scholarly journals The role of stages in designing English syllabus development for the students of electrical engineering study program

2017 ◽  
Aly Imron
Yudhi Prabowo Kusuma ◽  
Sutrisno Sutrisno ◽  
Muhammad Hamka Ibrahim

The Development of Portal Elektro Information System is carried out to create solutions for administrative problems related to Internship and Final Project, especially students, lecturers, and Electrical Engineering staff. Moreover it is an effort to improve the quality of the system to be more innovative and support the needs of Electrical Engineering study program. The System of Portal Elektro covers student needs to carry out internship or final project, starting from implementation guidelines, proposal writing, until becomes final report. This information system is developed with Rapid Application Development method, and use Laravel framework with the concept of MVC (Model, View, Controller) which can separate application based on application components, such as: manipulation data, controller, and user interface. With the RAD method and Laravel framework, application development can be done quickly and structured making it easier for further development in the future. The developed system has been successfully tested and applied in the Electrical Engineering study program at UNS and is planned to be implemented in several other study programs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1
Meirista Wulandari ◽  
Suraidi Suraidi

Electrical engineering perception especially in electronics, is limited for teachers and high school students. The application of electronics makes the system more applicative by sharing knowledge among the Untar electrical engineering study program lecturer and high school students or teachers. Hygienics, such as hand sanitizers are important, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Automatic hand sanitizer is a means of supporting applications that can support protocols for maintaining hygienics. The method of this activity is to conduct electronics training. The activity took place and was carried out at Tarsisius II High School, Jakarta via online, zoom. The teaching staff for electronic training are lecturers of Electrical Engineering, Tarumanagara University. The material is about making an automatic hand sanitizer in few steps. Outcomes are produced with finished products for high school students and seminars for lecturers who support this activity. Training using ready-made modules. The training starts from an explanation of the system, an explanation of the modules used, the characteristics of each module, how to connect, the stages of manufacture, and the final stage is system testing. The training was attended by students of SMA Tarsisius 2. The training was conducted online. The participating students were able to take part in the training well and the implementation of this activity went well that is indicated by the survey of beneficial 56%. Wawasan mengenai teknik elektro terutama dalam bidang elektronika sangatlah terbatas termasuk juga bagi para guru dan siswa sekolah tingkat SMA. Penerapan ilmu elektronika yang membuat sistem menjadi lebih aplikatif dapat dilakukan dengan berbagi ilmu dari dosen program studi teknik elektro Untar dengan sekolah SMA. Kebutuhan kebersihan seperti hand sanitizer menjadi penting terutama dalam masa pandemi Covid 19 sekarang ini. Hand sanitizer otomatis menjadi sarana penunjang aplikasi yang dapat mendukung protokol menjaga kebersihan. Metode kegiatan ini dengan melakukan pelatihan elektronika. Kegiatan berlangsung dan dilaksanakan di SMA Tarsisius II, Jakarta via zoom online. Tenaga pengajar pelatihan elekltronika adalah dosen Teknik Elektro Universitas Tarumanagara. Materi yang diajarkan adalah cara membuat hand sanitizer otomatis secara bertahap. Luaran yang dihasilkan dengan produk jadi bagi siswa SMA dan seminar bagi dosen pengampu kegiatan ini. Pelatihan menggunakan modul – modul yang sudah jadi. Pelatihan dimulai dari penjelasan sistem, penjelasan modul yang digunakan, karakteristik tiap modul, cara koneksi, tahapan pembuatan, dan tahap akhir yaitu uji coba sistem. Pelatihan diikuti oleh siswa SMA Tarsisius 2. Pelatihan dilakukan secara daring. Siswa peserta dapat mengikuti pelatihan dengan baik dan pelaksanaan pelatihan ini berjalan dengan baik ditunjukkan berdasarkan hasil survei manfaat 56%.

Rahmi Rahmadani ◽  
Anni Holila Pulungan ◽  
Tiarnita Siregar

This research aim to design English speaking materials needed for students of electrical engineering study program at SMK Sinar Husni Medan. This study was conducted by using Research and Development (R & D) design through six stages; gathering information and data, analyzing data, designing materials, validating by experts, revising, and final product.The subject of this study were students of class X-l2 of electrical engineering study program consisting of 38 students. The instrumentations for collecting the data were questionnaire and interview. After analyzing the data, the writer got the students’ needs. The data were gathered by administering interview to the English teacher and distributing the questionnaire to 38 respondents to get the students’needs. The interview and questionnaire results prove that the students need English reading materials which contain English for electrical engineering study program. Thus, The materials were then developed through Contextual Teaching and Learning approach which implementation by REACT (relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating, and transferring) and developed with their study program and work life situation. The learning materials were developed into 6 units of speaking material. by two experts; English lecturer and English teacher. The average scores are 4,5 or 90% from English Lecturer and 4,4 or 87,6% from English teacher.It means the developing materials categorized as relevant or appropriate for grade X students of electrical engineering study program. Key words: Research and Development (R & D), Speaking materials,Contextual Teaching and Learning, Electrical Engineering Program

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-138
Yusuf Fornando ◽  
Ahyanuardi Ahyanuardi

Based from observation of the learning process of the Domestic Electrical Installation Practice of vocational students of the Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Padang State University shows that the learning process is not optimal because of practical learning unchallenged students to be creative in planning and implementing Domestic Electrical Installation Practices. The research objective is to develop a project-based practice module that can improve student learning outcomes in the learning process of the Domestic Electrical Installation Practice. Research with Four-D design is applied to develop and test the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of project-based practice modules in learning domestic electrical installation practices. The stages of the research include defining, designing, developing, and distributing. The results of testing the validity of project-based practices indicate that the learning media is valid. These aspects are material, media aspects, and language aspects. Indicates that the project-based practice module is valid to apply in the learning process of Domestic Electrical Installation Practices. The result the data analysis shows that the practice module developed in the Domestic Electrical Installation Practice learning process is valid, it can be concluded that the project-based practice module is valid for use in the learning process Domestic Electrical Installation for Electrical Engineering Study Program students

