IV. Some account of the Volcanic eruption of cosegüina in the Bay of Fonseca, commonly called the Bay of Conchagua, on the Western Coast of Central America

1836 ◽  
Vol 126 ◽  
pp. 27-30 ◽  

There is perhaps no country on the face of the globe which shows more signs of vast geological disturbances than that part of the western hemisphere which, situate between its great northern and southern divisions, has obtained in more modern times the name of Central America. Its shores, extending to both oceans, are in spots precipitous, while other and extended lines of coast are low, and abound in mangrove creeks, intersected by mountains and volcanic vents, and excavated by a series of lakes, which in the province of Nicaragua interrupt and appear to replace the great chain of the Andes. The finely comminuted scoria affords a soil which produces the richest vegetation, and a vast and new field is offered to the man of science who will boldly face the miasma of the forest, or penetrate the rich mines with which one part of the country abounds. At the termination of a narrow promontory, which runs in a northerly direction from the southern and eastern side of the Bay of Fonseca, stands the volcanic mountain of Cosegüina, washed on three sides by the ocean, of insignificant height, and flattopped; two eruptions are on record, viz. those of the years 1709, and 1809. Since this last date it has remained in a state of quiescence, until the period of that stupendous eruption on the 20th of January last, the details of which I now beg permission to lay before the Royal Society. These details I have drawn up partly from official documents transmitted from the various towns to the government of Centro-America, and partly from the information of intelligent friends, eye-witnesses of all that occurred in those days of terror. The reports to the Government, which are voluminous, fully agree on the main points; in others, probably owing to the changes of locality and consequent variation in the direction of the wind, some slight differences are observable. It is, however, impossible to read these official reports, written too by persons little versed in classical learning, without being struck with the similarity of their description, even to the very terms he used, with that of the younger Pliny in relating to Tacitus the commencement of that eruption of Vesuvius which, nineteen centuries since, buried two cities under its ashes.

The particulars recorded in this narrative are derived partly from a voluminous collection of official reports transmitted from the authorities in various towns to the government of Central America, and partly from the information of intelligent eye-witnesses of the phenomena. The eruption occurred on the 19th of January', 1835, and was preceded by a slight noise, accompanied with a column of smoke issuing from the mountain, and increasing till it took the form of a large and dense cloud, which, when viewed from a distance of ten leagues to the southward, appeared like an immense plume of white feathers, rising with considerable velocity and expanding in every direction. Its colour was, at first, of the most brilliant white; but it gradually became tinged with grey; then passed into yellow; and finally assumed a beautiful crimson hue. In the course of the following days several shocks of an earthquake were felt, the last of which were most terrific. On the morning of the 22nd, the sun had risen in brightness; but a line of intense darkness denoted the presence of the same cloud which had before presented such remarkable is l appearances, and which, extending with great rapidity, soon obscured the light of day ; so that in the course of half an hour the darkness equalled in intensity that of the most clouded night: persons touched without seeing one another; the cattle hurried back to their folds; and the fowls went to roost, as on the approach of night. This atmospheric darkness continued with scarcely any diminution for three days; during the whole of which time there fell a fine impalpable dust, covering the ground at St. Antonio to the depth of two inches and a half, and consisting of three layers of different shades of grey colour: and for ten or twelve succeeding days the sky exhibited a dim and murky light. At Nacaome, to the northward of the volcano, the same degree of darkness was experienced, and the deposit of ashes was from four to five inches in depth, and exhaled a fetid sulphureous odour, which penetrated through every interstice in the buildings. The complete obscurity was only occasionally broken by the lightning, which flashed in every direction, while the air was rent with loud and reiterated explosions like the discharges of artillery, which accompanied each eruption of volcanic matter, and conspired to strike the deepest terror, and to spread among the inhabitants a universal panic that the day of judgement was arrived. On the 24th the atmosphere became clearer, and the houses were found covered to the depth of eight inches with ashes, in which many small birds were found suffocated. Deer and other wild animals flew to the town for refuge, and the banks of the neighbouring streams were strewed with dead fish. In Segovia, and as far as eight leagues from the volcano, the showers of black sand were so abundant as to destroy thousands of cattle; and many were subsequently found whose bodies exhibited one mass of scorched flesh. Within the Bay of Fonseca, and two miles from the volcano, it is stated that two islands, from two to three hundred yards in diameter, were thrown up, probably from the deposit of masses of scoriæ on previously existing shoals.

