scholarly journals The coastal community perspective of the mangrove ecosystem management in Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 322 ◽  
pp. 05016
Yan A. Nugraha ◽  
Sulistiono ◽  
Handoko Adi Susanto

The development of coastal areas is growing rapidly in line with the high population growth that will threaten the continuity of coastal areas and ecosystems. Mangrove area located in the coastal area of Karawang Regency becomes an ecologically challenged area that greatly affects its sustainability. This study aims to examine mangrove ecosystems and community perspectives on the management of the mangrove ecosystems continuously and sustainably. The method used was a survey study at Nine Districts in Karawang Regency using the descriptive method with case study and perspective analysis on ten categories. Data were collected through interviews, observation and supported by secondary data. The description of this study was focused on mangrove ecosystem condition and community perspective in mangrove area management in coastal district Karawang. Data analysis used was a descriptive qualitative approach based on average with scales. The analysis results showed that most of the coastal communities in Karawang Regency strongly agree that; 1) The mangrove area in Karawang Regency is currently necessary/important to be managed to be sustainable, 2) The form of mangrove area management should involve all the local people, 3) There needs to be cooperation between the government and the local community in mangrove area management activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 05016
Arum Siwiendrayanti ◽  
Sutrisno Anggoro ◽  
Nurjazuli Nurjazuli

Previous studies indicated that coastal areas are vulnerable for mosquito-borne diseases. Socio-economic limitations and tidal flooding result in sanitation problems for coastal settlements. Mangrove ecosystems grow on tropical and subtropical coastal areas which can be mosquito breeding and resting places. This study aimed to explore the evidence of the contribution of mangrove ecosystem conditions to mosquito population through a literature review. Articles collection was done by using Scopus, SpringerLink and EBSCO databases. The inclusion criteria in selecting articles to be reviewed are publications in 2010-2020 and containing the words "mangrove" and "mosquito" in the tittle. The exclusion criteria were article in press status, review form (non-original research), retracted status, and the unrelated topics. It was obtained 6 articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Evidence of the association between the dynamics of the mangrove ecosystem and mosquito density is inconsistent. Following future study is needed to confirm and clarify the results of this review, using methodologies and confounding controls that are appropriate both epidemiologically, spatially, and experimentally.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Salina Nor Azam ◽  
Tanot Unjah

This paper attempts to identify and explicate sustainability approach through innovative management of natural resources that is able to create balance between conservation and utilization of natural resources. Innovative management of natural resources is related to the act of bringing changes or an introduction to a novelty idea for achieving organisational goal which involves organising people, finances and resources, training, controlling, monitoring, and sanctioning. The study focuses on the mangrove ecosystem, one of the most sensitive natural resources in the country, which has been successfully managed by the government through top down approach. Data was gathered through content analysis and interviews with several key persons from the study area. This paper firstly compares the different management approaches in Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve and Kuala Gula Mangrove, before finally elaborating on the innovative management of the latter.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Ida Susi D ◽  
Didik I ◽  
Asih Marini W

SMEs snacks in Gondangan village has the potential to be developed. The village has the potential to be Gondangan Agro-industry region, although it is still much that needs to be repaired and prepared.This study aims to determine the attitude of the public about the development of SMEs in rural areas Gondangan into Agro-industry clusters and how community participation in the development of SMEs in rural areas Gondangan to be Agroindustri. Respondents in this study were the leaders and local community leaders, citizens, snack home industry in the region.This study is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The data of this study is primary data and secondary data consists of qualitative and quantitative data. Primary data were obtained with the interview and focus group discussion.The results showed that the attitude of the public, snack ho,e industri actor and local governments support the development of the region as an area of Agro-Industry cluster. In terms of participation, the government showed a high participation and support by facilitating a variety of activities to realize the region of Agro-Industry cluster, while the snacks businessman as the main actor of Agro-industry development of the area did not show a high level of participation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 245
Ursulla Mariska Maduma Silaban ◽  
Saptono Nugroho

