scholarly journals Strategi implementasi teknologi biofloc dalam budidaya udang putih Litopenaeus vannamei di Provinsi Lampung

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 217-226
Supono Supono

Abstract. Biofloc technology in shrimp farming is a new technology that has advantages over other technologies. Biofloc technology can maintain water quality, especially ammonia and pH, suppress Vibrio growth, enhance immunity, and as natural food for shrimp. The application of this technology in shrimp farming still faces several obstacles, so not all farmers apply it. This study aims to evaluate the application of biofloc systems in white shrimp farming and formulate appropriate strategies to increase farmer productivity. The study was conducted using the survey and interview method for the perpetrators of white shrimp cultivation in Lampung Province. Collected data were strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the application of biofloc technology in the cultivation of white shrimp. The obtained data were analyzed descriptively, while the formulation of strategies was conducted using SWOT analysis. The results showed that shrimp culture technology with biofloc technology has good prospects for increasing shrimp production. However, biofloc technology also has weaknesses that can lead to the failure of shrimp farming. The application of white shrimp biofloc technology was in quadrant I (aggressive) where this system has a good internal strength to capture existing external opportunities (SO strategy). Internal strengths include a high survival rate, relatively faster growth, environmentally friendly, able to minimize disease agents that enter the culture system, and lower feed conversion, while the opportunities they have include: shrimp prices are relatively high, there is a revitalization program unproductive ponds by the government, the issue of eco-labeling, and the growing demand for shrimp exports.Keywords: SWOT analysis, water quality, strategy, shrimp production, aggressive  Abstrak. Teknologi biofloc dalam budidaya udang merupakan teknologi baru yang memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan teknologi lainnya.  Teknologi biofloc dapat menjaga kualitas air terutama amoniak dan pH, menekan pertumbuhan Vibrio, meningkatkan imunitas, serta sebagai pakan alami bagi udang.  Penerapan teknologi ini dalam budidaya udang masih mengalami beberapa kendala, sehingga tidak semua petambak menerapkannya.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penerapan sistem biofloc  dalam budidaya udang putih dan merumuskan strategi yang tepat untuk meningkatkan produktivitas petambak. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode surve dan wawancara terhadap pelaku budidaya udang  putih di Provinsi Lampung.  Data yang dikumpulkan berupa kekuatan (strength), kelemahan (weakness), peluang (opportunity) dan ancaman (threat) penerapan teknologi biofloc dalam budidaya udang putih.  Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif, sedangkan perumusan strategi menggunakan   analsis SWOT.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi budidaya udang dengan teknologi biofloc mempunyai prospek yang baik untuk meningkatkan produksi udang.  Namun demikian,  teknologi biofloc juga memiliki kelemahan yang dapat menimbulkan kegagalan budidaya udang. Penerapan teknologi  biofloc udang putih berada pada kuadran I (agresif) dimana sistem ini mempunyai kekuatan internal yang baik untuk menangkap peluang eksternal yang ada (strategi SO).  Kekuatan internal yang dimiliki antara lain: tingkat kelulushidupan tinggi, pertumbuhan relatif lebih cepat, ramah lingkungan, mampu meminimalisir agen penyakit yang masuk dalam sistem budidaya, dan konversi pakan lebih rendah, sementara peluang yang dimiliki antara lain: harga udang relatif tinggi, adanya program revitalisasi tambak yang tidak produktif oleh pemerintah, adanya isu eco labeling, serta permintaan ekspor udang yang terus meningkat.Kata kunci: Analisis SWOT, kualitas air, strategi, produksi udang, agresif

2020 ◽  
Chang Lin

Abstract In Thailand, marine shrimp was traditionally produced extensively for decades in coastal ponds. The insatiable global demand for shrimp products in recent years intensified and expanded shrimp culture in Thailand throughout the 1990s. Few regulations or guidelines were imposed on developing coastal land for shrimp farming. The boom resulted in rapid degradation of the coastal environment and widespread disease outbreaks, causing repeated crop failures in shrimp culture. In contrast, shrimp cultured in low-salinity ponds away from the coast experienced great success. As a result, thousands of hectares of rice paddies in the Thai heartland distant from the seacoast were converted to low-salinity shrimp farming. Large quantities of high-salinity brine (100-200 ppt) were transported from coastal salt pans to fill inland ponds to a salinity less than 5 ppt. Other than the salinity difference, low-salinity shrimp culture was generally similar to that in the coastal ponds. Shrimp were stocked at high density (50-100 PLs m-2) in a closed system. The shrimp production commonly exceeded 10 t ha-1 crop-1 in 3-4 months. During the peak period, shrimp production from inland areas accounted for nearly 40% of total annual production of shrimp at 200,000 t in Thailand. As the economic gain from shrimp production was more than 50-fold that of the rice crop, shrimp culture was regarded as a bonanza for debt-ridden rice farmers. However, inland shrimp farming was short-lived, as the Thai government banned the practice in 1993 on the grounds that it led to salination of soil and groundwater, and ultimately jeopardized the national rice bowl. Despite the ban, low-salinity shrimp farming still exists in areas where intrusion of natural seawater occurs. However, with persistent disease problems encountered in culturing native Penaeus monodon, the exotic white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) has become the major species.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Nur Ansari Rangka, Gunarto

