scholarly journals Preservation of Cultural Identity through Speech Components in the Southern Coastal Java Environment

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 07045
Riris Tiani

This research discusses the form of defence of the southern coastal community which is frequently considered strange by most of the Indonesian archipelago community. The analysis began with discussing the linguistic phenomena of the local community, identifying and corroborating the findings as initial capital to determine the analysis method. The findings can be useful for making corrections or structuring social and cultural policies towards indigenous/local wisdom and preserving cultural identity. The research was oriented to the speech lexicon of the Southern coastal communities of Central Java. This research used descriptive qualitative and contextual approaches. The analysis used to describe the speech component was dialect geography and collaborated with an anthropological-linguistic approach to find innovative forms and factors that maintained local identity. As the southern coastal chain of Central Java, bordering with West Java, the nuances of cultural acculturation as a form of cultural pluralism are very visible. Cultural acculturation results in the emergence of language enclaves. The language enclave is formed because the speech community has a speech code that is different from the mother tongue and the nearest language. Language enclaves formed on the southern coast of Central Java occur at the level of internal innovation. Internal innovations in the southern coast language enclave occur in the form of allophones and allomorphs that can be traced based on the articulation process. Social heritage as a form of language preservation in the language enclave of the southern coast of Central Java is formed by the characteristics of simplicity and social intelligence of the people.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-88
Sukanya Sharma

The megaliths of Cherrapunjee are part of a prehistoric cultural tradition which is intricately woven with the sociocultural life of the Khasis and Jaintias. But material changes in the nature of society and the economy in the latter half of the twentieth century have resulted in new identity formations in Cherrapunjee and this has undermined some of the presumed certainties of cultural identity. The study documents local community attitudes regarding the megaliths and how the community accessed, interacted and used the sites today. A framework for managing archaeological heritage by integrating global and local conservation approaches in Cherrapunjee was developed.

Kenny Kenny ◽  
Mieke Choandi

Nowadays, culture is a lifestyle that develops in a community group and is passed down from generation to generation. In addition if this culture is already attached to an area, for example Chinatown. Where these popilation and lifestyle are very thick with Chinese culture.As an example of china town that we know, Glodok, which is very attached to Chinese culture, can be seen from the old Chinese building style, the lifestyle of the people that has majority whom work as traders, and many cultural or traditional events that are held in Glodok. But in the mean time these Chinese culture starts to fading even disappearing from it, and this issue is causing the people that lived here with the inherent culture facing a crisis of regional identity and cultural identity that should be the character of Chinatown itself.This proposed project appears in the form of a Cultural Space that can accommodate traditional and cultural activities with the ultimate goal of awakening and preserving Chinese culture for the local community even on a city scale. In addition to generating and preserving, this project aims to provide a new spatial experience as the new face of Chinatown and as a breakthrough Nodes in the region. Keywords:  Chinatown; Chinese; Cultural Space; Nodes; Westernization  ABSTRAKDalam kehidupan sehari-hari budaya merupakan suatu gaya hidup yang berkembang dalam suatu kelompok masyarakat dan diwariskan secara turun menurun. Ditambah lagi jika budaya tersebut sudah melekat dengan sebuah kawasan contohnya, Pecinan dimana penduduk dan gaya hidupnya sangat kental dengan budaya China. Salah satu contoh Pecinan yang kita kenal merupakan Glodok. Kawasan Glodok yang sangat kental dengan budaya China dapat dilihat dari gaya bangunan, pola hidup masyarakatnya yang mayoritas bermata pencaharian sebagai pedagang, dan banyaknya acara kebudayaan atau tradisi yang dilakukan di kawasan Glodok.Namun seiring dengan berjalannya waktu budaya tersebut semakin memudar bahkan hilang yang menimbulkan masyarakat etnis Tionghoa yang pernah hidup di dalam kekentalan budaya disini menghadapi krisis identitas Kawasan dan identitas budaya yang seharusnya menjadi ciri khas pecinan sendiri.Muncullah usulan proyek berupa cultural space yang dapat mewadahi aktivitas tradisi dan kebudayaan dengan tujuan akhir membangkitkan dan melestarikan budaya China bagi masyarakat setempat bahkan dalam skala kota.Selain untuk membangkitkan dan melestarikan, proyek ini memiliki tujuan untuk memberi pengalaman spasial yang baru sebagai wajah Pecinan yang baru dan sebagai terobosan Nodes baru di kawasan ini.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-195
Zaitur Rahem ◽  