Location of this research in Sendang Duwur district of Lamongan. The condition of tourism Sendang Duwur Village have big potential in giving economic contribution to local society. This is the purpose of this research. Based on the above research that revealed three problems, namely what the uniqueness from tourism product in Sendang Duwur Village, how was the tourist shopping behavior in Sendang Duwur Tourism Village, And how was contribution of Sendang Duwur Tourism Village for Local Comunnity Economic. To express the above problem this research using primary and secondary data source, while type of data used is the qualitative data and quantitative data. The technique in order to obtain the validity of data using flow model method and quantitative analyzing. Data which collect by questionnaire, in-depht interview, observation and documentation. The results of this study related to tourism product unique of Sendang Duwur Tourism Village as attraction, amenities, accessibility and ancillary services. The type of tourist shopping behavior is tourist who like to look for variety with percentage of 80%. Sendang Duwur Tourism Village has not contributed optimally to improve community local economic because visitor spending whose amount is determind by length of stay cannot be used because there is no tourist staying. Tourist only make shorts visit. Some advice will be given for the local people so that keep specificity of tourism product. For the government to more active to promote Sendang Duwur Village to be known to many people.   Keywords : contribution economy, tourism village, local community

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Budi Shantika ◽  
I Gusti Agung Oka Mahagangga

This research was conducted based on the condition of the development of tourism on the island of Nusa Lembongan, aiming to find out the impact brought about by socio-economic conditions against the tourism society.This study uses qualitative and quantitative approach with mix method, the primary data source that are obtained by observations and direct interviews and secondary data. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling techniques and data analysis using the method of case study. This study shows tourism provides impact on society and the government on the island of Nusa Lembongan are seen from eight aspect among others : impact increasing of foreign exchange, impact toward local community income that increasing before tourism exist, impact toward higher prices than the real prices, impact toward employment for opportunity to local community, ownership and control of tourism accommodation, the distribution of benefits and advantage against indigenous village, development in general are seen from 4A tourism and government income of tax viewed from PHR. Advice can be given to government and businessman and tourism service on the island of Nusa Lembongan in the order of future improve the facilities, infrastructure supporting tourism, reinforce the rules on the division of the proceeds against the indigenous villages, improving access and employment for local community on the island of Nusa Lembongan.   Key Words              : Tourism, Nusa Lembongan Island, Impact

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Aji Ali Akbar ◽  
Junun Sartohadi ◽  
Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan ◽  
Su Ritohardoyo

ABSTRAK Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji terjadinya kerusakan lingkungan pantai di negara tropis dan sebagian negara subtropis akibat perilaku manusia. Perilaku manusia yang menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan adalah memanfaatkan sumberdaya alam pesisir tanpa memperhatikan keberlanjutan sumber daya alam dan daya dukung lingkungannya. Kerusakan lingkungan pantai yang umum terjadi di negara tropis dan sebagian subtropis adalah erosi pantai dan degradasi ekosistem hutan bakau. Kerusakan lingkungan pantai ini akibat alih fungsi lahan menjadi jaringan jalan, permukiman, lahan pertanian/ perkebunan, pertambakan, dan pertambangan pasir. Kerusakan lingkungan pantai mempengaruhi kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat setempat seperti hilangnya badan jalan, permukiman, lahan pertanian, dan fasilitas umum akibat abrasi pantai. Upaya penanggulangan kerusakan lingkungan pantai sebagai bagian dari adaptasi manusia mempertahankan kehidupannya berupa pembangunan pemecah gelombang (breakwaters) dan rehabilitasi ekosistem hutan bakau. Upaya penanggulangan bencana tersebut tentunya membutuhkan biaya yang besar dan waktu lama daripada upaya pencegahan. Oleh karena itu, perubahan pola pikir baik pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan, mengelola dan melestarikan sumber daya alam perlu ditingkatkan melalui perbaikan informasi, ilmu pengetahuan, dan strategi perencanaan yang holistik.Kata kunci: erosi pantai, kerusakan ekosistem hutan bakau, alih fungsi lahan, pemecah gelombang, rehabilitasiABSTRACTThis paper aims to assess the coastal degradation in tropical and subtropical countries in part due to human behavior. Human behavior is causing coastal degradation is to utilize natural resources without regard to the sustainability of coastal natural resources and the carrying capacity of the environment. Degradation of coastal common in most tropical and subtropical countries are coastal erosion and degradation of mangrove ecosystems. This coastal degradation as a result of land conversion into roads, settlements, agricultural/ plantation, aquaculture, and sand mining. Coastal degradation affects the socio-economic conditions of local communities such as loss roads, settlements, land and public facilities as a result of coastal erosion. Efforts to cope to the coastal degradation as part of human adaptation to sustain life in the form of construction of breakwaters and rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystems. The disaster relief certainly require a plenty of cost and time than prevention. Therefore, changes in the mindset of both the government and the public in using, managing and conserving natural resources should be increased through improvement of information, knowledge, and holistic planning strategies.Keywords: coastal erosion, mangrove ecosystem degradation, land use, breakwaters, rehabilitationCara sitasi: Akbar,A.,A., Sartohadi., J., Djohan, T.S. and Ritohardoyo, S. (2017). Erosi Pantai, Ekosistem Hutan Bakau dan Adaptasi Masyarakat Terhadap Bencana Kerusakan Pantai Di negara Tropis. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan,15(1),1-10, doi:10.14710/jil.15.1.1-10