T. H. Pearson

SynopsisA brief outline of the characteristics and habitat of marine sedimentary benthos is given together with a consideration of the factors influencing the structure and distribution of benthic communities and the role of larval strategies in influencing recruitment to such communities. The bearing these ecological factors have for the conservation of such communities in Scottish waters is discussed in the context of current and potential threats to their present stability and distributions. It is suggested that the rich communities of the fjordic and shelf areas of the western coast and island groups merit the greatest current concern for conservation, in the face of increasing pressures from a range of developmental actions.

Muhammad Erwin Soaduan Pohan

National development seeks to achieve fairly high economic growth, the ultimate goal of which will be to improve the quality of life and welfare for the entire community. Economic growth is interrelated with the process of increasing the production of goods and services in people's economic activities. In other words, growth is a single-dimensional development and is assessed by increasing production output and increasing income. This shows an increase in national income which is reflected by the total number of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Indonesia, as a developing country, is in the midst of carrying out planned and gradual development, without neglecting the efforts of equity and stability in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has made a number of sources of funds used to maintain public health so that for development and equitable distribution of the people's economy, the government is expected to recover immediately. People's economy slumped. Economic growth is a long-term economic problem and is a fundamental phenomenon in every country today. The process of economic growth has parameters with measurements through GNP, foreign exchange reserves, the balance of payments balance, and others. However, Islam commands humans to uphold justice in all issues related to muamalah, including economic justice. Zakat is one of the pillars in reducing the gap between the rich and the poor. QS At Taubah 60 explains that humans are entitled to receive zakat, the first 4 parties are high priority and the second 4 parties are low priority. Through the Amil Zakat Agency as an official government institution, the portrait of economic inequality can be reduced from year to year. This agency has become a reference for the international community as an innovative and massive agency or institution in helping the people.

2021 ◽  
pp. 80-83
Samuel Cohn

This chapter evaluates how poor countries achieve economic growth in the face of all the obstacles posed by the rich countries. The most successful ones have used a highly advanced form of big government — a strategy known to economists as the developmentalist state. This strategy was designed by Japan in the late nineteenth century, perfected by South Korea in the 1960s and 1970s, and brought to a high level of polish by the Chinese today. The key is having a very strong set of government economic planners who tell private companies how they should invest. These countries are not anticapitalist. Companies are privately owned; profits accrue to the owners. But anyone who wants to stay in the good graces of the government follows the official government plan. What Japan, Korea, and China actually did is they restricted firm ownership to locals, keeping multinational corporations out; strictly limited imports for consumption; and massively invested in education. They also developed a long-term plan for the nation to go into the right industries at the right time; induced private firms to cooperate with the national plan by having the government guarantee sales, profits, and cheap credit; and prevented Korean firms from going soft by setting strict performance standards in the middle term.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Shaul M. Gabbay

