Sharing the Sovereign: Indigenous Peoples, Recognition, Treaties and the State

2021 ◽  
Dominic O'Sullivan
Adriano Toledo Paiva

Este artigo é uma tentativa de entender as relações sociais e de poder na construção de uma escola nos sertões do Rio Doce (Cuieté). Estudamos os processos de instituição do Estado na fronteira colonial, especialmente na gestão da força de trabalho dos povos indígenas. Problematizamos a construção de uma escola sobre os domínios indígenas, avaliando a configuração deste espaço, assim como os conflitos e identidades inerentes a este processo. O principal objetivo de nossos estudos é resgatar a historicidade dos povos conquistados em meio às representações e ações dos empreendimentos de conquista.Schools, catechesis and indigenous work in Minas Gerais (18th century). This article is an attempt to understand the social and power relationships in the construction of a school in the “sertões do Rio Doce” (Cuieté) ("hinterland of river Doce"). We studied the processes of institutionalization of the State in the colonial frontier, especially in the management of the indigenous workforce. We problematized the construction of a school in the indigenous domains, assessing the arrangement of this area, as well as conflicts and identities inherent to this process. The main purpose of this research is to retrieve the historicity of the colonized people amid the representations and actions of the ventures of conquest. Keywords: Indigenous school; Indigenous peoples; Brazil Colonial.

2002 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 525-554 ◽  

The transnational indigenous peoples' movement (TIPM) can convey important political leverage to local indigenous movements. Yet this study exposes a more problematic impact: the political authority gained by funding organisations who interpolate TIPM norms into new discourses regarding indigeneity, and deploy that discourse in local ethnic contests. In El Salvador the TIPM has encouraged the state to recognise the indigenous communities and has opened a political wedge for indigenous activism. Yet TIPM-inspired programmes by the European Union and UNESCO to support indigenous activism paradoxically weakened the Salvadorean movement by aggravating outside impressions that Salvadorean indigenous communities are ‘not truly Indian’.

Alex Latta

States’ increasing recognition of Indigenous rights in the realm of natural resources has led to a variety of co-management arrangements and other forms of melded authority, evolving over time into increasingly complex governance relationships. This article takes up such relationships within the analytical frame of multilevel governance, seeking lessons from the experiences of Indigenous involvement in water policy in Canada’s Northwest Territories (NWT). It examines the way that effective collaboration in resource governance can emerge within the space of tension between evolving Indigenous rights regimes and the continued sovereignty of the state. At the same time, the analysis raises questions about whether multilevel governance can contribute to meaningful decolonization of relationships between settler states and Indigenous Peoples.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Maria Teresa Sierra

La policía comunitaria es una institución de los pueblos indígenas de Guerrero conocida por su capacidad para enfrentar a la delincuencia y generar alternativas de paz social., através de un sistema de justicia y seguridad autónomo. En los últimos años, sin embargo, el sistema comunitario enfrenta el acoso de actores diversos vinculados al incremento de la violencia y la inseguridad que se vive en el país y especialmente en el estado de Guerrero; dicha situación está impactando a la institucionalidad comunitaria, obligando a su redefinición. En este trabajo destaco aspectos centrales de dicha conflictividad así como las respuestas que han dado los comunitarios para hacer frente a las tareas de justicia y seguridad en el marco de nuevos contextos marcados por el despojo neoliberal y la impunidad de actores estatales y no estatales. En este proceso se actualiza la relación de la policía comunitaria con el Estado revelando el peso de la ambigüedad legal y los juegos del poder así como los usos contra-hegemónicos del derecho para disputar la justicia. ---SEGURANÇA E JUSTIÇA SOB ACOSSO EM TEMPOS DE VIOLÊNCIA NEOLIBERAL: respostas do policiamento comunitário de GuerreroO policiamento comunitário é uma instituição dos Povos Indígenas do Guerrero conhecidos por sua capacidade de lidar com o crime e gerar paz social de forma alternativa, usando um sistema próprio de justiça e segurança. Nos últimos anos, no entanto, o sistema da UE enfrenta assédio de várias autoridades envolvidas no aumento da violência e da insegurança que reina no país e, especialmente, no estado de Guerrero; essa situação está afetando as instituições comunitárias, forçando a sua redefinição. Neste artigo, destaco os principais aspectos do conflito e as respostas que têm a comunidade para lidar com as tarefas da justiça e da segurança no contexto dos novos contextos marcados por pilhagem neoliberal e a impunidade de atores estatais e não estatais. Neste processo, a relação de policiamento comunitário com o estado é atualizada, revelando o peso da ambiguidade e dos jogos de poder legais, além de usos contra-hegemônicos do direito de disputar a justiça.Palavras-chave: violência neoliberal; Guerrero; comunidades indígenas---SECURITY AND JUSTICE UNDER HARASSMENT IN TIMES OF NEOLIBERAL VIOLENCE: responses of the Community Police of GuerreroThe community police is an institution of the Indigenous Peoples of Guerrero known for its ability to deal with crime and generate alternatives for social peace, using a system of justice and self security. In recent years, however, the EU system faces harassment from various people responsible for the increase of violence and insecurity within the country and especially in the state in Guerrero; this situation is impacting instituitions in the community, forcing their redefinition. In this paper I highlight key aspects of the conflict and the community's responses to deal with the tasks of justice and security in new contexts marked by neoliberal plunder and impunity of the state (as well as non state figures). In this process, the relationship of the community police with the state is updated revealing the weight of legal ambiguity and power plays, as well as counter-hegemonic use of the right to dispute justice.key words: neoliberal vilence; Guerrero; indigenous people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 322-329
Madina A. Khakuasheva ◽  
Almira M. Kazieva