One of the great influences of the Madurese community is derived from its culture. The culture of the local community born from its familiarity is able to sow the heritage of scientific heritage that gives bright colors to generations afterwards. The culture of Molang Areh as a form of a series of events in the event of ʻaqiqah (salvation on the birth of a baby) in the midst of the Madurese community has created scientific colors for its reviewers. A culture that does not have a proposition in this holy book, turns out to be a loose bow through religious teachings. The occurrence of marriages of culture and religious teachings can indicate that culture born from the mother tongue of the people of the interior of Madura has never been in conflict with the teachings of the religion that is present among the people. Keywords; Culture, Religion and Molang Areh

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
Suyanto Suyanto

AbstractCentral Java Province is a speech community of Javanese language, but Sundanese language as a mother tongue in residents the Central Java area bordering with West Java. Because of Central Java as a speech community the Javanese langage, it’s as one subject of local content in this region. For residents who speak Sundanese as mothertongue, this is a difficulty in itself. It is important for us to discuss. This paper aims to analyze the use of Sundanese as a mother tongue and its implications in language teaching policy in the Province of Central Java. The data in this study were collected by literature study technique with data source, that is,TheCitizenship, Ethnicity, Religion, and Every day language Indonesia Population: Result of Population Census2010. Data analysis using statistics descriptive and descriptive qualitative.Data from the 2010 Population Census shows that 578,164 people of Central Java (age 5 and above) use Sundanese as the mother tongue of a total of 29,671,375. The number of Sundanese speakers in Central Java is spread across 14 districts in two districts, namely Brebes and Cilacap. The presence of Sundanese speakers in Central Java is due to two factors: 1) migration factors and 2) non-migration factors. Number of Sundanese speakers due to migration factor 109,428 and non-migration factors amounted to 468,736.IntisariProvinsi Jawa Tengah merupakan masyarakat tutur bahasa Jawa, namun penduduk di daerah Jawa Tengah yang berbatasan dengan Jawa Barat menggunakanan bahasa Sunda sebagai bahasa sehari-hari (bahasa ibu). Karena Jawa Tengah sebagai masyaratakat tutur bahasa Jawa, maka bahasa Jawa sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran muatan lokal di wilayah ini. Bagi penduduk yang berbahasa ibu bahasa Sunda, hal ini merupakan kesulitan tersendiri. Karena itulah, hal ini penting untuk kita diskusikan. Paper ini bertujuan menganalisis pemakaian bahasa Sunda sebagai bahasa sehari-hari (bahasa ibu) dan implikasinya dalam kebijakan pengajaran bahasa daerah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Data dalam studi ini dikumpulkan dengan teknik studi pustaka dengan sumber dataKewarganegaraan, Suku Bangsa, Agama, dan Bahasa Sehari-hari Penduduk Indonesia: Sensus Penduduk2010. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan deskriptif kualitatif.Data hasil Sensus Penduduk 2010 menunjukkan bahwa578.164 jiwa penduduk Jawa Tengah (umur 5 tahun ke atas) menggunakan bahasa Sunda sebagai bahasa ibu dari total 29.671.375. Jumlah penutur bahasa Sunda di Jawa Tengah tersebar di 14 kecamatan dalam dua kabupaten, yakni Brebes dan Cilacap. Keberadaan penutur bahasa Sunda di Jawa Tengah karena dua faktor yaitu 1) faktor migrasi, dan 2) faktor non-migrasi. Jumlah penutur bahasa Sunda karena faktor migrasi 109.428 jiwa. Sementara itu, jumlah penutur bahasa Sunda karena faktor non-migrasi sebesar 468.736 jiwa. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Maria Damiana Nestri Kiswari