Cornelia Mirwantini Witomo

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh kegiatan budidaya tambak udang terhadap ekosistem mangrove dan memberikan rekomendasi terhadap pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove kedepan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kombinasi penelitian kuantitatif kualitatif. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Data sekunder yang dimaksud adalah luasan mangrove pada waktu yang berbeda, luasan budidaya tambak pada waktu yang berbeda, perkembangan volume produksi budidaya tambak, dampak lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosial akibat degradasi ekosistem mangrove. Sumber data sekunder diperoleh dari hasil penelitian terdahulu yang sesuai dengan topik bahasan dalam penelitian serta publikasi dari instansi terkait. Metode pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisis data sekunder secara deskritif dan dipresentasikan dalam bentuk tabulasi dan grafik. Dampak yang timbul akibat degradasi ekosistem mangrove adalah: (1) Terjadinya erosi garis pantai dan sempadan sungai; (2) Sedimentasi; (3) Pencemaran; (4) Berkurangnya fungsi ekologi dan secara langsung akan mempengaruhi fungsi ekonomi dengan berkurangnya jumlah tangkapan nelayan; serta (5) terjadinya intrusi air laut. Implikasi pada sosial ekonomi adalah ketahanan pangan menjadi rawan dan tingginya perpindahan penduduk untuk mencari sumber mata pencaharian lainnya. Rekomendasi kebijakan untuk memperbaiki ekosistem mangrove dan mengurangi dampak adalah melakukan rehabilitasi ekosistem mangrove dengan melibatkan masyarakat secara aktif dan melakukan praktek perikanan yang berkelanjutan sebagai contoh menerapkan perikanan organik yang saat ini menjadi dasar untuk pembelian ekolabeling sebagai bentuk peningkatan sertifikasi sebagai komoditas ekspor serta pembentukan ekonomi baru yang kreatif dalam pemanfaatan mangrove seperti ekowisata, penyediaan warna alami untuk batik dan pembuatan olahan makanan.Title: Impact of Shrimp Fish Pond towards to Mangrove EcosystemThe objectives of this study are to identify the impacts caused by shrimp fish pond activities on mangrove ecosystem and provide recommendations for the management of the future mangrove ecosystem. The research approach used a combination of qualitative quantitative research. The type of data used in this study is secondary data. Secondary data consist of the extent of mangroves at different times, the extent of fish pond at different times, the development of the volume of production of fish ponds, environmental, economic and social impacts due to the degradation of mangrove ecosystems. Secondary data sources were obtained from the results of previous studies in accordance with the topic of discussion in research and publications from relevant agencies. The method of collecting data in this study is a literature study and then analyzed by descriptive secondary data analysis method and presented in the form of tabulations and graphs. The impacts arising from the degradation of the mangrove ecosystem are (1) the occurrence of shoreline erosion and river boundaries, (2) sedimentation, (3) pollution, (4). reduced ecological functions and will directly affect economic function by reducing the number of fishermen’s catches and (5) the occurrence of seawater intrusion. The implications for socio-economic conditions are food security is vulnerable and the high population movement to find other sources of livelihood. Policy recommendations to improve mangrove ecosystems and reduce impacts are to rehabilitate mangrove ecosystems by actively involving the community and carrying out sustainable fisheries practices as an example of implementing organic fisheries which is currently the basis for purchasing ecolabeling as a form of increasing certification as export commodities and forming a new creative economy in the utilization of mangroves such as ecotourism, providing natural colors for batik and making processed foods.