The article deals with the situation of bilingualism in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, which is organically inscribed in the global context. The authors consider some of the most representative criteria that indicate the objective state of the state languages of the CBD - Russian, Kabardian, Balkar, the classification of “risk groups” of UNESCO, as well as facts illustrating the crisis of native languages of the indigenous peoples of the Republic. In addition to the communicative, considered the most important functions of the language, which allow to act including as a basis for concluding philosophical concepts.

Teresa Cristina de Miranda Mendonça ◽  
Renato de Oliveira dos Santos ◽  
Paloma Cristina Barbosa Lopes ◽  
Sandro dos Reis Andrade ◽  
Ana Paula Veríssimo de Moraes

Descrevendo o turismo no estado do Rio de Janeiro, destaca-se o seu litoral. Parte desta área integra a região turística denominada Costa do Sol (litoral norte) e a Costa Verde (litoral sul). Pode-se assim,remeter à ideia de apropriação do espaço litorâneo pela prática turística e aos conflitos existentes entre as populações locais e às novas lógicas do capital que se inserem na região. Este trabalho tem como foco de pesquisa a região da Costa Verde, que sofreu influencia do turismo a partir da década de 1970 com a inauguração do trecho Rio-Santos da BR101. Com a estrada chegaram à especulação imobiliária e consequente expulsão dos nativos, e também a instituição das leis ambientais como a criação de unidades de conservação da natureza de proteção integral. No entanto, nesta região estão presentes diversos grupos tradicionais: indígenas, caiçaras e quilombolas que lutam pelo reconhecimento de seu território, contra a expulsão do local herdado e os limites de utilização dos recursos impostos pelas unidades de proteção. Além disto, reivindicam serem incluídos no mapa do turismo da região. Como grande protagonista local foi criado, em 2007, o Fórum de comunidades Tradicionais Angra dos Reis, Paraty e Ubatuba - FCT que traz à tona questões diversas que permeiam a vida de todos que vivem neste local. Na reivindicação pela visibilidade ligada ao turismo foi elaborado o mapa de turismo de base comunitária - TBC do Fórum em 2015. Assim, tendo como metodologia de pesquisa exploratória e descritiva utilizando o método qualitativo (pesquisa documental, bibliográfica e de campo), este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar, do ponto de vista sociocultural e político-organizacional, como se constitui o TBC no território abrangido pelo FCT, porém tendo como foco de análise três iniciativas: a comunidade caiçara de São Gonçalo (Paraty), Quilombo Bracuí e Aldeia Sapukai, ambas localizadas em Angra dos Reis. O resultado traz reflexões sobre o TBC e suas correlações com alguns temas: populações tradicionais; resistência cultural, territorial e econômica; permanência no território tradicional; valorização da identidade e história local; o direito pela prática das atividades econômicas tradicionais e do turismo.Ou seja, ser uma população tradicional significa uma forma de resistência, que transforma experiências locais em turismo. Um turismo denominado localmente de TBC que significa também incluir no mapa do estado os grupos sociais “invisíveis”. Assim constata-se que estas iniciativas estão ligadas a um movimento político e social que tem o turismo como ferramenta de poder. Community-based tourism in Costa Verde (RJ): caiçaras, quilombolas and indigenous peoples ABSTRACT The coastline stands out in the description of tourism in the state of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Part of this area comprises the tourist regions of Costa do Sol (northern coast) and Costa Verde (southern coast). They are related to the ideas of appropriation of the coastal space by tourist practice and the conflicts among local populations and the new logics of the capital inserted in the region. This study discusses the Costa Verde region which was influenced by tourism from the 70s with the opening of the Rio-Santos stretch of the BR101 highway. It was followed by real estate speculation and consequentently expulsion of indigenous peoples and also the emergence of environmental laws with the creation of nature conservation units of integral protection. In this region, there are several tradition groups – such as indigenous peoples, caiçaras and quilombolas – who claim: a) the recognition of their territories against the expulsion of the inherited place and the limits of the use of resources imposed by the protected units, and b) their inclusion in the tourist map of the region. Playing the role of the great local protagonist, the Forum of the Traditional Comunities (FCT) of Angra dos Reis, Paraty e Ubatuba was created in 2007 to discuss several issues concerning the life of their residents. As to the demand to the visibility linked to tourism, a community-based tourism (TBC) map was made in the 2015 Forum. This work aims at investigating the TBC in the territories comprising the FCT under a sociocultural and political-organizational approach and an exploratory and descriptive methodological framework with focus on three initiatives: the caiçara community of São Gonçalo (Paraty), Bracuí Quilombo and Sapukai Village, located in Angra dos Reis. The findings of the research raise insights on the TBC and its correlation with the following themes: traditional populations, cultural, territorial and economic resistence, permanence in traditional territory, promotion of local identity and history and the right to the practice of traditional and economic activities and tourism. In other words, being a traditional population means a form of resistence which transforms local experiences in tourism and a locally named TBC also means including the ' invisible' social groups in the state map. Our claim is that these initiatives are linked to a political and social movement which uses tourism as a power tool. KEYWORDS: Community-Based Tourism; Traditional Populations; Costa Verde (RJ, Brazil); Forum of Traditional Communities.


