Effects of dietary levels of calcium, phosphorus, and 1-alpha-hydroxycholecalciferol on digestibility, retention of calcium and phosphorus, and concentration of metabolizable energy in diets fed to sows in late-gestation

Su A Lee ◽  
Hans H. Stein

The apparent total tract digestibility and retention of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) and concentrations of digestible energy and metabolizable energy in diets fed to late-gestating sows were not affected by Ca and P levels, but they were increased by dietary supplementation with 1-alpha-hydroxycholecalciferol. There was no interaction between dietary Ca and P and supplementation with 1-alpha-hydroxycholecalciferol.

2019 ◽  
Vol 97 (7) ◽  
pp. 3056-3070 ◽  
Emily A Petzel ◽  
Evan C Titgemeyer ◽  
Alexander J Smart ◽  
Kristin E Hales ◽  
Andrew P Foote ◽  

AbstractTwo experiments were conducted to measure rates of ruminal disappearance, and energy and nutrient availability and N balance among cows fed corn husks, leaves, or stalks. Ruminal disappearance was estimated after incubation of polyester bags containing husks, leaves or stalks in 2 separate ruminally cannulated cows in a completely randomized design. Organic matter (OM) that initially disappeared was greatest for stalks and least for husks and leaves (P < 0.01), but amounts of NDF that initially disappeared was greatest for husks, intermediate for stalks, and least for leaves (P < 0.01). Amounts of DM and OM that slowly disappeared were greatest in husks, intermediate in leaves, and least in stalks (P < 0.01). However, amounts of NDF that slowly disappeared were greatest in leaves, intermediate in husks, and least in stalks (P < 0.01). Rate of DM and OM disappearance was greater for leaves, intermediate for husks and least for stalks, but rate of NDF disappearance was greatest for stalks, intermediate for leaves, and least for husks (P < 0.01). Energy and nutrient availability in husks, leaves, or stalks were measured by feeding ruminally cannulated cows husk-, leaf-, or stalk-based diets in a replicated Latin square. Digestible energy lost as methane was less (P = 0.02) when cows were fed leaves in comparison to husks or stalks, and metabolizable energy (Mcal/kg DM) was greater (P = 0.03) when cows were fed husks and leaves compared with stalks. Heat production (Mcal/d) was not different (P = 0.74) between husks, leaves, or stalks; however, amounts of heat produced as a proportion of digestible energy intake were less (P = 0.05) among cows fed leaves in comparison to stalks or husks. Subsequently, there was a tendency (P = 0.06) for net energy available for maintenance from leaves (1.42 Mcal/kg DM) to be greater than stalks (0.91 Mcal/kg DM), and husks (1.30 Mcal/kg DM) were intermediate. Nitrogen balance was greater when cows were fed leaves, intermediate for husks, and least for stalks (P = 0.01). Total tract digestion of NDF was greater (P < 0.01) for husks and leaves compared with stalks. Husks had greater (P = 0.04) OM digestibility in comparison to stalks, and leaves were intermediate. Apparently, greater production of methane from husks in comparison to leaves limited amounts of energy available for maintenance from husks even though total-tract nutrient digestion was greatest when cows were fed husks or leaves.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 1696
Ridha Ibidhi ◽  
Rajaraman Bharanidharan ◽  
Jong-Geun Kim ◽  
Woo-Hyeong Hong ◽  
In-Sik Nam ◽  

This study was performed to update and generate prediction equations for converting digestible energy (DE) to metabolizable energy (ME) for Korean Hanwoo beef cattle, taking into consideration the gender (male and female) and body weights (BW above and below 350 kg) of the animals. The data consisted of 141 measurements from respiratory chambers with a wide range of diets and energy intake levels. A simple linear regression of the overall unadjusted data suggested a strong relationship between the DE and ME (Mcal/kg DM): ME = 0.8722 × DE + 0.0016 (coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.946, root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.107, p < 0.001 for intercept and slope). Mixed-model regression analyses to adjust for the effects of the experiment from which the data were obtained similarly showed a strong linear relationship between the DE and ME (Mcal/kg of DM): ME = 0.9215 × DE − 0.1434 (R2 = 0.999, RMSE = 0.004, p < 0.001 for the intercept and slope). The DE was strongly related to the ME for both genders: ME = 0.8621 × DE + 0.0808 (R2 = 0.9600, RMSE = 0.083, p < 0.001 for the intercept and slope) and ME = 0.7785 × DE + 0.1546 (R2 = 0.971, RMSE = 0.070, p < 0.001 for the intercept and slope) for male and female Hanwoo cattle, respectively. By BW, the simple linear regression similarly showed a strong relationship between the DE and ME for Hanwoo above and below 350 kg BW: ME = 0.9833 × DE − 0.2760 (R2 = 0.991, RMSE = 0.055, p < 0.001 for the intercept and slope) and ME = 0.72975 × DE + 0.38744 (R2 = 0.913, RMSE = 0.100, p < 0.001 for the intercept and slope), respectively. A multiple regression using the DE and dietary factors as independent variables did not improve the accuracy of the ME prediction (ME = 1.149 × DE − 0.045 × crude protein + 0.011 × neutral detergent fibre − 0.027 × acid detergent fibre + 0.683).

