The Concept of Pride: Actualization In Fiction

О. Полонская ◽  
O. Polonskaya

The article analyzes the actualization of linguistic signs with the semantics of pride in the literary works of English authors, which reflects the traditional ethical interpretation of emotional-ethical concept of Pride. The relevance of the undertaken research is due to the scientific interest for the study of the universal semantic constants, accumulating knowledge about the human inner world, and their language representation. The essence of human being directly correlates with the nature of language and is reflected in linguistic and cultural phenomena, characterized by semantic richness, sociocultural and discursive variability. Semantic constant Pride also is one of the human inner world semiosphere components. The phenomenon of pride is anthropocentric, covers the moral and ethical sphere, so the study of it as a cognitive - semiotic and axiological phenomenon seems to be promising.

Nataliia Odarchuk ◽  
Elina Koliada ◽  
Iryna Kalynovska ◽  

The article explores the image of the Ukrainian orthodox priest of the beginning – middle of the 20th century by analyzing the literary works of Liubov Vasyliv-Baziuk, a contemporary Canadian writer of the Ukrainian origin. Liubov Vasyliv-Baziuk was born and brought up in Western Ukraine in the family of an orthodox priest. For this reason the idea of love for the Ukrainian church, which has been plundered and destroyed for centuries is one of the leading in the authoress’ works. The struggle of the Orthodox Church for the right to exist, establish, and expand itself on the Ukrainian lands fills Vasyliv-Baziuk’s creative heritage. Living amidst high morality principles, surrounded by sacred literature as well as priests, bishops, and metropolitans, Vasyliv-Baziuk couldn’t help absorbing the most precious and valuable from the spiritually close people. Her father was an example of sacrificial love, devoted service to God and people, and readiness for self-abnegation for the sake of his neighbor. It is because of this that the Orthodox priest is depicted in Vasyliv-Baziuk’s books as a completely positive character and is represented through a set of chronological events in the way the authoress perceives them. The created image of a Ukrainian priest is collective; it is not based on one character, rather on several. It is composed of features of priest Yosyp, Liubov’s father, Archimandrite Serafym, her grandfather, who took monastic vows after his wife’s death, priest Vasyl Varvariv, her uncle, priests Hlib and Marko, Metropolitan Ilarion, and others, who appear on the pages of the books «They served Church and the Ukrainian people», «In the whirl of the totalitarian regimes», and «The roads of life». The wholeness of a character is designed as a totality of its constituents which in their turn represent everyday life of the character, his social activity, inner world etc. After a thorough analysis of the works by Liubov Vasyliv-Baziuk we have come to a conclusion that the image of the priest is composed of the following constituents: parish priest, priest-confessor, priest-prayer, priest-educator, priest-parent, priest-patriot, priest-diplomat, priest-opinion leader, and priest-manager. Each constituent has been described in the article and confirmed by citations from the literary works. Not all the characters of the priests whom we come across in the books possess all the above components, but collectively they create an integral image of the priest. The authoress succeeds in reaching the objective portrayal of the then clergy’s life and creating in the readers’ minds an ideal image of the Ukrainian Orthodox priest, who has an educational potential and can be a worthy example to follow.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (4) ◽  
pp. 31-44
M. R. Shumarina

The paper attempts to perform philological commenting on one of the most well-known Leonid Andreev’s short stories "Petka at the Dacha". Linguostylistic analysis enabled the author to discuss the specific features of the images of time, space and the characters in their language representation. The system of the conceptual oppositions "non-childhood – childhood", "dirty – clean", "gloomy – light", "dead – alive", "slow – fast", "ignorance – awareness", "existence – life" is the centrepiece of the inner text composition. The description of the boy’s behaviour, his relationships with those around him and the changes in his inner world creates the basic opposition of the two spheres in the protagonist’s life – "childhood" versus "non-childhood". Shifting viewpoints, subjectivation of the author’s speech and the use of imperfect predicates are important for the narrative structure organisation. Studying the key images of the work and comparing the elements which comprise its circular plot structure (the introduction and ending) allow the author to conclude that the ending strikes an optimistic note and generates a life-asserting pathos.

