Dancing the Strata: Investigating Affective Flows of Moving/Dancing Bodies in the Exploration of Bodily (Un)Becoming

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-36 ◽  
Tamara Borovica

This article draws on recent sociological work that explores the intangible, sensory, and affective dimensions of social life. In particular, I look at elusive, sensory, and affective elements of young women’s bodily becoming, through feminist lens. My intention behind this is to problematize narrow understandings of (women’s) embodiment in social sciences. I explore the stratification of bodies (through sex, gender, class, and race) and the way in which stratification works on bodies, what it produces, and how it limits and/or enforces bodily potentials. To this end, I follow affective flows between young women’s dancing bodies as they participate in a performance ethnography I have conducted to explore embodiment. To work with partial, dynamic, multisensory data, and to explore the potentiality of what bodies sense, feel, and do, I use a poetic analysis of the participants’ dance encounters.

2017 ◽  
Vol 34 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 99-108 ◽  
Tim Ingold

Many disciplines in the arts and social sciences are currently redirecting their attention to surfaces, and ways of treating them, as primary conditions for the generation of meaning. With regard to visual perception, this has entailed a switch from its optical to its haptic modality. How does this switch affect the way surfaces are understood? It is argued that with haptic vision, the emphasis is not on conformation but texture, as revealed in flows of material composition and in patterns of self-shadowing – or in a word, in complexion. This makes the surface, whether of face, skin or landscape, quite distinct from that of a body or an object. Drawing on the ideas of John Ruskin, the haptically perceived surface is compared to a veil that is worn in the double sense of adornment and erosion, of affective expression and weathering. The article concludes that it is in the relations between such surfaces that social life is lived.

2016 ◽  
Vol 71 (02) ◽  
pp. 291-317 ◽  
Nicolas Dodier ◽  
Janine Barbot

The social sciences have much to gain by paying particular attention to the place that dispositifs occupy in social life. The utility of such a perspective is clear from an examination of the research that has made use of this notion since the end of the 1970s. Yet in addition to the wide variety of definitions and objectives relating to the concept of dispositif, a reading of these works also reveals some of the difficulties that have been encountered along the way. An effort to clarify and renew the discussion on both the conceptual and methodological levels is thus worthwhile, and this article is a contribution to that end. The first section sets out the results of our conceptual inquiry into the notion of dispositif. The second puts forward a series of propositions designed to develop a “processual” approach to dispositifs. Finally, we return to several studies that we have conducted from this perspective relating to the dispositifs of redress, looking at the doctrinal work of jurists around a criminal trial, the practices of lawyers in the courtroom, the reactions of victims of a medical scandal to a compensation fund, and the historical transformation of dispositifs of redress for medical accidents since the beginning of the nineteenth century. This enables us to clarify the approach we propose and to suggest new avenues for the future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 26-43
Marcin Pliszka

The article analyses descriptions, memories, and notes on Dresden found in eighteenth-century accounts of Polish travellers. The overarching research objective is to capture the specificity of the way of presenting the city. The ways that Dresden is described are determined by genological diversity of texts, different ways of narration, the use of rhetorical repertoire, and the time of their creation. There are two dominant ways of presenting the city: the first one foregrounds the architectural and historical values, the second one revolves around social life and various kinds of games (redoubts, performances).

2021 ◽  
pp. 107780042110146
Yunxiang Yan ◽  
Tian Li ◽  
Yanjie Huang

This article aims to introduce the value of grassroots archives at the Center for Data and Research on Contemporary Social Life (CDRCSL) at Fudan University for qualitative research in social sciences and humanities. This special collection includes written materials on various aspects of social life that are left outside the official archive system. We first introduce the types and features of the grassroots archives collection and then briefly review the values of these primary sources, illustrated by two examples. We conclude with brief discussion on some case studies based on the primary data from the CDRCSL collection and our reflection on the tension between the protection of subject privacy and preservation of historical truth.