1972 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-103 ◽  
A. M. Raven

SUMMARYA 6 x 6 Latin Square balance experiment was carried out using six Friesian steers, each of which initially weighed about 304 kg. The six treatments studied were an all-hay diet and five other diets containing 20,40,60,80 and 100 % of rolled barley fortified with mineral and vitamin supplements, accompanied by correspondingly reduced proportions of hay. Each diet was fed at an estimated maintenance level of feeding.The progressive increase in the proportion of concentrate gave a significantly linear increase (P < 0·001) in both digestible and calculated metabolizable energy. The actual increase in digestible energy was from 2·62Mcal/kg dry matter (59·3% of the gross energy) on the all-hay treatment to 3·42 Mcal/kg dry matter (79·5% of the gross energy) on the all-concentrate treatment. Use of the determined digestible energy values for the all-hay and fortified barley diets to calculate the digestible energy of the four mixed diets gave results in reasonably good agreement with the determined values, the maximum difference being 0·12 Mcal/kg dry matter, which represented 3·83 % of the determined value. The losses of energy in the urine expressed as percentages of the gross energy of the diets showed a small but significantly linear decrease (P < 0·01) with increase in proportion of barley in the diet. The molar proportions of steamvolatile acids in samples of rumen fluid taken from two animals on each treatment indicated that increase in the proportion of concentrate was associated with tendencies for increase in acetic acid, decrease in propionic acid and little change in butyric acid. The mean digestibility of the organic matter was 62·6 % on the all-hay treatment and 81·8 % on the all concentrate treatment. The progressive increase in the proportion of concentrate gave a significantly linear increase (P < 0·001) in digestibility of the organic matter. Although intakes of nitrogen decreased with increase in the proportion of concentrate due to a decrease in the amount of dry matter fed, the weights of nitrogen retained were well maintained and when expressed as percentages of intake showed a significantly linear increase (P < 0·01).

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 394-395
Jongkeon Kim ◽  
Yun Yeong Jo ◽  
Beob Gyun G Kim

Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) concentrations in high-fiber ingredients fed to growing pigs. Twelve barrows with an initial body weight of 57.5 kg (SD = 5.7) were individually housed in metabolism crates. A replicated 6 × 3 incomplete Latin square design with 12 animals, 6 experimental diets and 3 periods was employed. A basal diet was composed of 75.0% corn and 22.7% soybean meal (SBM) as the sole energy sources. Four experimental diets were prepared by replacing 40% of corn and SBM with soybean hulls (SH), corn gluten feed (CGF), wheat bran (WB), or rice bran (RB). An additional diet was prepared by replacing 10% of corn and SBM with cashew nut hulls (CNH). Each period consisted of a 4-d adaptation period and a 4-d collection period, and the marker-to-marker procedure was used for total collection of feces and urine. The DE and ME values in RB (3,969 and 3,936 kcal/kg DM) were greater (P &lt; 0.05) than those in CGF (2,654 and 2,520 kcal/kg DM) and SH (2,492 and 2,541 kcal/kg DM) and the energy values in WB (3,162 and 3,118 kcal/kg DM) were not different from those in RB, CGF, or SH. The DE and ME values in CNH (350 and 572 kcal/kg DM) were less (P &lt; 0.05) than those in all other test ingredients. In conclusion, energy concentrations in RB were greatest among the high-fiber test ingredients, whereas CNH had the lowest values.