Abstract The objective of the research are to monitor of floc and same parameters production of Litopenaeus vannamei cultured in concrete pond. Two unit of concrete ponds consist of one pond real conccrete pond cemented in the dike and pond bottom, it size 3250 m2 (A pond) was stocked with vanname post larvae day 10 at density 170 ind./m2 (561.200 ind.). The other one pond only cemented in the dike, whereas the pond bottom still of sandy soil, its size 3915 m2 ( B pond) was stocked with vanname post larvae day 10 at the density 148 ind./m2 (579.600 ind.). These ponds were monitored started from pond preparation stages untill shrimp harvested. In A pond , after two months shrimp cultured, at every two days the pond waters was added 15 kg of molasses in order to enhance the CN ratio, so that the floc can growth easily. B pond was control pond without molasses addition. Both of these ponds were added with varies of probiotic shifted daily. Monitored on srimp feed given to the shrimp showed that after post larvae stocked in pond, the feeed given to the post larvae at the dosage 3 kg crumble feed/100.000 ind. post larvae. The quantity of shrimp feed increases to 6 kg/100.000 ind post larvae at the day of culture 20 - 25. Then after that period the quantity of feed given to the shrimp follow the standard feeding program and depend on the feeding monitoring in trays (anco). Shrimp survival rate, production and feed convertion were monitored after shrimp harvested. Water quality, total bacteria and total Vibrio sp were monitored beweekly. TSS, VSS and floc volume were monitored after floc develop in pond waters. Result of the research showed that floc develop in A pond at the day 75, while in B pond after the day 90. Ammonium concentration in pond waters was decreases coinsides with the developing floc in A and B pond. However, nitrite decreased only in B pond and Vibrio sp population was stagnant. Shrimp harvested in both ponds at two times, first at the day 110 and secondly at the day 140. Shrimp production attained 11.123,5 kg (34.226,15 kg/Ha), survival rate 88,55%, feed convertion 1 : 1,82 and shrimp size 41,7 – 52 ekor/kg in pond A. In B pond shrimp production is15030 kg (38.390,8 kg/Ha), survival 99,6%, feed convertion 1 : 1,66 and shrimp size 36,5 – 46,5 ind./kg. Based on this research indicated that in A pond more fasted floc develop compared than that of B pond. However, shrimp production was lower, feed convertion was higher in A pond compared than that of B pond. Total yields in plots A (flock) of 11123.5 kg (34226.15 kg / ha), with 88.55% survival rate, feed conversion 1: 1.82. The average size of 46 shrimp tails / kg. In plot B the production of 15 030 kg (38390.8 kg / ha), 99.6% survival rate, feed conversion of 1.66, the size of the shrimp tails 41.5 / kg. Based on these results suggest that although the plot A flock is formed faster than in plot B, but lower shrimp production and feed conversion value is higher than that obtained in plot B. The analysis focused on the cultivation of farms with the highest production of plot B is converted in a total of 36 308 kg ha (an average of 34226.15 kg / ha - 38390.8 kg / ha) with a value of Rp. 805.465.160/season. Vaname shrimp farming can be done two times a year. Reveniu calculation cost ratio (R / C ratio) value of 2.02 indicates the feasibility of (2.02> 1) in a season of business, while for the Benefit cost ratio (B / C ratio) of 1.02 (1.02> 1) is worthy of sustained effort.