This paper exposes the scourge of slavery that continues to thrive in the country of Mauritania in modern times. Though the practice is formally abolished and illegal, and the government continues to claim slavery has been eradicated, the truth lies elsewhere. 90,000 dark-skinned slaves, often referred to as Black Moors, continue to live deplorable lives in servitude to their lighter-skinned masters. The Mauritanian government is helping the scourge of slavery endure by denying its existence and providing it cover. Their task is made easier as the face of slavery changes and becomes hidden in the throes of modern commerce, making it more difficult for an outsider to differentiate between a low-income wage earner and a slave. Other situations are painfully identifiable, such as conducting human trafficking for purposes of prostitution. In all situations, women and children make up the vast majority of indentured servants. Due to a forced dearth of educational opportunity, slaves are often illiterate and therefore largely unable to emancipate themselves without outside help. Deeply entrenched belief systems, practices, and governmental and societal structures that exist in Mauritania secure an environment that allows slavery to continue to thrive. In addition to the Mauritanian government, businesses, educational facilities, NGO’s, and members of society at every level must take decisive action to eradicate the practice and change the beliefs that hold it in place. Foreign governments and businesses hold great power in their willingness to engage with Mauritanian leaders. By withholding financial aid and business deals international players have the opportunity to hasten the eradication of slavery in Mauritania This paper examines the depth of the slavery problem and recommends multiple steps for its elimination.

Oruonye E.D. ◽  
Ahmed Y.M. ◽  
Ejiati T.H.

<div><p><em>Tourism provides one of the most important avenues to achieve economic diversification in Taraba State and Nigeria in particular in the face of the present economic challenges all over the world. This study examines the prospect of tourism development on the Mambilla plateau of Taraba State Nigeria and the lessons that can be drawn from the Obudu Mountain Resort. The data used in this study was generated from </em><em>existing sources of data, journal articles, relevant textbooks, online materials, field trips and interviews with government officials and individuals from the study area. The findings of the study shows that despite the rich tourism potentials of the area, traffic flow has been very low owing to a number of challenges. Some of these challenges include inaccessibility of most of the important tourist sites, poor transportation network and connectivity, lack of awareness and poor infrastructural development. The findings of the study also shows striking similarity in the physical environment of Obudu mountain and Mambilla plateau and some of the advantages of the Mambilla plateau over Obudu mountain. Based on the findings of this study, there is need for the government to be more proactive towards tourism development in the area. The state can do well by completing the design of the state tourism development master plan that started many years back. This will provide the required roadmap to tourism development in the state.</em></p></div>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-173
Andrzej Lorkowski ◽  
Robert Jeszke

The whole world is currently struggling with one of the most disastrous pandemics to hit in modern times – Covid-19. Individual national governments, the WHO and worldwide media organisations are appealing for humanity to universally stay at home, to limit contact and to stay safe in the ongoing fight against this unseen threat. Economists are concerned about the devastating effect this will have on the markets and possible outcomes. One of the countries suffering from potential destruction of this situation is Poland. In this article we will explain how difficult internal energy transformation is, considering the long-term crisis associated with the extraction and usage of coal, the European Green Deal and current discussion on increasing the EU 2030 climate ambitions. In the face of an ongoing pandemic, the situation becomes even more challenging with each passing day.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-281
Sylvia Dümmer Scheel

El artículo analiza la diplomacia pública del gobierno de Lázaro Cárdenas centrándose en su opción por publicitar la pobreza nacional en el extranjero, especialmente en Estados Unidos. Se plantea que se trató de una estrategia inédita, que accedió a poner en riesgo el “prestigio nacional” con el fin de justificar ante la opinión pública estadounidense la necesidad de implementar las reformas contenidas en el Plan Sexenal. Aprovechando la inusual empatía hacia los pobres en tiempos del New Deal, se construyó una imagen específica de pobreza que fuera higiénica y redimible. Ésta, sin embargo, no generó consenso entre los mexicanos. This article analyzes the public diplomacy of the government of Lázaro Cárdenas, focusing on the administration’s decision to publicize the nation’s poverty internationally, especially in the United States. This study suggests that this was an unprecedented strategy, putting “national prestige” at risk in order to explain the importance of implementing the reforms contained in the Six Year Plan, in the face of public opinion in the United States. Taking advantage of the increased empathy felt towards the poor during the New Deal, a specific image of hygienic and redeemable poverty was constructed. However, this strategy did not generate agreement among Mexicans.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 330-347
Hugo Agra