Comunicar ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 17 (34) ◽  
pp. 25-33 ◽  
Antoine Hennion

This contribution provides an account of musical taste as a meaningful accomplishment and a situated activity, with its tricks and bricolages, instead of reducing it to a game of social difference and identity. Taste is a problematic modality of attachment to the world. In such a pragmatist conception it is analyzed as a reflexive activity, corporeal, framed, collective, equipped, depending on places, moments and devices, which simultaneously produces the competencies of a music lover and a repertoire of objects. To be explained, it needs the sociologist to concentrate on gestures, objects, bodies, media, devices and relations engaged. Taste is a performance. Playing, listening, recording, making others listen…, all those activities amount to more than the actualization of a taste «already there». They are redefined during the action, with a result that is partly uncertain. Thus amateurs’ attachments and ways of doing things both engage and form subjectivities, and have a history, irreducible to that of the works. Understood in this way, as reflexive work performed on one’s own attachments, the amateur’s taste is no longer considered an arbitrary election to be explained by hidden social causes. Rather, it is a collective technique, whose analysis helps to understand the way we make ourselves sensitized, to things, to ourselves, to situations and to moments, while simultaneously reflexively controlling how those feelings might be shared and discussed with others. Esta contribución ilustra el gusto musical como un logro significativo y una actividad situada, con sus trucos y artimañas, en lugar de reducirla a un juego de identidad y diferenciación social. El gusto es una modalidad problemática de vinculación al mundo. En esta concepción pragmática, se analiza como una actividad reflexiva, corpórea, estructurada, colectiva, equipada, dependiente de los sitios, los momentos y los dispositivos; lo que simultáneamente produce las competencias de un amante de la música y un repertorio de objetos. Explicar el gusto exige que el sociólogo se concentre en los gestos, los objetos, los cuerpos, los medios, los dispositivos y las relaciones involucradas. El gusto es un comportamiento. Reproducir, escuchar, grabar, hacer que otros escuchen música… todas esas actividades vienen a ser algo más que la realización de un gusto que «ya existía». Todo ello se redefine durante la acción y el resultado es, en parte, incierto. Así, la vinculación de los aficionados y la forma de hacer las cosas se combinan, forman subjetividades y tienen una historia que no se puede reducir a la de las obras. Entendido de esta manera, como trabajo reflexivo conducido sobre la base de las vinculaciones propias, el gusto del aficionado ya no se considera una elección arbitraria que es explicada por razones sociales ocultas. Más bien, es una técnica colectiva, cuyo análisis ayuda a entender la manera en la que nos hacemos sensibles a las cosas, a nosotros mismos, a las situaciones y los momentos, mientras en paralelo controla reflexivamente la forma en que esos sentimientos pueden ser compartidos y discutidos con los demás.

Futures ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 118-134
Barbara Adam

This chapter comprises an interview between Barbara Adam and the editors, and is followed by Adam’s ‘Honing Futures’, which is presented in four short verses of distilled theory. In the interview Adam reflects on thirty-five years of futures-thinking rooted in her deeply original work on time and temporality, and her innovative response to qualitative and linear definitions of time within the social sciences. The interview continues with a discussion of the way Adam’s thinking on futures intersects in her work with ideas of ethics and collective responsibility politics and concludes with a brief rationale for writing theory in verse form. In ‘Honing Futures’, a piece of futures theory verse form, Adam charts the movements and moments in considerations of the Not Yet and futurity’s active creation: from pluralized imaginings of the future, to an increasingly tangible and narrower anticipated future, to future-making as designing and reality-creating performance. Collectively, the verses identify the varied complex interdependencies of time, space, and matter with the past and future in all iterations of honing and making futures.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 330-337
Harvey E Goldberg

Van Gennep’s research interests were located in the region where the fields of folklore, anthropology, sociology, and religion overlapped. His Rites de passage reflected a broad approach to ritual and social life that took into account the natural environment, biology, and history. This article scans his interests and emphases in relation to the American school of cultural anthropology that developed in the twentieth century. It assesses parallels and differences, and points to areas deserving further clarification such as Van Gennep’s understanding of language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-163
Daniel Renfrew ◽  
Thomas W. Pearson

