scholarly journals The summit of a moral pilgrimage: Confucianism on healthy ageing and social eldercare

2020 ◽  
pp. 096973302094444
Jing-Bao Nie

To effectively address ageing and develop adequate eldercare needs, among others, new ethical visions are much needed. One of the ways to formulate sound ethical visions for contemporary issues is to reclaim, reinterpret and revive old moral ideas and ideals rooted in different indigenous cultural traditions. Drawing thought, wisdom and inspirations from classical Confucianism, the article offers a Confucian ethical outlook on healthy ageing and social eldercare. The popular perception of ageing in the West as well as China regards old age as a period of inevitable decline. However, Kong Zi (Confucius) treats human life as an ongoing moral pilgrimage, with old age the summit of the lifelong journey. This Confucian ethical view on ageing as the culmination of a lifelong moral cultivation has various important themes. They include the primary feature of learning in healthy ageing, the essential role of social eldercare embedded in the popular Confucian norm ‘filial piety’ ( xiao), intergenerational flourishing and the necessity to respect the rights and dignity of each old person. Such a Confucian socio-ethical vision can not only help identify contemporary failings in the area of eldercare but also generate novel ideas and frameworks to help China and the world to face population ageing and elderly care in a more positive way.

Susannah Ottaway

This article attempts to pull together recent developments and to summarize our knowledge of old age. It primarily focuses on the history of ageing in the West and compares it with other cultures. It concerns the limits and possible extension of the human life span. It includes discussion almost exclusively on male ageing. There are a few medical texts written specifically on female ageing and these focus primarily on menopause. Most studies of the history of ageing, and certainly those most relevant to the history of medicine deal with the demographic and social history of old age and a few larger works have framed the discussion of old age history more generally as centred on the question of continuity versus change in the historical expectations and experiences of old age. There is currently a burgeoning literature on pensions and on old age institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 131-141
Alexander A. Pisarev

This article reviews the possible role of the universal basic income in the transformation of experience in gender and age perspectives. The universal basic income has been particularly hotly debated in recent decades. Regardless of the position, the common tone of the debates is the imperative “we must experiment.” Such a close interest in the universal basic income derives from the fact that it threatens to change the “generic” for humans situation of finiteness of resources and the need to work. Thus, it is able to change the experience of what it means to be human. Since the universal basic income allows to separate labor from income, it is likely that its introduction will return value to the currently stigmatized or devalued types of labor, such as child care, elderly care or domestic work. It creates opportunities for experience redistribution in gender perspective: care and leaving (career break), affective connection, and sensitivity could become the business of both parents, not just mothers. Another experience redistribution is possible in age perspective. Along with automation of labor, population ageing is a universal process that will sooner or later affect all the countries. Alarmist narratives that present this process as a threat and a problem now prevail. They are largely based on outdated ideas about old age and what it means to be old. However, in fact, ageing is the maturation of the population as a whole. With a proper re-evaluation of the meaning and significance of old age, the introduction of the universal basic income could create material conditions for the transfer of experience from the elderly to the younger – for the first time since traditional societies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 42 (5) ◽  
pp. 947-968 ◽  
Adam Moe Fejerskov

Science and technology have been integral issues of development cooperation for more than sixty years. Contrary to early efforts’ transfer of established technologies from the West to developing countries, contemporary technology aspirations increasingly articulate and practice the Global South as a live laboratory for technological experimentation. This approach is especially furthered by a group of private foundations and philanthrocapitalists whose endeavors in developing countries are, like their companies, shaped by logics of the individual, the market, and of societal progress through technological innovation and experimentation. This article draws upon critical intellectual thought about the political and social ramifications of technology to reflect on the renascent role of technology in development cooperation. It traces the discourses and practices of philanthrocapitalist organizations, in particular the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to understand how their experimentalist technology aspirations influence human life and relations in the Global South. This article argues that this newfound focus on technology in development cooperation may challenge the essence of democracy, reduce participation, and have undesirable consequences for populations in the Global South.

