Feasting Ritually: An Ethnography on the Implications of Feasts in Religious Rituals

Anil Gopi

Food and feast are integral and key components of human cultures across the world. Feasts associated with religious rituals have special social and cultural significance when compared to those in any other festivities or celebrations in people’s life. In this study, an approach is made to comparatively analyze the feasts at religious festivals of two distinctive groups of people, one with a characteristic of simple society and the other of a complex society. The annual feast happening at the hamlets of the Anchunadu Vellalar community in the last days of the calendar year is an occasion that portrays the egalitarian nature of the people. While this feast is restricted within a single community of particular caste affiliation and geographical limitations, the feast associated with the kaliyattam ritual of village goddess in North Malabar is much wider in scope and participation. The enormous feast brings the people in a larger area and exhibits a solidarity that cuts across boundaries of religion, caste and community. Beyond the factors of social solidarity and togetherness, these events also illustrate its divisive characters mainly in terms of social hierarchy and gender. A comparative study of both the two feasts of two different contexts reveals the characteristic features of religious feasts and the value of food and feast in social life and solidarity and also how it acts as a survival of their past and as a tradition.

Игорь Георгиевич Петров

Одним из интересных и мало изученных источников для изучения традиционных представлений чувашского народа являются запреты (табу). По мнению чувашских лингвистов и фольклористов, они относятся к малым жанрам чувашского фольклора и являют собой отдельный вид афористических устно-поэтических произведений. Им свойственны четкая языковая форма построения, логичность, поучительная направленность, неукоснительность исполнения. Зародившись в глубокой древности, запреты служили одной из форм регулирования поведения человека в обществе. Они регламентировали повседневную жизнь, хозяйственные занятия, промыслы и ремесла, пищу, религиозные верования, поведение, этикет, язык, культуру речи и т. д. Особое место они занимали в обрядовой жизни, в том числе в обычаях и обрядах, связанных с проводами человека в последний путь. Целью настоящего исследования является определение роли и значения запретов в регулировании поведения людей и членов общины в рамках похоронно-поминальных обычаев и обрядов чувашей Урало-Поволжья. В исследовании запреты рассмотрены в соответствии с основными этапами похоронно-поминального обряда (подготовка к похоронам и охрана покойника; обмывание; проводы в последний путь; погребение; поминки). Работа основана на литературных, архивных и полевых материалах автора. При разработке указанной темы автор руководствовался одним из методологических принципов, в соответствии с которым система запретов понимается как часть социо-нормативной культуры народа, регулирующая поведение человека в повседневности и в религиозно-обрядовых практиках. В обоих случаях запреты имеют религиозную природу и выступают своеобразным императивом в процессе социальной жизни человека. Исследование показало, что запреты в контексте похоронно-поминальных обрядов определяли место, время, порядок проведения ритуала и регламентировали поведение участников. В запретах и предписаниях данного вида обряда проявляется двойственное отношение к умершему. С одной стороны, в них просматривается суеверный страх членов социума перед покойником и смертью, с другой — стремление умилостивить его и как можно скорее проводить в потусторонний мир. Благодаря соблюдению этих запретов происходило поэтапное вычленение покойника из мира культуры и социума, а также «перемещение» в мир предков. One of the interesting and little-studied sources for studying the traditional ideas of the Chuvash people are prohibitions (taboos). According to Chuvash linguists and folklorists, they belong to small genres of Chuvash folklore and are a separate type of aphoristic oral-poetic works. They are characterized by a clear linguistic form of construction, logic, instructive orientation, rigor of execution. Originating in ancient times, prohibitions served as one of the forms of regulating human behavior in society. They regulated daily life, household occupations, crafts and crafts, food, religious beliefs, behavior, etiquette, language, culture of speech, etc. They occupied a special place in ceremonial life, including in customs and rituals associated with sending a person on his last journey. The purpose of this study is to determine the role and significance of prohibitions in regulating the behavior of people and members of the community within the framework of funeral and memorial customs and rituals of the Chuvash of the Ural-Volga region. In the study, the prohibitions are considered in accordance with the main stages of the funeral and memorial rite (preparation for the funeral and protection of the deceased; washing; seeing off on the last journey; burial; wake). The work is based on the author's literary, archival and field materials. When developing this topic, the author was guided by one of the methodological principles, according to which the system of prohibitions is understood as part of the socio-normative culture of the people, regulating human behavior in everyday life and in religious and ceremonial practices. In both cases, prohibitions have a religious nature and act as a kind of imperative in the process of human social life. The study showed that prohibitions in the context of funeral and memorial rites determined the place, time, order of the ritual and regulated the behavior of participants. In the prohibitions and prescriptions of this type of rite, an ambivalent attitude towards the deceased is manifested. On the one hand, they show the superstitious fear of the members of society before the deceased and death, on the other — the desire to propitiate him and as soon as possible to conduct him to the other world. Due to the observance of these prohibitions, the deceased was gradually isolated from the world of culture and society, as well as “moving” into the world of ancestors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 171-174
Tarare Toshida ◽  
Chaple Jagruti

