2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 40-45
Долженкова ◽  
Galina Dolzhenkova ◽  
Галиева ◽  
Zulfiya Galieva

The purpose of the research is improving the efficiency of energy utilization of diets for Black-motley breed bull-calves through the use of probiotic drug Biogaran.The experiment was conducted in SPK-collective farm «Heroi» Chekmagushevsky district in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Group formation was carried out according to the principle of analogues taking into account breed, sex, age and body weight. 4 groups were formed of 6-month-old bull-calves of Black-motley breed and control (I) and 3 experimental (II, III and IV) for 15 heads each. In the diets of young II, III and IV groups in addition to the basic diet were injected with 3.5 g; 7.0 and 10.0 g of probiotic feed additive Biodarin per 1 kg of concentrated feed. Animals treated with the drug at a dose of 7.0 g/kg of concentrated feed, in comparison with their peers of the control group better digested dry matter by 1,64% (P<0.01), organic – 1,25% (P<0.05), crude protein – 2.97% (P<0.05), crude fiber – 1,53% (P<0.05) and BEV – 2.64% (P<0.05). Using in feed rations of large horned livestock young growth feed additive «Biodarin» has positive effect for energy metabolism: energy interchancing increased by 1.02-1.79 per cent, the energy gain is increased by 10.96-of 19.72%.

2022 ◽  
Vol 51 (6) ◽  
pp. 68-76
T. V. Sevastianova ◽  
B. V. Usha

The results of tests of a new combined feed additive Bioprotektin-KD based on milk thistle extract with the addition of a complex of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium to restore intestinal microbiota of animals are presented. Preclinical studies on the effectiveness of the feed additive were conducted on mice with experimental antibiotic-associated dysbacteriosis. Studies on the intestinal microbiota of mice revealed varying degrees of effect of different doses of feed additive on the recovery of resident microflora. The results of pre-clinical studies have proven the harmlessness, non-toxicity and efficacy of the feed additive. Clinical trials of the additive were carried out on productive animals. Its effect on the productivity of black-motley breed cows in a livestock farm in the Belgorod region was studied. The use of the functional feed additive Bioprotectin-KD had a positive effect on the milk productivity of black-motley breed cows. Cows in the experimental groups that received the feed additive had increased their milk yield per lactation by 209.41-499.01 kg compared to the control animals, which was 4.01-8.78%. The quality indicators of milk have increased. The composition of the microflora of the experimental (feed supplement recipients) and control calves was studied. It was found that the quantitative composition of probiotic flora in the intestines of young calves of the control group remained practically unchanged throughout the experiment. The number of indigeneous microflora (lactobacilli and bifidobacteria) increased in the experimental animals. The content of lactic acid microorganisms in the experimental calves began to increase on day 6 of feed supplementation and reached physiological norm on day 30. The safety index of the product has been calculated. The use of the functional feed additive Bioprotektin-KD in conditions of a livestock complex has improved such production indicators as calf survival, average daily weight gain, and milk productivity of cows in the experimental groups of animals as compared to the control ones.

2021 ◽  
Vol 212 ◽  
pp. 188-192
V.I. Kotarev ◽  
L.I. Denisenko ◽  
V.V. Shipilov ◽  

The results of morpho-biochemical, immunological studies and data on the antioxidant status of young laying hens of Czech Dominant breed when including “Profort” feed additive in the ration are presented. The study was carried out in the conditions of the poultry farm of Krasnoye Podvorie farm in Belgorod region. The chickens were divided into two groups: experimental and control. Young birds of the control group received the main ration. As for the experimental group, “Profort” feed additive, which contained Bacilius megaterium B-4801 and Enterococus faecium l-35, was used at a dose of 0.5 kg / t in combination with the main ration. Blood samples for research were taken on 11, 21 and 42 days. In the course of the studies, a positive effect on morpho-biochemical, immunological parametres and parametres of antioxidant defense system of egg cross chicken blood when using “Profort” probiotic was revealed. A decrease of the content of monocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes and pseudo-eosinophils was noted throughout the entire period of the study in blood of young birds of the experimental group, compared to the control group. The concentration of alpha-globulins in the blood of birds of the experimental group was higher throughout the entire period of the study relative to the parametres of the control group. The maximum difference in immunological parameters of the blood of birds of the experimental and control groups was achieved on the 42nd day of the study. So, lysozyme activity of blood serum of young laying hens of the experimental group was higher by 18.8%, and the content of CIC and general Ig - by 30.7% and 21.9%, respectively. A decrease of medium molecular peptide level in blood shows a positive effect on the antioxidant status of the organism