Seonsam Na

Until recently in South Korea, the central dilemma facing children with ageing parents was how and by whom their parents should be cared for. In accordance with the norm of filial piety, the eldest son used to take responsibility. However, with the recent proliferation of long-term care hospitals, this arrangement is changing. These institutions, which play the combined role of rehabilitative hospital, long-term care centre, and nursing home, admit elderly people who do not require active medical intervention. The government’s promotion of these hospitals, centred on deregulation, ambiguity around their function, and the lack of alternative care facilities, has led to an expansion of the sector and consequently to the ‘nursing hom(e)fication’ of many of these institutions. While these hospitals ease the pressures associated with an ageing population, their mainstreaming has had an impact on healthcare, medicine, and the lives of elderly people. The hospital field has become commercialised, medical practice is being transformed, and the dignity of elderly people is being lost through hospitalisation. In this new care regime, filial piety itself is undergoing transformation—from an ideology underpinning the domestication of care, to the market idiom of service compliance. In this article, I introduce these hospitals and investigate how their growth has brought about a Korean style of elderly care commodification, revealing the undercurrents of healthcare privatisation and the neoliberalisation of welfare.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-45
Zehra Zaidi ◽  
Shehla Nazir ◽  
Abdul Nasir ◽  
Minhaj Ahmad

The average human life expectancy has increased in recent times, so there is more focus on aging, age-related disease, and geriatric care in society. Older malnourished adults are more likely to have poorer health outcomes, longer hospital stays, and increased mortality, so there is a need to provide a nutritious and healthy diet to the old age population.Recent studies have shown that some medicinal herbs are effective in the intervention or prevention of aging-associated neurological disorders. Unani System of Medicine is one of the old traditional medicines in the world providing health care to humanity for centuries successively through natural safe, effective, and economic herbal medicine.Diets recommended for the old age population have been highlighted in this article with special emphasis on the traditional diets mentioned in the USM for geriatric care. There is a need to explore USM for better care of old age population and to find out an effective, safe, and economic treatment for old age diseases like Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, etc.

2017 ◽  
Vol 163 ◽  
pp. 643-653
Miron Pukan

Artistic patterns of old age expression in the works by Slovak authors Milo Urban, Július Barč-Ivan,Karol HorákThe cultural and social phenomenon of old age as an object of artistic literature from middle ages till contemporary period has been interpreted mostly ambivalently as asource of the wisdom as well as the weakness, experience and psychic degradation, the loss of authority and suffering. Within the various poetic methods realizing in the world and European literary production including Slovak literature, the rich reflections and different artistic patterns of an old age expression can be found. To manifest various forms of this cultural and social phenomenon in the literature three works from different social and historical periods representing various development stages of the Slovak literature will be analysed — the novella Staroba “Old Age” from the collection Výkriky bez ozveny “Yells without Echoing”, 1928 written by the prosaic writer and journalist Milo Urban, the tragedy Matka “Mother” written by prosaic and drama writer Július Barč-Ivan, and the play Cesta “Journey” written by prosaic and drama writer, literary and theatre scientist, university professor Karol Horák. The given texts prosaic one and two dramatic ones are integrated by common milieu with identical archetypal value — the world of Slovak village which is often described in the works by Slovak authors.Whereas the protagonist of the first work is an old village man tossing up between passionate desire to live and the awareness of the death inevitability, in the second and third work the key role is played by older women fulfilling their role of mothers. In Barč´s drama the mistaken fatalistic faith in predetermination of human fates leads towards the religious negativism and becomes the source of evil criminal act. As opposed to Barč´s play Matka the protagonist of Horák´s play Cesta, Kata Pohlodková, believes in the better future on the basis of Christian philosophy. The author stratifies his narration to produce the inward portrayal of aman in the extreme life situation on the background of historical events. Taking into consideration the miscellaneous aspects of this phenomenon, the research of this topic in the literary works is still open provoking the questions like — In which way is life represented in the literature through this phenomenon? Is this phenomenon presented stereotypically or are the generally valid stereotypes overcome? What is the influence of this phenomenon on aman and his/her attitude towards life transience? It can be generally accepted that the phenomenon of old age intervenes into human life and modifies it in abig way.Artystyczne ujęcie zjawiska starości w twórczości wybranych autorów słowackich Milo Urban, Július Barč-Ivan, Karol HorákSpołeczno-kulturowy fenomen starości w literaturze artystycznej od średniowiecza aż po współczesność interpretowany jest ambiwaletnie: z jednej strony jako źródło mądrości i doświadczenia, z drugiej zaś jako czas słabości, degradacji psychicznej, utraty autorytetu oraz cierpienia. W literaturze światowej, europejskiej, więc również, co oczywiste, w kontekście słowackim, stosunkowo często spotykamy się z refleksją na temat ostatniej fazy życia człowieka i z jej różnorodnym artystycznym opracowaniem. Za ilustrację możliwych literackich ujęć owego zjawiska posłużyły nam trzy dzieła autorów piszących po słowacku: nowela Staroba Starość ze zbioru Výkriky bez ozveny 1928; Okrzyki bez echa prozaika, tłumacza i dziennikarza Mila Urbana, tragedia Matka 1943 prozaika i dramatopisarza Júliusa Barča-Ivana oraz sztuka Cesta 1988; Droga dramatopisarza, prozaika, teatrologa i literaturoznawcy — profesora Karola Horáka. Wybrane utwory jeden prozatorski, dwa dramatyczne łączy pewien element archetypiczny — topos wsi słowackiej, skądinąd silnie obecny w rodzimej literaturze.Głównym bohaterem tekstu prozatorskiego jest uwięziony między pragnieniem życia a świadomością nieuniknionej śmierci mężczyzna, natomiast w przypadku dramatów kluczową rolę odgrywają starsze kobiety — matki. W dramacie Júliusa Barča-Ivana ślepe przekonanie o nieodwracalności ludzkiego losu prowadzi do zaprzeczenia religii i— w ostateczności — do zbrodni. Inaczej jest u Karola Horáka. Protagonistka sztuki Cesta Kata Pohlodková zgodnie z duchem filozofii chrześcijańskiej wierzy w lepszą przyszłość. Swoją opowieść autor wzbogaca, na tle wydarzeń historycznych pokazując introspektywę bohatera, który znalazł się w tragicznej sytuacji życiowej.Należy pamiętać o tym, że szeroki horyzont omawianego zjawiska, również dzięki jego wieloaspektowości, nie ogranicza pola badawczego, lecz wręcz przeciwnie — prowokuje do dalszych odkryć oraz prób odpowiedzi na liczne pytania. Bardzo interesująca wydaje się na przykład kwestia rzutowania starości na wizerunek życia w literaturze pięknej. Czy przedstawianie starości podlega powszechnie przyjętemu stereotypowi, czy mu się opiera, przełamuje go? Jaki wpływ ma starość na człowieka i świadomość przemijania? I tak dalej. Z pewnością jednak można stwierdzić, że omawiane przez nas zjawisko determinuje człowieka, określając i formując jego los.