Abstract A house is a building that has function to live in a certain period. The house has some spaces and rooms that accomodate all inhabitans’activities. In Javanese culture, philosophy of house is more than a place where all the people stay and live, communicate each other. The spaces and rooms of the house have specific meanings. Joglo is a name of Javanese traditional house partiularly in Central Java. As a traditional Javanese houses in the modern era, the existence of Joglo houses is interesting to be studied. The study is to identify the room arrangement and the change in function of spaces and rooms in Joglo house. It was conducted on one house in Keji Village, Muntilan District, Magelang Regency. The house is a residence of the former headman of Keji village. It has been choosen because it has Joglo tipical roof and its appeareance is still traditional house. This study uses a descriptive quality method which is by observing and defining the spaces and the rooms in the Joglo house along with their functions and activities inside. By studying this Joglo house, an overview and understanding of the changes in the spaces and room in the traditional architecture of Central Java in the present time will be obtained. Keywords: Joglo house, space and room, change in function Abstrak Rumah merupakan bangunan yang memiliki fungsi untuk bertempat tinggal dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Sehingga sebagai tempat tinggal rumah memiliki ruang-ruang untuk menampung aktivitas penghuninya. Dalam budaya Jawa, fisosofi tentang rumah merupakan tempat yang memiliki makna lebih dari sekedar tempat bernaung dan berkumpul keluarga. Joglo merupakan bentuk arsitektur dari rumah tinggal tradisional di Jawa khususnya Jawa Tengah. Sebagai rumah tradisional Jawa, keberadaan rumah Joglo yang masih ada di jaman sekarang ini, menjadi menarik untuk dipelajari tatanan ruang-ruangnya dan perubahan dari fungsi ruang-ruang tersebut. Untuk mempelajari dan memahami aristektur Joglo dan perubahan fungsi ruang yang ada di dalamnya, dilakukan penelitian terhadap salah satu rumah tinggal di Desa Keji, Kecamatan Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metoda deskriptif kualitati yaitu dengan mengamati dan mengidentifikasi ruang-ruang yang ada di rumah Joglo beserta fungsi dan aktivitasnya. Dengan meneliti rumah Joglo ini akan didapatkan gambaran dan pemahaman terhadap perubahan fungsi ruang-ruang yang ada dalam arsitektur tradisional khususnya Jawa Tengah. Kata kunci : rumah joglo, fungsi ruang, perubahan fungsi

2020 ◽  
Askar Nur

This research explains the mysticism of mappadendang tradition in Allamungeng Patue Village, Bone Regency, which is believed by the local community as a form of shielding from danger and can resist reinforcemen such as Covid-19 outbreak. This research is a descriptive study using qualitative method and an ethnographic approach. This research was carried out with the aim of identifying the mystical space in mappadendang tradition which was held in Allamungeng Patue Village. After conducting the tracing process, the researcher found that mappadendang tradition which was held in Allamungeng Patue Village, Bone Regency in July 2020 was not a tradition of harvest celebration as generally in several villages in Bone Regency, especially Bugis tribe, but mappadendang was held as a form of shielding from all distress including Covid-19 outbreak. This trust was obtained after one of the immigrants who now resides in the village dreamed of meeting an invisible figure (tau panrita) who ordered a party to be held that would bring all the village people because remembering that in the village during Covid-19 happened to almost all the existing areas in Indonesia, the people of Allamungeng Patue Village were spared from the outbreak. Spontaneously, the people of Allamungeng Patue Village worked together to immediately carry out the mappadendang tradition as a form of interpretation of the message carried by the figure.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Nuah Perdamenta Tarigan ◽  
Christian Siregar ◽  
Simon Mangatur Tampubolon