2021 ◽  
pp. 240-250
Lilit Safrastyan

THE HERALD OF SPRING. IMAGE OF ARMENIAN HERO IN THE POEM OF AHMAD SHAMLU "VARTAN" Ahmad Shamlou is one of the most prominent representatives of the Iranian literature of the 20th century, who stood at the roots of the anti-dictatorship struggle, carrying out creative and social activities. Shamlu's unbreakable revolutionary spirit, love for the homeland and a human being have found their vivid expression in his works. In the very first period of his career, Shamlu was persecuted and imprisoned many times as a dissident. Many of his works, including translations, literary works, were censored and burned in printing houses. Armenians have a special place in Shamlu's personal and creative life. The main heroine of Shamlu's inspiration was his wife Aida Sargsyan, to whom he dedicated the most beautiful poems of modern Iranian love poetry. Armenian revolutionary hero Vartan Salakhanyan's character was also immortalized by the poet in the famous poem "Vardan" or "Nazli's death". In this poem Ahmad Shamlu depicts the heroic feats of the Armenian hero in metaphorical language, calling him "The Herald of Spring".

2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (English Version) ◽  
pp. 5-20
Olaf Krysowski

This article attempts to recreate the image of Jadwiga Łuszczewska from the literary works and letters by Cyprian Norwid. The young improviser sparked controversy not only among the critics, but also among the Warsaw socialites in Romantic period. Norwid, however, considered her personality as original, modern and capable of refreshing Polish poetry. In his poems he describes her as “the tenth Muse” and compares her to Sappho, who was called exactly the same name by Plato in recognition of her poetic talent. Moreover, he depicts her in an idealized manner, like a contemporary sibyl who advises the nation on how to proceed in a tragic historical period. Norwid’s enthusiasm waned at the beginning of the 1860s when it became clear that the poetic works by Deotyma were becoming repetitive, constantly revisiting the same motives, ideas and aesthetic means, unable to go beyond the horizon defined at the onset of her career. He realized that behind the female figure he himself ennobled – as comforter, Samaritan, visionary, and statuesque Muse – there is a human being, imperfect and, in some aspects trivial, affected or even philistine.

2001 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-69
Douglas J. Den Uyl ◽  
Douglas B. Rasmussen

Whether or not Strauss's observation is historically accurate, it does suggest two sets of questions for philosophical examination. (1) Is Strauss correct to view natural duties and natural rights as the same type of ethical concept? Do they serve the same function? Do they work on the same level, and are they necessarily in competition with each other? (2) Does saying that the individual human being is the center of the moral world require that one reject the idea of a human end, or telos? Does accepting the ethical centrality of a human telos require that one reject ethical individualism? Are they mutually exclusive?

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (01) ◽  
Miftakhul Muthoharoh

Abstract: Literature is a work that describes the problems of life. Literature in describing human life is inseparable from human and humanitarian problems. The problems in human life are inseparable from the lives of its author and readers, so literature is an effective means of translating the inner world of human beings. Literary works are basically the embodiment of the lives of writers' observations of their surrounding lives. Aside from being entertainment, literary works are also a means conveying the ideas and thoughts in terms of culture, social, and even religion. In literature there are constituent elements, namely themes, mandates, figures, characrers, and languages which are all packaged in aesthetic and imaginative forms. These elements contain ideas related to, among others, religious values. Religious values that are able to color the author's creativity, aesthetics, and imagination include the values of faith, scientific, moral, and social values. These values are the basic ones that form the main foothold in the world of Islamic religious education. This proves that literary works can be a means of transforming written and implied values of life in addition to contributing to the readers and the connoisseurs of literature.Keywords: Educational values, literary values, character