This article examines the social life of PFAS contamination (a class of several thousand synthetic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) and maps the growing research in the social sciences on the unique conundrums and complex travels of the “forever chemical.” We explore social, political, and cultural dimensions of PFAS toxicity, especially how PFAS move from unseen sites into individual bodies and into the public eye in late industrial contexts; how toxicity is comprehended, experienced, and imagined; the factors shaping regulatory action and ignorance; and how PFAS have been the subject of competing forms of knowledge production. Lastly, we highlight how people mobilize collectively, or become demobilized, in response to PFAS pollution/ toxicity. We argue that PFAS exposure experiences, perceptions, and responses move dynamically through a “toxicity continuum” spanning invisibility, suffering, resignation, and refusal. We off er the concept of the “toxic event” as a way to make sense of the contexts and conditions by which otherwise invisible pollution/toxicity turns into public, mass-mediated, and political episodes. We ground our review in our ongoing multisited ethnographic research on the PFAS exposure experience.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Jacek Wiewiorowski

THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THE SERVICE OF PLEADINGS IN CASES INVOLVING MINORS: REMARKS ON CTH 2.4.1 [A. 318/319] = C. 5.4.20)SummaryThe subject of this article is the status of juvenile persons in Roman law, as exemplified by one of the constitutions of Constantine the Great, CTh 2.4.1 [a. 318/319] = C. 5.40.2, fragments of which are preserved in Theodosius’ Code of 438, and in an abridged version in Justinian’s Code of 534. In the first part of the article the author analyses the extremely controversial issue of the identity of the constitution’s addressee. In the second part he discusses the content of this constitution and the premises for its issue in the light of the Constantinian legislation on family matters and the way it was later interpreted. The article’s third part is an attempt to apply the natural and social sciences to the question of minors and their personality, and the examination of this issue as regards CTh 2.4.1 [a. 318/319] = C. 5.40.2. The author takes into consideration the basic data on the status of minors in Roman law, in the subsequent history of European law, and in non-European cultures. He concludes by making a series of observations on the potential for the application of the natural sciences in the study of Roman law, which could serve to confirm the timeless and universal nature of some of the solutions it prescribed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-109
Kosma Manurung

Human social identity requires him to continue to be connected with other humans in a harmonious social relationship. The Bible also places justice as a vital part of human social life. The biblical description reveals that God is a just person and there is never fraud in God. The aim of this research is to interpret the Bible's teachings about God's justice from the perspective of Pentecostal theology. This article contains an explanation of the importance of justice for humans, the Bible's narrative about God's justice, and the way Pentecostals interpret God's justice. The method used in this research is descriptive and literature review. Based on the results of the discussion, it was concluded that in the view of the Pentecostals, God's justice speaks of God's character. The justice of Allah is also interpreted by the Pentecostals as God's Rule that God wants to be obeyed. In addition, God's justice also means the defense of Allah and the demands that God wants every believer to do in social life so that they can be maximized as witnesses of God and become salt and light for the community where God has placed.  Identitas sosial manusia menuntutnya untuk terus terkoneksi dengan manusia lainnya dalam sebuah hubungan sosial yang harmonis. Alkitab pun meletakkan keadilan sebagai bagian vital dalam kehidupan sosial manusia.  Deskripsi Alkitab mengungkapkan bahwa Allah adalah pribadi yang adil dan tidak ada kecurangan dalam diri Allah. Tujuan penelitin ini bermaksud memaknai ajaran Alkitab tentang keadilan Allah dari sudut pandang teologi Pentakosta. Artikel ini berisi tentang penjelasan pentingnya keadilan bagi manusia, narasi Alkiab tentang keadilan Allah, dan cara kaum Pentakosta memaknai keadilan Allah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini deskriptif dan kajian literatur. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan ditarik kesimpulan bahwa dalam pandangan kaum Pentkosta keadilan Allah berbicara karakter Allah. Keadilan Allah juga dimaknai kaum Pentaksota sebagai Aturan Allah yang Allah ingin untuk dipatuhi. Selain itu, keadilan Allah juga dimaknai pembelaan Allah dan tuntutan yang Allah ingin setiap orang percaya lakukan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat agar bisa maksimal sebagai saksi Tuhan dan menjadi garam serta terang bagi komunitas dimana Tuhan tempatkan.

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