O artigo analisa um tema pouco abordado na literatura brasileira de relações internacionais: a atuação das políticas externas do Brasil e do México para a criação do Grupo de Contadora (1983), Grupo de Apoio à Contadora (1985) e do Grupo do Rio (1987). Esses grupos tiveram papéis importantes nas tentativas de estabilização dos problemas políticos, econômicos e sociais da América Central a partir dos anos 1980. O artigo está dividido em quatro partes: i) compreensão da criação do Grupo de Contadora, do Grupo de Apoio à Contadora e a atuação do Brasil e do México, ii) destaque aos principais objetivos desses dois grupos, iii) explica o “dilema” das políticas externas do Brasil e do México diante das ações estadunidenses para a América Central e iv) e descreve a criação e os objetivos do Grupo do Rio. Por meio de uma pesquisa explicativa, onde é fundamental reunir informações sobre vários assuntos para entender de forma mais abrangente um tema específico, o artigo faz uso de fontes secundárias que analisam as relações internacionais da América Latina e os processos decisórios das políticas externas do Brasil e do México na década de 1980, além de algumas fontes primárias, como documentos oficiais dos acordos celebrados e declarações presidenciais disponíveis em arquivos dos sites eletrônicos da presidência ou chancelaria dos países. Conclui-se mostrando que os dois países foram fundamentais para o processo de estabilização política, principalmente na região centro-americana, não só pela importância histórica, política e econômica de cada um, mas também pelo fato de que a formação desses grupos foram importantes para dirimir litígios, acelerar a resolução de conflitos entre os países do continente, além de ter sido um período de aproximação e fortalecimento da relação bilateral Brasil-México.         ABSTRACT: The article analyzes a theme little addressed in the Brazilian literature of international relations: the performance of the foreign policies of Brazil and Mexico for the creation of the Contadora Group (1983), the Contadora Support Group (1985) and the Rio Group (1987). These groups played important roles in attempts to stabilize the political, economic and social problems of Central America from the 1980s onwards. The article is divided into four parts: i) an understanding of the creation of the Contadora Group, the Contadora Support Group and the actions of Brazil and Mexico, ii) highlighting the main objectives of these two groups, iii) explaining the "dilemma" of the foreign policies of Brazil and Mexico in the face of US actions for Central America, and iv) describing the creation and objectives of the Rio Group. By means of an explanatory survey, where it is essential to gather information on various subjects in order to understand more comprehensively a specific theme, the article makes use of secondary sources that analyze the international relations of Latin America and the decision-making processes of the foreign policies of Brazil and Mexico in the 1980s, in addition to some primary sources, such as official documents of the agreements signed and presidential declarations available on the archives of the electronic sites of the presidency or chancellery of the countries. It concludes by showing that both countries were fundamental to the process of political stabilization, especially in the Central American region, not only because of their historical, political and economic importance, but also because the formation of these groups was important to settle disputes, accelerate the resolution of conflicts between the countries of the continent, and was a period of rapprochement and strengthening of the bilateral relationship between Brazil and Mexico. Keywords: International Relations; Latin America; Contadora Group; Rio Group.       Aprovado em: setembro/2019. Recebido em: agosto/2020.

Jürgen Schaflechner

Chapter 3 introduces the tradition of ritual journeys and sacred geographies in South Asia, then hones in on a detailed history of the grueling and elaborate pilgrimage attached to the shrine of Hinglaj. Before the construction of the Makran Coastal Highway the journey to the Goddess’s remote abode in the desert of Balochistan frequently presented a lethally dangerous undertaking for her devotees, the hardships of which have been described by many sources in Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Sindhi, and Urdu. This chapter draws heavily from original sources, including travelogues and novels, which are supplanted with local oral histories in order to weave a historical tapestry that displays the rich array of practices and beliefs surrounding the pilgrimage and how they have changed over time. The comparative analysis demonstrates how certain motifs, such as austerity (Skt. tapasyā), remain important themes within the whole Hinglaj genre even in modern times while others have been lost in the contemporary era.

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