AMB Express ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Shenzheng Zeng ◽  
Sukontorn Khoruamkid ◽  
Warinphorn Kongpakdee ◽  
Dongdong Wei ◽  
Lingfei Yu ◽  

Abstract The Pacific white shrimp, with the largest production in shrimp industry, has suffered from multiple severe viral and bacterial diseases, which calls for a more reliable and environmentally friendly system to promote shrimp culture. The “Aquamimicry system”, mimicking the nature of aquatic ecosystems for the well-being of aquatic animals, has effectively increased shrimp production and been adapted in many countries. However, the microbial communities in the shrimp intestine and surrounding environment that act as an essential component in Aquamimicry remain largely unknown. In this study, the microbial composition and diversity alteration in shrimp intestine, surrounding water and sediment at different culture stages were investigated by high throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene, obtaining 13,562 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Results showed that the microbial communities in shrimp intestine and surrounding environment were significantly distinct from each other, and 23 distinguished taxa for each habitat were further characterized. The microbial communities differed significantly at different culture stages, confirmed by a great number of OTUs dramatically altered during the culture period. A small part of these altered OTUs were shared between shrimp intestine and surrounding environment, suggesting that the microbial alteration of intestine was not consistent with that of water and sediment. Regarding the high production of Aquamimicry farm used as a case in this study, the dissimilarity between intestinal and surrounding microbiota might be considered as a potential indicator for healthy status of shrimp farming, which provided hints on the appropriate culture practices to improve shrimp production.

2017 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 495-508
William Bauer ◽  
Paulo Cesar Abreu ◽  
Luis Henrique Poersch

Abstract Water quality, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, proto and mezo-zooplankton abundance were spatiotemporally evaluated in an estuary receiving effluents from a Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei farm in Patos Lagoon estuary, Southern Brazil. Samples were taken before (BD) and; 1 day (1 PD) 5 days (5 PD), 10 days (10 PD), 20 days (20 PD) and 30 days (30 PD) after the effluents discharge. Some water quality parameters were affected by the effluents discharge; however, these changes were restricted to a distance of 20 m from the effluent discharge channel for a period of 5 days. The microbial community was dominated by chlorophyceae, followed by diatoms, cyanobacteria and ciliates. There was an increase in the abundance of different groups on the 1 PD sampling compared to BD. The zooplankton abundance was low in practically all sites, except for 30 PD sampling. The meso-zooplanktonic organisms were represented by copepods, mostly Acartia tonsa. Despite some effects on water quality and phytoplankton and protozooplankton abundance until 5 PD sampling, these alterations dissipated in a short period of time. We conclude that the environment quickly assimilated the effluents discharge, and the water quality parameters remained within the limits stipulated by standard guidelines.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 727-738
. Makmur ◽  
Hidayat Suryanto Suwoyo ◽  
Mat Fahrur ◽  
Rachman Syah

ABSTRAKSalah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan oksigen terlarut di perairan tambak dapat dilakukan melalui sistem aerasi dasar. Jumlah titik aerasi dasar diduga mempengaruhi kelarutan oksigen dan berdampak pada performa  budidaya udang di tambak. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua petak tambak beton masing-masing 1.000 m2 dilengkapi dengan sistem aerasi dasar yang terbuat dari  rubber diffuser sepanjang 100 cm, berjumlah 140 buah (Perlakuan A) dan 70 buah (Perlakuan B). Benur udang vaname PL-9 ditebar dengan padat penebaran 600 ekor/m2 dan dipelihara selama 70 hari. Perlakuan A menghasilkan kelarutan oksigen 3,04-10,36 (6,60±1,07) mg/L lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan B dengan kisaran oksigen terlarut 2,77-7,92 (6,08±0,95) mg/L. Sebaliknya parameter nitrit, total nitrogen, phosphat dan bahan organik terlarut lebih rendah di perlakuan A. Produksi, sintasan, dan rasio konversi pakan pada perlakuan A masing-masing 5.620 kg, 93,6% dan 1,12 dan perlakuan B masing-masing 4.000 kg, 80,7% dan 1,51. Perlakuan A menghasilkan performa budidaya lebih baik dibandingkan perlakuan B. Untuk meningkatkan pasokan oksigen terlarut di tambak dapat digunakan rubber diffuser yang dihubungkan dengan blower. ABSTRACTOne effort to increase dissolved oxygen concentration in pond waters is by applying bottom aeration system. The number of aeration point in the pond bottom allegedly affects oxygen solubility and shrimp farming performance. This study utilized two concreted ponds of 1000 m2 each equipped with two bottom aeration systems built by 100 cm long of rubber diffuser, totaling 140 pieces (Treatment A) and 70 pieces (Treatment B). The PL-9 of L. vannamei were stocked with density of 600 ind/m2 and reared for 70 days. Treatment A resulted dissolved oxygen of 3.04-10.36 (6.60±1.07) mg/L which were higher than Treatment B where the range of dissolved oxygen were 2.77-7.92 (6.08±0.95) mg/L. In contrast, nitrite, total nitrogen, phosphate and dissolved organic matter were lower within treatment A. Shrimp production, survival rate and feed conversion ratio in Treatment A were5, 620 kg, 93.6% and 1.12, respectively; whereas in treatment B were 4,000 kg, 80.7% and 1.51. Treatment A resulted in a better the L. vannamei farming compared to treatment B.  To increase the supply of dissolved oxygen in the pond, a rubber diffuser can be used which is connected to a blower.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
pp. e653
Fernanda Morais HENRIQUES ◽  
Ariane Martins GUIMARÃES ◽  
Carlos Andrés DÍAZ ◽  
Débora Machado FRACALOSSI ◽  
Edemar Roberto ANDREATTA ◽  