El 15 de febrero de 2007 el Estado español depositó formalmente el instrumento de ratificación del Convenio de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) sobre pueblos indígenas y tribales. Su ratificación abre un importante y denso debate en torno al valor real de la misma para un Estado como el español que carece de pueblos indígenas en el interior de sus fronteras; es decir, en el ámbito de la soberanía territorial y jurisdiccional inmediata del Estado. La tesis fundamental que queremos defender en este escrito es que el Convenio sí posee valor jurídico para el Estado español, siempre que se apela a una aplicación extraterritorial del mismo. Por tanto, el contenido y obligaciones jurídicas que establece el Convenio, serán de obligado cumplimiento para el Estado. Para otorgar validez jurídica a estas afirmaciones será necesario apelar a la aplicación extraterritorial del Convenio, de tal manera que sean controlables las actuaciones e intervenciones de las empresas trasnacionales españolas. Lanaren Nazioarteko Erakundeak herrialde indigenei eta tribuei buruzko berrespen-tresna gordailutu zuen Espainiako estatuan 2007ko otsailaren 15ean. Berrespen-tresna horrek eztabaida garrantzitsua eta trinkoa eragin du Espainia bezalako estatu batentzat duen egiazko balioari buruz, ez baitu herri indigenarik bere mugen barruan, hau da, estatuaren lurralde- eta jurisdikzio-subiranotasunaren esparru zuzenaren arloan. Hau da idatzi honetan defendatu nahi dugun oinarrizko tesia: hitzarmenak badu balio juridikoa Espainiako estatuarentzat, betiere lurraldez kanpoko aplikazioaz ari bagara. Hala bada, hitzarmen honek ezartzen dituen edukia eta betebehar juridikoak nahitaez bete beharrekoak izango dira estatuarentzat. Baieztapen horiek balio juridikoa izango badute, beharrezkoa izango da hitzarmenaren lurraldez kanpoko aplikazioaz aritzea, nazioz gaindiko espainiar enpresen jarduerak eta esku-hartzeak kontrolatzeko modukoak izan daitezen. In February 15th, 2007, Spain formally ratifi ed the Convention on indigenous peoples made by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Its ratifi cation opens an important and broad debate over its real value for Spain, due to the fact that it lacks indegenous peoples within its territory; that is, within the inmediate State territorial and jurisdictional sovereignty. The main thesis that we would like to defend in this text is that the Convention has legal value for Spain, whenever it is applied outside the Spanish territory. Therefore, the content and legal duties established by the Convention will bind the State. In order to give legal validity to those statements, it would be necessary to call for the extraterritorial application of the Convention, so that the actions and interventions by Spanish transnational companies can be controlled.

Cathal Doyle

The chapter offers a compelling case study on the operationalization of CERD’s early warning and urgent action procedure in the case of the Subanon community located at the foot of Mt Canatuan in the Phillippines, and provides a close-up of the relevance of the treaty on the ground.

Bielefeldt Heiner, Prof ◽  
Ghanea Nazila, Dr ◽  
Wiener Michael, Dr

This chapter discusses various human rights violations that arise in the context of constructing, owning, accessing, using, protecting, and preserving places of worship or other religious sites. When members of religious communities wish to construct and own places of worship they often face restrictions that are imposed by the State or competing claims by other religious communities. In this context, the conversion of places of worship as well as their confiscation and unfair restitution provisions may lead to further problems for religious communities. Furthermore, access to religious sites and their use is often unduly restricted by the State, impeded in practice by non-State actors, or hampered by religious precepts which discriminate against some people within the same religious or belief community. The chapter also discusses issues of interpretation, including the relationship between international human rights law and international humanitarian law in the context of religious sites, the obligations of various duty-bearers, and sacred sites of indigenous peoples.

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