2003 ◽  
pp. 66-76
I. Dezhina ◽  
I. Leonov

The article is devoted to the analysis of the changes in economic and legal context for commercial application of intellectual property created under federal budgetary financing. Special attention is given to the role of the state and to comparison of key elements of mechanisms for commercial application of intellectual property that are currently under implementation in Russia and in the West. A number of practical suggestions are presented aimed at improving government stimuli to commercialization of intellectual property created at budgetary expense.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 76-91
E. D. Solozhentsev

The scientific problem of economics “Managing the quality of human life” is formulated on the basis of artificial intelligence, algebra of logic and logical-probabilistic calculus. Managing the quality of human life is represented by managing the processes of his treatment, training and decision making. Events in these processes and the corresponding logical variables relate to the behavior of a person, other persons and infrastructure. The processes of the quality of human life are modeled, analyzed and managed with the participation of the person himself. Scenarios and structural, logical and probabilistic models of managing the quality of human life are given. Special software for quality management is described. The relationship of human quality of life and the digital economy is examined. We consider the role of public opinion in the management of the “bottom” based on the synthesis of many studies on the management of the economics and the state. The bottom management is also feedback from the top management.

IIUC Studies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 33-46
Kalim Ullah

Human beings are deeply related to land. Human beings take birth on land, live on land, die on land and mixes with land ultimately. As stated in the holy Quran: ‘We (Allah) created you (human beings) from the soil, we shall make you return to the soil and We shall call you back again from the soil’ (20:55). Human life is surrounded by soil i.e. land. So, land is a highly completed issue of human life involving economic, social, political, cultural and often religious systems. Land administration is thus a critical element and often a pre-condition for peaceful society and sustainable development. In administrating land, Khatian or record of rights plays a vital role to determine the rights and interests of the respective parties as supportive evidence. In this article, discussion is mainly made on the fact that Khatian or record of rights is not a document of title solely but it may be an evidence of title as well as possession. IIUC Studies Vol.15(0) December 2018: 33-46

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