This study evaluated the protein requirement of Litopenaeus vannamei post-larvae during the initial rearing phase in a biofloc system. Five different diets were evaluated with increasing concentrations of crude protein: 31.28, 36.29, 41.57, 46.34, and 51.74 g 100 g-1 CP. Post-larvae (0.16 ± 0.01 g) were stocked at a density of 450 PL m-3 in 400 L tanks. Water quality parameters were maintained within the limits recommended for shrimp farming. After 38 days, a regression analysis revealed that levels of CP content (65.29 – 72.83%), EE (10.45 – 11.65%) and body N (10.45 – 11.64%) increased with increasing protein levels in the diet. A similar trend was observed in the biofloc sludge with respect to CP and N. Survival exceeded 80%, and the shrimp with diets containing 31.28 to 46.34g 100 g-1 CP presented an increase in final weight (1.52 – 2.61 g), productivity (0.69 – 1.10 Kg m-3), weight gain (1.38 – 2.44 g), and feeding efficiency (77.28 – 101.68%), whereas these indices decreased to51.74 g 100 g-1 CP. Crude protein content from 44.26 to 47.12 g 100 g-1 provided the best growth performance during the initial rearing phase of Pacific white shrimp in a biofloc system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-71
Rifka Liling Palinggi ◽  
Tatag Budiardi ◽  
Daniel Djokosetiyanto

Shrimp culture in the floating cage is expected to reduce the utilization of land and its possible negative impact to the environment. The advantages of shrimp farming in the sea include the high dissolved oxygen concentration and the better meat quality. This research aimed to enhance the production performance of shrimp through the utilization of periphyton as a natural feed for shrimp. A completely randomized design with 3 treatments (in triplicates) were applied in this experiment, i.e floating cage without perishel (control), floating cage with PE perishel and PA perishel. Shrimp with body weight of 2.5 ± 0.2 g were stocked at the initial density of 2,000 shrimp in each cage, and maintained for 90 days. No significant difference was observed in the survival amongst treatments. The lowest feed conversion ratio (1.74) and coefficient of variance (3.21) were showed in treatment PA. The highest attachment and abundances of periphyton were found in treatment PA. It was concluded that the addition of perishel inside the floating cage may contribute as natural feed source for the shrimp and thus increase the production performance of shrimp. Keywords: floating cage, Litopenaeus vannamei, periphyton, perisel, shelter ABSTRAK Budidaya udang di KJA diharapkan dapat menekan isu pemanfaatan daratan sebagai tambak yang berdampak pada permasalahan lingkungan. Keunggulan laut untuk budidaya udang, antara lain adalah kadar oksigen terlarut relatif tinggi sehingga tidak perlu kincir, dan mutu daging udang yang dihasilkan relatif lebih baik. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja produksi dan memanfaatkan kesuburan perairan laut berupa perifiton sebagai pakan alami bagi udang. Penelitian ini terdiri atas tiga perlakuan, yakni: (A) kontrol (tanpa perishel), (B) jaring benang nilon (PE), dan (C) jaring benang serabut pendek (PA 6.6), masing-masing perlakuan terdiri dari tiga ulangan. Udang dengan bobot 2,5 ± 0,2 g ditebar sebanyak 2.000 ekor perwadah, dan dipelihara selama 90 hari. Hasil analisis kinerja produksi menunjukkan bahwa kelangsungan hidup tidak berbeda nyata antarperlakuan. Nilai konversi pakan terendah diperoleh pada perlakuan jaring benang PA dengan nilai 1,74. Nilai koefisien keragaman terendah diperoleh pada perlakuan jaring benang PA dengan nilai 3,21. Penempelan dan kepadatan perifiton yang cukup baik diperoleh pada jenis perishel jaring benang serabut pendek PA. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan penambahan perishel sebagai shelter dan penumbuh perifiton diperoleh hasil produksi yang baik. Udang dapat memanfaatkan keberadaan perishel dalam wadah pemeliharaan sebagai tempat berlindung dan memperoleh makanan tambahan berupa pakan alami yang menempel pada perishel. Kata kunci: karamba jaring apung, perifiton, perisel, selter, udang vaname