Justice that has not existed and is apparent among the disabilities in Indonesia is very large and spread in the archipelago is very large, making the issue of equality is a very important thing especially with the publication of the Disability Act No. 8 of 2016 at the beginning of that year. Only a few provinces that understand properly and well on open and potential issues and issues will affect other areas including the increasingly growing number of elderly people in Indonesia due to the increasing welfare of the people. The government of DKI Jakarta, including the most concerned with disability, from the beginning has set a bold step to defend things related to disability, including local governments in Solo, Bali, Makassar and several other areas. Leprosy belonging to the disability community has a very tough marginalization, the disability that arises from leprosy quite a lot, reaches ten percent more and covers the poor areas of Indonesia, such as Nusa Tenggara Timur, Papua, South Sulawesi Provinces and even East Java and West Java and Central Java Provinces. If we compare again with the ASEAN countries we also do not miss the moment in ratifying the CRPD (Convention of Rights for People with Disability) into the Law of Disability No. 8 of 2016 which, although already published but still get rejections in some sections because do not provide proper empowerment and rights equality. The struggle is long and must be continued to build equal rights in all areas, not only health and welfare but also in the right of the right to receive continuous inclusive education.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-423 ◽  
Gessiane Picanço

Mundurukú, a Tupian language of Brazil, exhibits two opposite scenarios. On one extreme, there is Mundurukú do Pará, the language of daily communication in the Mundurukú Indigenous Land, with fluent speakers found across all generations and still acquired by children as a mother tongue. On the other extreme, there is Mundurukú do Amazonas, formerly spoken in the Kwatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land, but whose inhabitants have shifted to Portuguese. A group of Mundurukú students from Amazonas decided to initiate a process of language revitalisation as a way to strengthen the community's ethnic and cultural identity. This paper reports the initial stages of language planning, and includes future actions to promote language use in the homes and communities, assessement of language proficiency, and definition of educational programs to teach Mundurukú in local schools.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Remigius Seran

ABSTRACTThe urgency to set up the Border Between Indonesia and Timor-Leste and the border crossers is based on much more complex historical reasons than the arrangement of Indonesia's borders with other countries. Border governance policies between Indonesia and Timor-Leste are characterized by: border governance policies indicate a desire to adopt an integrated approach, governance practices tend to be fragmented where two very dominant approaches are the security approach and the socio-economic welfare approach. A border governance policy that ignores cultural identity variables leads to a reverse response, namely the use of cultural identity to challenge the country's dominant conception and policy in border governance. The phenomenon of "rat road" and other cross-border interaction networks called illegal by the state can be read as a form of local community resistance to the claim of state sovereignty over the border. In an integrated border governance policy, a cultural approach should be one of the main components that characterize other approaches. Jailly puts the four dimensions of the policy parallel, the cultural approach in border governance policy to the principles that fuel security policy, local politics and economic policy in border governance. The practical consequence of this study is the policy that border governance must move beyond the dominance of the economic security approach to an integrated approach. This study proposes the concept of trans-border social and cultural space as an important element in integrated border governance.Key Words: Border governance, Indonesia – Timor-Leste, Cultural crosser borders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 156
Muhammad Noor Hidayat ◽  
Zahrotul Umami ◽  
Muhammad Hasan Bashori

Product design become more important thing for traditional snack producers, especially jajan pasar, which is the term for traditional snack in the Semarang and Central Java Region. The design of packaging and digital advertising is also a supporting tool in marketing of jajan pasar. The development of creativity and product packaging innovation is the key to achieving success for the business being run. Product packaging is a way for consumers to judge a product both in the terms of benefits, aesthetics and quality of the product. The unique product design is an added value in marketing of jajan pasar through digital advertising. Jajan pasar are the potency of Gajahmungkur, but this potential is not supported by packaging design and digital advertising in expanding marketing. Seeing this problem, the communication science lecturer cooperated with Karang Taruna Gajahmungkur to create a public service program about the importance of digital advertising supported by a unique packaging design to increase the marketing of jajan pasar in the Gajahmungkur. Public service activities regarding packaging design and digital advertising are expected to be able to help the people of Gajahmungkur in marketing jajan pasar product so that they can improve the prosperity of Gajahmungkur communities

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