Фаргат Вагапов ◽  
Fargat Vagapov ◽  
Наталья Гизатова ◽  
Natalya Gizatova

The purpose of research is increase the efficiency of the use of nutrients for rations by Simmental breed bulls with various doses of Vetosporin Suspension. Bulls were fed by probiotic in the amount of 0.1; 1 and 2 ml per 10 kg of live weight. It has been established that the use of rations including the feed supplement studied, in the feeding of experimental groups, promoted an increase in feed intake. Thus, the young growth of the three experimental groups exceeded the analogues of the control group for the consumption of hay grass by 37-118 kg (1.47-4.68%), green weight – by 31-71 kg (1.74-3.98%). Concentrates, molas-ses, fodder, and salt were given to the animals in the same amount. It can be stated that feeding to the Simmental bulls of different doses of the Vetosporin drug suspension had a positive effect on the digestibil-ity of the nutrients of the diet and their assimilation by the body. It is evident that in animals of experimental groups there is a certain superiority in certain indices over analogues of the control group. In this case, the animals of group I were inferior to the experimental groups by a digestibility factor of 1.03-2.24%, raw fat by 0.43-0.77%. For the rest of the indicators, there was a similar trend. When fattening Simmental bull calves, full-fledged and, importantly, balanced feeding was organized. Taking this into account, the use of probiotic fodder supplement, Vetosporin Suspension, contributed to greater consumption of all types of feed, nutrients and energy by animal test groups. In this case, the greatest effect was observed with the use of an approved additive in a dose of 1.0 ml per 10 kg of alive weight.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-29 ◽  
Гизатова ◽  
Natalya Gizatova

The research object is improvement of the productive qualities of heifers of Kazakh white breed by introducing additional to the basic diet of different doses of feed additives BioDarin. Protein-vitamin-mineral supplement BioDarin in its composition contains nutrients, micro- and macroelements, which are the source of energy, stimulate digestive processes, metabolism, growth and improve immunity, positive effect on animal performance. Currently of great practical and scientific importance is the use of the additive BioDarin for the correction of diet feeding. Scientific and economic experiment was carried out on the basis of JSC AIC «Alga+» Tuimazinsk district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. For the experiment there were formed 4 groups of heifers of Kazakh white-headed breed: group I – control; group II heifers in addition to the basic diet received a feed additive in a dose of 0.5 kg per 100 kg of grain mixture, the animals of group III received 1 kg of the feed additive per 100 kg of grain mixture, peers IV groups received 1.5 kg of a grain mixture. It is established that heifers of the III experienced group receiving feed additive BioDarin in the dose of 1.0 kg per 100 kg of grain mixture, had the best body weight, and average day growth.

T. R. Levytskyy

A study of the effectiveness of the use of feed additive Liatoxil in vivo in broiler chickens to study the ability of feed additives to improve digestion and affect the digestibility of nutrients. For research was formed on the principle of analogues -day age. Feeding of the control group was carried out with standard feed. Feeding of the experimental group was carried out with standard feed, in which the feed additive Liatoxil was added at the rate of 2 g / kg. The calculation of the digestibility of nutrients of the experimental and control feed was determined by their content in the feed and manure in terms of absolutely dry matter. It is established that the studied feed additive has a positive effect on the digestibility of feed nutrients. As a result of the use of feed additive Liatoxil, the digestibility of organic matter increased by 2.8 % compared to the control. The coefficient of protein digestibility in animals of the experimental group exceeded this indicator of the control group by 4.2 % and was 93.3 % against 89.1 % in the control. The digestibility of crude fat in poultry of the experimental group was 77.8 % and also exceeded by 2.0 % the value of the control group, which was 75.8 %. The studied feed additive did not significantly affect the digestibility of crude fiber, which was 23.3 % in the control and 23.5 % in the experiment. At the same time, the obtained data show that in the animals of the experimental group the digestibility of nitrogen-free extractives was 87.5 %, which is 2.8 % higher than this indicator of the control group.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-26
Долженкова ◽  
Galina Dolzhenkova ◽  
Тагиров ◽  
Khamit Tagirov ◽  
Гизатова ◽  