The covid-19 resulted in broad range of spread throughout the world in which India has also became a prey of it and in this situation the means of media is extensively inϑluencing the mentality of the people. Media always played a role of loop between society and sources of information. In this epidemic also media is playing a vital role in shaping the reaction in ϑirst place for both good and ill by providing important facts regarding symptoms of Corona virus, preventive measures against the virus and also how to deal with any suspect of disease to overcome covid-19. On the other hand, there are endless people who spread endless rumours overs social media and are adversely affecting life of people but we always count on media because they provide us with valuable answers to our questions, facts and everything in need. Media always remains on top of the line when it comes to stop the out spread of rumours which are surely dangerous kind of information for society. So on our side we should react fairly and maturely to handle the situation to keep it in the favour of humanity and help government not only to ϑight this pandemic but also the info emic.

2011 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 722-756
Jon Adams ◽  
Edmund Ramsden

Nestled among E. M. Forster's careful studies of Edwardian social mores is a short story called “The Machine Stops.” Set many years in the future, it is a work of science fiction that imagines all humanity housed in giant high-density cities buried deep below a lifeless surface. With each citizen cocooned in an identical private chamber, all interaction is mediated through the workings of “the Machine,” a totalizing social system that controls every aspect of human life. Cultural variety has ceded to rigorous organization: everywhere is the same, everyone lives the same life. So hopelessly reliant is humanity upon the efficient operation of the Machine, that when the system begins to fail there is little the people can do, and so tightly ordered is the system that the failure spreads. At the story's conclusion, the collapse is total, and Forster's closing image offers a condemnation of the world they had built, and a hopeful glimpse of the world that might, in their absence, return: “The whole city was broken like a honeycomb. […] For a moment they saw the nations of the dead, and, before they joined them, scraps of the untainted sky” (2001: 123). In physically breaking apart the city, there is an extent to which Forster is literalizing the device of the broken society, but it is also the case that the infrastructure of the Machine is so inseparable from its social structure that the failure of one causes the failure of the other. The city has—in the vocabulary of present-day engineers—“failed badly.”

Spiritualita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Sukron Romadhon

Spirituality and a new religious awakening, are seen by religious elites as a stage of religious directness in carrying out religious traditions and rituals. New civilizations can instead be a threat to conventional religious traditions and rituals. Without the willingness of religious elites to criticize and re-interpret conventional ritual traditions and patterns, the functions of the world's major religions could fade. The world's major religions are increasingly alienated from the objective world and awareness of the lives of the people and their people. It seems that there will be a new form of religion or a new religion that is completely different from the tradition of religious rituals that have been carried out by the major religions of the world. While the religious elite is still attached to classical religious interpretations. But on the other hand, the emergence of modern society, encouraging the argument of secularization is part of modernization. The values underlying socio-political and economic relations also appear to be beginning to enter an irregular stage, when viewed conventionally, the spiritulitas of global civilization, rather than lies in the format of values, traditional systems and structures or modern rationality. New civilizations in social systems and Science and Technology (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) began to be directed at a more intuitive spirituality stage. Then came the act of social piety that proved impartiality over the duafa wal mustad'afin, workers and the poor who were oppressed by the economic system. The emergence of the term left theology only wants to explain about righteousness and belief based on the ability to perform acts of liberation of the proletariat. This action is not only done after the reality of the proletariat appears, but creates a social and economic system that has impartiality towards the proletariat.Keywords: Spirituality, Secularization, Social Piety

