be a long-term solution, pit latrines provided during emergencies are often used for a long time (more than six months to years). This practice is not sustainable if the area is prone to flooding or there are soil conditions that allow groundwater pollution in areas where groundwater is used for drinking water, to name but two of the main factors. We propose eight criteria for the applicability of ecosan based on analysis of three case studies representing different types of emergency situations. The two most important criteria are awareness and expertise in ecosan within the aid agencies, and availability of standardised, lightweight toilet units that are quick to assemble and easy to transport (e.g. container for faeces, and urine diversion squatting pan made of impact-resistant molded polypropylene). Such toilets could be moved to, or replicated in, other areas in need after the emergency (peri-urban areas or slums). This would provide benefits for Millennium Development Goals achievements (targets on hunger, child mortality, sanitation and slum dwellers) at lower cost than conventional sanitation systems. Costs for sanitation systems should be compared based on the entire system (toilet, transport, treatment, reuse in agriculture), using Net Present Value analysis for capital, and operating and maintenance costs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 6930
Shinsuke Kyoi

This study evaluates people’s preferences regarding the proximity of their residence to agricultural urban green infrastructure (UGI), such as agricultural land and satoyama, and discusses the availability of these types of land as UGI. UGI is vital for reducing the negative environmental impacts of urban areas, as these impacts are too large to ignore. In this study, we conducted an online survey and a choice experiment to investigate people’s perceptions regarding the proximity of their residence to agricultural UGI (AUGI). The respondents of the choice experiment were 802 inhabitants of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, which has rich agricultural resources. To examine explicitly the spatial autocorrelation of people’s preferences, in this study, we used the spatial econometrics method. The main empirical findings are that people prefer agricultural land far away from their residence—more than 1000 m, not within 1000 m—which reflects the not-in-my-backyard phenomenon. Meanwhile, people’s preferences regarding proximity to satoyama are complicated and their preferences are positively spatially autocorrelated. The results indicate that policymakers and urban planners should manage and provide AUGI far away from residential areas; otherwise, they must address people’s avoidance of neighboring AUGI.

F.V. Matveenkov ◽  
D.A. Tolstova ◽  
O.V. Masharova ◽  
O.V. Sachkova ◽  

Risk-oriented approach in the implementation of control (supervision) activities is an important state task that affects the country economy. As part of the implementation of the priority area of reforming control and supervision activities, the Federal Law «On the state control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation» was adopted, which comes into force on July 1, 2021. In order to implement the Federal Law «On state control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation», it is advisable to revise the regulation on the federal state energy supervision. It is required to study the issue of taking into account the risks of causing harm (damage) to legally protected values when carrying out control (supervision) activities in relation to the subjects (objects) of the energy sector, as well as criteria for assigning it to the risk category and indicators of the risk of mandatory requirements violation. Currently, the only criterion for assigning the harm (damage) to the risk category is the dependence on the established and (or) transmitted capacity of the energy facilities used, which is nonobjective due to the changes in the normative-regulatory framework for the implementation of control and supervision activities. It is required to study the issue of categorization depending on the established (transmitted) capacity of the object, the amount of economic damage as a result of the implementation of emergency situations and (or) emergency incidents (in value terms), the number of people killed (irretrievable losses), the number of people whose vital functions were disrupted as a result of the implementation of emergency situations and (or) emergency incidents.

1999 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 145-151 ◽  
C. J. Pratt

Permeable surfaces for roads and footpaths have been used as a means of disposal of stormwater in developed urban areas. Such surfaces provide an alternative to impermeable concrete or tarmacadam surfaces which would otherwise produce rapid stormwater runoff, leading to possible flooding and degeneration of receiving water quality through the uncontrolled discharge of polluted urban waters. A further advantage may be obtained from such constructions by undersealing them so as to retain stormwater for re-use for non-potable uses. The potential for general introduction of this type of storage and re-use system in residential areas is discussed and possible alternative designs for the drainage infrastructure proposed. To have widespread impact such a strategy must deliver cost savings as well as reduce the impact on the water environment of anticipated water usage demands. The source of such cost savings and the general environmental benefits of such systems will be presented. The materials used in such a sealed construction and the beneficial changes to the stored water quality are outlined. Recent work has also shown that where the pavement is used for car parking any oils dropped on the surface and washed into the structure by the stormwater may also be degraded. Details will be given of a site in the UK where the above construction is to be used to provide stormwater storage for re-use in flushing toilets at a Youth Hostel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 12175
Le-Minh Ngo ◽  
Hai-Binh Nguyen ◽  
Thi-Phuong Uyen Nguyen ◽  
Thi-Minh Dieu Nguyen