The research objective is improvement of the productive qualities of Kazakh white breed heifers by introducing in addition to the basic diet of different doses of feed additives BioDarin. Currently raising meats-term productivity of livestock through a full feeding is promising direction. One way of addressing this issue is the use in the diet of animals. One of the promising supplements is BioDarin. Scientific and economic experiment was carried out on the basis of JSC AIC «Alga+» Tuimazinsk district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. For the experiment there were formed 4 groups of heifers of Kazakh white breed: group I – control; group II heifers in addition to the basic diet received a feed additive in a dose of 0.5 kg per 100 kg of grain mixture, the animals of group III received 1 kg of the feed additive per 100 kg of grain mixture, peers IV groups received 1.5 kg of a grain mixture. Among the studied groups, heifers of the III experienced group receiving feed additive at a dose of 1.0 kg per 100 kg of grain mixture, had better hematological indices. In the course of the research established that the highest levels of productivity and better metabolism differed heifers, which were included in the diet a food additive BioDarin.


В условиях племрепродуктора в Республике Башкортостан были проведены опыты по изучению влияния селеносодержащего препарата ДАФС-25 на рост и мясную продуктивность бычков симментальской породы. В опытной группе животные характеризовались более высокой интенсивностью обменных процессов. Они превосходили по содержаниюбелка в крови бычковконтрольнойгруппы, где разницасоставила в 3 мес 0,9 г/л (1,17), в 6 мес 1,41 г/л (1,84), в 12 мес 1,54 г/л (1,99), в 18 мес 1,18 г/л (1,51). Установлено, что у животных, получавших добавку, активность ферментов АСТ и АЛТ была выше, чем в контроле, соответственно, на 0,100,22 ед. (2,7013,74), что положительно отразилось на интенсивности формирования мясной продуктивности. Лучшей энергией роста в течение опыта обладали бычки опытной группы, они имели преимущество по живой массе к концу опыта 23,7 кг (7,4). Бычки опытной группы превосходили аналогов из контроля по живой массе в возрасте 3, 6, 9,12, 15 месна 2,2 кг (2,56), 6,1 (4,25), 11,9 (5,74), 15,2 (5,42), 17,2 кг (5,13). Результаты контрольного убоя свидетельствовали, что скармливание ДАФС-25 бычкам опытной группы способствовало интенсивному увеличению живой массы и мясной продуктивности. Масса парной туши у бычков 18-месячного возраста опытной группы была на 14,28 кг (6,96) выше, чем в контроле внутреннего жира на 1,95 кг (21,33), убойной массы на 16,23 кг (7,57). У животных опытной группы убойный выход был выше на 1,05, по сравнению с бычками контрольной группы. У бычков, получавших подкормку, масса мякоти была больше на 20,31 кг, что составляет 13,05 (Р0,001). Туши животных опытной группы характеризовались лучшим соотношением в них мяса, жира и костей. Мякоти на 1 кг костей приходилось 4,56 кг, или на 0,23 кг (5,31) больше, чем в контроле.Research directed at studying the influence of selenium-based feed additive, DAFS-25, on the growth and meat productivity in calf bulls of Simmental breed was carried out under the conditions of a pedigree breeding unit located in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The animals included in the test group was characterized by increased intensity of metabolic processes. The level of blood protein of animals from this group exceeded the level of blood protein of animals from control group. The differences at the age of 3 months amounted to 0.9 g/L (1.17), 6 months 1.41 g/L (1.84), 12 months 1.54 g/L (1.99), 18 months 1.18 g/L (1.51). It was found that the activity of AST and ALT enzymes in animals that received the additive was higher by 0.10-0.22 u (2.70-13.74), respectively, than that in animals included in control group, which positively influenced the intensity of meat productivity formation. Calf bulls from the test group showed the best growth energy during the experiment. Their live weight advantage by the end of the experiment amounted to 23.7 kg (7.4). Test group calf bulls were superior to the analogues belonging to control group by live weight: by 2.2 kg (2.56), 6.1 (4.25), 11.9 (5.74), 15.2 (5.42), and 17.2 kg (5.13) at the age of 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 months. The results of control slaughter showed that feeding DAFS-25 to calf bulls belonging to test group facilitated intensive growth of live weight and meat productivity. Hot carcass weight of 18-month-old calf bulls belonging to test group by 14.28 kg (6.96) exceeded the result of control group test group animals also exceeded those from control group by the following parameters: internal fat by 1.95 kg (21.33), slaughter-weight by 16.23 kg (7.57). Slaughter yield of test group animals was higher by 1.05 compared to calf bulls attributed to control group. Flesh weight of calf bulls who received the additive was higher was 20.31 kg more, which amounts to 13.05 (P0.001). Carcasses of test group animals were characterized by better ratio of meat, fat, and bones. There was 4.56 kg of flesh per 1 kg of bones, or 0.23 kg (5.31) more than in control group.