2021 ◽  
Vol 008 (02) ◽  
pp. 268-279
Abdul Muqsith ◽  
Heri Ariadi ◽  
Abdul Wafi ◽  

Intensive aquaculture of vaname shrimp (L. vannamei), has been known to be a favorite for aquaculture commodities in Indonesia at the last 2 decades. The purpose of this study was to determine status of financial feasibility and business sensitivity rate in intensive shrimp culture activities. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method. The data analysis used to determine of financial feasibility and business sensitivity in the form of NPV analysis, Net B/C, R/C, IRR, and payback period. Also, an analysis of assumptions about rising feed prices and decreasing production revenues for the level of business sensitivity. The results showed that the shrimp culture business was categorized as feasible and profitable with NPV value of IDR 63,417,262,006, Net B/C 29.11, R/C 2.14, IRR 42.46%, and PP 1.4 years. Sensitivity analysis shows that the business is not so sensitive to the increase of feed prices and decreased revenue, but is very sensitive if both conditions change simultaneously, but are still in the financially feasible category. So, it can be concluded based on NPV, Net B/C, R/C, IRR, and payback period indicator analysis that intensive white shrimp farming is very feasible and profitable to use with a low level of business sensitivity due to feed price fluctuations changes and uncertain operational business revenues.

P. P. Chakrabarti ◽  
A. Ghosh ◽  
B. C. Mohapatra ◽  
N. K. Barik ◽  
A. Das ◽  

The concept of “biofloc technology” is changing the facet of intensive aquaculture with scope to attain high productivity in a sustainable manner. In biofloc, dense heterotrophic bacterial community is developed through C:N ratio manipulation, where the system becomes bacterial dominated rather than algae dominated and takes care of the wastes generated through in situ bioremediation. Protein is utilised in two ways; as feed for the shrimp and as microbial floc when the heterotrophic microbes convert the nitrogenous wastes into protein. It also promises a healthy rearing system, which is increasingly identified as one possible solution for disease problems especially those striking at early stages. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of biofloc and periphyton technology (BPT) on the growth and immunomodulatory performance of Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei during nursery and grow-out culture. The experimental BPT treatments with three tier substrate system with molasses as carbohydrate (CHO) source were compared with the conventional autotrophic system. The immunomodulation and cumulative percentage mortality upon challenge with pathogenic strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus were assessed in the reared animals. We have successfully demonstrated the BPT based nursery and growout systems for P. vannamei with the advantage of providing significantly (p<0.05) better growth (27.6% improvement in average body weight, ABW) and feed utilisation (31% improvement in feed conversion ratio, FCR). A production level of 4-4.5 kg m-3 of water was achieved through this BPT system registering a significant improvement over the conventional system (p<0.05). The cumulative percentage mortality following pathogen challenge was significantly lower (p<0.05) in the biofloc grown shrimps compared to that of the control group, thus showing better resistance to pathogenic challenge. Furthermore, the biofloc reared shrimp did exhibit significant improvement in non-specific immune response in terms of serum phenoloxidase activity and total haemocyte counts possibly suggesting potential immunostimulatory role of the biofloc associated heterotrophic bacteria. This eco-based technology as revealed through our studies brings substantial improvement in productivity, minimising water requirement, recycling in situ nutrients and organic matter in turn improving farm biosecurity, augmentation of natural food, improvement of FCR and better health of the cultured shrimp.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Vega Chrisnawati ◽  
Boedi Setya Rahardja ◽  
Woro Hastuti Satyantini

Water quality is a major factor in shrimp culture so maintenance that water quality system is the key factor of success of white shrimp culture. This research was conducted to determine the commercial probiotic on white shrimp (L. vannamei) culture media to decrease ammonia content and TOM. Research method used experimental testwithdifferent type of probiotic and giving periodic which are P0 (without probiotic). Probiotic A; P1 (3 days), P2 (5 days) and P3 (7 days). Probiotic B; P4 (3 days), P5 (5 days) and P6 (7 days). Probiotic C; P7 (3 days), P8 (5 days) and P9 (7 days).The results showed that probiotic bacteria influence the content of ammonia and total organic matter culture media of white shrimp. The lowest ammonia obtained in P4 (Probiotic B 3 days) is 0.05 mg/L and TOM is 53,72 mg/L in last week.The highest ammoniaand TOM in P0 (Control). All treatments with addition of probiotic give lowers ammonia in culture media. Survival Rate (SR) in P4 give significantly different results (P <0.05) to P0. Other water quality parameters measured during maintenance among other 27-30oC temperature, pH 7.0 to 7.9, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) from 3.1 to 7.6 mg/l and 15-19 ppt salinity.

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