Inam Ullah Wattoo ◽  
Yasir Farooq

This study presents a critical analysis on the charter of human rights of United Nations, as it was design to promote peace and justice in the world but unfortunately it was not come in true. So the concepts and impacts of human rights presented by UN will be examine in the light of Seerah, and to find out the reasons which caused its failure. It is historical observation that fundamental human rights are very essential for justice and peace in the world. All the peoples have equal rights in all respects. No one is allowed to disregard the rights of others on the basis of race, color and religion. Holy Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) founded the state of Yathrab and first time in the history declared the fundamental rights of human and vanished the differences based on race, color and gender. Rights for slaves, war prisoners and women were not only defined but were implemented by legal procedure in very short time. In 1948 United Nation declared a charter for human rights which proclaimed that inherent dignity and equal rights are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace of the world. This charter consist on 30 articles regarding individual and common rights of human. This charter of UN guaranteed the security of all fundamental rights of all human being. Although there are number of articles which caused uneasiness among the people of different religions such as article No. 19. Freedom of opinion and express must be observed but it should must be keep in mind that some irresponsible elements of different societies are using this for their criminal purposes as cartoon contest on Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) by Geert wilders of Holland in recent days caused huge disturbance for world peace. Whereas, the Prophet of Islām ordered the Muslim to respect the clergy of other religions even He (PBUH) halted the Muslims to abuse the idols.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-39
Staniselaus Eko Riyadi

Violence is a crime condemned by religions, but religions in the world are apparently involved in some kind of violence. It has been considered problematic that some scriptural texts are showing violent acts that seem to be ‘authorised’ by God, even ‘allowed’ by God, or celebrated by the people. How should we understand such problematic texts? Is there any violence authorised by God? Christianity has been dealing with the interpretation of violent acts in biblical texts from the Old Testament as well as from the New Testament. This article suggests that violence in the biblical texts must be understood within the context of defining religious identity of Israel among the other nations that have their own gods. Scriptures do not promote violence, but has recorded the historical experiences of Israel in their confrontation with other nations. Therefore, violence in the biblical texts cannot be referred to as a sort of justification for any violent acts by religions in our multireligious and multiethnic society.

2003 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
P.M. Venter

Intertextual indications of the world as portrayed in the book of JubileesAn intertextual analysis of sections containing trends of retributive justice in Jubilees 14:1-28, 24:14-17, 30:1-25 and texts including apoca-lyptic trends in 1:7-29, 23:11-32, gives some indication of the time and world in which the author lived. The article argues that the author reconceptualized ideas of retribution in a unique apocalyptic system. The revealed truth was given in an historical revelation to Moses and is aimed at the collective entity of the people of God who are to stay pure for God. They are to abstain from marriages with members of other nations and keep the law and the religious festivals according to the heptadictical calendar. The author belonged to a tradition running parallel to the Danielic and Enochic stream. He was neither an apoca-lyptic nor an official priest, but was very much influenced by both groups.

Svetlana Suleimanova ◽  
Aiman Kamzina ◽  
Tolkyn Seidimkhanova

The article considers the new time; new conditions demanded the immediate and radical revision, both the general methodology and specific methods and techniques of teaching of foreign languages. These new conditions and its prompt entry into the world community, reckless gallops of politics, economy, culture, ideology, mixture and movement of the people and languages, change of the relations between Kazakhstan citizens and foreigners, absolutely new purposes of communication—all these set the new tasks in the theory and practice of teaching of foreign language. The sudden and radical change of social life of our country, its "opening" and entry into the world community returned languages to life, making them a real means of different kinds of communication - the number of which is increasing day by day along with the growth of scientific and technical facilities of communication.     Keywords: Crossroads of cultures; Lifestyle; Socio-cultural competence; Tolerance

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 12-34
Nestor A. Manichkin ◽  

The article dwells upon connection between the two most important Kyrgyz traditions: shamanism ( bakshylyk ) and storytelling ( zhomokchuluk ). It considers the general cultural and social field that forms some features that are characteristic of both shamans and storytellers, as well as the traces of pre-Islamic culture that can be found in the world of the Kyrgyz epic. Special attention is paid to the post-folklor version of the epic “Manas” – the dastan “Aykol Manas” and the public discussion around that literary work. The discussion reflects, on the one hand, specific aspects of the understanding of the Kyrgyz epic tradition, and on the other hand, a number of characteristic features that accompany modern transformations of Kyrgyz shamanism.

Emily Van Buskirk

This chapter undertakes a treatment of the rhetoric of personal pronouns in Ginzburg's writings on love and sexuality, drawing on Michael Lucey's study of the first person in twentieth-century French literature about love. It brings together questions of genre and narrative, on the one hand, and gender and sexuality, on the other. The chapter is divided into two sections, treating writings from two different periods on two kinds of love Ginzburg thought typical of intellectuals: in “First Love,” it discusses the unrequited and tragic love depicted in Ginzburg's teenage diaries (1920–23); in “Second Love,” it analyzes the love that is realized but in the end equally tragic, depicted in drafts related to Home and the World (1930s). The chapter examines the models the author sought in literary, psychological, and philosophical texts (Weininger, Kraft-Ebbing, Blok, Shklovsky, Oleinikov, Hemingway, and Proust).

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