Pablo Javier Olabe Sánchez ◽  
Andrés Martínez-Almagro Andreo

To practice strength and balance activities are shown as useful tools to fall prevention by diverse metanalysis. On the other side, aquatic environment offers interesting properties for a therapeutic reeducation, being the Ai Chi one of its applications. Aim: To evaluate the repercussion of an Ai Chi programme on aged people’s balance. Method: A randomized controlled trial was developed comparing two groups formed by aged people with risk of fall according to the Timed Up & Go test. Intervention Group (IG) followed twelve Ai Chi sessions combined with their thermal programme; and Control Group (CG) just followed the thermal programme. Both groups spent two weeks in the Balneario of Archena (Murcia, Spain). Results: Both groups improve their balance; however, only the IG reached the non-risk of fall from the Timed Up & Go test. Conclusions: The combination of Ai Chi sessions and a thermal programme had a positive effect on aged people’s balance, showing a therapeutic and clinical relevance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (6) ◽  
pp. 729-738
Olga N. Savelieva ◽  
Aleksandra S. Karunas ◽  
Yuliya Yu. Fedorova ◽  
Radik F. Gatiyatullin ◽  
Esfir I. Etkina ◽  

Asthma is a common multifactorial disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract. Insufficient control of asthma symptoms significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life, leads to the risk for more severe disease and disability. It is important to research the role of gene polymorphisms encoding proteins involved in various stages of histamine metabolism, which is one of the known mediators of allergic reactions.The aim of the study was to investigate histamine receptor gene polymorphisms (HRH1, HRH2, HRH3, HRH4) in children with asthma and the control group.Methods. The study of HRH1 (rs901865), HRH2 (rs2067474), HRH3 (rs3787429), HRH4 (rs11665084) gene polymorphisms in asthma patients and healthy individuals aged 2 - 17 years of different ethnicities living in the Republic of Bashkortostan was carried out. Genotyping of polymorphisms was performed by polymerase chain reaction with fluorescence detection.Results. In Tatars, rs901865*CT genotype and rs901865*T allele of HRH1 gene were associated with asthma development and decrease in spirometry measures (MEF25). In Tatars, a statistically significant model of the interaction between HRH1 (rs901865), HRH3 (rs3787429), and HRH4 (rs11665084) gene polymorphisms that leads to the risk of asthma was established.Conclusion. The results of this study reveal certain aspects of asthma pathogenesis and suggest the possible involvement of polymorphic variants of histamine receptors genes HRH1, HRH3, HRH4 in the development of asthma.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Salmauwati Salmauwati ◽  
Muhamad Agus Wibowo ◽  
Dedeh Kurniasih

ABSTRACTThis study was initiated by the students’ low learning outcomes on Chemistry subject and the teachers’ preference in using lecture method in teaching learning process.This study aimed at 1) finding out the differences of students’ learning outcomes between the use of flash media-assisted practical method and lecture method on hydrocarbon class at grade XI MIA of SMA Muhammadiyah I Pontianak. Using quasi experimental design and Control Group Posttes Design, this study employed the students of grade XI MIA 2 as the samples of experiment group, andthe students of grade XI MIA 2 as the samples of control group. The data collection techniques used were measurement and observation. While the instruments employed were observation sheet and essay. TheU-Mann Whitneytest revealed that the post test score of 0,0140< 0,05 Ho was rejected, while the Ha one was accepted. It means that there was correlation of students’ learning outcomes between the experiment and the control groups. In addition, the effect size result was 1,086 > 0,8 and considered high which indicated the positive effect of flash media-assisted practical method in enhancing students’ learning achievement.Keywords: flash, learning outcomes, hydrocarbon, practical method

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