Literatūra ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Dalia Čiočytė

Literatūros teologija – tarpdisciplininė teorija, aiškinanti literatūros ir teologijos santykius bei tirianti literatūrinio mąstymo apie transcendenciją aspektus, – Vakarų religijos ir kultūros tradicijoje susiformavo palyginti neseniai (po Antrojo pasaulinio karo). Tačiau dėmesingumas teologiniams klausimams akivaizdus visoje Vakarų literatūros ir kritikos istorijoje. Tad kuo XX a. susiformavusi literatūros teologija skiriasi nuo ligtolinio dialogo tarp literatūros tyrimo ir teologijos? Atsakymas susijęs su šio dialogo pobūdžiu: ar kritiko dialogas su teologija tik numanomas (implikuotas), ar tiesiogiai aiškinamas ir grindžiamas (eksplikuotas). Tradicinės krikščioniškosios kultūros kontekste kritikas nejautė poreikio teoriškai motyvuoti literatūros ir teologijos sąsajos (dauguma rašytojų, kritikų ir skaitytojų buvo krikščionys), o XX a. kultūroje literatūros ir krikščionybės santykis jau nebeturi „savaime suprantamumo“ statuso ir reikalingas sąmoningos refleksijos.Literatūros teologijos galiojimo srities klausimas yra metodologinis, klausimas apie tai, kada ir kaip literatūros tyrimas vadovaujantis literatūros teologijos formuojama literatūros samprata ir taikant literatūros teologijos siūlomus tyrimo metodus yra efektyvus literatūros prasmės atskleidimo būdas.Literatūra yra žmogiškosios savimonės forma, ir literatūroje matomos teologinės minties objektas visada yra labiau žmogus negu Dievas. Literatūrinės introspekcijos kontekste Dievas pasirodo, kai žmogus meniniu mąstymu ieško savo esmės, kai formuoja giliųjų būties pamatų sampratą. Literatūros teologija nagrinėja ir aiškina kūrinio teologinę įžvalgą – literatūrinę egzistencijos kilmės ir prasmės klausimų interpretaciją, poetinio metaforinio mąstymo plėtojamą denotacijų ir konotacijų tinkle, struktūrinių teksto ašių sankirtose, giliuosiuose teksto prasmės kloduose. Kūrinys, turintis teologinio angažuotumo (apologetinio ar provokacinio angažuotumo), siekia būti adekvačiai suprastas, ir tokios literatūros tyrimams literatūros teologijos kompetencija itin svarbi. Literatūros teologijos galiojimo periferija yra kūriniai, kuriuose matyti ne tiek teologinio, kiek bendrojo humanistinio pobūdžio literatūrinis mąstymas. Mažiausiai literatūros teologija gali pasakyti apie tokią literatūrą, kurioje plėtojamos pasaulėvokos dominantė yra indiferentinė laikysena transcendencijos atžvilgiu.The center, the periphery and limits of competence of the theology of Literature as the theoretical perspective Dalia Čiočytė Summary The article sets to explore the validity of the theology of literature: what are the center, the periphery and limits of this interdisciplinary theoretical perspective. Literary theology based on existential experience (the theological thought seen in literature) is held to be a variant of individual theological quest. The main subject of literary theological thought is always more human being than God, as literature itself is a form of human consciousness. God appears in the context of literary introspection when the artistic thought is seeking for God and meaning. The theology of literature investigates such a literary theological insight, i. e., it investigates literary interpretation of the origin and sense of existence. Literary metaphor creates new modes to refer to deep religious experiences that are impossible to verbalize in concepts. Metaphor performs the opposite function as well: it protects the metaphysical realm from reduction. Criticism needs to be enriched with theological competence in order to interpret literary works that have got theological denotations. The periphery of validity of the theology of literature are such literary works that show not theological but rather general humanistic thought. This theory can tell the least about such literature that is dominated by religious indifference.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-124
Fatemeh (Sara) Pakdamanshahri

“Putting it negatively, the myth of eternal return states that a life which disappears once and for all, which does not return, is like a shadow, without weight, dead in advance, and whether it was horrible, beautiful, or sublime, its horror, sublimity, and beauty mean nothing.”1 As Kundera, himself, puts it, the idea of living once and never returning to it suggests the utmost lightness under which one’s existence hinders rather than strengthen. The Unbearable Lightness of Being calls on us in the hope of a rediscovery of the experience of homecoming, not only in a geographical sense as we see in Oedipus the King, but more importantly in the psychological, spiritual, and epistemological sense of the term. The struggle between fate and freedom of choice, feeling of guilt and the resolution to its confrontation are among the mutual themes in these two literary masterpieces. Although there are a number of one to one connections between certain characters in the two literary works mentioned, the noteworthy is the individual journey they take to return home (in its metaphorical sense), which at the same time speaks of a collective journey of the homecoming of the human being.

2021 ◽  
Oksana Kabachek

Describes the results of an interdisciplinary study of the unconscious, obtained by a new method. Deciphering the features of the layers of the unconscious (by analyzing an anagram, a complete or a selective phonograms) on the material of 11000 Russian-language texts of the XII-XXI centuries (or their excerpts) allowed to identify and study phenomena of the unconscious: subpersonalities of the childlike and adult Self, the archetypal universal matrix (the material substrate of which is in the Amygdala), narrative codes that construct the "fate of the hero", levels of subjectness, etc. A hypothesis has been put forward about the relationship between impaired unconscious perception of certain signal sounds and various mental pathologies. Areas of application of this method are mentioned: from a description of the patient's inner world to attribution of literary works, understanding of the national mentality and revealing the deep value attitudes of "players" in the historical arena.

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