scholarly journals Multimedia Motion of Picking Robot Based on Cooperative Relationship of Matching Gradient Algorithm

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Jinghai Han

With the continuous development of social economy, robots gradually replace human beings in many aspects of auxiliary work, but it is worth noting that orderly, accurate, and safe operation is the reasonable form of robot movement. In view of the existing limitations, this study combines the gradient matching algorithm, by using a high-precision motion matching for the visual system, improves the automation precision, and, at the same time, picking fruit image smoothing and enhancement, achieves fruit edge feature extraction; the simulation experiments proved that matching the gradient algorithm is effective and can realize the visual and actions match together and support picking robot movement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (07) ◽  
pp. 93-95
Sevinj Mais Nurullayeva ◽  

Human beings perceive of the outside world by listening and reading skills; he also conveys his emotions, thoughts, dreams and impressions to his opponents with his speaking and writing skills. In other words, listening and reading comprehension, speaking and writing is the ability to explain. For this, developing reading, writing skills in primary school children is important. The relationship between this skills should be well understood and attention should be paid to these skills in education and training. Key words: Primary education, researches, reading, writing, relationship of reading and writing

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-220
Joshua Benjamins

Across his corpus, Augustine strikingly and recurrently deploys the three cognate metaphors of slavery to sin, redemption from sin, and slavery to God. I argue that Augustine’s use of these theological metaphors is thoroughly contoured by the legal and social strictures governing slavery and freedom in the later Roman empire. To develop this argument, I pay close attention to the economic and legal connotations of some key terms in Augustine’s lexicon of salvation—like manumissio, redemptio, and libertas—and seek to tease out the social, legal, and economic logic they encapsulate. As I show, the concept of dominium underwrites Augustine’s description of the prelapsarian ordo naturalis as a chain of hierarchical relationships: between God and man, soul and body, male and female. The notion that human beings are enslaved to sin, subject to the condicio servitutis from birth, evokes the situation of laboring tenants (coloni) bound to the land through their origo. Moreover, the bishop of Hippo’s descriptions of captivity to the devil and liberation through the interpellation (interpellatio) of God the Redeemer are informed by the contemporary reality of barbarian captivity and liberales causae, so richly described in Augustine’s Letter 10*. Finally, Augustine’s characterization of Christian service in terms of a state of simultaneous freedom and servitude implicitly draws upon the legal norms governing the relationship of freed captives to their redeemers, as well as the obligations of obsequium and gratia which freedmen owed to their former masters.

2019 ◽  
pp. 417-428
John Child ◽  
David Faulkner ◽  
Stephen Tallman ◽  
Linda Hsieh

Chapter 19 examines alliances in the financial services sector, focusing on banks as the major players. It describes how banks have traditionally formed strategic alliances with other banks and established deep networks. As such they have made themselves into the sector’s banking blocks. However, since the financial crisis of 2008 the terrain has changed and banks are facing the need to digitize and adopt modern technology to a greater degree than previously. The chapter considers the impact of digitization leading to cooperation between banks and software companies and the development of new business models based on the efficiencies digitization offers. It also looks at the cooperative relationship of banks with the new area characterized as Fintech and the emergence of new financial tools like cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

Sylvia Berryman

This chapter examines the evidence of the ethical treatises regarding Aristotle’s use of the appeal to human nature to provide substantive guidance or justification for the demands of ethics. The so-called function argument, the notion that human beings have a natural direction of development, and the references to natural virtue or natural justice are canvassed as possible grounds for believing that Aristotle was an Archimedean naturalist about ethics. The status and relationship of the various ethical treatises is also discussed, together with the place of ethics within the hierarchy of sciences, as necessary background to the examination of Aristotle’s views.

Hiroyuki Masuta ◽  
Yasuto Tamura ◽  
Hun-ok Lim

This paper discusses a learning system for service robots to estimate specific tasks by using simple instructions from human beings. Intelligent robots are expected to operate in human living areas, so service robots should understand specific tasks from simple instructions given by human beings. It is important to perceive environmental situations and to adapt to human preferences. We propose a learningmethod using the Self-Organized Map (SOM) to estimate specific tasks from both human behavior measurement but also environmental measurement. Through simulation experiments, we verified that the proposed SOMbased method considers environmental situations associated time variations and show that service robots decide table-clearing tasks according to human intent.

10.12737/2479 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 316-322
Эдуард Кондратьев ◽  
Eduard Kondratev

This article presents the “Trust” as a micro-level institution. The article shows how to use the “Credibility” provided the institutional transition from a Command-Administrative Relations — characteristic of mass production to the cooperative relationship, which is the base of Lean Manufacturing. It is proved that a relationship of trust has a positive influence on the development of management personnel. The “subjectivity” of the latter is supporting institutional change and provides it with the enterprise longterm dynamic development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 (296) ◽  
pp. 847-866
Volney José Berkenbrock

Na tradição do pensamento ocidental, as diversas ciências que lidam com o ser humano – da filosofia à psicologia, da teologia à medicina – são herdeiras de um conceito dualista: matéria-espírito; corpo-alma; físico-psíquico. O modo de pensar yorubano, que chegou ao Brasil pelos escravos, e sobreviveu, sobretudo na religião do Candomblé, tem um conceito diverso deste dualista. O ser humano é multidimensional e constitui-se a partir da relação harmônica entre as diversas dimensões. Quais são estas dimensões e como elas concorrem para a composição de um conceito de ser humano serão o objeto das considerações desta contribuição.Abstract: In the tradition of Western thought, the various sciences that deal with human beings - from philosophy to psychology, from theology to medicine - are heirs of a dualistic concept: matter-spirit; body-soul; physical-psychic. The thinking of yoruba-people, who arrived in Brazil by slaves, and survived, especially in religion Candomble, have a different concept of this dualistic. The human being is multidimensional and is constituted by the relationship of various dimensions. What are these dimensions and how they contribute to the composition of a concept of human being will be the object of consideration of this contribution.Keywords: Human being. Candomblé. Religious anthropology. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 66 (261) ◽  
pp. 5
Sinivaldo Silva Tavares

