Avoiding extinction: the importance of protecting isolated Indigenous tribes

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-135
Esteban Ortiz-Prado ◽  
Gabriel Cevallos-Sierra ◽  
Eduardo Vasconez ◽  
Alex Lister ◽  
Eduardo Pichilingue Ramos

Isolated Indigenous peoples are a group of Indigenous tribes that live in voluntary isolation in remote and mostly inaccessible territories. Together with Indigenous peoples in initial contact, Isolated Indigenous peoples are threatened continuously by advancing extractive activities, the absence of public policies and protection measures by the State, and the pressure of illegal activities on their territories. Generating multidimensional public policies that protect these groups is essential. This commentary shares South America’s perspective on the matter as it is the region where most of the isolated groups reside.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-90
Mara Soledad Segura ◽  
Alejandro Linares ◽  
Agustn Espada ◽  
Vernica Longo ◽  
Ana Laura Hidalgo ◽  

Since 2004 and for the first time in the history of broadcasting in the region, a dozen Latin American countries have acknowledged community radio and television stations as legal providers of audiovisual communication services. In Argentina, a law passed in 2009 not only awarded legal recognition to the sector, it also provided a promotion mechanism for community media. In this respect, it was one of the most ambitious ones in the region. The driving question is: How relevant are public policies for the sustainability of community media in Argentina? The argument is: even though the sector of community media has developed and persisted for decades in illegal conditions imposed by the state, the legalization and promotion policies carried out by the state from the perspective of human rights in a context of extreme media ownership concentration have been critical to the growth and sustainability of non-profit media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
A B Guerra ◽  
L M Guerra ◽  
L F Probst ◽  
B V Castro Gondinho ◽  
G M Bovi Ambrosano ◽  

Abstract Background The state of São Paulo recorded a significant reduction in infant mortality, but the desired reduction in maternal mortality was not achieved. Knowledge of the factors with impact on these indicators would be of help in formulating public policies. The aims of this study were to evaluate the relations between socioeconomic and demographic factors, health care model and both infant mortality and maternal mortality in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods In this ecological study, data from national official open sources were used. Analyzed were 645 municipalities in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. For each municipality, the infant mortality and maternal mortality rates were calculated for every 1000 live births, 2013. The association between these rates, socioeconomic variables, demographic models and the primary care organization model in the municipality were verified. We used the zero-inflated negative binomial model. Gross analysis was performed and then multiple regression models were estimated. For associations, we adopted “p” at 5%. Results The increase in the HDI of the city and proportion of Family Health Care Strategy implemented were significantly associated with the reduction in both infant mortality (neonatal + post-neonatal) and maternal mortality rates. In turn, the increase in birth and caesarean delivery rates were associated with the increase in infant and maternal mortality rates. Conclusions It was concluded that the Family Health Care Strategy model that contributed to the reduction in infant (neonatal + post-neonatal) and maternal mortality rates, and so did actors such as HDI and cesarean section. Thus, public health managers should prefer this model. Key messages Implementation of public policies with specific focus on attenuating these factors and making it possible to optimize resources, and not interrupting the FHS. Knowledge of the factors with impact on these indicators would be of help in formulating public policies.

Rayanne de Sales Lima ◽  
Andréa Borghi Moreira Jacinto ◽  
Rodrigo Arthuso Arantes Faria

Backround: An inter-institutional task force was brought together in 2018 to evaluate the irregular institutionalisation of Guarani and Kaiowá Indigenous children with disabilities in Dourados, in central-western Brazil.Aims and objectives: We draw on this case study to undertake a ‘situational analysis’ on the existence/absence and the use/non-use of evidence in the evaluation of public policies regarding Indigenous children with disabilities. By critically analysing concrete practices in the context of multilevel intersectoral dialogue and joint action of state bodies and civil society, we aim to highlight the effective and potential gains from using Culturally Appropriate Evidence (CAE) at the intersection of policies on children, Indigenous peoples and people with disabilities.Methods: We used a case study approach to analyse the precedents, development and ramifications of the task force, examine the legal framework regulating the rights of Indigenous children with disabilities, and describe the process of institutionalisation of Indigenous children in the Dourados region in the first two decades of the 21st century.Findings: We identified that inter-institutional and intersectoral collaboration enhances the development of CAE and the instrumentalisation of intersectoral alternatives.Discussion and conclusions: Although entrenched institutional bureaucratic culture, and the absence of mechanisms for participation and consultation with Indigenous peoples, can create obstacles to the formulation and use of these kinds of evidence in public policies, the production of evidence through the articulated and collaborative effort of agents can offer, when there are political conditions for it, the necessary conditions to develop culturally appropriate solutions for complex scenarios.<br />Key messages<br /><ul><li>The participation of policy beneficiaries is a necessary condition for the production of culturally qualified evidence;</li><br /><li>Institutional racism is an obstacle to the formulation and implementation of public policies based on culturally appropriate evidence;</li><br /><li>Intersector and inter-institutional links help to improve public service delivery and public policy implementation.</li></ul>