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-23
Kiki Maria

Abstract Practical work is one of the requirements for taking the final project (thesis) in the Architectural Engineering Study Program. Practical Work Performed by students majoring in Architecture for approximately four (4) months to carry out activities on certain construction projects that are related to the field of architecture such as planning, implementation and supervision of institutions outside the campus in this case the Contractor or Planning Consultant. This research is to find out whether students in carrying out the Final Project also apply the experience gained while carrying out practical work. Based on the above background, we are very interested in proposing and trying to do research with the title "The Role of Practical Work Subjects in Engineering Student Program Final Project". This research was conducted in several stages, namely the survey stage, the data processing stage, and the conclusion drawing stage. In the survey stage, primary data collection is carried out by making a comparison between the Job Training Report and the Final Task Report. Comparisons were made at several universities which according to the plan would be chosen as sampling locations, namely: Bung Karno University, Pancasila University, Indonesian Christian University and "YAI" University. The second stage, data processing is done using the method of raising the sample, the method of analysis, and testing the hypothesis. The last stage was drawing conclusions about the Role of Practical Work Subjects in the Final Project of the Architectural Engineering Study Program.

Atiqah Nurul Asri ◽  
Aly Imron ◽  
Satrio Binusa Suryadi

The proper teaching materials determine successful teaching-learning. Teaching materials are required to adapt to the current situation of the institution, curriculum, and learners. The new curriculum adopted by the Electrical Engineering Study Program required the updated version since English courses had been replaced by the first and last semester of both the D3 and D4 programs. Developing the new teaching materials for the study program aimed to provide relevant issues and teaching strategies that could boost students' motivation in the classroom. Thus, the developed teaching materials were to propose the teaching and learning that fit the learner's needs. The research objective was to develop new teaching modules for the Electrical Engineering Study Program that were much more interactive, effective, and efficient for the learners to study English within the Electrical Engineering context. This research applied Research and Development (R&D) model adopted from Borg and Gall comprising six stages, namely: (1) needs analysis, (2) designing the product, (3) proposing the product, (4) evaluating the product, (5) testing and (6) disseminating the product. As a result, the new teaching module was redesigned to provide English teaching and learning effectively and efficiently that could be easily understood and helpful for the student to achieve the learning outcomes as expected.

Hans Perdana Putra ◽  
Syamsudin Nur Wahid

Ngadirejo Village is a safe and comfortable village with the majority of the population working in agriculture and animal husbandry. However, on the other hand, public awareness and concern for handling waste is still lacking. Concerns about the waste problem can be reduced by increasing public awareness to treat waste properly and correctly. Therefore, the author tries to make a tool that is an Automatic Trash Place so that the community members are not reluctant to throw garbage in the trash. They do not need to touch the lid of the trash, to open it only need to hold hands and automatically the trash can will open. Trash cans are made by modifying existing bins. Swivel-covered bins are connected by servo motors and ultrasonic and infrared sensors which are controlled by the Arduino Uno microcontroller kit. This trash can can function properly and be used properly by the community. The results of this research are that the trash can can respond to garbage that is 20 cm away quickly and the trainer is used by students of the electrical engineering study program at Balitar Islamic University as a learning medium.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-23
Pratiwi Mutiara Rahim ◽  
Suyitno ◽  
Nur Hanifah Yuninda

This research aims to determine the relationship between interest in becoming a teacher and learning experiences with learning achievement. The method used in this research is expost facto using quantitative approach. The population in this research is the student of Vocational Education in Electrical Engineering Study Program FT-UNJ, while the sample used is the student of Electrical Engineering Vocational Education Study Program of class of 2014 as many as 47 students. Data analysis technique used is hypothesis test and F-test which previously performed prerequisite analysis test: normality test and linearity test. The result of data analysis shows that hypothesis test with significant level 5% obtained r-count = 0,933 and r-table = 0,349, which means value r-count> r-table, then the value of F-count = 49,18 and F-table = 3,20 which means F-count> F-table then it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the interest to be a teacher and the learning experience with the learning achievement of students Vocational Education in Electrical Engineering Study Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara minat menjadi guru dan pengalaman belajar dengan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Seperti namanya, Program Studi Pendidikan Vokasional Teknik Elektro ini diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa yang minat menjadi seorang guru. Para calon guru teknik elektro dididik dan dilatih untuk mempersiapkan diri mereka saat kelak menjalankan tuganya menjadi seorang guru. Namun kenyataannya, sampai sekarang masih terdapat mahasiswa yang mengambil Program Studi Pendidikan Vokasional Teknik Elektro yang tidak berminat untuk menjadi seorang guru teknik elektro. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah expost facto menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Vokasional Teknik Elektro FT-UNJ, sedangkan sampel yang digunakan adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Vokasional Teknik Elektro angkatan 2014 sebanyak 47 orang mahasiswa.. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji hipotesis dan uji-F yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji prasyarat analisis menggunakan uji normalitas dan uji linieritas. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa uji hipotesis dengan taraf signifikan 5% diperoleh nilai rhitung = 0,933 dan nilai rtabel = 0,349 karena nilai rhitung > rtabel, kemudian nilai Fhitung = 49,18 sebesar dan Ftabel = 3,20 yang berarti Fhitung > Ftabel maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara minat menjadi guru dan pengalaman belajar dengan prestasi belajar mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Vokasional Teknik Elektro Univeristas Negeri Jakarta

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