Esta reflexão quer resgatar a antiga intuição eclesial expressa no princípio: legem credendi statuat lex supplicandi (“a lei da oração estabeleça a lei da fé”). Assim sendo, a norma do culto cristão determinará a lógica do crer, explicitando que entre a Liturgia e a Teologia vige uma relação de intrínseca reciprocidade. De um lado, concebe-se a Liturgia como fonte da Teologia e, do outro, a Teologia surge como a instância de verificação da Liturgia. As interpelações que a Liturgia lança à Teologia se reúnem em torno de três elementos: a eclesialidade como o húmus da teologia; o evento pascal de Cristo como a seiva da teologia; a criação, a história e o ser humano como o espaço vital da teologia. A conclusão frisa a necessidade de se aceitar a sacramentalidade da existência humana e a contingência de suas manifestações, e sugere que tanto a Liturgia como a Teologia se tornem mais simbólicas e se aproximem mais da poesia.Abstract: This reflection intends to retrieve and preserve the old ecclesiastical intuition expressed in the principle: legem credendi statuat lex supplicandi (“the law of the prayer should establish the law of faith”). Thus, the norm of the Christian cult will determine the logic of the belief, making it clear that between Liturgy and Theology there prevails a relationship of intrinsic reciprocity. On the one hand, Liturgy is conceived as the source of Theology and, on the other, Theology appears as the instance that confirms Liturgy. The challenges Liturgy places before Theology centre around three elements: the ecclesiastical principles as the humus of theology; the paschal event of Christ as the sap of Theology; and the creation, history and human beings as the vital space of Theology. The conclusion emphasizes the need to accept the sacramental character of human existence and the contingency of its manifestations and suggests that both Liturgy and Theology should become more symbolic and closer to poetry.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Masnun Tahir

Penelitian ini mengkaji efektivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka per­ ceraian di wilayah kerja KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. Oleh karena itu, fokus kajian penelitian diarahkan untuk megetahui: 1) tingkat perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. 2) pelaksanaan kebijakan kursus calon pengantin di KUA Kecamatan Batukliang. 3) tingkat efek­ tivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA kecamatan Batukliang. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosio antropologis. Penelitian ini mem­ posisikan manusia sebagai pelaku yang memahami, meyakini, dan menjalankan ketentuan­keten­ tuan hukum perkawinan dalam Islam maupun dalam perspektif budaya lokal tentang perkawinan yang berkembang di Lombok. Pilihan pendekatan hukum perkawinan dan pendekatan agama dalam penelitian ini akan menjawab beberapa persoalan antropologi melalui empat macam metode ilmiah. Pertama, metode historis, yakni menelusuri pikiran dan perilaku manusia tentang pemahaman dan perilaku perkawinan dan persepsi agamanya yang berlatarbelakang sejarah. Kedua, metode normatif, yaitu mempelajari ketentuan hukum dan norma­norma (kaidah, patokan, atau sastra suci agama) maupun yang merupakan perilaku adat kebiasaan tradisional yang masih berlaku, baik dalam hubungan manusia dengan alam gaib ataupun dalam hubungan antara sesama manusia yang bersumber dan berdasarkan ajaran agama. Ketiga, metode deskriptif, yakni metode yang berusaha mencatat, melukiskan, menguraikan dan melaporkan segala sesuatu yang ditemukan di masyarakat berkaitan dengan obyek yang diteliti, seperti yang dilakukan oleh para etnografer. Keempat, metode empirik yang mempelajari pikiran sikap dan perilaku perkawinan dan agama manusia yang ditemukan dari pengalaman dan kenyataan di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat efektivitas kebijakan kursus calon pengantin dalam menekan angka perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA kecamatan Batukliang dikategorikan efektif. Hal ini dapat dilihat darijumlah total pernikahan dan pengaduan kehendak bercerai yang tercatat di KUA Kecamatan Batukliang pada beberapa tahun yang dideskripsikan dalam beberapa bab dalam artikel ini.[This research examines the effectiveness of the policy bride course in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA Sub Batukliang region. Therefore, the focus of the research study directed to 1) The divorce rate in the region KUA Sub Batukliang region. 2) Implementation of the policy bride’s course in KUA Sub Batukliang. 3) The effectiveness of the policy bride’s course in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA sub­Batukliang region. This research uses a socio­anthropological approach. This research puts man as an actor who understands, believes, and executes the provisions of the marriage law in Islam as well as in local cultural perspectives about marriage that evolved in Lombok. In this study, the choice of law approach to marriage and religious approach will answer some of the questions of anthropology through four different scientific methods. First, the historical method, i.e. the trace of the mind and human behavior of understanding and combining behavior and perception of the diversity of religious history. Second, normative methods, namely studying the laws and norms (rules, benchmarks, or sacred religious literature) as well as the behavior of a traditional custom which is still believed, whether in the relationship of humans with supernatural or in the relationship between fellow human beings based on religious teachings. A method which attempts to record, illustrate, describe and report on everything that is found in the community related to the observation object, as done by ethnographers. Fourth, the empirical methods study the mind, attitude, and behavior of the marriage and human religion according to experience and the reality in the field. The result shows that the policy bride’s course is effective in suppressing the divorce rate in the KUA Batukliang sub-region. It reflects from the total marriage and denunciation of wills divorced are recorded in Batukliang Sub­district on the KUA number of years described in several chapters in this article.]

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