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (10) ◽  
pp. 51-59
S. Kononov ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of a social security modern discourse formation in the framework of a philosophical discussion of the transformation processes of the formation vector of the state security policy. The task of the article, according to the author, is to present the problem of security in conditions when it ceases to be understood, as a concept associated with the idea of preserving the integrity of a state or nation, and functions as a phenomenon with the broadest possible social parameters. Using the methodology of phenomenological, hermeneutic and comparative analysis, the new areas of security research, common difference of which is social and personal orientation are analyzed. The author pays attention to the features of the methodology of works reflecting the point of view of the modern state, works related to the development of a systematic approach to security, works based on an axiological approach and concludes that, despite the expansion of security interpretations, all these approaches retain a common ideological foundation. presupposing the need to preserve the leading role of the state in the field of social security, including the security of the individual and society and the state. All these approaches are based on the policy of responding to emerging threats to the Russian state and do not reflect the needs of a comprehensive strategic goal-setting covering the sphere of socio-economic development of the social system. This circumstance, according to the author, leads to the formation of a security strategy that exists only in the name of protecting the state and does not imply feedback between the state and the social institutions that the state is going to protect, which leads to the ineffectiveness of modern protection measures and the need to find new ways to justify the need for this protection, a new definition of its content and essence

Adriano Toledo Paiva

Este artigo é uma tentativa de entender as relações sociais e de poder na construção de uma escola nos sertões do Rio Doce (Cuieté). Estudamos os processos de instituição do Estado na fronteira colonial, especialmente na gestão da força de trabalho dos povos indígenas. Problematizamos a construção de uma escola sobre os domínios indígenas, avaliando a configuração deste espaço, assim como os conflitos e identidades inerentes a este processo. O principal objetivo de nossos estudos é resgatar a historicidade dos povos conquistados em meio às representações e ações dos empreendimentos de conquista.Schools, catechesis and indigenous work in Minas Gerais (18th century). This article is an attempt to understand the social and power relationships in the construction of a school in the “sertões do Rio Doce” (Cuieté) ("hinterland of river Doce"). We studied the processes of institutionalization of the State in the colonial frontier, especially in the management of the indigenous workforce. We problematized the construction of a school in the indigenous domains, assessing the arrangement of this area, as well as conflicts and identities inherent to this process. The main purpose of this research is to retrieve the historicity of the colonized people amid the representations and actions of the ventures of conquest. Keywords: Indigenous school; Indigenous peoples; Brazil Colonial.

2002 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 525-554 ◽  

The transnational indigenous peoples' movement (TIPM) can convey important political leverage to local indigenous movements. Yet this study exposes a more problematic impact: the political authority gained by funding organisations who interpolate TIPM norms into new discourses regarding indigeneity, and deploy that discourse in local ethnic contests. In El Salvador the TIPM has encouraged the state to recognise the indigenous communities and has opened a political wedge for indigenous activism. Yet TIPM-inspired programmes by the European Union and UNESCO to support indigenous activism paradoxically weakened the Salvadorean movement by aggravating outside impressions that Salvadorean indigenous communities are ‘not truly Indian’.