Tila Novita ◽  
Iswandi Umar

This research was aimed to analize community perception of disaster recovery after the February 2019 earthquake in Solok Selatan . It used a qualitative method and interactive analysis. The research location was Sangir Balai Jonggo in Solok Selatan Regency. Observation, interview, document study and FGD were conducted to collect desired data. Two types of data were obtained. Primary data were collected from the informants selected through purposive sampling including the local community and the government in the affected area, while secondary data were obtained from related local literatures. The informants were Sekcam (District Head) and the community affected by the disaster in Sangir Balai Janggo, Solok Selatan. Physical recovery was done in the 3 most damaged nagaris (village). One of them is Nagari.Sungai Kunyit. There were 67 severely damaged houses, 91 were moderately damaged, and 192 were slightly damaged. Futhermore, the earthquake also affected the facilities in 4 nagaris in Sangir Balai Jonggo; 6 medical centres, 28 schools, and 18 mosques. The result showed that most community were satisfied with the recovery program and they gave positive feedback especially on the aid given to them. The recovery included donation for the victims like basic foods, clean water, instant foods, baby supplies, etc, therapy treatment by doctors and volunteers to help with their mental state and to build their confidence after the earthquake. Key Words: Perception, Disaster, Recovery.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (V) ◽  
pp. 305-322
Abdikadir Dubow Mohamed ◽  
Felix Kiruthu

Public participation plays an important role in the democratization of countries globally. The accomplishment of public participation process is determined by how well it is organized.  This study sought to examine the effects of public participation on local legislation in Banadir region of Somalia. The study was guided by the following objectives, to investigate factors that led to public participation, examine the design of public participation mechanism; investigate the process of public participation and analyze the consequences of public participation. The research will employ a descriptive research design. The study population comprised all the stakeholders including the youth, elders, staff employed by the regional government, the clergy, politicians and the non-governmental organizations involved in public participation in Banadir region. Purposive sampling was done to come up with the sample size of the study. Regarding the variance among the target population, where a number of target population involved, the sample size of this study was 130 respondents. Eighty (80) of the respondents were community members including local politicians, clergies, traders, university lecturers, university students, farmers, chiefs and opinion leaders. Twenty (20) of the participants were management staff and heads of national civil labor departments. Thirty (30) respondents were also from the Local community elders who are engaged in public participation programs in Banadir Region.  Both secondary and primary data was accessed for the study. Primary data was collected from the identified stakeholders using the questionnaires, while secondary data was obtained from books and journals from Kenyatta University Post Modern Library. The study used two theories: New public management theory and Cornwall’s Theory of Participation that describe the relevance of public participation public development. Data processing and cleaning was done; the descriptive statistics was utilized quantitative data. Statistical tables and graphs was present the result. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The study found out that the citizen’s attitude has an impact on public participation. When citizens have a positive attitude towards the local legislation services, there are high chances they will participate. The study also found out that public participation design and process have an influence on local legislation. Therefore, the study recommends that the government and other stakeholders should come up with various ways of ensuring that all citizens are informed about public participation. The study also recommended that public participation design and process should be improved with the aim of improving public participation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 009 (01) ◽  
pp. 60-71
Trisla Warningsih ◽  
Kusai Kusai ◽  
Lamun Bathara ◽  
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain ◽  

Coastal ecosystems on small islands have a large enough pressure to be inversely proportional to a large island due to various resource capabilities and limited supporting factors. Mangrove is one of the ecosystems on the coast of a small island that is susceptible to disturbance because it is close to human activities. This study aimed to determine the mangrove ecosystem management strategy on the coast of the Siak Regency. The research was conducted from July to August 2020 using survey and interview methods. Data analysis used the Analytical Hierarchy Process to determine the mangrove management strategy. The results showed that community involvement is a priority for managing sustainable mangrove ecosystems with the assistance of the Government and NGOs. Management priority factors, namely ecology, while still paying attention to economic, social, institutional, and technological concerns.

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