As with many metropolitan areas, social housing (SH) provision, which can improve living standards and social welfare, is crucial for urban socio-economic development strategies in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). However, there have been issues relating to promoting social housing in the Vietnamese context resulting from the property market and the design. The former is a failure to attract investors. The latter relates to lacking housing models for the mid- and low-income communities. Currently, many low-income families who have low access to the general job market in HCMC have to make a living by running their own business at home. This situation leads to low-income housing establishments in some residential areas. Thus, the planning approach in social housing needs to solve both the demand for low-cost housing and promoting self-employed activities. In this paper, mixed methods, including observation, questionnaires, interviews, data aggregation, and comparison, were conducted with supporting legal conditions and corresponding operating conditions to propose appropriate designs for the SH for self-employed people in HCMC. First, observing and analyzing urban spaces helped identify the unused urban areas that solve the investment issue. Then, after studying the development of social housing in different contexts via the questionnaire and in-depth interviews, self-employed households’ basic information and their business needs in using SH spaces were identified in some districts. Then, based on the legal framework and practical projects, optimal space designs were formed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 1901
Saikiran Deshabhotla ◽  
Sonnathi Sandeep ◽  
Baswaraj Tandur

Background: Neonatal nurses are the backbone of any neonatal service, spending maximum time in the care of the sick New-borns in the Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Objective of the study was to know about the educational qualification and assess the self-reported confidence in various clinical skills among the nurses working in level 2 & 3 NICUs, preferred learning methodology and assess self-reported stressors among the nurses working in level 2 and level 3 NICUsMethods: This cross-sectional study was done across Level II and Level III Neonatal intensive care units in urban areas of the city of Hyderabad, India over one year from January 2019 to December 2019. Individual questionnaires were distributed to each registered nurse working in the NICU for a minimum duration of six months who were willing to participate.Results: A total of 217 respondents were enrolled. The majority of the nurses were having General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) qualification 52% (n=112). Nearly 26% (n=58) of the nurses were not comfortable performing bag and mask ventilation. Learning from senior nurses/colleagues as the most preferred mode of learning 45% (n=98). Low salaries 45% (n=98) followed by absence of doctors in emergency situations 37% (n=81) and high documentation (paperwork) 36% (n=78) were most frequently reported stressors.Conclusions: Most of the nursing participants qualified as GNM. Lacking skills of neonatal resuscitation. Mentor based learning needs to be facilitated by raising a cadre of neonatal nursing tutors in various nursing colleges. Paperless monitoring systems and other automation methods should be developed to reduce the documentation work of the staff. 

2021 ◽  
Dominik Husarek ◽  
Simon Paulus ◽  
Michael Metzger ◽  
Vjekoslav Salapic ◽  
Stefan Niessen

Since E-Mobility is on the rise worldwide, large Charging Infrastructure (CI) networks are required to satisfy the upcoming Charging Demand (CD). Understanding this CD with its spatial and temporal uncertainties is important for grid operators to quantify the grid impact of Electric Vehicle integration and for Charging Station (CS) operators to assess long-term CI investments. Hence, we introduce an Agent-based E-Mobility Model assessing regional CI systems with their multi-directional interactions between CSs and vehicles. A Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) is applied to quantify the impact of 11 technical levers on 17 relevant charging system outputs. The GSA evaluates the E-Mobility integration in terms of grid impact, economic viability of CSs and Service Quality of the deployed Charging Infrastructure (SQCI). Based on this impact assessment we derive general guidelines for E-Mobility integration into regional systems. We found, inter alia, that CI policies should aim at allocating CSs across different types of locations to utilize cross-locational effects such as CSs at public locations affecting the charging peak in residential areas by up to 18%. Additionally, while improving the highway charging network is an effective lever to increase the SQCI in urban areas, public charging is an even stronger lever in rural areas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-71
Bogdan Stanescu ◽  
Adriana Cuciureanu

The present article presents the expertise realized by the Department of Environmental Monitoring Pollution Evaluation within the INCD ECOIND, in the evaluation of the quality of urban soils in the municipality of Bucharest and the main big cities in Romania. The current data available at the level of the 27 member states of the European Union show that annually over 100,000 hectares of land are introduced into the urban environment, a direct consequence of the development of cities. There are a number of legislative obstacles to strategic soil protection measures. Moreover, at the level of the local authorities there is a conflict regarding the measures of soil protection in the long term, on the one hand, and, the accelerated economic development in the short term, on the other. European environmental experts consider that the urban development, absolutely necessary for the economic growth, requires an adequate management of the natural resources in order for the development to be done on a sustainable basis, respectively to follow a series of strategic objectives. In our country, at least in the last decade, we find on a large scale the conversion of industrial areas into commercial or residential areas. The footprint of industrial activities can be found even after long periods of time present by identifying the remnant of soil pollution or in those areas known as historically polluted (for example the town of Copsa Mica). The conclusions stemming from the assessment of pollution in urban areas over large areas, in correlation with the potential sources of pollution, underline the need to monitor the quality of soils in the urban environment, but also to apply a performance management in order to protect this natural resource in the long term.

Tin Ly Trong Nguyen

Space is regarded not simply as a backdrop against which social processes are played out, but also as a means for the realisation of interest and power relations, and an outlet of a community’s identity, which in turn shapes that identity. In the case of Aboriginal Australians, who live in the land that is originally of their ownership but later largely occupied by European people, the utilisation of space for indicating their presence, therefore promoting their interest, and space influence upon them, can be seen in Australian urban areas. The Aboriginal might increase their visibility variously in residential areas, at their own buildings, or via drawings along roads in their settlements. These efforts notwithstanding, the marking of space by the white people is seemingly dominant, and the Aboriginal are prone to think that they are excluded in some measure from urban social activities.

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