M. Selvaraju ◽  
K. Ganesh

Background: Calving to conception interval is abnormally extended by the occurrence of retained fetal membranes (RFM) by altering the blood biochemical and mineral milieu in cows. Hence this experiment was conducted in RFM affected and normally calved (NC) buffaloes by inducing estrus with CIDR plus PGF2α protocol to study the blood biochemical and mineral profiles and to correlate them with fertility rate. Methods: Buffaloes (n=64) at 45-60 days postpartum including 32 treated for RFM and 32 NC from field were equally divided into groups I and II and groups III and IV, respectively. Buffaloes of groups I and III were initially dewormed and administered 35-50 g mineral mixture daily orally for 15 days in the concentrate feed. Then, buffaloes of all the groups were treated with CIDR plus PGF2α. After CIDR removal, all the buffaloes were artificially inseminated twice at 48 and 72 hrs. Blood was collected during different stages of treatment from all the buffaloes to assess the blood biochemical and mineral status. The animals returned to estrus following FTAI were again inseminated during subsequent estrus. Pregnancy diagnosis was done at 60 days post-AI and conception rates for induced estrus and overall of two cycles were calculated.Result: In all the groups, blood glucose, total protein, triglycerides, cholesterol and phosphorus levels increased from the time of selection to 10 days post-AI. There was an altered calcium phosphorus ratio in RFM affected buffaloes (1:1) at the time of selection. CIDR plus PGF2α protocol influenced the blood biochemical constituents and brought the calcium and phosphorus ratio as 2:1 and improved the fertility in riverine buffaloes. The overall conception rate was 62.50, 37.50, 87.50 and 75.00 per cent, in group I, II, III and IV buffaloes, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 150-150
Koryn S Hare ◽  
Emily Croft ◽  
Katharine M Wood ◽  
Michael A Steele

Abstract The objective was to determine how late gestation metabolizable energy (ME) intake impacts beef cow colostrogenesis. Angus-Simmental primiparous (n = 47) and multiparous (n = 109) cattle were blocked by expected calving date and randomly assigned to receive diets that supplied 80% (LME; n = 53), 100% (CME; n = 52), or 120% (HME; n = 51) of the ME requirement. Treatments were balanced by initial BW and fed for 53 d prior to calving. Cow body weight was recorded d -53, -39, -25, -10, and -3 relative to calving and retrospectively conceptus-corrected. Calves were weighed and measured prior to suckling. Colostrum was hand-stripped from all cows for compositional analysis and a subset (n = 16/treatment) was fully milked using a milking machine. Data were analyzed (PROC GLIMMIX) as a randomized block design, including the fixed effects of treatment, parity, and treatment×parity and the random effects of block and cow(block). Day and its interactions were included for repeated measurements. Treatment did not affect (P ≥ 0.73) cow BW or conceptus-corrected BW. Calf chest circumference was lesser (treatment×parity: P = 0.023) for primiparous vs. multiparous calves if their dams consumed LME or CME, but not if their dams consumed HME. Feeding HME rather than LME increased (P = 0.006) colostrum yield. The LME diet increased (P = 0.004) colostrum IgG concentration over HME; however, HME colostrum yielded more (P = 0.005) total IgG. Crude protein and urea-N were elevated (P &lt; 0.001) in LME colostrum, whereas HME colostrum contained more (P = 0.026) lactose. Low ME colostrum fat was greater (P = 0.013) than CME and beta-hydroxybutyrate was increased (P &lt; 0.001) in LME vs. CME and HME colostrum. These data provide insight regarding nutrient partitioning during late gestation and demonstrate that beef cow colostrogenesis is responsive to prepartum ME intake.

1959 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 364-368 ◽  
W. Bolton

1. The efficiency of food conversion by pullets and yearlings fed on high- and low-energy diets has been determined.2. Egg production was slightly higher by birds fed the low-energy diet for both pullets and yearling hens; pullets laid more eggs than yearling hens.3. For each age, the gross food intake was greater for birds fed the low-energy diet; the consumptions of digestible protein, non-protein digestible energy and metabolizable energy were the same for both diets and both ages of bird.4. The food cost per dozen eggs was slightly greater in the yearling year when the cost of rearing the pullets was ignored, and about the same when it was included.5. The efficiency of utilization of digestible energy and protein showed only a slight decrease from the pullet to the yearling year.6. The variation in the composition and digestibility of eighteen consecutive mixes of the highenergy diet and twenty-five of the low-energy diet was: crude protein 2%, non-protein digestible energy 5% and metabolizable energy 0·4 kg. cal./g. The digestibility of the crude protein and oil was 87%, for both diets; carbohydrates were 81% digestible in the high-energy diet and 59% in the low-energy diet.

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