Leandro Berenguer ◽  

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted States to adopt exceptional measures to contain their spreads rates and therefore mitigate their effects. In Portugal there was a need to resort to the figure of the state of emergency, being used for the first time since the foundation of the third Republic. To respond to a situation of public calamity, the suspension, albeit partial, of fundamental rights, freedoms and guarantees was used, adopting measures with repercussions in the most varied areas of civil society. Based on the security context of a State, this article intends to analyse the declarations of the state of emergency in Portugal in the light of the theoretical framework of public policies, reflecting on the process of implementing the state of emergency. To this end, the top-down and bottom-up approaches are placed in confrontation as the main theories of public policies implementation in the analysis of the unprecedented political context in Portugal.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Germán Rey

Del dicho al hecho. El trecho recorrido por algunas políticas culturales colombianasResumen El Compendio de Políticas culturales de Colombia (2010) es el panorama escrito más completo de las políticas culturales nacionales. Pero, aun así, se trata de una fotografía de un momento, no solo porque ellas se transforman por las decisiones del Estado, sino porque las dinámicas sociales –por ejemplo, las locales y las regionales– las hacen evolucionar. Si se observara a través de una suerte de microscopio de lo simbólico lo que Michel de Certeau denominó el “hormiguero” de la cultura, las políticas públicas aparecerían como un campo en constante movimiento, con continuidades, desencuentros, fracasos, resistencias y caminos heterodoxos.From Saying to Doing. The Path Covered by Some Colombian Cultural PoliciesAbstractThe Compendium of Cultural Policies of Colombia (2010) is the most comprehensive written panorama of national cultural policies. But, even as such, it is a photograph of a moment, not only because these policies are transformed by the decisions of the state, but also because the social dynamics –for example, at the local and regional level– make them evolve. If one observes through a kind of microscope of the symbolic what Michel de Certeau called the "anthill" of culture, public policies would appear as a field in constant movement, with continuities, disagreements, failures, resistances and heterodox paths.KeywordsPolicies of reading and libraries; policies of cinematography; policies of entrepreneurship and cultural industries; plans of culture, ColombiaRemaska  y ruraska. Ñambe poreska sug política culturalkuna colombiape.Maillallachiska:Chi comprendio política culturalkuna Colombiape (2010) kam panorama kilkaska más completo política cultural nacional. Pero chasapas, tratarenme sug retrato sug retratomanda manak trukaren kuname decisión estadomanda, arre mana chi dinamika socialkuna. Sug ejemplo  localkuna y regionalkuna- rurankuna kaugsachii. Kauarenra sug microscopio simbolikope ima Miguel de  Certeau nirka, sug “Achka añanguina” culturape, chi políticas públicas. Kauarerka sug campo iapa kuiurikugsina, suiuchispa, desencuentros, fracasos, resistencias y ñambekuna heterodoxos.Rimangapa Ministidukuna:Política de  lectura y bibliotecas, política de cinematografía, política de empoderamiento e industrias  culturales, planes de cultura, Colombia. Dès le dicton au fait. Le chemin couvert par certaines politiques culturelles colombiennesRésuméLe Compendium des politiques culturelles de la Colombie (2010) est le panorama écrit le plus complet des politiques culturelles nationales. Pourtant, c'est une photographie de l’instant, non seulement parce qu'elles sont transformées par les décisions de l'État, mais parce que les dynamiques sociales –par exemple, locales et régionales– les font évoluer. Si l'on observe à travers une sorte de microscope du symbolique ce que Michel de Certeau appelait le « fourmilier » de la culture, les politiques publiques apparaîtraient comme un champ en mouvement constant, avec des continuités, des désaccords, des échecs, des résistances et des chemins hétérodoxes.Mots clésPolitique de la lecture et des bibliothèques; politique de la cinématographie; politique de l'entrepreneuriat et des industries culturelles; plans de culture; ColombieDO DITADO AO FATO. O TRECHO PERCORRIDO POR ALGUMAS POLÍTICAS CULTURAIS COLOMBIANAS.Germán RResumoO Compêndio de Políticas Culturais da Colômbia (2010) 1 é o panorama escrito mais completo das políticas Culturais nacionais. Mas mesmo assim, se trata de uma fotografia de um momento, não só porque elas se transformam pelas decisões do Estado, senão porque também as dinâmicas sociais – por exemplo as locais e as regionais – as fazem evolucionar.  Se observa-se através de uma sorte de microscópio do simbólico o que Michel de Certeau denominou o “hormiguero” da cultura, as políticas públicas apareceriam como um campo em constante movimento, com continuidades, desencontros, fracasos, resistências e caminhos heterodoxos.Palavras-chavePolítica de leitura e bibliotecas; política de cinematografia; política de empreendimento e indústrias culturais, planos de cultura; Colômbia

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